Clay Jones for November 16, 2023

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    adunano367  8 months ago

    Boy, 74k+ camps, what a patriot, huh?Dump the trump!

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    cmxx  8 months ago

    He keeps telling us more and more strongly that he’s a monster.

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    Odon Premium Member 8 months ago

    The wanna be “guards” are hoping for this.

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  4. Th marvin da martian
    Flashaaway  8 months ago

    He’ll out Hitler, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and all those other actual vermin who ever ran a country. Don’t let him have a second go at it.

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    knutdl  8 months ago

    Pizza rat is OK. He/She can easily escape from that camp.

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    Hello Everyone  8 months ago

    The Scary Truth!

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    Hello Everyone  8 months ago


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  8. Taz by abovetheflames
    danketaz Premium Member 8 months ago

    Alas, spotted Waldo.

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  9. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 8 months ago

    Powerful work from Mr. Jones. Brings up disturbing thoughts of relatives who died in such camps in WWII. At one time, I would never have thought such a thing was possible in the U.S. but I’m not so sure anymore.

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    akachman Premium Member 8 months ago

    Those darn facts getting in the way again. Trump is a danger to democracy. This is frightening.

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    DC Swamp  8 months ago

    Leftists play the Hitler card and Nazi card more often than the race card nowadays. Yaaaaawwwwwnnnn.

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    Fern   8 months ago

    You wanna keep calling us nazis?


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    Olddog1  8 months ago

    At fern: OK, how about black shirts?

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    cdward  8 months ago

    At Fern — the word is fascist. And YES! Absolutely! Trump ist tick all the boxes of what it means to be fascist. His “vermin” speech is just the most blatant expression. He absolutely means to declare martial law and arrest his political opponents.

    If you’re down with that, you’re a fascist, too.

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    The Nodding Head  8 months ago

    Hillary calls some Trump voters “deplorable.” Republicans enraged.

    Trump threatens to exterminate “vermin.” Republicans ecstatic.

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  16. Yin yang
    Havel  8 months ago

    Words matter. Trump knows this. Whether he personally thinks that he can lock up his opponents or just the rant of an ignorant, petulant, bullying, snowflake is not the point. There are people who want this and will have his ear should he win another term (shudder). That is the real problem; those on the right who believe political violence is justified.

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    brit-ed  8 months ago

    Listen to “the wall” in it’s entirety. “Put ’em up against the wall”…

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  18. Wtp
    superposition  8 months ago

    It’s getting very hard to see how/why the party of Lincoln that sought to united the nation was seduced into becoming a belligerent divisive exclusive obstructive authoritarian party.

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    Valiant1943 Premium Member 8 months ago

    He has no impulse control

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    Teto85 Premium Member 8 months ago

    Spot on Mr Jones, full marks, you hit the nail on the head with this one. Keep up the great work.

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  21. Lifi
    rossevrymn  8 months ago

    74,000,000, how much authoritarianism do you want?:

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  22. Bald eagle portrait
    Kilrwat Premium Member 8 months ago

    Stupid, cruel people always do well under fascist regimes.

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    Zebrastripes  8 months ago


    The evidence is in plain sight and earshot….will anyone really HEAR what they’re saying? What the madman rumple is saying? He wants to be a DICTATOR JUST LIKE NAZI HITLER!


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    Al Fresco  8 months ago

    In a Clay Jones world Trump is Hitler. In Biden’s we have the pronoun police where you can’t say male or female in a crowded theater. A real clear and present danger you might offend someone with a beard wearing a dress.

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    piper_gilbert  8 months ago

    “Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.”

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  26. Am  flag
    Geezer  8 months ago


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  27. Coexist
    Bookworm  8 months ago

    “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.” —Martin Niemöller (1892-1984).

    “[T]he greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.” —Dr. Marin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968).

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  28. Grouchomarx 2
    Groucho & Redd Panda  8 months ago

    Clay has fouled out on this one. trump loves Hitler.

    The great orange grease stain would be pleased to hear …

    trump’s another Hitler His grandfather was a Kraut

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    ShadowMaster  8 months ago

    I realize this is a cartoon. But I shiver to think how much it could be true.

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  30. Pine marten3
    martens  8 months ago

    I just read that Tik Tok banned this cartoon, labeling it as hate speech. Seems like they don’t know what hate speech really is.

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    SammySnyder  8 months ago

    And yet it was a Democrat that actually proposed reeducation camps for MAGAs.

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    Mike Baldwin creator 8 months ago

    Just following orders.

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  33. Freeradical
    Free Radical  8 months ago

    He is not beyond compassion, in the camps there will be zyklon showers to clean up the filthy vermin. Hope I am joking

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  8 months ago

    Barbed wire fence around Mar-Al-Lago.Keep him in.

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    ncorgbl  8 months ago

    Hey, that’s me in the 5th row, fourth from the right!

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  36. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  8 months ago

    Republicans really want to do this to Americans.

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    GiantShetlandPony  8 months ago

    At least, we’ll all be in very good company in the end. In some ways, better than living in the hell hold the USA would become under a President for life Orange Putin Puppet, and whatever horrible person takes the job after him. Don Jr. maybe? I would say he might have skipped straight to Baron, but apparently having a son that is actually very tall is driving him even crazier.

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  38. Carthago delenda est
    Carthago delenda est  8 months ago

    Don’t worry. They’ll be professional camps.

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    Victory  8 months ago


    Why do the cartoonists and the trump supporters still defend trump and cheer for trump?

    trump isn’t trying to deceive anybody.

    He has stated explicitly he will imprison the people who have slighted him.

    He will fire the people not deemed loyal, and replace them with sycophants.

    He will shut down news agencies and reporters who don’t present news and report news the way he likes.

    All of these things are unadulterated authoritarianism.

    So tell me. Explain it to me. What is the appeal of trump?

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    mrwiskers  8 months ago

    Name us a kingwho shall live forever—a peanut king, a potato king,a gasket king, a brass-tack king,a wall-paper king with a wall-paper crownand a wall-paper queen with wall-paper jewels.

    Name us a king,so keen, so fast, so hard,he shall last forever—and all the yes-men square shooterstelling the king, “Okay Boss, you shalllast forever! and then some!”telling it to an onion king, a pecan king,a zipper king or a chewing gum king,any consolidated amalgamated syndicate king—listening to the yes-men telling himhe shall live forever, he is so keen,so fast, so hard,an okay Boss who shall never bite the dust,never go down and be a sandwich for the wormslike us—the customers,like us—the customers.

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    PlatudimusAtom Premium Member 8 months ago

    TS – trump stormtroopers. And it’ll be tough •hit on us if he’s reelected.

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    IndyW  8 months ago

    Clay, 156 comments thus far. You really lit the fire today. Lot’s of “interesting” and informative exchanges. Good toon.

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    weatherman  8 months ago

    From Clay’s page -

    “If you don’t see the threat Donald Trump presents to this nation, then you’re betraying it. When I showed this cartoon to proofreader Laura today, as I do for every cartoon, she replied that this was more truth than satire and the cartoon made her “queasy,” which means it’s a good cartoon.”

    I agree with the proofreader.

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    Ammosexual is no Cheap Fake Premium Member 7 months ago

    I have my interview for a Tower Guard in eleven months……

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