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Yeah. Ten is too many anyway (and by the by, earlier versions of Christian writing had other numbers, and in other orders). I’m very much in favor of the two Wiccan rules:
1: If it hurts none, you may do it.
2: Protect the weak from the strong.
And it both  hurts people to ignore the science and  those who are weak need  the results of science.
It always amuses me when the TC, circa 1,300 BCE, are numbered in Roman numerals, which didn’t come to Israel for at least another 1,200 years, and were the enemy’s when they did arrive.
Carrying those heavy stones must have put a strain on his back, but he shouldered the load and delivered. In recent centuries, their messages evidently became too much of a strain for modern man to carry and were cast on the wayside.
… and when Moses returned to his people, he found them worshipping the golden calf. As punishment, God had them wander 40 years through the desert… It Can’t Happen Here
There are more than ten commandments. The Pentateuch is full of them, they just didn’t all make the short list. Like Deuteronomy 19:14…“Thou shalt not remove thy neighbour’s landmark, which they of old time have set in thine inheritance, which thou shalt inherit in the land that the Lord thy God giveth thee to possess it.”
Or in modern phrasing: “thou shalt not pull up survey stakes”.
The problem, Moses, is people often need things spelled out for them. And even then, they don’t do it. So, “Thou Shalt Not Be Stupid” is a good addition.
I remember one Republican Governor saying, “I’m not going to order my people to wear masks. They’ll do the right thing.” I wonder if his state has laws against rape and murder or do they just depend upon people doing the “right thing?”
Do people have to be TOLD not to be a jerk? I guess so. Does it work? I guess not.
“What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation of this—go and study it!” – Rabbi Hillel (standing on one foot)
It wouldn’t make a bit of difference, since we ALL KNOW that today’s “Buy-Bull Bangers” ONLY follow the parts of the Buy-Bull that THEY WANT TO!!!!
Not even then did it think the earth was flat, not everywhere at least, the invention of geometry made the spherical nature of the world clear.What was in dispute, mainly because no one had the wherewithal to accurately measure it, was the size of the globe. Columbus took the smallest estimate to the Spanish Court when seeking funding for his journey to the Indies.
That’s why God doesn’t protect anyone from self inflicted injuries due to stupidity.
It’s also why He’s not intervening to stop all the troubles in the World right now because we’ve brought it all on ourselves through wilfull ignorance.
“I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.” Galileo Galilei
Note that a lot of “noise” is made about the fact that scientists disagree. Science is generally about refinement of our understanding, not revolutionary wish fulfillment. When scientists disagree, they do so SCIENTIFICALLY.
Considering that God is the master of Science, and man is trying his best to understand it, but sometimes fails, you can follow the science only so far.
Man, I can’t believe that I’ve read thru all 200+ comments so far and nobody has yet posted this link to George Carlin discussing the 10 Commandments:
Some postulate that the burning bush that Moses talked to was an Acacia tree, which is full of DMT (naturally occurring in the human body) and breathing the smoke of said tree is what gave him his visions. It certainly would explain a lot.
Face it, the born-agains are following the politics that were written last, at least 50 years after Jesus died, and to a very different audience that the one to which Mark wrote. “Gospel” means “Good news” NOT “God has said these exact words”! All the Gospels come from oral tradition, and none were meant to be historically accurate. Like the game Telephone, is it ever word for word by the time it gets to the end? No! Especially when each author has to convince a different audience. The rhetoric must adapt…. Theology becomes political. Mark, the first writer, was writing just after the Temple was destroyed, so his audience was an angry and anguished Jewish group, and needed much persuasion. By the time Luke wrote, he was writing to a Greek audience who, by then, wanted to blame the Jews for everything, especially Jesus’s death. OBTW, Mark wrote 30 years after the crucifix toon.
There is really only one now “Love one another.” That covers the teaching of Jesus. God loves you, God forgives your sins, God wants what is best for you.
The problem of course is when you are told something is scientific fact when IN FACT, it turns out to be lies and propaganda, but we don’t find that out until “the science” corrects itself with the factual evidence garnered during the period of misinformation. Treating a hypothesis as fact because of irrational fear is always a mistake.
kaffekup over 4 years ago
How about you drop #1 and take #3 instead?
This should be another epic comment section.
Concretionist over 4 years ago
Yeah. Ten is too many anyway (and by the by, earlier versions of Christian writing had other numbers, and in other orders). I’m very much in favor of the two Wiccan rules:
1: If it hurts none, you may do it.
2: Protect the weak from the strong.
And it both  hurts people to ignore the science and  those who are weak need  the results of science.
I Mad Am I over 4 years ago
Christian have difficulty following The Ten ! Adding any more… would just confuse the stuffing out of them!
RAGs over 4 years ago
Hey, Trump says that he doesn’t need them anyway.
strictures over 4 years ago
In the original Hebrew, it’s Thou shall not murder, not Thou shall not kill. There’s a big difference.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 4 years ago
Follow science but believe the mythology‽
Enter.Name.Here over 4 years ago
Truly, you could toss those (most people ignore them anyway) and just go with the big one.
Bryan Farht over 4 years ago
That eleventh commandment eliminates all others at once.
kaffekup over 4 years ago
It always amuses me when the TC, circa 1,300 BCE, are numbered in Roman numerals, which didn’t come to Israel for at least another 1,200 years, and were the enemy’s when they did arrive.
sandpiper over 4 years ago
Carrying those heavy stones must have put a strain on his back, but he shouldered the load and delivered. In recent centuries, their messages evidently became too much of a strain for modern man to carry and were cast on the wayside.
A Common 'tator over 4 years ago
All 613 laws in the Old Testament add up to just one – Love thy neighbour…
feverjr Premium Member over 4 years ago
… and when Moses returned to his people, he found them worshipping the golden calf. As punishment, God had them wander 40 years through the desert… It Can’t Happen Here
hariseldon59 over 4 years ago
Is that the third tablet Moses dropped? (Mel Brooks reference)
Aussie Down Under over 4 years ago
Is rule #11 intended for #45?
OldIndy over 4 years ago
Very similar message yesterday in Pearls Before Swine, panel 5 especially.
dadoctah over 4 years ago
There are more than ten commandments. The Pentateuch is full of them, they just didn’t all make the short list. Like Deuteronomy 19:14…“Thou shalt not remove thy neighbour’s landmark, which they of old time have set in thine inheritance, which thou shalt inherit in the land that the Lord thy God giveth thee to possess it.”
Or in modern phrasing: “thou shalt not pull up survey stakes”.
e.groves over 4 years ago
Until the science is proven wrong.
JoJoline over 4 years ago
When Moses came down from the mountain he told the people:
“I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is I talked Him down from twenty to ten.”
Silence, then someone shouts:
“So c’mon – what’s the bad news?”
“Adultery is still in.”
V45mikky over 4 years ago
Watch out for junk science.
WGillete over 4 years ago
The problem, Moses, is people often need things spelled out for them. And even then, they don’t do it. So, “Thou Shalt Not Be Stupid” is a good addition.
beachfatman over 4 years ago
What to do when the science continues to change? Which science do you follow when the scientist contradict each other?
dflak over 4 years ago
I remember one Republican Governor saying, “I’m not going to order my people to wear masks. They’ll do the right thing.” I wonder if his state has laws against rape and murder or do they just depend upon people doing the “right thing?”
Do people have to be TOLD not to be a jerk? I guess so. Does it work? I guess not.
Brian Fink over 4 years ago
“What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation of this—go and study it!” – Rabbi Hillel (standing on one foot)
Masterskrain over 4 years ago
It wouldn’t make a bit of difference, since we ALL KNOW that today’s “Buy-Bull Bangers” ONLY follow the parts of the Buy-Bull that THEY WANT TO!!!!
paul GROSS Premium Member over 4 years ago
Of course “science” at the time thought the earth was flat and the center of the universe, but preach on.
Dr. Silly over 4 years ago
It appears that many of you here today seem to think this cartoon is about the 10 commandments and religion.
jvo over 4 years ago
Not even then did it think the earth was flat, not everywhere at least, the invention of geometry made the spherical nature of the world clear.What was in dispute, mainly because no one had the wherewithal to accurately measure it, was the size of the globe. Columbus took the smallest estimate to the Spanish Court when seeking funding for his journey to the Indies.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Don’t trust science any more that you than you have to. Scientists don’t trust scientists either. It’s called peer review.
Larry Littlefield Premium Member over 4 years ago
This one was necessary because many Trump supporters didn’t understand Science vs Everything Else.
Michael G. over 4 years ago
Some of the “religious” can’t even love their neighbor without getting caught. And that thing about coveting thy neighbor’s wife’s ass …
COL Crash over 4 years ago
That’s why God doesn’t protect anyone from self inflicted injuries due to stupidity.
It’s also why He’s not intervening to stop all the troubles in the World right now because we’ve brought it all on ourselves through wilfull ignorance.
Lynnjav over 4 years ago
“I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.” Galileo Galilei
Nyckname over 4 years ago
Shel Silverstein’s Twenty Commandments,
marilynnbyerly over 4 years ago
“Be excellent to each other.” Bill & Ted. That’s the bro version of the Golden Rule which pretty well encapsulated the 10 Commandments.
noeste119 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Never trust anyone who claims to know what God wants from us.
mistercatworks over 4 years ago
Note that a lot of “noise” is made about the fact that scientists disagree. Science is generally about refinement of our understanding, not revolutionary wish fulfillment. When scientists disagree, they do so SCIENTIFICALLY.
Robert Miller Premium Member over 4 years ago
Considering that God is the master of Science, and man is trying his best to understand it, but sometimes fails, you can follow the science only so far.
Leojim over 4 years ago
Yeah, MY science ONLY! Because I am so much smarter than you cough cough hack hack
DCBakerEsq over 4 years ago
I thought stupidity was the primary theme of all religions …
Madzdad the bard over 4 years ago
I look at it this way, God created the science, don’t you think he would use it?
NatureBatsLast over 4 years ago
Augustine said they were impossible for humans to keep…so we didn’t did we?
For a Just and Peaceful World over 4 years ago
And thus the Trump Commandment was dumped on Earth.It was not part of the original ten because God did not think that his creation would be so STUPID!
Malcome1 over 4 years ago
As if religion is based on science.
vanaals over 4 years ago
Follows the old joke. Moses returns with three tablets. “Our Lord has given me 15…”, drops a tablet, “…10 commandments.”
Ray over 4 years ago
Too many so-called scientists are corrupted. Follow the money (and the power).
cactusjack99 Premium Member over 4 years ago
I’m up with putting XI in the place of III
Godfreydaniel over 4 years ago
The Ten Commandments Are Obsolete
The Ten Commandments? Obsolete, my friend
On me (your anti-conscience) please depend
Instead of one god only, have a few
If you get lucky some might follow YOU
And honoring thy parents makes no sense
Unless you move back to their residence
And never take the good Lord’s name in vain
Unless, of course, you’re pissed off or in pain
And Sabbath-honoring? So yesterday
In these enlightened times sin every day
And don’t create an evil graven image
Unless thereby you do your rivals damage
Bear no false witness against your friend or neighbor
Unless, of course, it lessens your own labor
And stealing in this modern day and age?
Both Wall and Main Street think it’s all the rage
Adultery can be a lovely game
Preventing sex from being “same ol’ same ol’ same”
And coveting thy neighbor’s wife and ass
Can be a treat, but only if the lass
Be well and truly formed, so here’s my rule:
Where wife is lacking, covet only mule
Concerning killing, causing rigor mortis
Only R.J. Reynolds ever rivals Phillip Morris
Richard S Russell Premium Member over 4 years ago
Man, I can’t believe that I’ve read thru all 200+ comments so far and nobody has yet posted this link to George Carlin discussing the 10 Commandments:
6turtle9 over 4 years ago
Some postulate that the burning bush that Moses talked to was an Acacia tree, which is full of DMT (naturally occurring in the human body) and breathing the smoke of said tree is what gave him his visions. It certainly would explain a lot.
Richard S Russell Premium Member over 4 years ago
 The 6 Commandments of Ailurophilia
  1) Thou shalt love, honor, revere, and worship us.
  2) Thou shalt feed and water us.
  3) Thou shalt provide us with places of ease and comfort.
  4) Thou shalt supply pets and scratches upon demand.
  5) Thou shalt keep and treasure whatever physical objects we deign to bestow upon thee.
  6) Beyond that, we don’t much give a shit. Do whatever the hell you want.
megerkey over 4 years ago
I’m not sure if that third tablet was brought down that anyone would follow it.
JudyAz over 4 years ago
So when Moses complained to God that the people were giving him a headache, was the reply “Take these two tablets and call me in the morning”?
JenSolo02 over 4 years ago
Face it, the born-agains are following the politics that were written last, at least 50 years after Jesus died, and to a very different audience that the one to which Mark wrote. “Gospel” means “Good news” NOT “God has said these exact words”! All the Gospels come from oral tradition, and none were meant to be historically accurate. Like the game Telephone, is it ever word for word by the time it gets to the end? No! Especially when each author has to convince a different audience. The rhetoric must adapt…. Theology becomes political. Mark, the first writer, was writing just after the Temple was destroyed, so his audience was an angry and anguished Jewish group, and needed much persuasion. By the time Luke wrote, he was writing to a Greek audience who, by then, wanted to blame the Jews for everything, especially Jesus’s death. OBTW, Mark wrote 30 years after the crucifix toon.
Ham_Gravy over 4 years ago
I always liked the phrase attributed to Zoroastrianism – “Do the right thing, because it’s the right thing to do.”
ajakimber425 over 4 years ago
Sorry, science will always be questioned. Since, we don’t have all the answers and never will.
boydjb47 over 4 years ago
There is really only one now “Love one another.” That covers the teaching of Jesus. God loves you, God forgives your sins, God wants what is best for you.
Daeder over 4 years ago
They’ve recently come out with a more precise translation of the eleventh commandment: “Thou shalt not be politically conservative.”
tee929 over 4 years ago
…and the Dumpster is 0 for 11 on the Commandments score card..
Boise Ed Premium Member over 4 years ago
Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen 600-some-odd likes on any comic.
RohanDemon over 4 years ago
At that time the church disapproved of any “science” since it might not coincide with it’s teachings.
quanyindove over 4 years ago
Oh man….that’s the problem! Now I get it!. ; )
hagridogre about 1 year ago
The problem of course is when you are told something is scientific fact when IN FACT, it turns out to be lies and propaganda, but we don’t find that out until “the science” corrects itself with the factual evidence garnered during the period of misinformation. Treating a hypothesis as fact because of irrational fear is always a mistake.