The Trash Pandas have a long and complicated history. But I am dismayed that the ‘possums went to war. They’re the most laid back of the urban wild beasties.
Oh, this is no where, and I do mean NO WHERE, near as rough as the opening to Silmarillian. That thing is King James rough until you get into the "Of"s.
OT: didn’t get to read yesterday’s comments till now, and if you will bear with me, I’d like to say this: there were some trolls (or maybe just newcomers?) who stated their dislike that requests for financial assistance are posted in a comics comment section. I would like to thank those who took the time to point out to any newcomers that the BCN comments section is different from all others in that we feel we are part of an “ohana” (family in Hawaiian), and when you are part of an ohana, you share things of a personal nature (good news, bad news, requests for financial or emotional support). I personally thank Georgia and all Orbsters for creating this wonderful BCN comments section where I know I will always find kindness and acceptance. It is an honor to be a part of the BCN orb.
While Puck might approach this from the raccoon interest angle, Agnes needs to make her name as an incisive news mouse. Don’t let Gutter take control of the interview here.
The toughest part in the raccoon vs opossum wars was that the opossums played dead only to get up and attack the raccoons from behind when they weren’t looking.
I love the Silmarillion references! I agree with Natasha and Agnes, though, let’s please cut to the chase; what we want to know is what happened to Goldie’s people, and to see if there is any possible justification for their abandonment of her.
As I type this, Yum Yum is meatloafed on the back of my seat, staring disgustedly out at the snow and muttering rude things under her breath.
Authors often say their characters will surprise them, sometimes refusing to do what the author wants and going off in a new direction (causing problems with the plot/idea/outline.) Georgia’s characters are so believable, multi-layered and 3-dimensional – I wonder if they surprise her at times with the things they come up with. Thank you so much, Georgia, for letting us into this rich and satisfying world! Realzies!
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of trash, it was the age of recycling, it was the epoch of Possum wars, it was the epoch of the great peace, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the Spring of Princess Magnet, it was the winter of King Boot, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to the Rainbow Bridge, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.” *
*Excerpts from Tale Of Two Kitties, Sir Fluffmaster Paws Cat III
I’m happy to report that the truce established after Raccoon/Opossum Wars continues to thrive in my backyard. Representatives from both sides happily help themselves to the outdoor cat food bowls and water. Apparently, the terms included “never occupy the back porch at the same time”. Meanwhile, the outdoor cats glare from a safe distance during those incursions.
“Garbage guides. Refuse ferrymen.” The words “guides” and “refuse” can be either nouns or verbs. “Refuse ferrymen? But there’s no bridge! How can I get across the river?”
The vile raccoon doesn’t want to answer anything. He instead chooses to glorify his vile nature. They undoubtedly started the war with the possums, largely massacring the possums and then claiming their the innocents of the war.
OT and sorry if this has been asked and answered a dozen times already but has there been any discussions about the 2020 BCN calendar? I keep looking on Amazon and haven’t found anything (yet I hope).
Good grief Burt, have you been listening in from our barn on my commentary about our inherited farmhouse project? I have actually uttered the words “this weekend on hoarders”… I have scared up a few raccoons in the basement (one group figured out how to use the pull string on the lightbulb), ran into one in the attic, and must’ve run into a possum patrol scouting out the back porch. Now if we could only convince the beady eyed fuzzies and the eight-legged monstrosities to help us finish carrying the rest of the crap out of the house, we might be getting somewhere. 5 1/2 tons of trash out, and counting.
And now there’s an untethered quote rattling around in brain, searching for its source…“A carefully curated collection of crap!” Where the heck did I hear/read this?!?
Le'letha Premium Member about 5 years ago
Oh my word, Silmarillion jokes. I’m dying here. I love it.
Burt’s getting snarky!
RAGs about 5 years ago
He’s got a future as a politician.
LuvyaBebe05 about 5 years ago
I was thinking “Mag” was short for “Magazine.” Turns out it’s “Magnet.”
Sue Ellen about 5 years ago
Look out Mags. I think somebody is trying to take over your throne! Either that or my meds are making me wonkier than I’d anticipated.
ElliottB.C.Rennie about 5 years ago
The Trash Pandas have a long and complicated history. But I am dismayed that the ‘possums went to war. They’re the most laid back of the urban wild beasties.
enigmamz about 5 years ago
Oh, this is no where, and I do mean NO WHERE, near as rough as the opening to Silmarillian. That thing is King James rough until you get into the "Of"s.
Leanne about 5 years ago
Burt’s crawls today had me laughing out loud! He and Agnes make a great pair.
Robin Harwood about 5 years ago
This interview is doomed.
ctlum about 5 years ago
OT: didn’t get to read yesterday’s comments till now, and if you will bear with me, I’d like to say this: there were some trolls (or maybe just newcomers?) who stated their dislike that requests for financial assistance are posted in a comics comment section. I would like to thank those who took the time to point out to any newcomers that the BCN comments section is different from all others in that we feel we are part of an “ohana” (family in Hawaiian), and when you are part of an ohana, you share things of a personal nature (good news, bad news, requests for financial or emotional support). I personally thank Georgia and all Orbsters for creating this wonderful BCN comments section where I know I will always find kindness and acceptance. It is an honor to be a part of the BCN orb.
Aspen_Bell about 5 years ago
~ falls over laughing ~
shirins Premium Member about 5 years ago
OT (Off-Topic and not about the strip): For those who know me.
tricksterson about 5 years ago
I’d love to hear the possum side of things.
Tog about 5 years ago
John Ronald never mentioned this during his recent biopic. The Lord of the Racoons. Watch out for Gollum.
Corey Cohen about 5 years ago
I AM CARTOON LADY! about 5 years ago
So, the raccoons love to talk trash!
cat19632001 about 5 years ago
Hey, Natasha’s getting tired holding that hammer up. Fast forward to the good bits.
WelshRat Premium Member about 5 years ago
I love Burt’s sense of silent humour.
cat19632001 about 5 years ago
While Puck might approach this from the raccoon interest angle, Agnes needs to make her name as an incisive news mouse. Don’t let Gutter take control of the interview here.
Gent about 5 years ago
The toughest part in the raccoon vs opossum wars was that the opossums played dead only to get up and attack the raccoons from behind when they weren’t looking.
Ignatz Premium Member about 5 years ago
I knew someone who had a pet rat, and told me that of all rodents, rats were the best pet. She said they were smart, and clean.
Me: “Clean? They’re always in the trash!”
Her: “Who makes the trash?”
poulinskaya about 5 years ago
Less Silmarillion… Brilliant!
rs0204 Premium Member about 5 years ago
The Crawl along the bottom is hilarious!
Ignatz Premium Member about 5 years ago
By the way, I think the Silmarillion is a brilliant book.
Kitty Katz about 5 years ago
To the Orb from the King and I: Through trials and tribulations and sometimes trolls, we are still Something Wonderful
This is a story of three funny cats
Their view of the world is wise
This is a story of them and their friends
Who sometimes will bring a surprise
This is a story of those readers who care,
And will always be there!
The Orb won’t always say
What you would have us say
Sometimes we will do,
Something Wonderful!
We share our thoughts and dreams
Some don’t come true
You know we will all be there
And that’s enough for you.
Sometimes we can be wrong,
But still we get along
And when we’re standing strong,
It is Wonderful!
Orb friends all need your love
And you will get our love,
The story of our love
Is Wonderful!
ladykat Premium Member about 5 years ago
I love the Silmarillion references! I agree with Natasha and Agnes, though, let’s please cut to the chase; what we want to know is what happened to Goldie’s people, and to see if there is any possible justification for their abandonment of her.
As I type this, Yum Yum is meatloafed on the back of my seat, staring disgustedly out at the snow and muttering rude things under her breath.
prrdh about 5 years ago
They convey rubbish across the Styx to the Lord of the Dump.
T_Lexi about 5 years ago
Authors often say their characters will surprise them, sometimes refusing to do what the author wants and going off in a new direction (causing problems with the plot/idea/outline.) Georgia’s characters are so believable, multi-layered and 3-dimensional – I wonder if they surprise her at times with the things they come up with. Thank you so much, Georgia, for letting us into this rich and satisfying world! Realzies!
about 5 years ago
I am loving this exclusive interview so far.
wildwind about 5 years ago
I love Burt’s crawl in the center panel!
diskus Premium Member about 5 years ago
The Good Boys lack of screen time recently, makes me suspicious they are holding out during a tough contract negotitation effort.
skipper1992 about 5 years ago
This reminds me of the Woman’s comment one time when I was trying to help the Boy with his math homework:
“If he asked you what time it was, you’d tell him about the history of clock-making.”
cooganm Premium Member about 5 years ago
sgs13 about 5 years ago
THE ORB ROCKS! I so wish we could use emojis!
Code the Enforcer about 5 years ago
Again, he reminds me of ‘The Collector’ from Mad Max Thunderdome. I remember him explaining how pig waste was used to create methane fuel…
rs0204 Premium Member about 5 years ago
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of trash, it was the age of recycling, it was the epoch of Possum wars, it was the epoch of the great peace, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the Spring of Princess Magnet, it was the winter of King Boot, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to the Rainbow Bridge, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.” *
*Excerpts from Tale Of Two Kitties, Sir Fluffmaster Paws Cat III
One Serious Cat about 5 years ago
I’m happy to report that the truce established after Raccoon/Opossum Wars continues to thrive in my backyard. Representatives from both sides happily help themselves to the outdoor cat food bowls and water. Apparently, the terms included “never occupy the back porch at the same time”. Meanwhile, the outdoor cats glare from a safe distance during those incursions.
One Serious Cat about 5 years ago
Bert’s chyron’s get better each week!
Colorado Expat about 5 years ago
I’m inclined to think that the raccoons’ saga could rival Our IX Lives for plot intricacies!
Denny Wheeler Premium Member about 5 years ago
Georgia, will there be a new strip called “Beyond the Wall”, featuring the creatures of the wild?
marilynnbyerly about 5 years ago
Raccoons may be faster, but possums have teeth like a Pennywise shark and claws out of nightmares. Not a war raccoons should fight.
nerdhoof about 5 years ago
“Garbage guides. Refuse ferrymen.” The words “guides” and “refuse” can be either nouns or verbs. “Refuse ferrymen? But there’s no bridge! How can I get across the river?”
knight1192a about 5 years ago
The vile raccoon doesn’t want to answer anything. He instead chooses to glorify his vile nature. They undoubtedly started the war with the possums, largely massacring the possums and then claiming their the innocents of the war.
MamaTheTech about 5 years ago
OT and sorry if this has been asked and answered a dozen times already but has there been any discussions about the 2020 BCN calendar? I keep looking on Amazon and haven’t found anything (yet I hope).
splinterexpert about 5 years ago
Bah ha ha ha ha ha ha!
salponce about 5 years ago
That last panel got me laughing out loud and looks at the coffee shop I’m at. Especially the Hoarders banner
gabrielle Premium Member about 5 years ago
Will the tale the warrior tells explain the eye patch? Were Orcs involved?
Aspen_Bell about 5 years ago
This strip is dedicated to all the people I know who really do go through the trash/recycle, find things and fix them up and sell them.
gigagrouch about 5 years ago
Trash Pandas
Maizing about 5 years ago
It’s currently looking like I will have to wait until next Thursday to get my new chair put together.
Meanwhile, spending most of my time lying in bed has definitely been helping with the pain.
lauradolan about 5 years ago
Where did Shirins post go? Did something happen I don’t know about?
cjinvictoria about 5 years ago
OT (Off-Topic and not about the strip): Gino update / good news
Catmom about 5 years ago
So good to hear that Gino will be fine, give him a hug from me!
Slappy Squirrel about 5 years ago
Good grief Burt, have you been listening in from our barn on my commentary about our inherited farmhouse project? I have actually uttered the words “this weekend on hoarders”… I have scared up a few raccoons in the basement (one group figured out how to use the pull string on the lightbulb), ran into one in the attic, and must’ve run into a possum patrol scouting out the back porch. Now if we could only convince the beady eyed fuzzies and the eight-legged monstrosities to help us finish carrying the rest of the crap out of the house, we might be getting somewhere. 5 1/2 tons of trash out, and counting.
Erin Pierce about 5 years ago
And now there’s an untethered quote rattling around in brain, searching for its source…“A carefully curated collection of crap!” Where the heck did I hear/read this?!?
colleen_demaio Premium Member about 5 years ago
“Less Silmarillion, more Spark Notes” is GOLD… Man, I love this comic.