The boys just got out of school and we are already going on our first vacation of the summer. They are 16, (just turned 16 yesterday), a 13 year old and an 11 year old. My wife insists that the boys need to see the Atlantic Ocean, (they’ve already been to the Gulf of Mexico, Pacific, and Atlantic)," but it’s a different state". She wants them to walk around historic places and “learn” history.
Now, keep in mind that we have a 20’ by 40’, 8’ deep swimming pool, a hot tub, a large estate with a creek, and pond. We have a 3 bedroom lake house not more than a 20 minute drive from home. We having a shooting range, and a state park within 20 minutes that has canoeing, horse riding, a very large swimming pool, hiking, climbing and camping. We have a 40’ boat for the lake and river, and 10 computers in the home.
As kids we rarely had a vacation. I remember only one. We went camping and it rained the whole time. Kind of hard to entertain 9 children in a tent in the rain. We went home early. Besides, we preferred to be playing pick-up sports, climbing trees, playing tag, playing in the plastic pool, or just “hanging around”. We had more fun making our own entertainment. The guys usually didn’t want us girls playing sports; we were as good as they were, and that was not supposed to happen. lol
Given how young she looks, she probably won’t remember it anyway. We took our kids to lots of places. To be fair, they loved it a the time, so time well spent, but it’s depressing now when you ask them if they remember it and they go ‘No’. At least they were happy.
That would get the whole family kicked off the plane Zoe. And your whole vacation would be spent in the terminal while your parents try to book a flight back home on another airline.
Oh boy, you kids, once you’ve been through O Hare Chicago or Mexico City airport, you’ll be way to tired and stressed to fight. Nothing breaks someone down like not having slept in forever and going through security and customs and all the hoops.
I always wanted to do a River Boat vacation or even a train ride with those sleeper cars, neither ever happened though due to no money. My toxic ex MIL promised to take us on a train trip for one of our anniversaries but that never happened either.
danketaz Premium Member 8 months ago
Staycation just got my vote.
rekam Premium Member 8 months ago
he airlines will appreciate that.
hariseldon59 8 months ago
Not a good idea to make a disturbance on a plane. You could get put on the no-fly list.
BenGMan 8 months ago
Don’t even.
iggyman 8 months ago
Just think, instead of just you and Dad getting to enjoy our fighting, we can a few hundred other people to annoy!
cdward 8 months ago
Or camp. Send the kids away for a week or two and then go to the beach without them.
Nuke Road Warrior 8 months ago
We’re going to Gramma and Grampa’s, you and Hammie are staying there.
Huckleberry Hiroshima 8 months ago
Send her to camp. Summer Camp. Then enjoy your vacation.
eced52 8 months ago
Give them both a couple of ’ludes before the flight.
serial232 8 months ago
The boys just got out of school and we are already going on our first vacation of the summer. They are 16, (just turned 16 yesterday), a 13 year old and an 11 year old. My wife insists that the boys need to see the Atlantic Ocean, (they’ve already been to the Gulf of Mexico, Pacific, and Atlantic)," but it’s a different state". She wants them to walk around historic places and “learn” history.
Now, keep in mind that we have a 20’ by 40’, 8’ deep swimming pool, a hot tub, a large estate with a creek, and pond. We have a 3 bedroom lake house not more than a 20 minute drive from home. We having a shooting range, and a state park within 20 minutes that has canoeing, horse riding, a very large swimming pool, hiking, climbing and camping. We have a 40’ boat for the lake and river, and 10 computers in the home.
SquidGamerGal 8 months ago
Not helping your case, Zoe!
DawnQuinn1 8 months ago
As kids we rarely had a vacation. I remember only one. We went camping and it rained the whole time. Kind of hard to entertain 9 children in a tent in the rain. We went home early. Besides, we preferred to be playing pick-up sports, climbing trees, playing tag, playing in the plastic pool, or just “hanging around”. We had more fun making our own entertainment. The guys usually didn’t want us girls playing sports; we were as good as they were, and that was not supposed to happen. lol
Doug K 8 months ago
Fight for your “right” to fight.
MRC112 8 months ago
Given how young she looks, she probably won’t remember it anyway. We took our kids to lots of places. To be fair, they loved it a the time, so time well spent, but it’s depressing now when you ask them if they remember it and they go ‘No’. At least they were happy.
ctolson 8 months ago
That would get the whole family kicked off the plane Zoe. And your whole vacation would be spent in the terminal while your parents try to book a flight back home on another airline.
pheets 8 months ago
Summer camp never looked so…nice.
nonoyobeezwaks 8 months ago
Oh boy, you kids, once you’ve been through O Hare Chicago or Mexico City airport, you’ll be way to tired and stressed to fight. Nothing breaks someone down like not having slept in forever and going through security and customs and all the hoops.
Blu Bunny 8 months ago
Late 60’s was about 10 years old, Northeast Ohio, our vacation was Cedar Point one day and Sea world the next. I was satisfied with that.
kab2rb 8 months ago
Zoe is right on fights.
Sherlock5 8 months ago
I wonder…
Have some of Zoe’s friends been bragging about the fun trip they’re going to take over the summer and Zoe is feeling envious and wants to brag back?
oish 8 months ago
You’ve got one of three choices :Christmas, European or “Vacation” all staring Chevy Chase
Ermine Notyours 8 months ago
Interesting that Jeremy on Zits wants to go on vacation too.
metagalaxy1970 8 months ago
When I was a kid, our vacations was camping.
The Quiet One 8 months ago
Air Marshall’s frown on fighting on planes Zoe. Just sayin.
GKBOWOOD Premium Member 8 months ago
Plane, boat, train or rent an RV!!
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace 8 months ago
“Or ship, maybe a submarine, sled dog? trains are nice….”
Sambora1 8 months ago
I always wanted to do a River Boat vacation or even a train ride with those sleeper cars, neither ever happened though due to no money. My toxic ex MIL promised to take us on a train trip for one of our anniversaries but that never happened either.