Started out to address the story and then see, in the throwaway panel, officer Tacky Finger is holding the phone with her fore finger but no thumb on the other side. P.4. why are Tracy and Sam in “black face” ? I thought that was against the law. GOCOM NANNYBOT is asleep on the job !!!
That taxi in the last panel looks like the first edition of the Batmobile (fits my Dark Knight in a trenchcoat comment earlier this week – both yellow!)
Not sure when I said that if Marcus was the usual one working late then Jay took the bullet meant for Marcus.
Today it would appear that the killer learned of the mistake and came back to correct it. Which raises a potential question, how did the killer know he’d hit the wrong brother? Names wouldn’t have been released to the media yet.
Of course we’ve only had two new characters shown after the murder… When the suspects are usually shown. One of them was just shot through the window, and the other one was standing in the room.
I named Sam as the possible killer a couple days ago. He was also standing in the room when Marcus is shot. Whoever suspected the flamenco dancer may have called it.
Is Itchy trying to be the new Banksy? He seems to have been tagging the walls in this part of town. I wonder if Tracy will file a vandalism report when all is said and done…
This is a proper way to use the additional space a Sunday page offers. Sunday’s the day for major action. Whoever writes for this strip needs to learn that simple fact.
Officer Delcher hates Sam because Sam always calls him Belcher which is funny because when those two are together, Tracy refers to them as Delcher and Belcher (Sam’s always gassy because of the extra onions he orders on everything)
Scratch two brothers. Evidently someone has a serious grudge.
It should be clear enough, but apparently isn’t for some, that in the throw-away panel [next to “Minit Mysteries…”] Officer Delcher is wearing her protective gloves and is not “mis-handling” the evidence!
The classical art work today is great, particularly the Tracy action panels (last two)….
Panel 4, it looks to me as if Marcus has just spotted something which really alarmed him. Those eyes are not directed at Dick despite the questioning. He saw his killer coming but didn’t say anything, like deer in the headlights.
firestrike1 2 months ago
Dick in action in the alley…
Brian Premium Member 2 months ago
“We’re running low on Scarboroughs!”
SHAKEDOWNCITY 2 months ago
Sunday morning “slaughter back”.
Brian Premium Member 2 months ago
“Looks like that giant coat has you pretty covered as it is.”
Neil Wick 2 months ago
Good morning™, all!
So, there’s a third party shooting. That would seem to eliminate the brothers as suspects (Mrs. Scarborough, too).
Is the art hinting that [he… he] “was on a break” at the cocktail bar nearby? Mrs. Scarborough, too — some of her perfume may have rubbed off on him.
charliefarmrhere 2 months ago
Unusual, two murders in a Minit Mystery, with Tracy even being present for the second one!
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray 2 months ago
Good morning™, Tacky Fingers !
Started out to address the story and then see, in the throwaway panel, officer Tacky Finger is holding the phone with her fore finger but no thumb on the other side. P.4. why are Tracy and Sam in “black face” ? I thought that was against the law. GOCOM NANNYBOT is asleep on the job !!!
avenger09 2 months ago
I must admit
Great action today
For one more week
Howie allowed to stay
avenger09 2 months ago
There’s more action today than in 3 months of an EC story! LOL!
Uncle Kenny 2 months ago
I really like the last two panels.
BreathlessMahoney77 2 months ago
I think the Scarboroughs may be not-to-distant relatives of Shaky.
wallylm 2 months ago
That taxi in the last panel looks like the first edition of the Batmobile (fits my Dark Knight in a trenchcoat comment earlier this week – both yellow!)
GoComicsGo! 2 months ago
The last panel could’ve been bigger to show the details more. Possibly have the other panels surrounding it in a leading to it style.
BigDaveGlass 2 months ago
2 of the Scarborough’s down. That’s not fair.
iggyman 2 months ago
Tracy last panel, Awesome !
kantuck-nadie 2 months ago
Now the action starts! Go Tracy Go!
tsull2121 2 months ago
TRACY: “Dang it Sam, we’re running out of suspects…guard the tomato while I see if I can still run the 200 in under 30 minutes”**
Gent 2 months ago
Why that’s a quite vintage lookin car.
LawrenceS 2 months ago
Not sure when I said that if Marcus was the usual one working late then Jay took the bullet meant for Marcus.
Today it would appear that the killer learned of the mistake and came back to correct it. Which raises a potential question, how did the killer know he’d hit the wrong brother? Names wouldn’t have been released to the media yet.
Of course we’ve only had two new characters shown after the murder… When the suspects are usually shown. One of them was just shot through the window, and the other one was standing in the room.
I named Sam as the possible killer a couple days ago. He was also standing in the room when Marcus is shot. Whoever suspected the flamenco dancer may have called it.
Chocolate_Chip 2 months ago
Is Itchy trying to be the new Banksy? He seems to have been tagging the walls in this part of town. I wonder if Tracy will file a vandalism report when all is said and done…
cmerb 2 months ago
Cool action image in the last panel : )
crobinson019 2 months ago
I wonder if there’s a special wing in the Hat Museum for “Minit Mysteries”
Batster 2 months ago
No Bell Bunny or Wild Bill today, but the ‘jingle jingle’ sneaks in yet again amidst a fast flurry of word balloons….
Ray Toler 2 months ago
This is a proper way to use the additional space a Sunday page offers. Sunday’s the day for major action. Whoever writes for this strip needs to learn that simple fact.
prrdh 2 months ago
“Yes, nearby…although usually I take my breaks on the other side of town, if not in a completely different city.”
Another Take 2 months ago
Officer Delcher hates Sam because Sam always calls him Belcher which is funny because when those two are together, Tracy refers to them as Delcher and Belcher (Sam’s always gassy because of the extra onions he orders on everything)
El Gran Jugador 2 months ago
James Bond smoked Morlands
oakie817 2 months ago
last panel epic
Lord Flatulence Premium Member 2 months ago
Two down, one to go.
orbenjawell Premium Member 2 months ago
…Sam looks like he wants to come on to her……….can’t say that I blame him…..she’s drawn in the old “Gould” style……
tcayer 2 months ago
“No prints except the victim’s. And MINE, since I picked it up without gloves!”
Drbarb71 Premium Member 2 months ago
Love the artwork!
Sisyphos 2 months ago
Scratch two brothers. Evidently someone has a serious grudge.
It should be clear enough, but apparently isn’t for some, that in the throw-away panel [next to “Minit Mysteries…”] Officer Delcher is wearing her protective gloves and is not “mis-handling” the evidence!
The classical art work today is great, particularly the Tracy action panels (last two)….
General Trelane (Ret.) Premium Member 2 months ago
Is Marcus porkin’ his brothers wife ?
Blackthorne42 2 months ago
I’ve been away for a while, get caught up, and I got to say I love the retro style of artwork here! Howie Noel… another artist I get to enjoy.
Mark Jeffrey 2 months ago
Panel 4, it looks to me as if Marcus has just spotted something which really alarmed him. Those eyes are not directed at Dick despite the questioning. He saw his killer coming but didn’t say anything, like deer in the headlights.