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Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for June 20, 2014
Goat: How's your day going, Pig? Pig: Big problems, Goat. My box of 100 comic books got ruined by a leak in our basement. Goat: Oh, no. Even your favorite Richie Rich one? Pig: No. That was the only one I was reading at the time. Goat: So that one's not ruined? Pig: I got 99 problems, but Richie Rich ain't one. Goat: Not one person over 50 is gonna get that. Pastis: And will anyone under 50 know who Richie Rich is? Rat: Oh, great. That strip appeals to no one.
jnik23260 over 10 years ago
Hey, I’m 64 and I get both references!
Phatts over 10 years ago
OK, for the folks under 50, “Richie Rich” is a comic about a “poor little rich boy” who has so much money it’s utterly ridiculous.Now, it’s your turn to explain the rest of it for us folks over 50, thanks.
rc5455 over 10 years ago
google “99 problems”, i had to.
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 10 years ago
I’m (barely) over 50 and I got it.
knight1192a over 10 years ago
I remember watching Richie Rich cartoons as a kid and I don’t get that on.
Bilan over 10 years ago
And now for something completely different…Is Rat implicitly saying that other strips with puns were appealing?
Linda1259 over 10 years ago
Good grief . . . I am almost 70 and I got it!!!! Jeezeeee!
artybee over 10 years ago
I neither get it nor care.
jackhs over 10 years ago
Now I got “99 bottles of beer on the wall” going through my head. Thanks Pig.
alviebird over 10 years ago
I thought it referred to the memes I frequently see, which are a spoof of the song. Of which I was not aware…
slug_queen over 10 years ago
49 and no problem getting it. Contrary to my kids’ opinions, I have a few grey cells left!
Armitage72 over 10 years ago
It’s not as though the character would be unknown to younger people.The comic was published until 1994 and there were animated cartoons in 1980-1984 and 1996.There was also the 1994 Macaulay Culkin movie and the 1998 David Gallagher direct-to-video sequel.
Reppr Premium Member over 10 years ago
doublepaw over 10 years ago
A waste of 20 seconds in my life.
Bubba_Boo Premium Member over 10 years ago
When I googled 99 problems, I had to laugh….
Keith Mefferd Premium Member over 10 years ago
Haha – I googled it, too and laughed. Dammit, goat was right. I’m 51.
car2ner over 10 years ago
glad I didn’t recognize 99 Problems
Sisyphos over 10 years ago
I’m well over 50. A tip on another comics site steered me to Jay Z (I probably need not say, NSFW). But Cartoon-Boy and his spokesrat alter ego need not fear. It’s another rich pun win!
comeonbanana over 10 years ago
a new level of lame even for you pastis
Solaricious Premium Member over 10 years ago
Over 50 and now I’ll have Jay-Z stuck in my head all day long! At least it’s a good song to have on permanent replay :-)
artysurvey over 10 years ago
What a waste of time
timtribbett over 10 years ago
48 and got both references too
ekw555 over 10 years ago
47 and I got it.
KEA over 10 years ago
Yeah, Pastis lost me on this one. (age withheld by request)
Jessy Wheeler Premium Member over 10 years ago
31 and I understood both references. I love the pun strips, they’re so lame they go right back around to funny for me.
Alan Rees over 10 years ago
I’m 65 and understood Richie Rich. Googled 99 Problems, and don’t mind a bit that I wasn’t familiar with that.
Cameron1988 Premium Member over 10 years ago
I’m 26 years old and I know who Richie Rich, is. I use to watch the cartoons, all the time, but I didn’t know there was comic books about it
Nighthawks Premium Member over 10 years ago
kd1sq Premium Member over 10 years ago
C’mon Comic Boy – let’s see ya do something with Baby Huey and Little Audrey then – we dare ya!
Carl Rennhack Premium Member over 10 years ago
If Steph MUST have a reference to 99, shouldn’t it be to (A)Bottles of beer on the wall
(B) Barbara Feldon
© Both A and B
dingoboy over 10 years ago
I’ve read 99 funnier comics today…
puddlesplatt over 10 years ago
sorry I was in the powder room and doing ya know what, what was the joke.?
gmu328 over 10 years ago
I googled 99 problems and only got " b**** " in the song, however, perhaps he was referring to " b****** b**** "?
aerilim over 10 years ago
If I were 21 I still wouldn’t be able to get it. I hate rap!
mnn2300 over 10 years ago
I know who Richie Rich is but don’t get the rest.Perhaps Stephan should come up with an actual pun that more people would get.
ArfArf88 over 10 years ago
Wonder how the richest kid in the world fared after the last few financial crises.
Max Starman Jones over 10 years ago
I guess even “Pearls” should be allowed to lay a bad egg occasionally. Nobody’s perfect.
leons1701 over 10 years ago
I get it. I despise Richie Rich, but I’d still rather read Richie than listen to 99 problems.
bbraden over 10 years ago
I don’t get it
Kit Miller over 10 years ago
I’m old, 59, and I meme, I get it! Not dead yet.
I Go Pogo over 10 years ago
Sad that a reference about a 10 year old song is considered possibly too hip for the room.
Totalloser Premium Member over 10 years ago
I used to collect Richie Rich comics when I was a kid, sold them all on ebay for about what I paid
docredbird over 10 years ago
I’m under 50, know Richie Rich, but was unfamiliar with the song “99 problems”
But I actually thought the comic was pretty funny.
boogshine over 10 years ago
At 35, I fall into the range where I read but was unimpressed with Richie Rich as a child, then heard but was unimpressed with Jay-Z as an adult.
Oh, I get it. It’s very clever. How’s that working out for you, being clever?
jnetm Premium Member over 10 years ago
Hey! I’m 50! so I’m the small group to get both references!! (having teenagers helps)
RACerri32 over 10 years ago
Goat was right, but sorry Mr. P, Rap sucks & the sooner it joins disco, the better! ( Thanx everybody, I will not waste my time finding out what the 99 reference was, but will think of Barbara Feldon all day long now ),
eddygurge over 10 years ago
Yep, Stephan has aimed at the smallest demo ever. The 50 year olds, of which I am one. Great strip.
singlefemalelaywer over 10 years ago
Got both references. LOL. The best comment is by Rat.
SFpagan over 10 years ago
Rat is right
musicnut1986 over 10 years ago
Over 50. Got the Richie Rich part. Not impressed. Had no clue about the 99 reference. Never listened to rap. The only rap songs I know are Rapture and Funky Cole Madina (sp?). Again, not impressed.
Alturtle over 10 years ago
From the rap song “All Me” by Drake :“I got 99 problems, getting rich ain’t one.”
rjackson moderator over 10 years ago
@boogshine I’m also 35, and I heard Jay-Z as a teenager and liked Richie Rich as a kid. How’s it working for you, being a sourpuss who hates fun?
rjackson moderator over 10 years ago
Also, like it or not, if you can’t accept that rap is the defining American music of the past few decades, you’re living in an echo chamber of your own delusion.
Aslan Balaur over 10 years ago
I’m 49 and I don’t get it. I know who Richie Rich is, but I just don’t get the punchline.
hjsd76 over 10 years ago
50 Cent (50¢?) says Jay Z is overrated —
but I’m only 12 years old and I thought that “Ri¢hie Ri¢h” is another famous rapper — Richard Serrell. What’s this about comic books?rjackson moderator over 10 years ago
@masterkrain Yes, you’re right, rap has nothing to do with music, and rock has nothing to do with music, and Beethoven is degenerate noise and Mozart has too many notes and all the retrograde arguments that the close-minded have employed for centuries. It’s fine if you don’t like something, dude, but you should accept it as a thing worthy of being liked.
lukaluka over 10 years ago
part of one of drake’s songs
russellc64 over 10 years ago
I did google ‘99 problems’ and now feel dumber for having read the lyrics.
gorbasche2 over 10 years ago
HOLY CR@P!!!! Don’t ANY of you guys get the “1 percenters” reference??? It has nothing to do with Jay Z or whoever. The 99 percenters who are poor, and the RICH 1%ers who have 40% of ALL the money.
lkinsley over 10 years ago
googled it, it made me laugh out loud at work. maybe i’m in a strange mood…
deangup over 10 years ago
d_mock over 10 years ago
I’m 53.
anister over 10 years ago
A lot of words for what is possibly the unfunniest Pearls strip ever.
SkyFisher over 10 years ago
The joke isn’t in the pun this time, it’s in Rat’s comment.
Danabug over 10 years ago
Yep – I’m 50 & I get it :)
slypuma over 10 years ago
Well done!
moridin82 over 10 years ago
Hey I’m 32 and I know who RR is…
Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member over 10 years ago
Richie Rich ought to meet up with Sedgwick Nuttingham in Monty. They might be able to purchase an NFL team. Like my Bills.
Sherlock Watson over 10 years ago
I got the joke, but only because I’ve heard of the lyric. I’m proud to say that I’ve never actually heard any of Jay Z’s stuff; my radio is set to stations that play music.
WaltWenger Premium Member over 10 years ago
I love strips that appeal to no one. They’re so… so… so metaphysical!
Iwa Iniki over 10 years ago
Never heard of it until now.
Number Three over 10 years ago
Poor Stephan can’t do right for doing wrong!I would rescue my very old Andy Capp books. Some of the pages are falling out but they’re still
whtnymllr over 10 years ago
I’m 23 and I get both!
BugsyQ over 10 years ago
I had to google 99 problems. I’m under 50 and didn’t get it. Sorry Steph, that wasn’t funny to me. I guess you’re allowed a dud every couple of years. DON’T MAKE ME NOT LAUGH EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!
Petemejia77 over 10 years ago
I had the hots for the robot maid,Irona!
fabiencornu over 10 years ago
Well I sure didn’t get it.
jnnydnti over 10 years ago
Shouldn’t the Comic Strip Censor be lurking about?
volboy1967 over 10 years ago
dailystrip over 10 years ago
I’m under 50 and got both references, hooray for me….or not
dailystrip over 10 years ago
wait, what happened to slothman!
hypernova over 10 years ago
No wonder I didn’t get it. It’s a C-rap.
sfer over 10 years ago
I’m with rat on this one.
Yontrop over 10 years ago
… but the last panel was funny anyway.
20watt over 10 years ago
Jay-Z: “I’ve got 99 problems but a bitch ain’t one”Pig: “I’ve got 99 problems but Richie Rich ain’t one”
Me: “… meh”
Rudynatacha over 10 years ago
Yup. Not worth Binging it. (I don’t google.)
karenmarie514 over 10 years ago
I am 56 and I got it. I like the 99 problems song myself!
vldazzle over 10 years ago
I think Stephan got what he wanted – lots of comments; and I got it.
TimeLordSoundwave over 10 years ago
I’m 33, and I got it.
Snoopy_Fan over 10 years ago
Great… It appeals to ONLY those who are exactly 50 years old! :-)
claire de la lune. over 10 years ago
I don’t get this.Oh well.I also don’t get a pun strip awhile back (2012? 2013?) where Pig had a toothache and could only say one word at a time.
claire de la lune. over 10 years ago
I just googled it, and now I get it.
Widmerpool over 10 years ago
I’m 57 and I got it.
Rebecca Walker-Sands Premium Member over 10 years ago
Good company! I am 59 and got it. . . .
Katsuro Premium Member over 10 years ago
I’m 25, and I’ve heard that song and read classic Richie Rich comic books.
dsscheibe over 10 years ago
I’m 50, I’ve read Riche Rich, but don’t get it.
jdenova over 10 years ago
I got it! I’m 49 1/2 and I’m finally back in a demographic sweet spot!
locake over 10 years ago
There are 4 people in my family. The 2 over 50 know Richie Rich, but not the rap song. The 2 under 30 know the rap song but never heard of RR. Mr. Pastis was correct.
eyebuzz Premium Member over 10 years ago
I didn’t understand the strip at all because I don’t know how to read. (I can write good though…I’m mean well).
CloseNicole over 10 years ago
I’m under 20 and I got the Richie Rich part, but not the 99 problems part
AngelMarieSings over 10 years ago
I thought it was punny almost 25, and hey we had a Richie Rich movie in the 90’s. Maybe this was supposed to be a 90’s kid joke. And seriously how did that movie get 20 years old!
dolf37 over 7 years ago
Drake: “I swear to God I got 99 problems but a bitch ain’t oneI got 99 problems, getting rich ain’t one”Or like someone else pointed out, it’s a reference to 1% of the demographic owning about half of everything.
AyeshaVikram over 6 years ago
I’m 16 and I got both the references. I know that richie rich was this cartoon about a boy who had lots of money, I even used to watch it.
HossTheNerd almost 4 years ago
Hey, im under 18 and still got it.
TheComicFan almost 4 years ago
Isn’t Richie rich a show on Netflix now?