Crankshaft by Tom Batiuk and Dan Davis for August 17, 2024

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    Kitty Queen  7 months ago


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    billsplut  7 months ago

    Oh, the sweet beauty of clipart from yesterday!

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    J.J. O'Malley  7 months ago

    So, both times they left the concert while the musicians were still performing?

    If the last six days’ worth of British Invasion blandness had been simplified into a single Sunday strip, the gimmick might have worked. Instead Batiuk decided to stretch his hammered-home premise longer than Ralph Dibney in “Mystery of the Elongated Man,” the lead story in 1960’s Flash #112 (See, TB, other people can wax nostalgic for Silver Age comic books). Sorry, but a week of the same essential point is not good storytelling, particularly not in a place where the creator hammers point said point with different ’Memberberries every month or so.

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    Boise Ed Premium Member 7 months ago

    Why is he spending the whole week promoting this rock duo? Does he own stock in their act or something?

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    top cat james  7 months ago

    Wait’ll Jeff finds out C&J never had their own comic book—Even The Cowsills managed that (one issue, but still).

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    Surly Squirrel Premium Member 7 months ago

    This has been the rare story arc where Batyuk really struck a chord with many of his readers. Nostalgia and sentimentality seem to be hit with many of the older readers. It could be Batyuk’s formula for success should he choose to follow it. Congrats, TB.

    My advice: Feature Ed Crankshaft sitting on the porch swing in a fit of melancholy reminiscing about his deceased wife or his pets who have crossed the rainbow bridge. Perhaps have him lament the buddies he lost on D-Day or the colleagues he knew during his minor league baseball career who have passed away.

    My expected reality: Coming Monday: Batyuk starts a new story arc featuring one of his obscure niche interests like Silver Age comic omnibus editions or book signings. The story arc will feature one or more of the Funky Winkerbean refugees rather than the much more popular eponymous character, Ed Crankshaft. Heavy snarking ensues. Non-ironic readers continue to defend the strip for some inexplicable reason.

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  7. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  7 months ago

    Maybe we can gets to what happen to sad old man on rickety old relic boat on next week.

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    Surly Squirrel Premium Member 7 months ago

    It’s official. ‘Crankshaft’ fans(?) love the adventures of Jff Murdoch, the Emasculated. Jff Murdoch, who had to beg his wife for permission to attend Comic-Con last year.

    Surly Squirrel: “What do you do for a living, Jff?”

    Jff: “I’m an accountant, Surly.” (It’s true. I’m not making that up)

    Surly Squirrel: “Slow down, you madman. Children read this feature.” (within the realm of possibility)

    Say, where has Jff’s Rictus Homunculus been all this week? Repressed into the dark recesses of Jff’s mind? Rictus Homunculus is going to be majorly PO’d.

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    houston2275  7 months ago

    These people look a little young. I am thinking seventy to eighty range

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    steven r. Premium Member 7 months ago

    Why is everybody’s mouth closed?

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    Irish53  7 months ago

. For a while there, cranky was in his own comic
 for a while there, we saw no silly flashbacks
 for a while there, funky stiffs weren’t shown
 for a while there, this strip was funny

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    elbow macaroni  7 months ago

    If Crankshaft’s daughter and son-in-law saw Chad and Jeremy in the 1960s – and they appear to be teenagers- they would now be well into their 70s. That puts Crankshaft well into his 90s, which means he’s been too old to drive a bus for 10-15 years.

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    lemonbaskt  7 months ago

    attention shoppers crankshaft has been looking for the lost chord with dr. floto tom hopes you enjoyed this true hack special this week

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    Argythree  7 months ago

    Is Cranky ever going to appear again?

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    Crandlemire  7 months ago

    As the concert ended, Jeff and Pam stepped out into the cool evening air, the melodies still echoing in their minds. Pam was smiling, lost in the nostalgia of the night, but Jeff’s thoughts were elsewhere. He glanced back and saw Jennifer lingering near the entrance, her eyes locking with his, igniting something deep inside him.

    “Here,” Jeff said, handing Pam the car keys. “I’ll be there in a few minutes. I just need to use the restroom.”

    Pam, still humming the tunes, nodded and walked toward the car, unaware of the tension in Jeff’s heart.

    As soon as she was out of sight, Jeff turned and walked back toward Jennifer. She was waiting in the shadows, her gaze intense and full of unspoken desire. Without a word, they moved around the corner, disappearing from view.

    The moment they were alone, the years fell away. Jeff pulled Jennifer into his arms, and they kissed with a passion that had been buried for far too long. Her touch was electric, her body pressing against his, reigniting a fire that had never truly gone out.

    “I’ve missed you,” Jeff murmured, his voice thick with emotion. “I think about you all the time.”

    Jennifer’s lips brushed his ear as she whispered, “Meet me at the old motel at the edge of town, like we used to. Just one night, Jeff. Let’s forget everything else.”

    Her words sent a thrill through him, drowning out all reason. Jennifer was intoxicating, a connection to a past he hadn’t let go of.

    But as they clung to each other, neither noticed Pam’s quiet return. She had realized she left her scarf in the venue and had come back for it. Instead, she found Jeff and Jennifer locked in a passionate embrace, hidden in the shadows. Her heart broke at the sight, her world collapsing in an instant.

    When Jeff and Jennifer finally broke apart, they were met with Pam’s devastated stare. The betrayal was undeniable, and in that moment, everything changed forever.

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  16. Trespassers will..
    Trespassers W  7 months ago

    And now they float off into the middle of the lake?

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    Crandlemire  7 months ago

    Pam stood frozen, disbelief etched on her face as she watched Jeff and Jennifer locked in a passionate embrace. The betrayal hit her like a sledgehammer, knocking the wind out of her. For a moment, she was too stunned to speak, but then the tears came—hot, furious tears that blurred her vision and burned her cheeks.

    “Jeff!” she screamed, her voice raw with anguish. Jeff and Jennifer sprang apart, guilt and shock flashing across their faces. “If you want her, then take her! I’m done with you!” Pam’s voice broke as she yanked off her wedding ring and flung it to the ground, the tiny band clattering against the pavement with a finality that echoed in the night air.

    “Pam, please—wait!” Jeff’s heart sank as he reached out to her, desperate to fix what he had just destroyed. But Pam recoiled, her eyes a storm of heartbreak and rage. She shook her head, her sobs choking off any further words, and then she turned and ran, her tears mixing with the night as she disappeared into the darkness.

    Jeff stood rooted to the spot, his world crashing down around him. The woman he had loved for 40 years, the one who had stood by him through everything, had just walked away, and it was all his fault. He turned slowly to Jennifer, who stood watching him with a mixture of innocence and sultry allure. Her smile was both familiar and dangerous, a reminder of the temptation that had always drawn him to her.

    Jennifer took a step closer, slipping an arm around Jeff’s waist. “Well,” she purred, her voice low and inviting, “we could start a new life together, if you want.”

    Her words hung in the air, tempting yet terrifying. Jeff’s mind raced, torn between the past and the present, between the thrill of old desires and the pain of losing everything he had built. As Jennifer’s offer lingered, Jeff realized he was standing on the edge of a precipice, his life hanging in the balance. The decision before him would change everything.

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  18. St. paddy
    FassEddie  7 months ago

    Where’s Crankshaft? Well, it’s Fleet week down at the harbor and Ed’s hoping for a “show deal” on those enema kits.

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    GojusJoe  7 months ago

    What happened to Chad? He was hanged in Florida.

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    jski14  7 months ago

    I thought I was pretty familiar with the songs of both duos, but I don’t recognize these lyrics. They’re not from Summer Song. Can anybody identify the source?

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    Cabbage Jack  7 months ago

    Must have been a terrible show, since they left in the middle twice now?

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    JudithStocker Premium Member 7 months ago

    I love the Crankshaft comic strips but, somehow, today’s makes me feel r e a l l y old because I remember these times.

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    petecocker  7 months ago

    getting old

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    French Persons' Savvy Selection of Screaming Elly Premium Member 7 months ago

    Time for them to go drop acid..

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    Jefano Premium Member 7 months ago

    I follow this strip because I (usually) like the art and lettering. I don’t know why, but I really, really like them! I’m usually not impressed by the writing, but once in a while it does manage to be funny or charming — an unexpected bonus. I like Chad and Jeremy, and Peter and Gordon, and Peter and Jeremy enough that it gives me a warm feeling that they are being showcased in a comic strip so long after the original duos’ heyday. I didn’t think this storyline was brilliantly done, but I’m glad I didn’t miss it.

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  26. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member 7 months ago

    You know, now would be time to take that “little blue pill” so it effects will be present by the time you get home.

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    jlmetcalfe  7 months ago

    Love this story line 
 saw Asher and Clyde at Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix 
 very entertaining and informative concert

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    tcayer  7 months ago

    That’s the same song that was playing when they went in

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    rockyridge1977  7 months ago

    How long must this go on??
..story line finished?

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    TimeLordSoundwave  7 months ago

    Is it over? Can I come out now?

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    Brent Rosenthal Premium Member 7 months ago

    3 straight days of the same strip. Boring

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    sincavage05  7 months ago

    Saw Lynyrd Skynyrd on the first farewell tour, still had some of the originals, and that was the day my girl learned to love southern rock and me. When they played Sweet Home Alabama, she was hooked. Thats been some years, but theyre coming to town in September and were going to be there making some new memories. Still have my original vinyl.

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    ckhughes Premium Member 7 months ago

    This was one sweet week. So many of us have these memories to cherish.

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    oakie817  7 months ago

    was Crankshaft there?

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    Strawberry King  7 months ago

    It was as good as it was then for them. How nice. :) :)

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  7 months ago

    I’d rather Tip-Toe Through The Tulips

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