Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for May 29, 2012

  1. Img 1576smaller
    Niki1983  over 12 years ago

    She’s 16. That’s creepy. Please stop.

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    JimT8  over 12 years ago

    Just couldn’t wait for this, could you?

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  3. Alfred e neuman
    FatTonyBalducci  over 12 years ago

    ya, and it’s a comic strip to boot! gross

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  4. Peter cooke   hood
    Ottodesu  over 12 years ago

    If he puts on another bikini, I’m outta here.

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  5. Truff avatar
    ShagsCA  over 12 years ago

    I don’t think she wears slips…

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  6. Bikerjoe
    brewingbiker  over 12 years ago

    never cared for goth, myself.

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  7. Animal the muppets
    TooOldToBeCool  over 12 years ago

    Or maybe a Freudian strip.

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  8. Zen ii
    Joel Ivy  over 12 years ago

    I see Hawaiian shirts and loud print shorts

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    rusty gate  over 12 years ago

    Knute, the eternal optimist. I don’t think the guy ever gives up, no matter how much he’s put down.

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    ZacBSM  over 12 years ago

    Knute – not a fan of him. Crystal could be cool but not around Knute. I wish Greg would introduce a new character for Crystal and keep Knute invisible until he needs a comic relief.

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    Angelalex242  over 12 years ago

    …Knute should kneel and thank god daily for a sensible woman like Crystal in his life. His credit card company will also thank her when he gets bills for 28% interest.

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  12. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 12 years ago

    Knute, just get your backside into the changing booth and thank your lucky stars that, for some unfathomable reason, Crystal cares enough to take time to try to change you from a freak into a man!

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    Chas60  over 12 years ago

    Poor guy its never, that easy.

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    JoeStoppinghem Premium Member over 12 years ago

    I think this strip needed a levity after all the stress from the WW and the ‘missing kid,’ episode..I wonder if Knute will influence Crystal or not.

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  15. Imagescaiw0lwc
    imbaldeagle  over 12 years ago

    Ahhh – a mall whose very name says truth in advertising.

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    imbaldeagle  over 12 years ago

    Crystal’s clothing is quite nice – I don’t think she’ll be too hard on Knute’s credit card. She’s more sensible than we may think – and Knute’s flippant attitude is a nice foil for her.

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  17. Art1c 2
    dre7861  over 12 years ago

    Love the name of the Mall – Squander – LOL

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    milania  over 12 years ago

    Ah, so much diatribe from the folks with no lives and nothing better to do……

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    Tinyman  over 12 years ago

    @Dave:LOL I was gonna say that but you beat me to it.

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    reedkomicks Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Yes, Dave, the Mall’s name is the best laugh.

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    Tinyman  over 12 years ago

    I am still wondering about that trip to Los Angels and that screen test,

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  22. Franco s trattoria
    StoicLion1973  over 12 years ago

    Never cared for the goth look but Crystal makes it look good. Love the Mall name, “Squander”.

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  23. Cm1
    Mordock999  over 12 years ago


    There are Giant-Ass VAMPIRE Bats Circling the Mall in Panel One!!!

    Knute, CLUTCH Your Credit Cards for Dear Life and GET-THE-HELL Out of THERE!!!

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    Meathead75  over 12 years ago

    Why don’t she leave him alone about the way he’s dressed. If he’s comfortable then that’s all that matters

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  25. Pc1
    TheDOCTOR  over 12 years ago

    I don’t know about ‘Goth’, Crystal is wearing a ‘Catsuit’. “Mrs. Peel, you’re needed.” NICE!

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  26. Smokey stover
    sjsczurek  over 12 years ago

    GQ is fake. Look at the models; always unshaven, never wearing socks. Acceptable in the working world et cetera? Why, hippie beards and beads have a better chance.

    That is aside from the fact that they generally tend to be over six feet tall and weigh no more that 160 pounds. Most men, at least 70% of them, do not look like that. Also, I’ll wager not one of them is older than 29.

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  27. Oldwolfcookoff
    The Old Wolf  over 12 years ago

    This girl may be all goth and everything, but she’s more grounded and centered than just about anyone in the strip except perhaps Delta. She told him to take his clothes off, knowing she meant it in the “proper” way; Knute’s just being a typical dude, and she stops him before he even gets started. What’s creepy about that?

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  28. Our spot on the joe
    ST Joe River Premium Member over 12 years ago

    I agree with Old Wolf

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  29. Our spot on the joe
    ST Joe River Premium Member over 12 years ago

    I love the name of the Mall

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    fruegade  over 12 years ago

    " Could Knute’s nose be mistaken for any other body part?"His feet are big too. Sure signs…

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    tigre1  over 12 years ago

    Come on! they’re perfect together…

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    JimT8  over 12 years ago

    Such hostility to Knute! Most of the other males in this strip are either super-macho, slimy, conniving, or wimpy. Knute, a guy out of his time,maybe, is none of these, but cool and laid-back. He doesn’t spend his life worrying, filled with adolescent angst. He is self-confident, relaxed, and never less than nice. Sure, he could take things more seriously, but consider his age. I couldn’t care less how he dresses or has his hair but, hey, I grew up in the Sixties.

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  33. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco  over 12 years ago

    The true social conundrum is that Knute SHOULD dress how HE likes, not how his semi-girlfriend wants him to dress.

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    beachlvr Premium Member over 12 years ago

    this is Greg’s way of giving characters an update. remember Luann’s haircut? Guther getting contacts? Knute is about to get better looking and maybe more interesting.

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    Guilty Bystander  over 12 years ago

    I actually kinda like ol’ Knute. He may be a little gamey after wearing the same clothes for 2+ decades (or the clothes are wearing HIM), but he seems to be the most well-adjusted character on this whole strip. Nothing fazes the guy…or wakes him up…whatever. Maybe he’s reached Nirvana without first awakening. Sorry, been reading the Dhammapada.

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    supersecretary  over 12 years ago

    Ok, let’s get back to a storyline with Luann. This comic strip is still called Luann, right? Come on Greg, you focus too much on the other characters and not enough on Luann. I want to see a storyline about her and Quin that lasts for several weeks just like that whole Ox/Weenie World series.

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  37. D11s01ep00 wal 01 matt smith
    Doctor11  over 12 years ago

    Nah, they like a lot of the same things.

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  38. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  over 12 years ago

    Knute— try on the clothes she recommends but do NOT buy them! You look great to me— I dress the same as you do (but on weekends only). Get one set of clothes for church, college interviews, whatever, and keep the rest for what suits your personality (pun intended) – Mom

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    ZacBSM  over 12 years ago

    OK – Knutes actually could use a makeover. He is a slob. Stringy hair, baseball caps, oversized clothes, clown shoes. If I were Crystal, I would have Knute trim his hair to more masculine looking, make sure his baseball caps are CLEAN and crisp, outfit him in more size-appropriate clothes, and finally, in normal looking Vans – not clowny ones. I wouldn’t try to change his taste of STYLE ….majority of boys wear t-shirts and cargo shorts – as Knute does. He just wear them too loosely – thus size inappropriate, and his hair is just too thin and stringy – therefore not ideal for wearing hair long. His hair is similar to Brad and Frank – and the father and son wear theirs short which is appropriate.

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  over 12 years ago

    Knute is happy. That is all that matters. If he is happy as he is, that’s fine. If he’s happy letting his girlfriend dress him up, that’s fine..David for Gothic beautyand self-determination

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  41. Imagescaiw0lwc
    imbaldeagle  over 12 years ago

    I’ve got a full house – Anns over Dirks. Read ’em & weep!

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  42. But eo
    Rakkav  over 12 years ago

    Believe it or not, he is one. I’m more worried about Crystal in some ways.

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  43. Martini 800
    mojitobaby  over 12 years ago

    Luann had her 16th birthday, and IIRC we haven’t seen a 17th one. But she’s driving on her own, and Crystal, Tiffany et al are in her classes, so it’s a safe bet they’re all in the 16/almost 17/barely 17 age range.

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    JohhnyB  over 12 years ago

    Remember when the G-Man was wearing a worm costume and then got hosed by the library’s sprinklers? He then went streaking through the library for some odd reason and all at odd hours? Luann then busted him..Very odd indeed…

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  45. Thinker1
    Fan o’ Lio.  over 12 years ago

    Maybe Crystal will turn him into a regular “Bro Bummell”.

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  46. Evil rat
    Bill Chapman  over 12 years ago

    This could be interesting….. a goth version of Knute. LOL

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    les nessman  over 12 years ago

    First time in a while I actually laughed at this strip.

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    JimT8  over 12 years ago

    I will admit he tends to have a dopey grin.

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    Fan o’ Lio.  over 12 years ago

    That all depends on what they’re running around, why they are running around it, and where.

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    reindeerlover2  over 12 years ago

    The Ann Eiffel storyline can’t be over, can it? I really wanted to see what happened there… do you think we’ll be kept waiting while a couple more storylines go by?

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    Vilyehm  over 12 years ago

    The name of the mall is so popular, this is where Shannon is going to have a birthday party. .At the Purple Penquin Pizza..Ann will steal her prize tickets.

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    draksig  over 12 years ago

    My prediction is she will get him in cooler clothing and decide she prefers him the way he was.

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    Airman  over 12 years ago

    I like panel 2….it has shock value, not usually seen in this strip. (pardon the pun) But, I think that Knute should say, “I will, if you will.”

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    kenhense  over 12 years ago

    @Niki – Everyone from age 10 to 110 has thoughts about sex. If Luann is 16 and all the comics were about her spilling milk and looking for her dog – none of us – even you – would be reading it. And no one over 29 should be allowed to look at this comic? Note in 80% of all movies we see people killing each other – doesn’t mean we’re all going to go out and do horrible stuff. Niki you could be a little kinder to ordinary people – and still be glad that the bad ones go to jail.

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    kenhense  over 12 years ago

    The Knute & Crystal thing is wonderful. Until now, Knute didn’t give a #$%*&! about what anybody likes or doesn’t like. Then – abracadabra – attraction (it’s good for you). And I really don’t see Crystal going for any of the other guys except Knute.

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    jcjamman  over 12 years ago

    I am new but did any one notice the name of the mall.How fitting

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