The biggest fallacy of interpreting The Bible is the presumption that it is written as fact. The Bible was written by Men Of Faith and not men of science.
Actually, half the commandments apply the Israel’s relationship with God and half apply to each Israelite’s relationship with each other (now I know I’ll be flamed by Wiley fans for saying something positive about religion, especially Israel, especially by atheists who cherry pick the Bible without having actually studied it…or people spamming GoComics by hawking their books).
Remember the Election Day and vote. Thou shalt not elect any false Presidents. Thou shalt not commit adultery before becoming President. Honor thy father’s money.
Thou shalt not covet does not deal with capitalism. It deals with wanting to wrongfully take something that is someone else’s. Capitalism is about selling some thing or service to others, at a price dictated by the marketplace (i.e., what most people will pay for it).
I have fun with my Evangelical “friends” (I consider them friends, I’m not sure it is reciprocal). I ask them how many gods the believe in and they emphatically tell me “ONE!” Then I point tothe first commandment, “I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have strange gods before me.” This tells me that there are other “strange” gods and I can worship them as long as Jehovah is number 1. I’m partial to Vishnu and Oden.
Also whenever one of their favored politicians plays “The Jesus Card” I ask them if that isn’t taking the Lord’s name in vain. Vote for me; it’s what Jesus would do.
Yes, I am a Christian. I just don’t get caught up in the details like a lawyer or Pharisee. I concentrate on the spirit of the law rather than the letter of the law.
@Kim Roberts In the early 1970s my sister converted to the Latter Day Saints. When I asked her about their views on blacks, she just said, “Whatever the church says is right”. Lost respect for her then.
God chuckled this morning, and by the way Mr. Danizier all that you mention IS contained in the Ten Commandments when you understand the heart of the Law and interpret the Law…the ancient Jewish people added 613 commandments to do so…before on criticizes, one should read the source
Don’t forget “Thou shalt not commit pedophilia, pollute or bully”. Oh yeah, the “Big Ten” definitely need an upgrade. Everything is upgraded these days except the things that really matter. Maybe he was thinking of this.
Back when I was a history major, I was privileged to see a draft copy of the 10 Commandments, with pencilled notations in God’s own handwriting in the margins. Seems the Big Guy was undecided until the very last moment whether to go with “Thou shalt treat women and dark-skinned people as equals.” but finally decided to devote that particular slot to the vexatious and insidious problem of graven images.
According to Moses Maimonides (may his name be praised) there are 613 mitzvoth in Tanakh, 365 negative (“thou shall not…”) and 248 positive. Since the destruction of Herod’s Temple only 77 positive and 194 negative commandments can be observed today, 26 of which apply only within the land of Israel.
We know good ole Bill Clinton has been accused of number one, but as a liberal he gets a pass and his accuser was ignored and never given a chance to tell her story! But as a bunch hypocrites the libtards don’t care. Personally I think it’s time to give all of the liars the boot!!!!
It all comes down to Love God and Love thy Neighbor. If you don’t want to believe in a God, fine, still Love thy neighbor as you love yourself (do unto others as you would have them do unto you). Serve them, help those that are in need, visit the poor, the widow/widower…
Davis D Danizier (3D) over 6 years ago
The Ten Commandments —
Coulda gone with “Thou shalt not rape”
Coulda gone with “Thou shalt not kidnap”
Coulda gone with “Thou shalt not own slaves”
Coulda gone with “Thou shalt not commit genocide”
Decided on “Thou shalt not covet” (undermining the foundation of future capitalist marketing, but scripturally illiterate “Christians” won’t care).
Vilyehm over 6 years ago
Wiley Commandment Number One:Thou shall not whitness false bears.
Dtroutma over 6 years ago
All that stuff about “me” does make one wonder who really was the scribe trying to take control and obedience from his tribe.
in.amongst over 6 years ago
Good Lord! So that is how fingering started, is it!?!
the lost wizard over 6 years ago
Instead of having everything written in stone, they should have gone with a first draft.
somebodyshort over 6 years ago
Is that the origin of “carved in stone”
Old Codger over 6 years ago
Moses didn’t carve the tablets, they were written by the finger of god. Exodus 31:18
Dobby53 Premium Member over 6 years ago
Humm…wonder why there weren’t any ‘Thou shalt’s?" Nothing but negatives. And we all know how that works.
Old Codger over 6 years ago
Moses didn’t carve the Ten Commandments, they were written by the Finger of God. Genesis 31:18 and Deuteronomy 9:10!
dot-the-I over 6 years ago
The Greatest:
WaitingMan over 6 years ago
Exodus Chapter 20: God gives his chosen people the Ten Commandments.
Exodus Chapter 21: God gives his chosen people instructions on how to treat their slaves.
Commandment Number 6: Thou shall not kill.
Included in god’s instruction on how to treat slaves includes when it is OK to kill them.
Egrayjames over 6 years ago
Don’t forget the 11th. Commandment: “Thou shalt not underestimate the power of Sarcasm!”Puts a whole new perspective on the first ten.
MS72 over 6 years ago
So, Wiley learned the first 4 commandments are about God, the rest about us. Must have gone to Bible school?
ptnjbrown over 6 years ago
The biggest fallacy of interpreting The Bible is the presumption that it is written as fact. The Bible was written by Men Of Faith and not men of science.
tripwire45 over 6 years ago
Actually, half the commandments apply the Israel’s relationship with God and half apply to each Israelite’s relationship with each other (now I know I’ll be flamed by Wiley fans for saying something positive about religion, especially Israel, especially by atheists who cherry pick the Bible without having actually studied it…or people spamming GoComics by hawking their books).
Call me Ishmael over 6 years ago
How did we ever manage to survive for the 2,000,000 yrs before we had those commandments?
rmbdot over 6 years ago
“Fourth”, Wiley, not “Fifth”.
William Bednar Premium Member over 6 years ago
But what about: “Thou shalt not send offensive tweets”?
For a Just and Peaceful World over 6 years ago
Remember the Election Day and vote. Thou shalt not elect any false Presidents. Thou shalt not commit adultery before becoming President. Honor thy father’s money.
WCraft Premium Member over 6 years ago
A bit irreverent but I suppose if you’re God, you’d have a lot to talk about.
A Hip loving Canadian... over 6 years ago
Willey is either way ahead celebrating Administrative Professionals’ Day or he’s way behind.
JudyAz over 6 years ago
Why do I look at this and think “Pull my finger!”
Doonanny over 6 years ago
Thou shalt not covet does not deal with capitalism. It deals with wanting to wrongfully take something that is someone else’s. Capitalism is about selling some thing or service to others, at a price dictated by the marketplace (i.e., what most people will pay for it).
rlaker22j over 6 years ago
Good job Whyle you got them going again
DanFlak over 6 years ago
I have fun with my Evangelical “friends” (I consider them friends, I’m not sure it is reciprocal). I ask them how many gods the believe in and they emphatically tell me “ONE!” Then I point tothe first commandment, “I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have strange gods before me.” This tells me that there are other “strange” gods and I can worship them as long as Jehovah is number 1. I’m partial to Vishnu and Oden.
Also whenever one of their favored politicians plays “The Jesus Card” I ask them if that isn’t taking the Lord’s name in vain. Vote for me; it’s what Jesus would do.
Yes, I am a Christian. I just don’t get caught up in the details like a lawyer or Pharisee. I concentrate on the spirit of the law rather than the letter of the law.
Masterskrain over 6 years ago
THIS is the way it REALLY NEEDS TO BE!!
Satchel,Koko,LDL,Kenny over 6 years ago
@Kim Roberts In the early 1970s my sister converted to the Latter Day Saints. When I asked her about their views on blacks, she just said, “Whatever the church says is right”. Lost respect for her then.
feverjr Premium Member over 6 years ago
… and the story continues with Moses coming down from the mountain, finding his people worshiping a golden calf.
America’s evangelical christians are worshiping the Golden Calf incarnate and don’t know it or just don’t care…
Gold buildings, gold rooms, gold toilet, gold hair… it’s not like he’s making a secret of it …. so obvious, and yet…
asmbeers over 6 years ago
Need a, Thou shalt not be Democrat.
Diat60 over 6 years ago
Just a thought, but couldn’t it all be summed up by “do unto others, etc.”? BTW, I am a definite non-believer.
oakie817 over 6 years ago
God chuckled this morning, and by the way Mr. Danizier all that you mention IS contained in the Ten Commandments when you understand the heart of the Law and interpret the Law…the ancient Jewish people added 613 commandments to do so…before on criticizes, one should read the source
Pisces over 6 years ago
Don’t forget “Thou shalt not commit pedophilia, pollute or bully”. Oh yeah, the “Big Ten” definitely need an upgrade. Everything is upgraded these days except the things that really matter.
DCBakerEsq over 6 years ago
I get all my preachy theological musings from GoComics.
Tootsie Premium Member over 6 years ago Maybe he was thinking of this.
Richard S Russell Premium Member over 6 years ago
Back when I was a history major, I was privileged to see a draft copy of the 10 Commandments, with pencilled notations in God’s own handwriting in the margins. Seems the Big Guy was undecided until the very last moment whether to go with “Thou shalt treat women and dark-skinned people as equals.” but finally decided to devote that particular slot to the vexatious and insidious problem of graven images.
erniejpdx over 6 years ago
According to Moses Maimonides (may his name be praised) there are 613 mitzvoth in Tanakh, 365 negative (“thou shall not…”) and 248 positive. Since the destruction of Herod’s Temple only 77 positive and 194 negative commandments can be observed today, 26 of which apply only within the land of Israel.
bakana over 6 years ago
That’s why both Jesus and George Carlin were both able to condense it all down to Just One that pretty well covered everything.
Masterskrain over 6 years ago
How about…“Thou shalt not be a trumphead!”
jthinkn over 6 years ago
Ten Commandments are a few too many. Three would have been enough:1-4: It’s all about Me.5-9: Be nice.10: Don’t even think about it.
GAKatmandu over 6 years ago
We know good ole Bill Clinton has been accused of number one, but as a liberal he gets a pass and his accuser was ignored and never given a chance to tell her story! But as a bunch hypocrites the libtards don’t care. Personally I think it’s time to give all of the liars the boot!!!!
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JosephShriver over 6 years ago
It all comes down to Love God and Love thy Neighbor. If you don’t want to believe in a God, fine, still Love thy neighbor as you love yourself (do unto others as you would have them do unto you). Serve them, help those that are in need, visit the poor, the widow/widower…
Snoots over 6 years ago
Was all covered in two commandments: Love God, love your neighbor. If everyone would just follow those, the others wouldn’t be necessary.