Clay Bennett for June 21, 2024

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    Joe1962 Premium Member 10 days ago

    I love that Gov. Landry is putting the Ten Commandents, in each classroom across the State.

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    FreyjaRN Premium Member 10 days ago

    I hope it doesn’t stand.

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    Say What Now‽ Premium Member 10 days ago

    Next steps; teach creationism then ban teaching evolution. Republicans love the uneducated.

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  4. Unclescrooge
    LeslieBark  10 days ago

    Leaders of other (non-Judeo-Christian) religions should now sue the State of Louisiana to include displays of their religions’ core tenets in schools.

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    Walrus Gumbo Premium Member 10 days ago

    I like the Charlton Heston look! ‘Guns and Moses!‘

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    phritzg Premium Member 10 days ago

    This is a skirmish in the GQP war on our Constitution. If they ever succeed in convening a Constitutional Convention, they will carve it up like a Thanksgiving turkey.

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    Zuhl's Wife  10 days ago

    “If at first you don’t succeed…”

    After all, they only need to win once, and then we’re all skrood.

    So, be sure to vote for your own executioners, with enthusiasm!

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    Zuhl's Wife  10 days ago

    BTW, MAGA creeps, part of the Project 2025 blueprint, besides destroying democracy and setting up a Fourth Reich buttressed by a “Christian” Spanish Inquisition theocracy, is for the Talibangelicals to ban porn on the internet.

    Gee. Do you really wanna give up your porn and toys?

    Sorry about the “big words” in this comment, when non-brobdingnaian words would suffice.

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    cdward  10 days ago

    Just shows once and for all, Republicans hate the Constitution.

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    hfergus Premium Member 10 days ago

    Which religion is being established? Ten commandments are important to Jews and Christians. Is it reform Judiasim Conservative? Orthodox? Christian? Which? Roman Catholic? Eastern Orthodox? Greek Orthodox? Russian Orthodox? Presbyterian? Methodist? Episcopal? African Methodist Episcopalian? Mormon? Baptist? Which Baptist? Northern? Southern? American? Missionary? Primitive?

    So many more!

    That being said, perhaps all those cited here, like Islam and Buddhism etc., should only be in a religion class.

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    William Bednar Premium Member 10 days ago

    So, cheery picking ten Commandments out of about 600 (read Leviticus) is OK? Seems odd.

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  12. 50championstarlight
    51 Champion  10 days ago

    Schools should have information about every religion, philosophy, and way of life. That would be quality education. It is sad and incomprehensible that the same people promoting Judeo-Christian beliefs actively repress information about other life paths.

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    eclairewl Premium Member 10 days ago

    It is already being appealed. Landry must know it violates the Constitution but it is an attention grabber for him.

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    aristoclesplato9  10 days ago

    Can’t deny the role the Ten Commandments had in the history of the world and development of our civilization. So why all the uproar from the left regarding the teaching of history?

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    For a Just and Peaceful World  10 days ago

    Which commandments did Trump break?

    Google: Ten Commandments in Louisiana schools is fine – as long as they note the ones Trump broke

    “Louisiana’s governor signed a law requiring a poster-sized display of the Ten Commandments in every public school classroom in the state, something I’m completely fine with as long as those posters say, in large font along the top: “The Ten Commandments, Most of Which Donald Trump Has Violated.”

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    truthsocialol  10 days ago

    Typical republican hypocrisy.

    They want to (1) say and suggest the worst things possible, and (2) make sure every house has enough guns to kill everybody else,

    but they ignore the FACT that Congress cannot make laws that establish a religion, even though it’s in the same constitution that they use to justify the other two.

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  17. Direwolf 1
    Direwolf  10 days ago

    If you can force religious beliefs into a classroom that means the church of Satan has the right to post their commandments too…right?

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    Motivemagus  10 days ago

    @Joe1962 Why? It’s a clear violation of the separation of church and state, it’s a violation of the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause, and if their form isn’t precisely the same as yours, they could come for you, too. After all, there was a time when Catholics were considered un-American and threats to the powers-that-be. Does this form of the Ten Commandments use the King James version, or another translation?

    And considering that they think they are “Christians,” why don’t they put up Jesus’ commandments instead? The Golden Rule, “love your neighbor as yourself,” the Beatitudes – it makes it very, very clear that these people are in no way Christian.

    I sent my kids to Catholic school, but if they tried doing this in my town, you can bet I’d be screaming about it from the rooftops.

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    A# 466  10 days ago

    OK. Which Decalogue is the one that the law specifies? There are different ones, you know. Which Decalogue is the TRUE Decalogue?

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    truthsocialol  10 days ago

    the republicans use The Constitution as a weapon of attack against people who aren’t the right color, people who aren’t rich, people who weren’t born in the right country, people who don’t have enough wealth to elect a candidate, people who don’t love the correct gender, people who want to decide if they will or will not give birth, people who believe in the existence of science, history, and literature, people whose children have been murdered by guns, and people who don’t worship the right deity.

    the republicans use The Constitution as a shield to defend themselves against any person or group who points out the wretchedness of the way the republicans are attacking people.

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    preacherman Premium Member 10 days ago

    You know, most of the Decalogue is all about human rights. Take the commandment to honor your father and mother. At the time, the Israelites were prone to practicing geriactricide. Honoring your parents means to care for them in their old age. And almost all the other commands have to do with loving your neighbor as yourself. This was Jesus’ second commandment after loving God.

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    Havel  10 days ago

    Once in place, all students will immediately cease coveting their neighbor’s wife.

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    The Nodding Head  10 days ago

    I grew up in Kentucky and went to classes before the Ten Commandments were ordered removed, and I can testify that the displays had no impact on our lives. My classmates and I were not better people because of the faded posters on the walls. —David French

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    rs0204 Premium Member 10 days ago

    What is truly hilarious, is the Republicans are nominating a thing that has defecated all over these ‘commandments’.

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    Lizi  10 days ago

    God loves America. He wrote the ten Commandments in English, said empty G.

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    More Coffee Please! Premium Member 10 days ago

    So much for separation of church and state. The “religious wrong” is truly ending the American Experiment. Way to go a$$holes.

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    T-Par Premium Member 10 days ago

    the republicans are opening gates even they don’t even understand.. scary stuff down a slippery slope just to pander votes.

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    tpcox928  10 days ago

    Why doesn’t Landy put some money into the classrooms? Why is Louisiana 47th in education? Will the Ten Commandments increase the standing?

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    fourteenpeeves  10 days ago

    “Thou shalt not steal”

    “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods”

    “Thou shalt not kill”(admittedly before AR-15’s were invented)

    The hypocrites hope we won’t notice .

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    FGWaiss  10 days ago

    The real irony is that those Commandments were for the Jewish people and reflect the Jewish religion. If he truly wished to promote Christian values, he’d post Christ’s two Commandments: Love God without reservation, and Love your fellow human being as you love yourself. But since that second one is anathema to Christian Nationalists…

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    Valiant1943 Premium Member 10 days ago

    I thought he was elected the Governor, not Mullah

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    educatedelder  10 days ago

    Who gets to decide what translation is to be used or whether to use Protestant or Catholic nemeration or perhaps the listing found in the Torah?

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    Henwood  10 days ago

    Why don’t they require “ama sua, ama llulla, ama k’ella” to be displayed in every classroom? It basically says the same thing as the ten commandments much more succinctly and it would make students learn some Quechua, thus broadening their horizon.

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    ShadowMaster  10 days ago

    The Bill of Rights has been reduced to three in the rights mind. 1’st. 2md. and 5th. And the 1st is reduced to the following: Freedom of speech (for them,) freedom of religion (for Christians only—Christian to be defined by them,) freedom to protest (again, them only, and “peaceful protest” to be defined by them," freedom of (right-leaning) press, and freedom to redress wrongs (if you are a Republican—redressing wrongs AGAINST Republicans is strictly forbidden.)

    The 2nd is sacrosanct

    The 5th is also, and using the fifth is NOT a sign of guilt—unless you are under investigation by the Republicans,

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  35. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  10 days ago

    They won’t feed schoolkids but they will shove old testament religion down their throats.

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    greenlynn Premium Member 10 days ago

    Then they should post the 5 Pillars of Islam, the 4 Noble Truths of Buddhism and the 7 Tenets of Satanism.

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  37. Binkley
    gnorth22 Premium Member 10 days ago

    I’ve seen some comments (elsewhere) that a literal read of the first amendment limits the constraint to federal law (Congress shall …) and that states are free to do something like this.

    Keep in mind that after religion in that list comes freedom of speech. Does this mean that states can quash that as well?

    If so, then things could get really interesting. I’m thinking about the Citizens United case..

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    LeeGP  10 days ago

    When will the demands for the Beatitudes to be displayed show up? Or are they too woke for Louisiana?

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    Lord King Wazmo Premium Member 10 days ago

    If signs work, maybe they should try one that says “Don’t Shoot Anybody.”

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    piper_gilbert  10 days ago

    Indoctrination and grooming. I thought the MAGAs were against that.

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    ncorgbl  10 days ago

    Not even today’s biased Supreme Court can uphold that order.

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    piper_gilbert  10 days ago

    I’d love to watch the classroom teacher explain the word adultery to a third grader. They’re going to ask.

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    Ji535m  10 days ago

    Not going to leave a comment! My objections have already been well-stated.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member 10 days ago

    Fine with me, providing it’s on the same material and in the same font/ type as the original.

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    robcarroll1213  10 days ago

    “I hope people think I’m as manly as Charlton Heston’s portrayal of Moses!”

    ~Governor Landry

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    bevtracy2011  10 days ago

    Oh yeah, I’d forgotten that Moses brought the Bill of Rights along with him…..

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    Chazz  10 days ago

    Thou Shall Not Sex Traffic.

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    truthsocialol  10 days ago

    This is clearly an example of the state endorsing one religion above all others.

    People who support trump do not care about the Ten Commandments. And they couldn’t possibly care about the teachings of Jesus.

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    Zuhl's Wife  10 days ago

    Some churches, such as Unitarian Universalists, don’t proselytize, send out missionaries, and preach guilt and shame. Instead they believe that it is up to the individual to follow his or her own spiritual path in fellowship and respect.

    Which is anathema to predatory religions. You know, those demanding money, obedience, shame, headed by omnipotent invisible deities, like Cosmic Big Brother Santas, who spy on you and takes attendance. And bestows favor on those who kill infidels in His name.

    Gee, sounds like a colony of ants, doesn’t it?

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  50. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  10 days ago

    What part of separation of church and state don’t the aggressively illiterate right wingers understand.

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  51. Marx lennon
    charliekane  10 days ago

    We are forsaking the very foundational principles of the Republic. Heed the words of our past:

    Whereas, Almighty God hath created the mind free;

    That all attempts to influence it by temporal punishments or burthens, or by civil incapacitations tend only to beget habits of hypocrisy and meanness, and therefore are a departure from the plan of the holy author of our religion, who being Lord, both of body and mind yet chose not to propagate it by coercions on either, as was in his Almighty power to do,

    That the impious presumption of legislators and rulers, civil as well as ecclesiastical, who, being themselves but fallible and uninspired men have assumed dominion over the faith of others, setting up their own opinions and modes of thinking as the only true and infallible, and as such endeavouring to impose them on others, hath established and maintained false religions over the greatest part of the world and through all time;

    That to compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions, which he disbelieves is sinful and tyrannical;

    That even the forcing him to support this or that teacher of his own religious persuasion is depriving him of the comfortable liberty of giving his contributions to the particular pastor, whose morals he would make his pattern, and whose powers he feels most persuasive to righteousness, and is withdrawing from the Ministry those temporary rewards, which, proceeding from an approbation of their personal conduct are an additional incitement to earnest and unremitting labours for the instruction of mankind . . .

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    fourteenpeeves  10 days ago

    Florida and Texas(MAgA STATES) are getting drowned by unnatural storms. Maybe God is fed up

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    LeeGP  10 days ago

    So they would have Jewish holy writ in their classrooms? Find items in the original script and wait for the screaming to start. How many will think it’s Arabic?

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  54. Carthago delenda est
    Carthago delenda est  10 days ago

    I thought it was hilarious that Trump praised this move. I bet his favorite commandment is the 7th.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  10 days ago


    1] Every school is private and Aryan Christian.

    2] Ever road a toll road and private.

    3] All police and military are indemnified meaning free from any restraint, freedom with license.

    4] The Plutocracy billionaires rule but let the ecclesiarchy run things and they never sleep.

    5] Rich, White, Male Christians are superior to anyone else.

    6] 17th century views on race and separates them into groups where those that aren’t considered Aryan goes into one of the walled off camps to live and die. [Starvation or cannibalism is their choice.]

    7] Separation of church & Capitalism.

    Continued below

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    librarylady59  10 days ago

    Was tried before and failed. If left up, I opine more children/teens/young adults will choose secularism.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  10 days ago

    Continued below


    8] More wars, gain more land and kill or enslave more people to flytheir Gilead flag and conquests for their Lord and Master of War and Peace. they are the kind of Empire T. Roosevelt from 1901 wanted America to be, but without the totally psychopathic warmongering of the new country that Hitler wanted and emulated.

    9] They use robots though are not considered true beings as they have no souls yet follow orders with te best of them augmenting their military by orders of magnitude.

    10] The secret space ships and bases etc. are known when one of their huge blue Star Destroyer leveled what was once Afghanistan in 2036.[Where many trillions of dollars went.]

    11] The best in control and monitoring of the country and the world by surveillance systems under humans and Artificial Intelligence.

    12] What is illegal is long and use wherever the blue uniformed scourge of the world goes. also dead means you are converted, but only if they do the murdering.

    13] The Gilead Empire will change the world fundamentally and not for the best.

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member 10 days ago

    Yes, the Republicans love the uneducated … but they love the miseducated even more.

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    superposition  10 days ago

    So does this mean that it can now be proven — beyond all doubt — that thoughts/prayers deliver verified positive results more reliably/consistently than math, science, medicine, etc?

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    SteveKelly1  10 days ago

    Why does Moses look like Charlton Heston – just coincidence?

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    Fulltimer  10 days ago

    I am a Christian. I only have 2 Commandments. I am not sure what religion you guys practice.

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    Nantucket Premium Member 10 days ago

    There are at several versions of the Ten Commandments, not including the tablet dropped by “Moses” (Mel Brooks) in History of the World Part I. Which one will be “required”?

    There is no plan for funding the posters planned for the classrooms. LA needs EDUCATION to be funded, not indoctrination.

    This was ruled unconstitutional in 1980. For those applauding this, you might want to take a look at the list.

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    Nantucket Premium Member 10 days ago

    “featured” comment: from Joe1962

    “I love that Gov. Landry is putting the Ten Commandents (sp), in each classroom across the State.”

    Landry is not PUTTING the posters in the classrooms, he is requiring it and has no plans on how this will be paid for.

    Joe1962’s later reply within the thread:

    “He my Gov and support what he doing.”

    LA needs to fund education, not do silly stunts.

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    Fulltimer  10 days ago

    I find it sad to see a religion losing followers and having to use taxpayers funds to attempt to indoctrinate young children in public schools.

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    jvscanlan Premium Member 9 days ago

    “It’s just a list of values.” Okay, let’s start with Value #1: There shall be no other religions

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    jvscanlan Premium Member 9 days ago

    Read the statute. This is an anti-Catholic law

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    Zesty  9 days ago

    If I were forced to put up such a poster, I’d take a leaf out of Mrs Alito’s book, and hang it upside down.

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    AtomicForce91 Premium Member 9 days ago

    Only evolutionism is allowed to be depicted as the state religion.

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    Say What? Premium Member 8 days ago

    It amazes me how the southern US states keep making efforts to out-stupid each other while marginalizing and screwing their residents. What amazes me more is that most of the voting residents of those states keeping voting for the ones who keep screwing them.

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