Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for June 27, 2012
Quill: "Where're we going? We record in your brother's old room?" Luann: "I thought we'd use mine this time. Welcome to my lair" Quill: "Said the spider to the fly" Luann: "What, you think I'm trying to seduce you?" Quill: "Aren't you?" Luann: "Is that what you want?" Quill: "I think we both do" Luann: "Why do you think that?" Quill: "Because we're yammering like idiots"
Orion-13 over 12 years ago
And now the awkwardness and fear born of inexperience shows up…
Greg’s got this one just about perfect.
wiselad over 12 years ago
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! her room is clean!!! if she keeps this up, her mom will want Quill to come more often
barbarasbrute over 12 years ago
Time for either Brad or Mom + Dad to unexpectedly show up.
whayle over 12 years ago
My daughter would be so dead if I was not home and she had a boy over! (Unless she was an adult and married to said boy!) And is there something deader than dead? Because it would be bad enough just being in the house alone. But in a bedroom??? I don’t care if both were fully clothed, 10 feet away from each other. Boy better start running, and Girl better kiss her life away.
SoCalCloud9Man over 12 years ago
Wow! I guess she wasn’t kidding when she said “Do me, Quill” at the pool. First that subtle hint at the pool, and now here they are, alone at last. Kind of reminds me of my time as a teenager with a young lady in my parent’s house, one night. We got to the house one evening, and my folks were out of town for a few hours, and she wanted the “Express Tour” of where I lived – namely my bedroom. Things were starting to get very steamy, until those familiar headlights from my parent’s car were shining through the windows from the driveway.
PonyToast over 12 years ago
This is interesting. But let’s be serious here. No synicated strip has ever involved sex with a minor as a plot point (unless it was some background character that never showed up again), to my knowledge. Now I’m not saying that this is going to happen. I’m just saying that if it does, it will have to be handled very carefully. Greg is a master at delicate subject matter though. I will say nothing else, and make no predictions.
Airman over 12 years ago
“Danger, danger Quill Robinson”.
ZacBSM over 12 years ago
OMG, Luann. You were SO not subtle at all. Quill knew exactly what you were doing. You are not a girl who plays games. Guys like that. Now, please think before you do anything further. Quill, as the guy, is probably on the ball with this, but you, Luann?? Are you truly ready for this? Somehow I don’t think so. While you don’t play games and were direct with what you wanted to do, guys also HATE teases. DON’T kiss and change mind and say “oh, sorry, I thought I was ready, but I am not, so let’s get outta my room.” It is so easy for girls to say stop, I changed my mind, but not so easy for the guys to just turn off. So, be sure, Luann. However, Quill has proven to be a decent guy, and he WILL stop when Luann says to.
rusty gate over 12 years ago
One guess is that Brad shows up, but it would be a mighty ‘hard to explain’ scenario if mom & dad found out their meeting had been cancelled and they come walking in.
Of course, Luann and Quill will likely realize, as tempting as the situation may be, this just isn’t the right place or time. I don’t think anything is going to happen (sexually).
SoCalCloud9Man over 12 years ago
By the way: Does anyone remember The Drew Carey Show? Remember those episodes where they have those bloopers that gets pointed out, like “Drew’s shirt was green, but here it is blue”, etc.? What happened to Luann’s white buttons on her black top? Yesterday, they were there. Today, they are gone.
ComicLaff over 12 years ago
It’s gonna happen…it’s gonna happen…it’s gonna happen…
Orion-13 over 12 years ago
Mr. Evans has a history of dealing with difficult teen issues – He may choose to go that way and with how relationships drastically change when you involve the physical, he might go completely gonzo and deal with teen pregnancy, or he might go with the comedic angle and have Quill either be gay, or have a significant other (unlikely since he just said “We both do.”, or have the parents arrive home just in time…Lots of comedy AND dealing with breaking of trust and a teen’s growing up.
I’m looking forward to seeing which direction he takes. An excellent story arc no matter what.
Orion-13 over 12 years ago
@Rusty Gate – That would also be a good direction. Big brother arrives – Difficult choice between beating Quill senseless for ‘taking advantage’ and realizing that his sister isn’t a little girl any more – that could also put an excellent twist into the arc. Good call.
Angelalex242 over 12 years ago
Hmmm. Will Luann be able to seal the deal, or will she get scared at the last minute. Quill, apparently, is…up for it. But now, the trick will be for Luann to maintain her confidence long enough to go through with it.
ShagsCA over 12 years ago
DockoftheBay over 12 years ago
Said the spider to the fly.
Cofyjunky over 12 years ago
Why does Evans always make her room so dark and depressing? Even when it’s clean? I’ve sometimes wondered why she doesna have a proper window to lighten the room. Gloomy it is.
Angelalex242 over 12 years ago
That wouldn’t be very nice. Quill and Luann get it on, she gets pregnant, he’s on the next plane back to Australia. Don’t think they can enforce child support internationally. (Or can they?)
kfccanada over 12 years ago
I, for one, do not think Luanne will do anything wrong with Quill. She may kiss him but….I think her inner conscience will not let her betray her parents’ trust. Unfortunately, as predicted, they’ll probably return home in the middle of ‘the kiss’ and she won’t get the chance to test her own resolve. They will ground her and forbid her to see Quill again and, of course, that will only glamorize the ‘forbidden romance’ and lead Luann to resent her parents for years to come.
Luann should send Quill home immediately.
kfccanada over 12 years ago
But, then, who would have the strength to send a cute, good-looking, gentlemanly …did I say cute…fellow home…?
Angelalex242 over 12 years ago
Luann has a conscience? Nonsense! Preposterous!
Opus Croakus over 12 years ago
As for it being done before, didn’t “Funky Winkerbean” do a teen pregnancy storyline years ago? I suspect Luann and Quill are going to talk it over to death but realize they aren’t ready and it will be time for her parents to come home anyway.
Packer12 over 12 years ago
Come on people. This is all just a “teaser” to keep you looking. Brad & Tony have never made it to any steamy action that has been shown. Hinted at yes. But actually getting between the sheets no. Unless I missed that segment. So to show LuAnn in that situation, NO WAY!
Namrepus over 12 years ago
Careful, Luann! You could get something terminal, like a baby!
Sisyphos over 12 years ago
Well, the panel 2 dialogue IS pretty explicit—in the sense that it makes clear that Luann at least thinks she wants to “take the next step” with Quill. And from the preview vignette that was illustrated on Greg’s blog, we know they get close, with Luann lying flat on her back. But it is not likely to go much further than that, I think. Either she and/or Quill have a change of heart, or the phone rings, or Nancy and Frank come home unexpectedly early; something….
ZacBSM over 12 years ago
I feel sorry for you. A bible thumper, I presume?
blunebottle over 12 years ago
I SO didn’t expect her to be this forward!
MDeB over 12 years ago
I think they are going to decide that they want to move beyond ‘just friends’ to being an ‘item’, but no sex.
farren over 12 years ago
Arlo and Janis, in the currently running story arc. Although Gene may be of legal age by now, Mary Lou certainly wasn’t when she was obviously pregnant. Same thing with Funky Winkerbean, back in the Les and Lisa days.
DaJellyBelly over 12 years ago
If Nancy walked in on those two. She would faint. Not from any of the possible monkeyshines going on. But from the sight of Luann’s bedroom being tidy!!!!
Ottodesu over 12 years ago
And, ummm, where is the usual “Quill is Gay” chorus today? Just sayin’ …
Raygun over 12 years ago
He draws these 3 months in advance so this arc has already been decided and etched in paper… so to speak
Dkram over 12 years ago
My glasses just steamed over..\\//_
3hourtour Premium Member over 12 years ago
..we all know that they are not actually going to do the hanky panky…no they are not…
KenyarJad over 12 years ago
Quill’s last line makes me think they’re gonna’ talk things to death and actually record a song because Luann suddenly gets some lyrical inspiration. Because that’s who Luann is a lot of the time, teenage girl or not. Though I’m gonna’ take this chance to say it’s nice that Luann is making appearances in the dailies as well as the Sunday funnies.
Chuck373 over 12 years ago
It looks cleaned up. She IS trying to seduce him.
Kydex29 over 12 years ago
Chances are, ain’t nothin’ gonna happen, simply because Quill just brought it into the open so matter-of-factly. Good call, Quill! This guy might be just perfect for Luann – honest, respectful, and capable of curbing his own intense desires when they’re not in her best interests (all valuable traits in a marriage; wish I had more of them!).
ajnotales over 12 years ago
It’s a family strip … What could they possibly DO? Not each other…
JanBic Premium Member over 12 years ago
Probably no legal issue here. Sixteen is the age of consent in many states.This comes down to the moral values of the couple and whether that can overpower opportunity and hormones.
cdward over 12 years ago
I assume you’re just messing around.
cdward over 12 years ago
My son and his girlfriend were never allowed anywhere near his bedroom – and her parents made sure the same was true when he was at her house. Furthermore, his was not allowed at her house unless I knew her parents were home. But I disagree with you about there being more teen pregnancy these days. In fact, there is less. And the divorce rate is down, too.
ekw555 over 12 years ago
@whayle – if you think that’s Brad’s old room, your reading comprehension is abysmal!
LeoAutodidact over 12 years ago
Where’s Puddles?
rasalom over 12 years ago
Good Lord she’s going to give it up!!!
PonyToast over 12 years ago
Everybody’s getting mad!
rasalom over 12 years ago
Sex in comics is acceptable as long as each of them keep one foot on the floor at all times.
Waddling Eagle over 12 years ago
Quill doesn’t look too happy. Sometimes a man has to be a man and own up to the fact that he is supposed to watch out for other people, not let them hurt themselves.
barkingspider1 over 12 years ago
just hope Luann’s parents are ready to deal with a new baby in the house. Here’s your chance, Greg, deal with birth control, teenage pregancy, and Stds! After all, sadly, that is reality in too many cases! And, probably, no baby daddy sticking around. I
bbbaldie over 12 years ago
My God, people, this is shooting over all y’all’s heads! These two (sharper than you) kids are re-enacting Dustin Hofman and Anne Bancroft! Yeesh…
dunner99rok over 12 years ago
“I want you, I want you so bad“I want you, I want you so bad“It’s driving me mad, it’s driving me mad”
ewalnut over 12 years ago
So who thought to bring the condoms here? Or are they going to risk her getting knocked up?
Bisquit1 over 12 years ago
ReadingComicsAtWork over 12 years ago
Luann’s bedrooms wasn’t a mess. Remember she remodeled it? LOL
percenez over 12 years ago
remember Lisa got pregnant in high school in funky winkerbean. i like the observation about the missing buttons. yesterday they would have been so handy. today, well…..there are obviously other ways.
TheDOCTOR over 12 years ago
Luanns’ bedroom is Clean??? THATS IT! SHES DREAMING!
Airman over 12 years ago
There’s going to be a lot of pain and crying and yelling ……..and Luann might be a little bit uncomfortable, too. Really, though, a man’s hormones do not come equipped with a good set of brakes.
Partyalldatyme over 12 years ago
FWIW, my take— Luann’s moral character wouldn’t allow her to go all the way unless she and Quill had been seriously dating for a while. She’s thinking that this would be an opportunity to take some first steps, but has no intention to give it up. They may wind up doin’ a little kissin’ and huggin’ and heavy breathin’, but then Luann’s parents show up. Hilarity ensues, but in the end they have a frank talk about temptation and the dangers of teen sex, but realize their little girl is growing up and this is not altogether unwarranted or unexpected behavior.
Airman over 12 years ago
I might add, hormones have poor brakes, but a great fuel injection system. Fasten your chastity belts, this could be a rough ride.
perryt2000 over 12 years ago
They’ve had enough self control in their other interactions together so I don’t think anything will happen. BUT if her parents catch them in her room, no explanation or excuse is gonna save her.
Doctor11 over 12 years ago
Oh boy, I’ve got a BAD feeling about this…
ACTIVIST1234 over 12 years ago
Bet Quill realizes this is NOT about him— she is just still competing with Tiffany. She is acting not like a woman but like a spoiled little girl who wants to be #1.
Carollouise1 Premium Member over 12 years ago
I believe there is genuine affection between Quill and LuAnn. Hopefully smarter heads will prevail and they will not just be thinking with their hearts and letting their hormones lead (and yes I know this is just a comic strip!)
Carollouise1 Premium Member over 12 years ago
SoCalCloud9Man: When I was a teen-ager back in the early 1970’s there were issues with my dad’s behavior so my bedroom had a sofa bed and I was allowed to entertain both male and female company there. I was a good Catholic girl though so I made it through to being married without crossing a certain line.
tbritt99 over 12 years ago
Teenagers will be teenagers. Nothing new here. Can’t change genetics. Just ground them.
LC1 over 12 years ago
Coo, coo, ca-choo, Mrs Robinson
kenhense over 12 years ago
I note the number of comments is up today.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 12 years ago
“are you one of those people who yells advice and warnings at the people on the screen in the movie theater? ;)”.When I read it, I looked for your avatar.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 12 years ago
“You say basically the same thing everyday. What will it take to wake you up?”.Let sleeping dogs lie. Don’t wake him up.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 12 years ago
“In stead of freaking out, Brad will offer some sensible advice ".“NO, NO, NO. That’s not where it goes.”
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 12 years ago
“STDs. Neither participant has one”.People seldom think they have STDs when they pass them on to others. We don’t know the sexual histories of both participants, do we?
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 12 years ago
" “Danger, danger Quill Robinson”.
“I thought I was the one who said that…………..”
Let’s try this again, When I saw THAT I looked for your avatar.
.Come to think of it, Robot was the smartest one on the show or else any of the others would’ve offed Dr. Smith.
reedkomicks Premium Member over 12 years ago
They are a great couple. Very in sync with each other. Whatever they do, will be right for them both.
Xsia over 12 years ago
Is her room clean for once?
fruegade over 12 years ago
How old is Luann supposed to be?My daughter is almost 16, and when she asked if she could sleep over with her boyfriend, my answer was: Yes, but just in case; – please remember the condoms I bought for you.That is the only way to make sure that she knows that:1) the important thing is to take care of yourself, and2) having a sexlife is perfectly OK
Threatening to kill her if the is found alone in a room with a male, does not make them stop having sex. It makes them ignorant of what they are doing, and thus makes teenagers pregnant. Teach your kids (boys and girls) to say no, when they mean it, and let them loose.After all: ALL YOOU NEED IS LOVE…
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 12 years ago
" for some reason I keep getting the urge to watch “The Big Bang Theory.” ".Some reason?Knock, Knock, Knock.“Penny.”Knock, Knock, Knock.“Penny.”Knock, Knock, Knock.“Penny.”.Reason enough.
DockoftheBay over 12 years ago
When I was young a million years ago scoring with a girl was the most wonderful and at the same time most terrifying experience. Give these teens a chance to experience life. They are not perfectly proper and never will be. Even the Victorians had to come from somewhere.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 12 years ago
fruegade said, 40 minutes ago“After all: ALL YOOU NEED IS LOVE…”.Generally said by people who have food, clothing, shelter and health. .What is often said by people who USED to say it is,
“By the way, we need more diapers, more formula and you need to try harder to find a job.”.On a somewhat related thought,“Mr. Green. I just made a mistake. Haven’t you ever made a mistake?”“Of course, everyone makes mistakes. If it weren’t for mistakes, they wouldn’t need as many teachers.”“Well, I hope you don’t think I was a MISTAKE.!”“Of course not. I’m sure just prior to your conception your parents decided, ’Let’s make little Jimmy Joe.’ But I assure you not ALL children were initially intended.”
yldonaldson over 12 years ago
She cleaned her room!!!
ZacBSM over 12 years ago
Some of you said you would go crazy and/or forbid children from being in their bedrooms with a boy/girlfriend (I noticed it was mostly daughters so it must be a girl thing as they probably are ok with girlfriends in their sons’ rooms)….I find this absolutely ridiculous. What is the point? They WILL find a way to have sex nonetheless. The WHEN and OPPORTUNITY will provide. Do you realize they even will have sex at SCHOOL? Yep, they do. Thus it is more important to teach them how to protect themselves from pregnancy and STD than not to have sex. Sex is a NATURAL body function and part of being human and teenagers have the HIGHEST sexual hormones of all stages in the human life span therefore sex is a natural process of teenagers and an introduction to sex and prepare for their adult lives.The parents who freak out are the ones who do not want to think about their children growing up and becoming sexual beings – like themselves. They want them to remain children always. Sorry but life does not quite work that way.My boys are 19 and 20 and I haven’t looked upon them as children for a while now. They are young men and I accept that and am comfortable with it. They sleep with their girlfriends. I found boxes of condoms when they were teens in high school so I know they use them therefore I was ok with it.
Popeyesforearm over 12 years ago
this is killing me. Get on with it. The kids need to experience life.
nz4m60 over 12 years ago
Go Luann!
nz4m60 over 12 years ago
Re: ZacBSMStart reading “9 Chickweed Lane” It’s wonderful.
boldyuma over 12 years ago figures..Today is Wednesday..
“Hump” day..
kenhense over 12 years ago
Time for Tiffany to knock on the door and ask if Luann has her sun lotion. That would snuff the hormones.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 12 years ago
Thanks, you’re the best – - your name’s implication notwithstanding.
TELawrence over 12 years ago
Romance last for minutes; the after-effects last for life.
Airman over 12 years ago
Prediction: tomorrow, I will open the newspaper…Luann will not do the same with her legs.
3hourtour Premium Member over 12 years ago
..a lot of people in this situaton have no intention of having intercourse,but in exploring forbidden areas and enjoying the fruits of this passion.Many long lasting relationships start this way..but many end here,too.I don’t expect any such forplay to happen here…nor should it..
JimT8 over 12 years ago
Will Luann give it up to Quill or not. 20 years ago, the answer would be ‘no’. 10 years, 5 year ago, still no. Today? Not so certain.If it were 40 years ago, the answer would be of course—though probably not in family newspapers.
JimT8 over 12 years ago
Luann: Is that what you want?Quill: YesLuann: Me too.Quill: It’s my first time. Be gentle.
That’s better, Leviticus. Funny.
JimT8 over 12 years ago
Maybe he was just teasing his blog-readers.
JimT8 over 12 years ago
It’s marriage that Toni has on hold.
JimT8 over 12 years ago
You are right on the last points. The first two are legitimate reasons,
cozy3952 over 12 years ago
cubswin2016 over 12 years ago
Oh, oh!
melmarsh9v over 12 years ago
Yeah, who knows?
RonBerg13 Premium Member over 12 years ago
Oh that look of reluctant wanting on their faces…
mechaman over 12 years ago
Oh, I think Greg is going to write this so that Quill is a lot wiser than Luann at this point. I doubt he has written it so that she is ready for anything serious … but Quill has been able to resist Tiffany thus far. However, you only have enough power to run the dumbest part of your body for so long …
mechaman over 12 years ago
Hmm. Was going through some old music a few days ago, found a song by a group named ‘JADE WARRIOR’ titled, ‘JOANNE’. LUANN would fit even better in the song!!
doverdan over 12 years ago
Suspicions will loom if Mom finds that room clean.
JimT8 over 12 years ago
does Greg have to be that obvious and hit everyone over the head with it?
No. Premium Member over 12 years ago
This seems a bit out of character for Luann. I don’t remember her as being so untrustworthy before — a little naive, but not untrustworthy.
mblaughs over 12 years ago
Made me look up the word “yammering”.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 12 years ago
Actually, there is a solo practice which does not involve need for condoms and relieves sexual tension. It seems you/ve never heard of it, so I won’t be the first to name it (especially since mentioning it got a Surgeon General fired by the very president who should have considered it if his wife was unavailable).
rbullfogg over 12 years ago
Wow is Luana going to?
MrsETPerry over 12 years ago
haha I love it. I just LOVE IT _
sarafaye almost 12 years ago
Um, this is a little hotter than I remember.