Little kids play games like “Follow the leader” and “Simon says.” Republicans play the same little kid games only with Trump in place of the leader and Simon.
Unfortunately, “critical thinking” can also lead to being like those guys who looked at the latest failure sponsored by the Smithsonian, and laughed when they heard a couple of bicycle repair shop brothers had gotten a flying machine off the ground.
Among the adherents of Buttercup’s method of government, there might be a few who see it for what it is and attempt flight. But as seen above, they are only a few among the hordes who are blind to its dangers.
Reminds me of what happens when the truth finally dawns on M A G A nutjobs. The T-rump supporters falling to their demise in the gravity of their foolishness.
An example of how extremely difficult it is to kill fake news: Lemmings do not commit mass suicide.
Lemming Suicide Myth Disney Film Faked Bogus Behavior By Riley Woodford
“. . . In 1958, Walt Disney produced “White Wilderness,” part of the studio’s “True Life Adventure” series. “White Wilderness” featured a segment on lemmings, detailing their strange compulsion to commit mass suicide.
According to a 1983 investigation by Canadian Broadcasting Corporation producer Brian Vallee, the lemming scenes were faked. The lemmings supposedly committing mass suicide by leaping into the ocean were actually thrown off a cliff by the Disney filmmakers. The epic “lemming migration” was staged using careful editing, tight camera angles and a few dozen lemmings running on snow covered lazy-Susan style turntable.
“White Wilderness” was filmed in Alberta, Canada, a landlocked province, and not on location in lemmings’ natural habitat. There are about 20 lemming species found in the circumpolar north – but evidently not in that area of Alberta. So the Disney people bought lemmings from Inuit children a couple provinces away in Manitoba and staged the whole sequence.
In the lemming segment, the little rodents assemble for a mass migration, scamper across the tundra and ford a tiny stream as narrator Winston Hibbler explains that, “A kind of compulsion seizes each tiny rodent and, carried along by an unreasoning hysteria, each falls into step for a march that will take them to a strange destiny.”
That destiny is to jump into the ocean. As they approach the “sea,” (actually a river more tight cropping) Hibbler continues, "They’ve become victims of an obsession - a one-track thought: Move on! Move on! . . ."[https://www.ADFG>
“If you’re truly loyal to the only thing that will ever matter to you in this life, you’ll troop right on down to the US Capitol this very moment and put a halt to the travesty that’s about to occur there. Go, go, prove exactly who (not what) you’re loyal to!”
No one gals about how much Coca Cola spills each year or how much WalMart wastes. For that matter, the average household wastes 30% of their food a year because we are humans and that is what we do.
Americans are children who have so little idea of what their government does and that is why we are susceptible to the Repuglican efforts to gut it as the only effective counterbalance against monied interests.
As long as you can keep the middle and working classes mad at “government”, the rich can get richer and big business will get bigger.
rmremail 12 months ago
Dogma protects you from predators.
Critical thinking lets you be the predator.
David_the_CAD 12 months ago
My Carma ran over my Dogma.
Superfrog 12 months ago
Denial works well until you step over the edge.
Concretionist 12 months ago
Dogma is THEIR tool. Critical thinking is OUR tool. Don’t let them beat you down.
uhohlol 12 months ago
They just need some extra skin around the extremities, maybe get some tips from Rocky.
The dude from FL Premium Member 12 months ago
Why do I see orange here? His loyalty
Cornelius Noodleman 12 months ago
I see motorized parachutes around here sometimes.
cracker65 12 months ago
Critical thinking is mandatory for life. Never let someone else think for you.
shanen0 12 months ago
Confusing. Is he saying the one’s with paragliders are disloyal?
PraiseofFolly 12 months ago
The rodents with golden paragliders are not true lemmings. They weaseled their way through careers by cribbing, and became Cliff Stoats.
SavannahJim Premium Member 12 months ago
Those some chunky lemmings. At first I was like, “Why are those bears jumping off a cliff?”
toondel5 Premium Member 12 months ago
Bears, elephants – whatever. Real issue is who and what they drag along with them in the stampede to narcissistic, sociopathic and delusional madness.
Aficionado 12 months ago
Nowadays, the term “critical thinking” is a euphemism for, "Think the way I tell you to think.
goboboyd 12 months ago
Hope for the best… plan for the worst.
njchris 12 months ago
Zombiwoman 12 months ago
I get the point, but I dearly wish this fallacy (lemmings + cliffs) would die out!
dflak 12 months ago
Little kids play games like “Follow the leader” and “Simon says.” Republicans play the same little kid games only with Trump in place of the leader and Simon.
DaBump Premium Member 12 months ago
Unfortunately, “critical thinking” can also lead to being like those guys who looked at the latest failure sponsored by the Smithsonian, and laughed when they heard a couple of bicycle repair shop brothers had gotten a flying machine off the ground.
dogbreath84 12 months ago
Critical thinking is what Mothers-in-law adhere to.
sandpiper 12 months ago
Among the adherents of Buttercup’s method of government, there might be a few who see it for what it is and attempt flight. But as seen above, they are only a few among the hordes who are blind to its dangers.
johnschutt 12 months ago
As if it were one or the other.
ComicLover2 Premium Member 12 months ago
Reminds me of what happens when the truth finally dawns on M A G A nutjobs. The T-rump supporters falling to their demise in the gravity of their foolishness.
Bruce1253 12 months ago
I have no problem with people like that joining the Darwin Society as long as they do it BEFORE they vote.
vidyohsb1999 12 months ago
So Wiley woke up to what the looney left promotes. Dogma, narrative, and creative fantasies.
cbedda 12 months ago
Hey, I think I see Bill Barrrrr and lindsey by the gram in that cartoon.
Prescott_Philosopher 12 months ago
“Critical thinking” as opposed to Critical Theory.
mindjob 12 months ago
Redd Panda 12 months ago
I am thinking of the Indian Rajah, who marched his troops off a cliff, to impress a guest.
gregcomn 12 months ago
MAGA world’s rejection of science would indicate which lemmings don’t have a gliding apparatus. . . .
oakie817 12 months ago
and, interestingly, lemmings don’t really jump off cliffs
Bilan 12 months ago
A new sport, paralemming.
mwksix 12 months ago
Where’s the Head Gerbil’s floor-length red tie?
GreenT267 12 months ago
An example of how extremely difficult it is to kill fake news: Lemmings do not commit mass suicide.
Lemming Suicide Myth Disney Film Faked Bogus Behavior By Riley Woodford
“. . . In 1958, Walt Disney produced “White Wilderness,” part of the studio’s “True Life Adventure” series. “White Wilderness” featured a segment on lemmings, detailing their strange compulsion to commit mass suicide.
According to a 1983 investigation by Canadian Broadcasting Corporation producer Brian Vallee, the lemming scenes were faked. The lemmings supposedly committing mass suicide by leaping into the ocean were actually thrown off a cliff by the Disney filmmakers. The epic “lemming migration” was staged using careful editing, tight camera angles and a few dozen lemmings running on snow covered lazy-Susan style turntable.
“White Wilderness” was filmed in Alberta, Canada, a landlocked province, and not on location in lemmings’ natural habitat. There are about 20 lemming species found in the circumpolar north – but evidently not in that area of Alberta. So the Disney people bought lemmings from Inuit children a couple provinces away in Manitoba and staged the whole sequence.
In the lemming segment, the little rodents assemble for a mass migration, scamper across the tundra and ford a tiny stream as narrator Winston Hibbler explains that, “A kind of compulsion seizes each tiny rodent and, carried along by an unreasoning hysteria, each falls into step for a march that will take them to a strange destiny.”
That destiny is to jump into the ocean. As they approach the “sea,” (actually a river more tight cropping) Hibbler continues, "They’ve become victims of an obsession - a one-track thought: Move on! Move on! . . ."[https://www.ADFG>
Mike Baldwin creator 12 months ago
How could we not follow you, your lemmings are the cutest!
kenmareinc 12 months ago
This cartoon is insulting to bears; they are smarter than Trump’s Maga fools
Sojourner 12 months ago
Oh, so there is hope for the Woke. :-D
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 12 months ago
A loop,a whirl,and a vertical climb—-and once again it’s time for…….
brick10 12 months ago
US House Rs?
BW42 12 months ago
Why are so many lemmings followers of DJT?
viniragu 12 months ago
Poignant !! People are willing to put their faith and life in man made things, but not the Creators!!
Richard S Russell Premium Member 12 months ago
“If you’re truly loyal to the only thing that will ever matter to you in this life, you’ll troop right on down to the US Capitol this very moment and put a halt to the travesty that’s about to occur there. Go, go, prove exactly who (not what) you’re loyal to!”
Cactus-Pete 12 months ago
I don’t get it. There are no animals that jump off cliffs so what is this about?
keenanthelibrarian 12 months ago
What … you’ve got to jump to your death to prove your loyalty? What then?
eddi-TBH 12 months ago
“The ones who truly believe will learn to fly. Or at least get to Heaven.”
tee929 12 months ago
Nailed it!
Hollymartins2 12 months ago
No one gals about how much Coca Cola spills each year or how much WalMart wastes. For that matter, the average household wastes 30% of their food a year because we are humans and that is what we do.
Americans are children who have so little idea of what their government does and that is why we are susceptible to the Repuglican efforts to gut it as the only effective counterbalance against monied interests.
As long as you can keep the middle and working classes mad at “government”, the rich can get richer and big business will get bigger.
Darth Nefarius 12 months ago
Shouldn’t they be golden parachutes?