Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for February 28, 2022

  1. Al the fish cup
    alasko  almost 3 years ago

    Arlo the step saver.

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  2. Tyge
    Tyge  almost 3 years ago

    What a prince! 8^ )

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    John Smith  almost 3 years ago

    At least Arlo’s arms will be wrapped around something warm and soft tonight.

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  4. Beaker
    Bullet Bronson Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    One question, Janis.


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    Robin Harwood  almost 3 years ago

    Do I detect a hint of sarcasm in Janis’ reply?

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    mgl179  almost 3 years ago

    Like many husbands, Arlo has likely learned from experience that if he helps fold clothes Janice will complain they aren’t folded “right” (as in Janices way) and will refold them anyhow.

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  7. Seabee 02
    1504jarvis  almost 3 years ago

    Seems fair to me.

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    Doctor Toon  almost 3 years ago

    I have the first of 3 loads in the washer right now

    I’m off work tonight, gives me something to do beside just reading comics

    I’ll unload and reload the dishwasher too, catboxes are already scooped

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    Olddog1  almost 3 years ago

    Everything I can’t hang, I roll. Saves space.

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    annefackler61  almost 3 years ago

    Janis come to my house and teach me how to fold sheets.Always a disaster !!!!

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    ElVez2  almost 3 years ago

    You shouldn’t be doing the dishes on your birthday….let them go until tomorrow

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    Ermine Notyours  almost 3 years ago

    I hated the buzzing dryer I lived with for a year. I would try to wait until it stopped, but it kept going on and on. So finally I enter the small room (bathroom) where it was, and that’s when it would buzz me. I resorted to turning off the circuit at the breaker instead.

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  13. Chubby
    Grace Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    If he gets them, she folds and he puts them away, that’s teamwork.

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    flagmichael  almost 3 years ago

    We wash and fold our own clothes. Sheets and towels are usually a joint effort. Folding is not a major chore, but it is a nuisance to be tied down by another person’s decisions.

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    HunterIsACriminal  almost 3 years ago

    I fold my t-shirts. Two piles when I’m done: one is the work shirts and the other is the good, formal, go-to-meeting and dinner t-shirts.

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  16. Little b
    Dani Rice  almost 3 years ago

    We don’t have a washing machine (long story) but Hubby always goes with me to the laundromat. “I’m not helping. I’m doing it with you. They’re my clothes, too.” We bring them home and either hang them on the line or put them in the dryer. We do each fold our own clothes, and, as flagmichael said, sheets are a joint effort. Hubby can fold towels eight different ways, but they all turn out the same size, so they fit in the closet.

    There’s a lot to be said for marrying a guy who was a single father for several years. He recognizes chores when he sees them!

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    david_42  almost 3 years ago

    I’m retired, so wrinkled clothes aren’t a problem. I just hang shirts/slacks up and put my wife’s stuff in a separate basket.

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  18. Scullyufo
    ScullyUFO  almost 3 years ago

    The main thing about chore assignment in a successful marriage is that it should be both fair and agreed to by all parties. It doesn’t have to be “equal”. Also, if anyone is saying “that’s your job” or “why haven’t you done this yet?” then re-assignment is in order.

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  19. Scullyufo
    ScullyUFO  almost 3 years ago

    Also, why do women buy clothes that can’t go in the dryer?

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    jarvisloop  almost 3 years ago

    (Warning: editorial comment.)

    Truly a first-world problem. Imagine living in a country in which washers and dryers don’t exist.

    I am extremely grateful that I was born in this place and time.

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    richhill48  almost 3 years ago

    Put them on hangers

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  22. Effenbee boy 2
    sobrown51  almost 3 years ago

    My wife hates the way I fold things. I have learned to do as much as I can around the house while avoiding those things that she’d rather do herself.

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  23. Chubby
    Grace Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    I love doing laundry, and doing dishes. However, you will not get me to pick up a shovel or rake unless my husband is ill and I can’t hire anyone to help. (I can’t anyway much from a rollator or wheelchair now but I never did it anyway). I’m an indoor girl and I love to keep house. I organize the heck out of this place.

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  24. Tyge
    Tyge  almost 3 years ago

    A deliciously sarcastic comment, Janis!

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  25. Billikenbookcover
    candomarty Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    She gathers the laundry, I wash and dry the laundry (which is not in our unit, BTW) and then we fold the laundry together while watching TV. However, she does most of the folding for the reasons cited above.

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    j.l.farmer  almost 3 years ago

    My husband and I did the laundry together at the laundromat every Thursday. We each had a table because he liked his t shirts and underwear folded a certain way so he folded his own. After I learned the way he did it we shared the folding from that day on.

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  27. Tulips
    locake  almost 3 years ago

    Any clothes that can get wrinkly should be hung up, not folded.

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    CynthiaLeigh  almost 3 years ago

    You mean WE can fold them…

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    Da'Dad  almost 3 years ago

    Late follow-up to yesterday’s Mardi Gras discussion about who was first, Mobile or Ner Orleans. Found this quote from none other then the gravestone of Joseph Stillwell Cain, listing his accomplishments:

    “…(He) revived the ancient French observance of Boeuf Gras – now known in Mobile as Mardi Gras – thus inaugurating the dispute as to who had Mardi Gras first – Mobile or New Orleans?

    Mobile had it first, but New Orleans was the first to call its carnival Mardi Gras…"

    Hands down there it is, and etched in stone. New Orleans had the first Mardi Gras.

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    jmmorris10  almost 3 years ago

    My husband does his own laundry including his towels, wash, dry, fold, put away. !

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    jarvisloop  almost 3 years ago

    I just noticed that today’s strip comes from 2019.

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    JessieRandySmithJr.  almost 3 years ago

    I retired 11 years before my wife. I got used to doing the laundry. I had to get her to fold my way otherwise I have to redo my stuff.

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    Sambora1  almost 3 years ago

    Soon to be ex husband always did the laundry because our units were in the basement in the last 2 places we lived together and with my disabilities I wasn’t able to do the basement stairs. He use to do wash and dry and fold and then I would put away because he didn’t know which specific dresser draws I had what in. But, unfortunely the last 3 months before he left me all he would do was wash and dry and then leave baskets in living room for me to fold and put away- except his own clothes, he was washing them separately because he was packing stuff he didn’t need as he fold them, he had a duffle bag downstairs that I didn’t know about so I had no idea about the packing them. I asked him why he started washing his separately and like a lot of things in that 3 month period he refused to answer me and just ignored me and walked away. The place I moved into doesn’t have washer/dryer hook-ups and I was going to the laundromat on my own to do them but the bags were just too heavy for my bad back and hip and right leg venus statis and it was too hard on me to take them in and out to car and at laundromat so now my Dad takes them and brings them back to me and I fold them- when he first started doing my laundry he was staying and folding them too and I told him he didn’t have to take the extra time and just bring them back to me and I would fold them- and put them away.

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  34. Nollanav
    DaBump Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Ooh, just a touch of sarcasm there, eh?

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    mafastore  almost 3 years ago

    I do 3 loads of laundry most weeks – 4 during the pandemic. First is clothing (yes, all mixed together except jeans). While that is drying I put in the towels to wash. When those loads are finished I take the laundry basket of clothing – husband’s shirts are laid over the basket to keep from wrinkling (I wear tee shirts – don’t wrinkle) – upstairs. Towels go into the dryer. When we go up to bed I put his shirts on hangers. I used to put them in his closet sorted by color, but he decided he wanted them sorted by the weight of the fabric in the shirt – so now he goes he gets to hang his shirts after I put them on the hangers.

    I then take the basket to bed. While he gets ready for bed I start folding the clothing. After he goes to bed I finish folding the clothing by the light of the TV in the dark, then put them away – except my tee shirts. I learned early on if I put some sorted clothing on him he will roll over and ruin my folding.

    The following night I wash and dry the sheets. Bring them also when going to bed and again fold them while he gets ready for bed and is in bed. Next day I put away the sheets, towels and hang up my tee shirts sorted by color, with the ones with small holes and/or stains to the side to be used by me as PJ tops.

    Every few weeks I do a load of jeans.

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    mafastore  almost 3 years ago

    Storing clothes in house is easy.

    We have a class B RV – for those who do not know what this is – it is an RV in a van, in our case in a Chevy Van. There is VERY little storage space for anything. The “closet” – a cabinet in the kitchen area which holds 12 shirts on hangers (per its design). What we did was put in a set of folding shelves intended to keep sweaters or similar in a home closet. We each have 2 shelves for our clothing – whether a weekend or week long trip. If we go for 2 weeks the second week’s clothing for both us in a regular laundry bag which is stashed under his side of the bed.

    Jackets for weather are put on the “third seat” (behind the passenger seat in the front car area) and we lean them against the seat back and clothes the shoulder/seat belt over them.

    There are 3 cubbies on the sides over the bed area (and one of them holds the DVD player that came with it). The back cubby on the other side holds our spare shoes – we each bring/wear a pair of sneakers, a pair of hard shoes (in case of rain), and we keep a pair of slippers in the RV.

    Imagine dealing with this setup for a week or two for clothing storage.

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    darthnul  almost 3 years ago

    I don’t want my wife doing laundry. She messes up my system.

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