He even has feet that look like chimpanzee feet! So, if you were wondering where he was when he says, “Art Dekko didn’t get where he is …,” there’s your answer: He’s sleeping in the storeroom!
Art Dekko always makes a big deal over how he “got where he is.” But where is he now? Literally hiding under the bed in a storeroom over a 3rd-rate memorabilia store living on take-out slop. Yeah, you’re a real criminal mastermind, Art Dekko.
“Art Dekko didn’t get where he is by sharing too much information.”
“But Art, where you is is cowering in a back store room in fear of your life.”
Meanwhile, who was supposed to pick up the check for the da Vinci (if Dekko thinks its going to sell)? Dekko hire some impoverished European noble to claim s/he’d found it in the cellar? Would noble simply walk off with the check from Christies? (I mean, forger Art Dekko claiming the check would look real bad.)
When did Dekko have that bedroom setup installed in the storeroom? And, if Sue Reel is more than just an associate, Dekko, I think you might be celibate for the duration. Also, Sue, you can have more than pizza delivered, DoorDash, etc., will bring you food, and, other items, from many different places.
Okay… so whatever plan he might or might not have for dealing with 99, (and Art Dekko didn’t get where he is by telling the audience everything), his immediate plan is to hunker down in a defensible position and hope Kriptonight won’t be able to get to him. Good luck with that, Artie.
1-ART: As you’ve doubtlessly surmised, I’ve had Paul killed so I wouldn’t have to pay him. And you’ve doubtlessly surmised that that has backfired on me.
2-SUE: I didn’t surmise that – not at all!
3-ART: Oh. Well don’t worry. I wouldn’t do that to you. You’re special! When have I ever double… SUE: YOU SET ME UP FOR PRISON!
ART: ONE TIME! GEEZ! Get over it already!
OFF PANEL AT POLICE HQ – DT: Looks like Art slipped away – another case gone cold! We got enough cold cases to open a dagnab meat locker!
Today we see that “the loft” is little more than a storage space, in which Dekko has set up a cot, and maybe some other amenities for while he lies low, awaiting his reward from the auction of the fake da Vinci. But it is only in the sense that the storage room is upstairs that Art is moving up in the world. How deflating for him to have to hide from 99 and Kryptonite, not to mention the cops!
This, of course, means that Sue Reel gets a reprieve, being a necessary flunkey, at least for the time being. Once the money rolls in (as Art imagines), she again becomes an expendable liability….
Neil Wick almost 2 years ago
Good morning™, everyone!
He even has feet that look like chimpanzee feet! So, if you were wondering where he was when he says, “Art Dekko didn’t get where he is …,” there’s your answer: He’s sleeping in the storeroom!
firestrike1 almost 2 years ago
Art on the hides from Krip the Hit, no doubt…
avenger09 almost 2 years ago
Fartman’s mind must really be messed up.In panel 3 he says Sue, not Sue Reel!
Is that a first?
avenger09 almost 2 years ago
His dress shirt must be attached to the wall with velcro!
avenger09 almost 2 years ago
Sue’s eyes look like fish!
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray almost 2 years ago
Good morning™, Good Little Minions !
What if Sue gets killed ? Monkey boy breeds more questions than answers but his confidence is radiant as ever.
BreathlessMahoney77 almost 2 years ago
Art Dekko always makes a big deal over how he “got where he is.” But where is he now? Literally hiding under the bed in a storeroom over a 3rd-rate memorabilia store living on take-out slop. Yeah, you’re a real criminal mastermind, Art Dekko.
firestrike1 almost 2 years ago
it’s a long way to the top, but it’s JUST as long to the bottom… Art better hope for a safety net that’s nowhere in sight and never coming…
Ray Toler almost 2 years ago
In the city, you can get any type of food delivered, even groceries. I don’t see why he would get tired of pizza.
sugordon almost 2 years ago
I’m glad to see that Sue is at least beginning to wise up and seriously question Art
Ida No almost 2 years ago
Hmm. Storeroom locks from the outside. Art didn’t bring any Dixie cups. This may be a long weekend if Tracy detains Sue on suspicion…
iggyman almost 2 years ago
Afraid that 99 is going to find him!
Phantomfire 01 almost 2 years ago
“Art Dekko didn’t get where he is by throwing fecal matter at an electric fence. "
therese_callahan2002 almost 2 years ago
I like using Door Dash, Grub Hub, and Uber Eats.
Sporteric11 almost 2 years ago
Sue did not tell him about Dick Tracy. She must think that is the reason for him hiding.
Sporteric11 almost 2 years ago
Place add for Uber Eats here so Dekko won’t be stuck with pizza only !!!
BigDaveGlass almost 2 years ago
“I didn’t get where I am by……. " Sound like CJ from “The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin”
crobinson019 almost 2 years ago
Art Dekko doesn’t look like he’s getting ANYWHERE
LawrenceS almost 2 years ago
“Art Dekko didn’t get where he is by sharing too much information.”
“But Art, where you is is cowering in a back store room in fear of your life.”
Meanwhile, who was supposed to pick up the check for the da Vinci (if Dekko thinks its going to sell)? Dekko hire some impoverished European noble to claim s/he’d found it in the cellar? Would noble simply walk off with the check from Christies? (I mean, forger Art Dekko claiming the check would look real bad.)
SKJAM! Premium Member almost 2 years ago
He’ll have to hope Kryptonite or 99 don’t get the idea of posing as a food delivery person.
Tradewinds309 almost 2 years ago
We know Art Dekko is short, but how can he fit his whole body on such a tiny bed?
Evan2061 almost 2 years ago
Art Dekko didn’t get where he is by not speaking in the third person…
Droptma Styx almost 2 years ago
Art Dekko got to hiding in a storeroom sleeping on a cot and living on takeout pizza, is where Art Dekko got. Big deal!
lunapeachie almost 2 years ago
Art Dekko is sleeping on a cot in a storeroom that probably has poor air circulation and mold. Yeah, really hitting the big time, there.
Wizard of Ahz-no relation almost 2 years ago
where he’s gotten-is hiding in a storage room from a hit man he previously hired because of his own greed.that’s where he got where he is
IvanB.Cohen almost 2 years ago
So Sue is interim C.E.O. of the store. I take it from today’s episode, she has the authority to place orders and initiate conference calls.
Wichita1.0 almost 2 years ago
All the comforts of home? I think NOT!
“At Dekko doesn’t NEED a toilet in his posh new hidey-hole. Art Dekko can hold it!”
WilliamVollmer almost 2 years ago
When did Dekko have that bedroom setup installed in the storeroom? And, if Sue Reel is more than just an associate, Dekko, I think you might be celibate for the duration. Also, Sue, you can have more than pizza delivered, DoorDash, etc., will bring you food, and, other items, from many different places.
IvanB.Cohen almost 2 years ago
From store owner to hermit in a single bound…amazing!
kurtoons.wilcken almost 2 years ago
Okay… so whatever plan he might or might not have for dealing with 99, (and Art Dekko didn’t get where he is by telling the audience everything), his immediate plan is to hunker down in a defensible position and hope Kriptonight won’t be able to get to him. Good luck with that, Artie.
Gent almost 2 years ago
What next, she will keeps a beard too?
Phantomfire 01 almost 2 years ago
Shelley Pleger’s images rock the house!!!
CRUUNER almost 2 years ago
Just where IS ol’ Artie anyway?? Wherever it is who would want to join him??
oakie817 almost 2 years ago
might be a bad time to alienate your one friend
Phantomfire 01 almost 2 years ago
Best again to Mark Willman!
GoComicsGo! almost 2 years ago
P4 – Art: I’m not moping, I’m thinking.
Another Take almost 2 years ago
Why does everyone know Kryptonite is a hitman? Does he advertise?
Another Take almost 2 years ago
1-ART: As you’ve doubtlessly surmised, I’ve had Paul killed so I wouldn’t have to pay him. And you’ve doubtlessly surmised that that has backfired on me.
2-SUE: I didn’t surmise that – not at all!
3-ART: Oh. Well don’t worry. I wouldn’t do that to you. You’re special! When have I ever double… SUE: YOU SET ME UP FOR PRISON!
ART: ONE TIME! GEEZ! Get over it already!
OFF PANEL AT POLICE HQ – DT: Looks like Art slipped away – another case gone cold! We got enough cold cases to open a dagnab meat locker!
SAM: Yummmm, meat locker…
^ almost 2 years ago
Art looks like the illegitimate son of Dracula with a chimp
MuddyUSA Premium Member almost 2 years ago
I think Art Dekko is losing it?
Eric S almost 2 years ago
doordash, grubhub and ubereats do more than pizza!
IvanB.Cohen almost 2 years ago
I am witnessing something here today. Art Dekko will be the “Howard Hughes” of Tracy land.
gozar almost 2 years ago
Art Dekko got where he is by referring to himself in the third person.
Sisyphos almost 2 years ago
Today we see that “the loft” is little more than a storage space, in which Dekko has set up a cot, and maybe some other amenities for while he lies low, awaiting his reward from the auction of the fake da Vinci. But it is only in the sense that the storage room is upstairs that Art is moving up in the world. How deflating for him to have to hide from 99 and Kryptonite, not to mention the cops!
This, of course, means that Sue Reel gets a reprieve, being a necessary flunkey, at least for the time being. Once the money rolls in (as Art imagines), she again becomes an expendable liability….
jim_pem almost 2 years ago
Art Dekko got where he is by being stupid.