Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for January 19, 2025

  1. Mmdash6
    Pequod  about 1 month ago

    Troubled family history. So very much was bad

    Justice came a-calling. None were truly sad

    When Uncle had to pay the price, swinging from a noose

    Dirty deeds did follow him, hooked on like a caboose.

    Tracy now all over this with Sam and Lizz and Lee

    Time is of the essence to avert a tragedy.

    Junior would play copycat. In Uncle’s footsteps tread

    Tracy shall confront him now or innocents are dead.

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    firestrike1  about 1 month ago

    airing the family dirty laundry which is kept in the closet with possible other skeletons…

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  3. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  about 1 month ago

    Sadly, the small balloon of hope I had in the current story has burst. Today’s strip is talking boredom. No one can say I didn’t give it a chance.

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  4. Missing large
    SHAKEDOWNCITY  about 1 month ago

    Another “slob” story.

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  5. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  about 1 month ago

    Good morning™, everyone!

    Junior has been obsessed with researching his grand uncle!

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  6. Large goat riddance
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  about 1 month ago

    Good morning™, Deranged, Determined Avengers !

    Jr. sure is up to no good but what really is his reason for doing this ?   That is one honest to badness mean look in P. 3, which sits right below a real fine looking meek/resigned(?) expression on the old man.

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  7. Snake on a hat 2003
    BigDaveGlass  about 1 month ago

    Nice rendition of Panzer IV’s.

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  8. Scan0098  2
    charliefarmrhere  about 1 month ago

    @LawrenceS—-I guess you have been enlightened. Writer Eric has taken you hook, line and sinker, and I admit the rest of us, with this clever plot twist. I tried to tell you, without doing a spoiler. We were all going by “misleading” information up to this point, and just ASSUMED that Grandpa was the SS Nazi bad guy. He was NOT! His brother was. Actually, Grandpa almost was a hero when he got to the US, as he worked hard to be a success. I don’t think it was ever stated by Eric as such, but we were manipulated into thinking so, that he was the bad guy you kept fretting about. Tracy is a kind of Fantasy strip, and as such, a writer has certain liberties. It often imitates reality, but in many ways does not. There are rarely any characters that match any in real life, including Tracy himself with that razor jaw. Nearly every villain in no way resembles any real person. Many plots are in the Fantasy area also. You are taking this strip entirely too serious, but you do bring up some good comment points. I repeat again one of your other complaints, about the failure of the bomb squad finding no trace of a bomb. That will soon be explained. Not sure yet about Pruneface, who was mentioned as being involved in the War bomb plot, but he may be long dead by now. Another fantasy character, unlike any “real” person.

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  9. Eveningledger connie
    Johnny Q Premium Member about 1 month ago

    “Property can always be replaced.” Not always.

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  10. Images
    BreathlessMahoney77  about 1 month ago

    “For our sins my family is condemned to wander aimlessly in this tedious never-ending story throughout eternity.”

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  11. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  about 1 month ago

    Quite a backstory.

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  12. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  about 1 month ago

    It’s pretty sad when the crimestoppers textbook has more action in one panel than this story has in the last 15 months

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  13. Test01b
    LawrenceS  about 1 month ago

    Note to charliefarmrhere so, the whole back story we were fed on “gramps” was the result of Sam’s incompetence? Massive incompetence.

    First error: misidentified gramps to begin with as founder of Totten Co. Second error: he requested and received the dossier on the wrong man. Third error: If he’d actually read the report he was sent (or had a buddy steal – that was ambiguous at the time) he’d have noticed the guy he thought was gramps had been hanged at the end of the war and was unlikely to have arrived as a refugee in 1949.

    It makes Sam look very stupid. And it doesn’t answer one of my early questions – why are you researching the grandparent of a murder suspect. But, d@mn it, should you decide it is worthwhile to research the genealogy of a murder suspect to see if they were related to Lucrezia Borgia at some point in the past you ought to get the name right. (Still don’t know Tracyville’s interest in grandparents, second story to bring it in.)

    During our discussion yesterday I realized that when the cops were talking to Jr’s CO they had never gone into gramp’s history (which would have been irrelevant, so it was good to leave it out). I had, for a moment, thought the army had confirmed that and then realized they hadn’t.

    I still have a rather long list of logic holes in this story that may or may not get some explanation. But the historical nonsense had been my biggest sore spot. I didn’t see how it could be gotten around, but it could be fixed – we simply label Sam as incompetent in doing research.

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  14. Missing large
    platinumboy7  about 1 month ago

    The War ended 80 years ago. Pruneface first appeared, and died in 1942. We can safely guess he and his wife were about 40 when the original adventure took place. Logically, Pruneface can no longer be alive. Since the Prunefaces were married, it is logical to assume they had children and grandchildren who could be today’s Pruneface. Even if the original, cryogenically frozen Pruneface were alive today, it has still been another 40 years since his regeneration. Therefore, this Pruneface should be the great grandchild of the original.

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    Space_cat  about 1 month ago

    That is the problem with WWII, we didn’t kill enough Nazis, and work overtime to make the idea of fascism so repugnant to everyone that it could ever be allowed to flourish like a festering sewer of hate backing up into your basement! Instead, nearly everyone who sacrificed their lives, sanity, and body parts in the name of democracy is getting a HUGE slap in the face for their clearly futile efforts on Jan. 20th!

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  16. Unnamed
    Another Take  about 1 month ago



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  17. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member about 1 month ago

    The art is exceptionally good today. The shading makes it gritty, real. And the contrast between the two brothers, well done.

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  18. Unnamed
    Another Take  about 1 month ago


    DT: Yeah. That’s not what I’m here about…

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  19. Unnamed
    Another Take  about 1 month ago

    1- FRED SR: Before I invoke my right to remain silent, lemme tell you some of my family’s history…

    2- : …Dad was what you would call a good Nazi. He righteously and ruthlessly killed anyone his idol – Hitler – identified as an enemy. Innocent Czechs, innocent Poles – you name it…

    3- : …My uncle maybe took it too far. That’s for history to decide. I believe he was just following orders…

    4- : …Anyway, Pops came to the realization that his idol may’ve been evil. Ultimately he immigrated here and became a big success…

    5- : …AND made it his life’s mission to drill into Fred Jr that ALL POLITICIANS ARE LYING, EVIL, SCUM WHO DON’T DESERVE TO BREATHE OUR AIR!

    Fred Jr really took that to heart – he’s a good boy. Ok – what is it you wanted?

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  20. 42 chocolate chip
    Chocolate_Chip  about 1 month ago

    At this point we know that Junior killed Sprengstoff, correct? The murderer on 11/3 wore a ring with a spider insignia, and on 11/30 Junior is seen wearing a ring in the watchtower. On 12/28 the clue becomes explicit when Junior is seen wearing that exact ring while closing a mechanism in the watchtower. Further, the spider Insignia is revealed on 12/31 to be the symbol for the 135th Airborne, Junior’s former unit. For some reason, Junior only wears the ring with doing dirty dealings, though; maybe it puts him in a tactical mindset. Still, why didn’t the tech-squad from the State Police find anything mysterious when they swept the tower on 1/10? Are they that incompetent?

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  21. Californiaraisinicon1
    bluegirl285  about 1 month ago

    Pretty sad how you research your family history and discover the black sheep and instead of being horrified, you end up wanting to be just like them.

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  22. Morning cuppa
    Wizard of Ahz-no relation  about 1 month ago

    except the gvoernment would have known all about dad’s history. seriously i filled out citizen ship paers in 1982 and they still asked if you were a member of the N*zi party from 1931-45 and they investigate. then i got a job in the securities sector and they investigate. and I’m english!

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  23. Test01b
    LawrenceS  about 1 month ago

    The Unreliable Narrator is a literary device in which the reader is left uncertain if the facts which are given and whether they can be trusted. Agatha Christie caught a lot of flack for using it in an early novel. I remember it being used especially well in an EC comic book story. However, IMHO, you need a fictive narrator in the story itself to provide the story that can’t necessarily be trusted. An author, writing from a third-person omniscient perspective, shouldn’t be the one the reader can’t trust.

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  24. Index
    GoComicsGo!  about 1 month ago

    Could this be the the hypothesised mandated edit request from management when they put in the MM because it was getting too heavy in the direction that they were becoming uncomfortable with.

    But also I don’t think so because of the time frame from script to ink and then to publication. Wichita could probably answer that one.

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  25. Scan0098  2
    charliefarmrhere  about 1 month ago

    On a different note, What is going on with Darrin Bell, (Rudy Park and Candorville)? I just read he has been arrested at his home in Sacramento on charges of having a large amount of child porn, some of it computer generated. Looks like his daily strips have been pulled from some comic sites.

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  26. Bob blue
    Robert Miller Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Lt. Walter Reimer: No, I will not give up my belongings to a robber…He/she will pay, and pay dearly. I’ll break his arms and legs before calling the police, thank you very much.

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  27. Resized 20230225 163831 45298650063706.jpeg advice to one s self
    rob.home  about 1 month ago

    Shouldn’t the rope be placed behind the ear?

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  28. Missing large
    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  about 1 month ago

    If Grandpa was “captured in Sicily”,that would be 1943 and he did two years as a POW.

    Somebody,rightly or wrongly,apparently decided he had ’served his time"

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