Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for March 01, 2021

  1. Photo
    Ahuehuete  almost 4 years ago

    Q: “What do you plan to do with this stuff?” A: “Eat from it?”

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  2. Tyge
    Tyge  almost 4 years ago

    Been that long since she passed?

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  3. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Who shot J.R.? Maggie Simpson. No. Wait. . . . Never mind.

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    SpacedInvader Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    I think the only thing good about Dallas was my wife learned to use the VCR. Just on the odd chance she missed it.

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    Da'Dad  almost 4 years ago

    For many of us, having a set of china was a necessity. Proof you were a couple. Proof you were grownups.

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    nosirrom  almost 4 years ago

    And we’re sticking with the theme until we get a definitive answer!

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    admiree2  almost 4 years ago

    We started using the good stuff routinely for ourselves a couple of years ago. The set that was so expensive years ago is destined for the thrift shop if not sold at a rummage sale when it’s time to downsize.

    Also have a second set of silverware in a mahogany wood box that we got at a rummage sale twenty years ago for $35. Why? It was too good a deal to pass up.

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    Cminuscomics&stories Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    It’s dumpster time.

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    Riders on the Storm Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    We went to a “Who shot J.R. party”. Nov. 21, 1980. Still friends with the folks who hosted it.

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  10. Gandalf
    Gandalf  almost 4 years ago

    Boy, does that ever put an age on them! I was in university when all that ‘who shot JR’ rot was going around. I guess that dates me also!

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    car2ner  almost 4 years ago

    must resist the urge to guilt kids into taking stuff we don’t even use ourselves. Never bought “good china” so they don’t have to deal with it when we are gone.

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    colddonkey  almost 4 years ago

    We hide the ugliest set of china ever in the upper cabinets above the refrigerator.

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    DOOFUS-2  almost 4 years ago

    Have the china, use the china and the silver and crystal too. Life is too short for paper plates. [Yes, it can/does go in the dishwasher.]

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    HappyDog/ᵀʳʸ ᴮᵒᶻᵒ ⁴ ᵗʰᵉ ᜠᾘⁿ ᵒᶠ ᶦᵗ Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    If it’s actually worth anything, give it to a local charity to auction off. Or sell it piecemeal on eBay.

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    david_42  almost 4 years ago

    I bought a 12-place Noritake Bone China set while I was in the Navy. It’s been in a dishpack in various garages for 41 years.

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    jonesbeltone  almost 4 years ago

    Ah, Joan Collins!

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    Lula & Theo  Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    I thought Arlo & Janis were around my age (mid 50’s) but they must be older?

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    Thechildinme  almost 4 years ago

    After my divorce, I moved back east, to an Amish/Mennonite area. I loved my china set with the delicate forget-me-not flower, and silver band border but with no family to entertain, I realized the best thing to do would be to donate it to the Mennonite Thrift Store. I’ve always wondered about whose home and table it eventually graced.

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  19. Scullyufo
    ScullyUFO  almost 4 years ago

    Two words: Melmac.

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    assrdood  almost 4 years ago

    Remember all those baseball cards form the ’50s?

    Gramma’s china is the same, only heavier.

    If everyone throws it out, it will become valuable.

    If not, then it won’t.

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    catshade  almost 4 years ago

    Use it! Why wait for a “special” occasion?

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    Oclvroadbikerider  almost 4 years ago


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    Out of the Past  almost 4 years ago

    I vaguely remember the china thing going on and on around the time of the wedding. Veeery specific requirements. Decades later, still in the attic, never came out of the box.

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    Cincoflex  almost 4 years ago

    Whoa, Dallas reference before seven AM here, hee!

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    RadioDial Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    My dad offered up mothers Royal Dalton 8 place china to us 4 kids, saying 2 of us could have a 4 place setting. No takers. He just offered it to the 8 grandkids – crickets. No Interest. Phoned the Salvation Army and one other thrift store in town. They said they were only taking necessities and high value items because of Covid. What was of interest of the Traditionalist generation is not of late Boomers, and Gen X & Y.

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    joeatwork212  almost 4 years ago

    I don’t know who shot J.R. ( I didn’t watch the series) , but Maggie shot Mr. Burns.

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    daddo52  almost 4 years ago

    Why not? How many people actually remember who shot JR?

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    Will E. Makeit Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Well, Janis, at least he remembered…

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    Plods with ...™  almost 4 years ago

    Kewl… Retro

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    j.l.farmer  almost 4 years ago

    i never had a set of china. i remember having a Corelle set which was just a nice. hopefully they will have their vaccines first along with all the others they invite.

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    Thinkingblade  almost 4 years ago

    I can tell you this – my folks just got their first vaccine, and my state is starting to track toward getting folks vaccinated en mass. We are going to have a BIG party once things really open back up. I have grandkids who desperately need a hug from me!

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    Kip W  almost 4 years ago

    Rather than buy more dishes when our regular set became diminished, my wife brought out the inherited stuff. Why not use it? Can’t nuke it, so I still have some of the old ones around.

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    alexius23  almost 4 years ago

    I do have “good China”. Seldom used. My friends with adult children often have 2 or 3 sets of the “good China”. How? Parents or grandparents pass…. My friends thought that they would pass it on to their children. Much to their surprise the now adult children had no interest in getting the set. They just want a decent every day set….not Limoge

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    Moonkey Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    They want Target these days. Ditto flatware. Anyone holding on to anything nice to pass on to the next generation should get it in writing that it’s wanted or else use it for daily meals.

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    Ginger Vedder  almost 4 years ago

    Not any more – young marrieds idea of entertaining have nothing to do with elegant or "proper’. Too stuffy for them.

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    TennesseeFran  almost 4 years ago

    A friend’s favorite saying is, “Everyday is special. Use the good china.”

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    JP Steve Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Do eight place settings of Corelle “Butterfly Gold” count?

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    WF11  almost 4 years ago

    I don’t remember eating off my parents’ good china more than a few times when I was growing up. It’s kind of like the refinished living room or the special candle: they’re “too good (or special) to use”, so never got used. My parents’ china went to my daughter, and most of their other “old” stuff went to my niece who is really into the “retro/1950’s look” (courtesy of being a big “Mad Men” fan). I felt like I would be betraying my parents’ memory if I just got rid of stuff like that.

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    WF11  almost 4 years ago

    By the way, this arc is a re-run, from just a couple years back! I’m surprised no one has mentioned that!

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    Teto85 Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Mary Crosby. Bing’s daughter from his second marriage.

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    gwayner Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    That’s weird. I was just thinking about the Noritaki set I brought back from Vietnam way back in 1971. My wife died in 2018. I never heard them mentioned after we got married. I’ve looked everywhere for the set & there isn’t a trace of them. My 2 sons have never mentioned them. Coencidinky !!

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    sheashea  almost 4 years ago

    Do these 2 actually have friends?

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    Da'Dad  almost 4 years ago

    Friends? They have hundreds, and we get together almost every day.

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