Tiff couldn’t help it. She is an elite…of the wealthy in Amerca. Their mindset is on making money. That’s in their DNA. Tiff’s moneymaking DNA is at full speed.
Panel two was classic Tiffany, greedy and smirking with a scheme. Sadly her scheme someone else to work their tail feathers off growing produce for her “Love Glove” market. Someone needs to explain to her the meaning of “No glove, no love.”
Tiffany is like the Three Stooges version of Ann Eifell.
Dez re – routed the sewer lines from the dorms on campus to the ditches for irrigation. Gives the veggies that special taste. When cooked in clear water, the veggies all make their own brown gravy.
Dez is definitely a foreigner. It’s not “too much work” to sell your own produce, it’s trying to meet all the government regulations that will exhaust you.
Love Glove Produce. That should mystify the customers. They may not see the products they were expecting. Another time I wonder if a bot wrote the strip!
A lotta people seem to think that just one bright idea will get them full speed onto the road to riches. The difficulty finding thousands of hours to undertake product development, marketing and managing expansion will likely filter out all but the very few.
Dez may not want too, but remember TJ has already visited and I am sure got some of that produce. Might he be cooking those recipes in Tiffany’s mansion? Tiffany has a flair for language and a desire to market something. Nothing wrong by the way with her wanting to do that, and her upbringing should not be a factor, developing her personality and purpose is what is the goal I think. I think these might be sold through the Fuse also.
I’m not sure if this is what you meant, Vilyehm, but this week I have come to the realization that Tiff’s old high school cheerleader hairstyle needs to go.
Tiffany tastes a couple of vegetables and wants to start a business. This is such a strange direction from a girl who who has probably never eaten bad-tasting food in her life.
Tiff is trying to be a business entrepreneur when she is already a sexual provocateur. Those two things don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Simply put, with her looks, Tiffany doesn’t have to sell potatoes.
Lookit Frame 2 and Tiff’s sexy posture and facial expression (and a few sweet notes in the air). The prospect of money gets Tiffany’s hormones gushing.
There’s more to Tiff than just the looks. Good to see her working on a few business ideas. Whether anything comes of them is an altogether different matter! :D
Well, at least we know that Tiff has an eye for business and some marketing skills. I hope she finds the right vehicle to make that savvy pay off for her. Probably not this particular idea, but an even better one.
If I check in tomorrow and still see that stupid yellow ill fitting inappropriate dress in the garden before I read cartoon and become queasy – like today, I think I will just leave without reading and give this arc sometime to end. It is hard to see Tiff repeatedly acting so stupid.
It reminds me of someone I met who asked what I did as a hobby. I said writer. That person lit up and said he had the very best idea for a best seller. He would give it to me, I would write the book and we would share 50/50 the money coming our way. I am certain he truly considered that pulling an idea out of a hat and writing 500 pages were exactly the same.
to be fair tiff is actually trying to think of ways to make a go of it-from her view- she misses that it’s not dez’ but she isn’t just taking money for granted anymore.
Tiffany will never be able to convince Dez. Better start her garden! Or have a chat with TJ and try to convince Dez together. But having her own garden sounds better ♡.
Let Tiffany run a produce stand. She can sit there all day and practice her schmoozing on the customers. Seriously though, this story started out boring and has progressively gotten more boring. I don’t care what Dez does with her vegetables.
Seems to me that what Tiffany doesn’t get is that, if Dez were to become a full scale business, other people would have to be brought in to create enough product to sell widely, and that would be the first step in Dez losing the personal and intimate control that has been making the produce come out so well. Gradually, others would be brought in to run the operation,should Dez prove to be not a business person, and it would grow bigger and less personal, and less under Dez’ control, and farther from what Tiff is raving about. Right now it is what Dez has made it- and that isn’t enough to sell beyond a farm stand to select clientele. There are many blind spots to big business and to large ambition. They can conceivably be corrected, but too often aren’t even noticed or considered.
Looks like Tiffany has successfully destroyed the “zen garden” atmosphere. Now we can move on and Dez can rethink who she invites to her garden – but only after one more oh so insightful comment though I’m sure.
Looks like Tiff still has her eyes on the mogul prize. You go girl! You have to see a niche to fill and find ways to fill it – for a profit. Dez and the community garden may not be it; they don’t seem to share your vision. But that’s OK! Dez has her visions, you keep having yours. You’ll find one that will meet your desires.
Boy I just have to say that the gender bias from all directions shown in the little vignette this week is amazing, but I have to remember it’s all projection from those who are reacting depending on where they’re at. Either she is just a silly girl in a too short dress, or she is just using her hormones and looks to try to influence Dez, or she is a privileged princess of greed, or, or, or…why can’t it just be an amusing story about how a character interacts with another character, and how that interaction is amusing, but also important in developing both characters, particularly Tiffany who is the middle of character development issues? Just my rant, I’m out.
I once had several large Turkey Fig bushes over twelve feet tall loaded with sweet organic figs. When they are ripe they spoil very quickly so they have to go to the market ASAP. I asked a local Harris Teeter if they were interested. They mandated a MILLION DOLLARS insurance coverage. Given this example, there must be large quantities of food out there that spoil and go to waste.
I’m trying to get a read on Dez’s expression in the final panel. It’s a little smile- a smirk almost?- but not annoyed or angry as far as I can tell. I know Dez doesn’t really do “angry” but if she were getting upset about Tiff trying to take over her little patch of Earth-connection, she’s not showing it in that smile.
Is Dez happy to see Tiff enthusiastic about something? Tiff was gung ho and highly motivated last time she tried to start a business (Tiff as Nails), so maybe Dez is willing to nurture some of that motivation so Tiff can rediscover her desire to find a calling or passion in life.
Is Dez just amused by Tiff’s somewhat naive attitudes towards starting a business? TJ has done it before, so he might be able to bring Tiff down to earth with a little practical knowledge.
What’s the “earth-mother nurturer” thinking right now?
Dez is enlightened enough that everything isn’t about money.I have a friend who is an excellent gunsmith. When told he should turn the hobby into a business, he laughs and asks why he should turn something he enjoys into work.
I’m with Dez, I’m not a Gardner but I am a knitter and I really enjoy making scarves and baby/lap blankets for frienda, family, and acquaintances. I don’t charge for them as a rule, but if someone insists on giving me a few dollars or yarn or a gift out of appreciation I accept it. Some people have suggested that I sell them for a little extra money but I refuse to do it because that would make it a job and I’d stop enjoying it. By the way, my scarves are made using a simple pattern that I created myself, it’s a striped scarf where the stripes spell out the person’s name in Morse code. If anyone’s interested in more than willing to post the pattern, or you can check out the utube videos I made, just search for “no to make a Morse code scarf.”
How stupid: “love glove.” The Evanses don’t know what that means, or don’t care? This arc got boring fast. Tiff should have suggested a garden to table deal with The Fuse.
Templo S.U.D. over 4 years ago
keep trying, Tiffany
Thehag over 4 years ago
I thought she meant a T-shirt business.
capricorn9th over 4 years ago
Tiff couldn’t help it. She is an elite…of the wealthy in Amerca. Their mindset is on making money. That’s in their DNA. Tiff’s moneymaking DNA is at full speed.
Enter.Name.Here over 4 years ago
Tiff sez she is doing the work, but it’s still Dez with the blisters.
beb01 over 4 years ago
Panel two was classic Tiffany, greedy and smirking with a scheme. Sadly her scheme someone else to work their tail feathers off growing produce for her “Love Glove” market. Someone needs to explain to her the meaning of “No glove, no love.”
Tiffany is like the Three Stooges version of Ann Eifell.
Brdshtt Premium Member over 4 years ago
Dez re – routed the sewer lines from the dorms on campus to the ditches for irrigation. Gives the veggies that special taste. When cooked in clear water, the veggies all make their own brown gravy.
JD'Huntsville'AL over 4 years ago
Dez is definitely a foreigner. It’s not “too much work” to sell your own produce, it’s trying to meet all the government regulations that will exhaust you.
Joe1962 over 4 years ago
Tiff is your classic selfish person.
Caldonia over 4 years ago
Love Glove Produce. That should mystify the customers. They may not see the products they were expecting. Another time I wonder if a bot wrote the strip!
kenhense over 4 years ago
A lotta people seem to think that just one bright idea will get them full speed onto the road to riches. The difficulty finding thousands of hours to undertake product development, marketing and managing expansion will likely filter out all but the very few.
Vilyehm over 4 years ago
I am sooo waiting for a SNL clone Samurai Beautician to magically appear and hack that hideous thing off in one swell foop.
luann1212 over 4 years ago
Dez may not want too, but remember TJ has already visited and I am sure got some of that produce. Might he be cooking those recipes in Tiffany’s mansion? Tiffany has a flair for language and a desire to market something. Nothing wrong by the way with her wanting to do that, and her upbringing should not be a factor, developing her personality and purpose is what is the goal I think. I think these might be sold through the Fuse also.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 4 years ago
Her father’s daughter.
Rhetorical_Question over 4 years ago
We ?
Kymberleigh over 4 years ago
I’m not sure if this is what you meant, Vilyehm, but this week I have come to the realization that Tiff’s old high school cheerleader hairstyle needs to go.
Rhetorical_Question over 4 years ago
drewpamon over 4 years ago
Is it just me or does Tiffany in panel 2 look like she’s trying to use seduction to convince dez?
howtheduck over 4 years ago
Tiffany tastes a couple of vegetables and wants to start a business. This is such a strange direction from a girl who who has probably never eaten bad-tasting food in her life.
Airman over 4 years ago
Tiff is trying to be a business entrepreneur when she is already a sexual provocateur. Those two things don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Simply put, with her looks, Tiffany doesn’t have to sell potatoes.
yoda1234 over 4 years ago
yeah, Tiff is kinda clueless when it comes to produce…. “no Glove, no Love (Produce)”
kenhense over 4 years ago
Tiff says, “Love Glove – From our heart to your cart.” That ranks with “Had a piece lately.”
kenhense over 4 years ago
Lookit Frame 2 and Tiff’s sexy posture and facial expression (and a few sweet notes in the air). The prospect of money gets Tiffany’s hormones gushing.
whahoppened over 4 years ago
Tiff seems to have the same skill set that made her dad successful.
Classyladyor over 4 years ago
Tiff you just use people
Sanspareil over 4 years ago
Tiff reminds me of managers at Boeing where I worked for 10 years.
Where we who did all the work had a saying that
“Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn’t have to do it himself”
dkahane over 4 years ago
Does Tiffany know what “love glove” means to most people?
ACTIVIST1234 over 4 years ago
There’s still no dirt on Tiffs gloves.
WilliamVollmer over 4 years ago
Tiffany; you might want to rethink this idea. There would be inspections, licensing, transportation, packaging, and, to begin with, Zoning issues.
Troglodyte over 4 years ago
There’s more to Tiff than just the looks. Good to see her working on a few business ideas. Whether anything comes of them is an altogether different matter! :D
ForrestOverin over 4 years ago
No, Tiffany. You’re being ‘the jerk’.
TORAD_07 over 4 years ago
Well, at least we know that Tiff has an eye for business and some marketing skills. I hope she finds the right vehicle to make that savvy pay off for her. Probably not this particular idea, but an even better one.
MsPony over 4 years ago
Well, at least Tiffany’s wheels are turning.
I think she would have more success with TJ, though, when it comes to thoughts of starting a business.
Note to writers: Lose the “love glove” reference. It’s really bad.
ajh2i over 4 years ago
“Love glove”? Bad name… :-/
jea9hrkr over 4 years ago
If I check in tomorrow and still see that stupid yellow ill fitting inappropriate dress in the garden before I read cartoon and become queasy – like today, I think I will just leave without reading and give this arc sometime to end. It is hard to see Tiff repeatedly acting so stupid.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 4 years ago
And then, slowly but surely, Tiffany morphs back into her firmer, former “old” self, with a dash of Ann Eiffel.
Well, looks like Poppa Tom got his original wish. And that his starry-eyed daughter DID learn a little something from Ex-G/F Ann E, after all.
And see, Joel? I told you Tiff’s idea of “work” is to sit back and let others do the “heavy lifting.” ;)
cabalonrye over 4 years ago
It reminds me of someone I met who asked what I did as a hobby. I said writer. That person lit up and said he had the very best idea for a best seller. He would give it to me, I would write the book and we would share 50/50 the money coming our way. I am certain he truly considered that pulling an idea out of a hat and writing 500 pages were exactly the same.
Wizard of Ahz-no relation over 4 years ago
to be fair tiff is actually trying to think of ways to make a go of it-from her view- she misses that it’s not dez’ but she isn’t just taking money for granted anymore.
Aladar30 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Tiffany will never be able to convince Dez. Better start her garden! Or have a chat with TJ and try to convince Dez together. But having her own garden sounds better ♡.
comic reader 22 over 4 years ago
Let Tiffany run a produce stand. She can sit there all day and practice her schmoozing on the customers. Seriously though, this story started out boring and has progressively gotten more boring. I don’t care what Dez does with her vegetables.
ctb11365 over 4 years ago
Tif IS her father’s daughter
scottartist creator over 4 years ago
Seems to me that what Tiffany doesn’t get is that, if Dez were to become a full scale business, other people would have to be brought in to create enough product to sell widely, and that would be the first step in Dez losing the personal and intimate control that has been making the produce come out so well. Gradually, others would be brought in to run the operation,should Dez prove to be not a business person, and it would grow bigger and less personal, and less under Dez’ control, and farther from what Tiff is raving about. Right now it is what Dez has made it- and that isn’t enough to sell beyond a farm stand to select clientele. There are many blind spots to big business and to large ambition. They can conceivably be corrected, but too often aren’t even noticed or considered.
comic reader 22 over 4 years ago
Looks like Tiffany has successfully destroyed the “zen garden” atmosphere. Now we can move on and Dez can rethink who she invites to her garden – but only after one more oh so insightful comment though I’m sure.
Fontessa over 4 years ago
Don’t bend over in the garden, Tiffany—-them taters got eyes (with my deepest affection to the late Lewis Grizzard).
Tyge over 4 years ago
Looks like Tiff still has her eyes on the mogul prize. You go girl! You have to see a niche to fill and find ways to fill it – for a profit. Dez and the community garden may not be it; they don’t seem to share your vision. But that’s OK! Dez has her visions, you keep having yours. You’ll find one that will meet your desires.
jsimpso1 over 4 years ago
“You just keep thinking, Butch! That’s what you’re good at!”
Otis Rufus Driftwood over 4 years ago
Good to see those business classes are taking hold for Tiffany. (When’s Les going to enter the story.)
MJ Weber Premium Member over 4 years ago
Tiffany, I see a future for you in Marketing.
Camiyami Premium Member over 4 years ago
This story line is getting very tedious… let’s move on to TJ’s cooking in Tiffany’s kitchen! :D
LeeCox over 4 years ago
Tiffany, what part of “NO” don’t you understand?
Michael G. over 4 years ago
Vapid, vainglorious, big-headed, self-deluding. See more at Dunning-Kruger effect.
luann1212 over 4 years ago
Boy I just have to say that the gender bias from all directions shown in the little vignette this week is amazing, but I have to remember it’s all projection from those who are reacting depending on where they’re at. Either she is just a silly girl in a too short dress, or she is just using her hormones and looks to try to influence Dez, or she is a privileged princess of greed, or, or, or…why can’t it just be an amusing story about how a character interacts with another character, and how that interaction is amusing, but also important in developing both characters, particularly Tiffany who is the middle of character development issues? Just my rant, I’m out.
Cincoflex over 4 years ago
I think Tiffany needs to go into Marketing—that’s where her talent lies!
moderateisntleft over 4 years ago
Love Glove? ahem, maybe a different name…….
EasyEight over 4 years ago
I wish the artists would start drawing Tiffany thin again. Being obese is so 2019.
tutibug5 over 4 years ago
I didn’t know that Tiffany could sing….Monnney…
DondiDoo over 4 years ago
Love Glove Produce? I don’t think that means what you think it means.
CitizenOfTheValley over 4 years ago
I will never go back to grocery store produce. I get veggies and fruit from local farmers. There truly is a difference.
yangeldf over 4 years ago
isn’t “love glove” another word for a condom?
HardlyFast over 4 years ago
Dez means it’s ‘too much work’ to work with Tiff. Read the panel again and you’ll get it.
martynhappyone over 4 years ago
I once had several large Turkey Fig bushes over twelve feet tall loaded with sweet organic figs. When they are ripe they spoil very quickly so they have to go to the market ASAP. I asked a local Harris Teeter if they were interested. They mandated a MILLION DOLLARS insurance coverage. Given this example, there must be large quantities of food out there that spoil and go to waste.
Kit'n'Kaboodle over 4 years ago
I’m trying to get a read on Dez’s expression in the final panel. It’s a little smile- a smirk almost?- but not annoyed or angry as far as I can tell. I know Dez doesn’t really do “angry” but if she were getting upset about Tiff trying to take over her little patch of Earth-connection, she’s not showing it in that smile.
Is Dez happy to see Tiff enthusiastic about something? Tiff was gung ho and highly motivated last time she tried to start a business (Tiff as Nails), so maybe Dez is willing to nurture some of that motivation so Tiff can rediscover her desire to find a calling or passion in life.
Is Dez just amused by Tiff’s somewhat naive attitudes towards starting a business? TJ has done it before, so he might be able to bring Tiff down to earth with a little practical knowledge.
What’s the “earth-mother nurturer” thinking right now?
Ellis97 over 4 years ago
Tiffany has ambition and dreams, but Dez doesn’t. She’s an old fashioned gal.
GKBOWOOD Premium Member over 4 years ago
Tiff reminds me of Agatha Raisin!
Ukko wilko over 4 years ago
Dez is enlightened enough that everything isn’t about money.I have a friend who is an excellent gunsmith. When told he should turn the hobby into a business, he laughs and asks why he should turn something he enjoys into work.
RSH over 4 years ago
Dez says “we?… no thanks” because she knows that she will be doing all the physical labor while Tiffany makes up slogans for marketing.
Nick Danger over 4 years ago
“Love Glove Produce” may not be the best name…
Treehggr87 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Love Glove is right out…good grief….LOL
KEA over 4 years ago
Don’t trust anyone who’s primary goal is to make money.
Nicole ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫ Premium Member over 4 years ago
Remember when Tiffany teamed up with TJ for a food service company back in 2007? Seems food sales is a theme for her:
LeighBurton over 4 years ago
Dez! Listen to Tiffany!
txmystic over 4 years ago
The pose Tiff strikes in the second panel is the exact pose I strike when thinking about making $$$
hasani roberts over 4 years ago
I’m hungry
Dragoncat over 4 years ago
Remember, Dez… Convincing Tiff to go for a business degree was your idea.
JonnyT over 4 years ago
I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: I really like Dez.
Sisyphos over 4 years ago
Tiffany remains endearing, in her ditzy way. She means well for both Dez and herself, but is totally off the mark and is ignoring Dez’s objections….
patlaborvi over 4 years ago
I’m with Dez, I’m not a Gardner but I am a knitter and I really enjoy making scarves and baby/lap blankets for frienda, family, and acquaintances. I don’t charge for them as a rule, but if someone insists on giving me a few dollars or yarn or a gift out of appreciation I accept it. Some people have suggested that I sell them for a little extra money but I refuse to do it because that would make it a job and I’d stop enjoying it. By the way, my scarves are made using a simple pattern that I created myself, it’s a striped scarf where the stripes spell out the person’s name in Morse code. If anyone’s interested in more than willing to post the pattern, or you can check out the utube videos I made, just search for “no to make a Morse code scarf.”
percheronhitch6 over 4 years ago
Gee…for a minute there I thought I was on Facebook!
kittysquared Premium Member over 4 years ago
How stupid: “love glove.” The Evanses don’t know what that means, or don’t care? This arc got boring fast. Tiff should have suggested a garden to table deal with The Fuse.
Schrodinger's Dog over 4 years ago
tomorrow: Des pokes Tiff with the hoe.