Someone said it yesterday. Looks like we’re “dumbing down” the Tiffany. How far will G&K take it? Or is it simply time for someone else on center stage?
Started out strong with Dez. TJ has baggage; hard to tell where G&K will go with him.
Personally, I’m with Mordy: I’m kind of hoping that Tiffany is not going to end up with “yonder boy.”
Is this some kind of community gardening project, where everyone shares? Well folks it looks like we got ourselves a real hoe toting, mud digging cliff hanger.
wow tiff, you’re just as guy-crazy as you were in HS. But if you really wanna know if that random guy likes what you have on, go flirt with him. Flirt with him the way you flirted with boys in school, bend at the hip.
Seriously, once you notice Greg’s inability to draw women in short skirts, it’s impossible to unsee. Either it’s a miniskirt or it’s knee-length, but it can’t be both.
Only Tiff would spot a male a mile away. Are you dressed for just any guy, Tiff? And shame how she has regressed to her former self. Wish Greg wouldn’t do that to her.
Many people have bashed Tiffany but forget Tiffany hasn’t done gardening. If you came curling with me I could almost guarantee you that if I didn’t talk with you about it ahead of time more than half wouldn’t dress for the occasion and activity. Dez should have told her…
Wow – Dez is quite the “where have you been” demanding person toward her free labor recruit. She should keep in mind that not everyone shares her views. I don’t like her uppity attitude. If another woman wants to always look good (in their opinion) its none of her business. Tiffany should tell miss high and mighty where to put her hoe.
I like Dez more and more ♡. She’s a fantastic woman and with her wise way of life and thinks she could be a great role model for Tiffany. Let’s hope Tiffany wears those gloves, helps and learns.
I don’t know if it was mentioned but this outfit seems out of character for Tiff.I would think the outfit would be more country chic (tailored shortshort coveralls with designer flats) than this country club cocktail ensemble.
“That guy” will probably turn out to be some sort of guru in this weird, garden commune that Dez frequents. And what is Greg doing to Tiffany? Yesterday she looked like an ear of corn in the field. Today, she looks like a shapeless tree stump in a little girl’s sun dress. Week by week, and year by year, Greg is on a mission to destroy the once glamorous Tiffany.
we see some of the similarities between Luann and Tiffany, i.e spending hours dressing up for an outdoor activity w/ the thought of meeting a guy. To her credit Dez takes things in stride, accepts people and does not criticise. She seems to have purpose in life.
I like Dez’s attitude. She accepts Tiff, doesn’t put down or criticize and brought an extra pair of gloves. Tiff, being Tiff, came to socialize. It may be late in the week to continue this garden scene, especially if TJ is headed to the mansion loaded with veggies. New arc next week? Heading into October and Halloween, it may be back to Gunther and his sewing machine with Bets, or into the gourmet kitchen? Or to invite people to a meal? ;-)
Sometimes a character in this strip seems to be learning, advancing, maturing, etc. No need to worry, though; the status quo will usually resurface, sooner or later.
Entirely too many comments about Tiffany’s butt in that summer dress. Somehow the setup works, Tiffany has no clue about gardening, but that would be a result of her pampered, sheltered upbringing, not a personality flaw of some kind. But she likes guys, and she could use a relationship. Gunther has one, Bernice is being teased to possibly have one with Jack, why not Tiffany.
Tiff was seemingly prescient in dressing for that guy rather than for weeds. Still, basically, Dez is correct about correct attire for weeding and hoeing. It comes down to a question of priorities, and Tiffany’s priorities may not quite match the real deal at hand….
Templo S.U.D. over 4 years ago
oh, who is yonder guy? someone yummy for Tiffany I’d wager
TheLastLawman over 4 years ago
I wonder who this guy is?
AnyFace over 4 years ago
Space_Owl on GoComics over 4 years ago
will this become important?
LeonardChan over 4 years ago
Is that Knute? or Aaron Hill?
Mordock999 Premium Member over 4 years ago
THERE! You See? I KNEW there was a reason Greg put Tiffany in that cute short dress.
A Guy!
Told ya so! The questions now are:
1) Is it “new” guy?
2) Will We actually SEE him? ;)
Prescott_Philosopher over 4 years ago
A rhetorical question only: Will GnK ever let Luanne and/or Tiffany mature, or are they just going to be lazy and go for the easy jokes?
Cheapskate0 over 4 years ago
Someone said it yesterday. Looks like we’re “dumbing down” the Tiffany. How far will G&K take it? Or is it simply time for someone else on center stage?
Started out strong with Dez. TJ has baggage; hard to tell where G&K will go with him.
Personally, I’m with Mordy: I’m kind of hoping that Tiffany is not going to end up with “yonder boy.”
Caldonia over 4 years ago
But why the linguine noodle in her hair? And Tiff better not even slightly bend over. If I wanted to see a tushie I’d just read Pigborn.
Tyge over 4 years ago
Deb less #6: Always dress your best. You never know when you’ll meet a sweaty guy.
Airman over 4 years ago
Is this some kind of community gardening project, where everyone shares? Well folks it looks like we got ourselves a real hoe toting, mud digging cliff hanger.
Joe1962 over 4 years ago
Tiff knows what she want.
kenhense over 4 years ago
That guy will care when Tiffany bends down to pull the weeds.
beb01 over 4 years ago
What a time waster. Couldn’t plot out the week properly. Had to throw in filler on Saturday.
gnmnrbl over 4 years ago
wow tiff, you’re just as guy-crazy as you were in HS. But if you really wanna know if that random guy likes what you have on, go flirt with him. Flirt with him the way you flirted with boys in school, bend at the hip.
howtheduck over 4 years ago
I am a little surprised TJ was there. I thought TJ was obsessed with Tiffany’s kitchen.
BJShipley1 over 4 years ago
Seriously, once you notice Greg’s inability to draw women in short skirts, it’s impossible to unsee. Either it’s a miniskirt or it’s knee-length, but it can’t be both.
Brdshtt Premium Member over 4 years ago
It is Boothby (Ray Walston). He moved over from the gardens at Star Fleet to the one in Pitts.
darkwingdave over 4 years ago
Funny how they all helped themselves to her Dad’s kitchen and expected her to work as well.
Rhetorical_Question over 4 years ago
It’s Knute
illuminare over 4 years ago
nobody cares to look at your cankles yuck
Troglodyte over 4 years ago
Let’s hear it for Tiff…flower power! :D
someguy3 over 4 years ago
It is Axel
Enter.Name.Here over 4 years ago
Him: “You are my wife!”
Her: “Good bye, city life!”
Them: “Green acres, we are therrrrrrrrrrrre!”
tkspring over 4 years ago
Tiffany is probably pointing at a scarecrow.
jr1234 over 4 years ago
mathteacher678 over 4 years ago
TJ left hours ago? I just saw him!
BradFilippone over 4 years ago
My mind immediately says that looks like Knute. Except that it’s hard to imagine Knute doing work of any kind.
capricorn9th over 4 years ago
Only Tiff would spot a male a mile away. Are you dressed for just any guy, Tiff? And shame how she has regressed to her former self. Wish Greg wouldn’t do that to her.
DorothyGlenn Premium Member over 4 years ago
At least she wore an earthworm hair barrette to garden .
sueb1863 over 4 years ago
She’s also going to get sunburned like crazy unless she put on tons of sunscreen.
ACTIVIST1234 over 4 years ago
To be fair to Tiff, she’s been modeling for years. Her outfit would be appropriate on the runway in a show of gardening togs.
Ellis97 over 4 years ago
Guy? What guy?
mjb515 over 4 years ago
This may be worse than not showing up at all.
Major Matt Mason Premium Member over 4 years ago
“Oh, that’s Mr. McGregor. He only has a thing for rabbits.”
Ignatz Premium Member over 4 years ago
Why do they do this with this character? Bouncing back and forth between smart and stupid, deep and shallow, with seeming no consistency at all?
Another weird thing is that she does this and she’s almost never had a boyfriend. I think she’s a virgin.
Pohka over 4 years ago
Many people have bashed Tiffany but forget Tiffany hasn’t done gardening. If you came curling with me I could almost guarantee you that if I didn’t talk with you about it ahead of time more than half wouldn’t dress for the occasion and activity. Dez should have told her…
comic reader 22 over 4 years ago
Wow – Dez is quite the “where have you been” demanding person toward her free labor recruit. She should keep in mind that not everyone shares her views. I don’t like her uppity attitude. If another woman wants to always look good (in their opinion) its none of her business. Tiffany should tell miss high and mighty where to put her hoe.
Aladar30 Premium Member over 4 years ago
I like Dez more and more ♡. She’s a fantastic woman and with her wise way of life and thinks she could be a great role model for Tiffany. Let’s hope Tiffany wears those gloves, helps and learns.
ForrestOverin over 4 years ago
From here, it looks like Knute.
ForrestOverin over 4 years ago
“Not the soil, not the plants… AND NOT ME!!!”
phboles over 4 years ago
I care
DaveQuinn over 4 years ago
Tiff has never actually done any work besides waitress ( server) Other than that she has been a dipstick.
phileaux over 4 years ago
I don’t know if it was mentioned but this outfit seems out of character for Tiff.I would think the outfit would be more country chic (tailored shortshort coveralls with designer flats) than this country club cocktail ensemble.
Airman over 4 years ago
“That guy” will probably turn out to be some sort of guru in this weird, garden commune that Dez frequents. And what is Greg doing to Tiffany? Yesterday she looked like an ear of corn in the field. Today, she looks like a shapeless tree stump in a little girl’s sun dress. Week by week, and year by year, Greg is on a mission to destroy the once glamorous Tiffany.
Tyge over 4 years ago
I find little of interest in this weeks episode. Maybe (hopefully) it is merely a set up for something to happen next week?
Glad to see Tiff recapture her sense of style tho’!
RSH over 4 years ago
we see some of the similarities between Luann and Tiffany, i.e spending hours dressing up for an outdoor activity w/ the thought of meeting a guy. To her credit Dez takes things in stride, accepts people and does not criticise. She seems to have purpose in life.
YorkGirl Premium Member over 4 years ago
I like Dez’s attitude. She accepts Tiff, doesn’t put down or criticize and brought an extra pair of gloves. Tiff, being Tiff, came to socialize. It may be late in the week to continue this garden scene, especially if TJ is headed to the mansion loaded with veggies. New arc next week? Heading into October and Halloween, it may be back to Gunther and his sewing machine with Bets, or into the gourmet kitchen? Or to invite people to a meal? ;-)
Cincoflex over 4 years ago
I love how Des is sweet enough to tell Tiff she looks nice even as she’s explaining what to do.
DondiDoo over 4 years ago
Does Tiffany have a leach on her head!?
Willow Mt Lyon over 4 years ago
Gloves, hats, jeans, and an old shirt are fashionable in the garden, Tiffany. Sundresses are out of place.
dv1093 over 4 years ago
Mary Ann and Ginger
Otis Rufus Driftwood over 4 years ago
I was going to criticize Tiffany being too much into attracting a man. But maybe we should be glad Tiffany has got some of her confidence back.
Rhetorical_Question over 4 years ago
Old Tiffany emerging as a full figure Tiffany! over 4 years ago
That’s Knute !!
locake over 4 years ago
If Dez meant for them to meet at 8 a.m. she should have said that. She said to meet in the morning. Eleven a.m. is still morning.
Rhetorical_Question over 4 years ago
Desdemona looks good in jeans. It is too bad that TJ Has already left for the Farrell mansion. Two foodies having a passionate moment is gold.
cmxx over 4 years ago
Sometimes a character in this strip seems to be learning, advancing, maturing, etc. No need to worry, though; the status quo will usually resurface, sooner or later.
luann1212 over 4 years ago
Entirely too many comments about Tiffany’s butt in that summer dress. Somehow the setup works, Tiffany has no clue about gardening, but that would be a result of her pampered, sheltered upbringing, not a personality flaw of some kind. But she likes guys, and she could use a relationship. Gunther has one, Bernice is being teased to possibly have one with Jack, why not Tiffany.
mistercatworks over 4 years ago
I’ve heard from fashion magazines that women dress for other women. Maybe that’s why Dez is so “dolled up”? :)
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 4 years ago
Hoe him.
Boise Ed Premium Member over 4 years ago
TIffany is still a bit pudgy, I see, but not as much as after her depression period.
Susan00100 over 4 years ago
Early this week, it looked like Tiffany finally shed all that extra weight. No, in that dress, she looks fat! Can’t Team Evans make up its mind?
William Ellwin Premium Member over 4 years ago
It’s pretty obvious that she is still ‘fat’ Tiffany… Wonder if we will ever see the old slim, sexy, male hungry Tiff of past years?
spaced man spliff over 4 years ago
Tiff and Lila—so much in common !!
Tha_Hype over 4 years ago
So much for character development thus far, LOL! Guess I will just have to wait and see what Greg and/or his daughter have in store.
Jason Allen over 4 years ago
I’m with Tiffany on this. Some people’s idea of a stress-free day is working in the garden. For others, it’s lounging around in the garden.
PhoenixHocking over 4 years ago
Is it my imagination, or is it only the men here who comment on Tiff’s weight?
william craft over 4 years ago
looks like Knute with that backwards hat…
bakana over 4 years ago
He’ll only care if Tiffany spends a lot of time Bending Over to get close to the plants.
Sisyphos over 4 years ago
Tiff was seemingly prescient in dressing for that guy rather than for weeds. Still, basically, Dez is correct about correct attire for weeding and hoeing. It comes down to a question of priorities, and Tiffany’s priorities may not quite match the real deal at hand….
And, yet, who is that guy?
Schrodinger's Dog over 4 years ago
Sunday: Frank learns there’s no fool like an old fool.
tutibug5 over 4 years ago
Went to a garden party to reminisce with my old friends….
Airman over 4 years ago
All this talk about Tiff’s girth. She’s just a victim of Greg not clothing her properly. Look at Dez. She’s a real “bacon butt”.
HaulinOates82 over 4 years ago
Salvage what you can and get it, girl! (Try ditching the heels and going barefoot.)
Ceeg22 Premium Member over 4 years ago
And you chose incorrectly