Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons by Al Goodwyn for June 06, 2024

  1. Screenshot 20180802 120401 samsung internet
    Kurtass Premium Member 24 days ago

    Aren’t EOs bad, if you’re a democrat?

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    baroden Premium Member 24 days ago

    Except EO’s are not the way to fix the problem. There needs to be actual immigration reform. This was the GOP’s message before Biden and the Democrats asked them to approve new legislation. The GOP blocked that legislation because their Trump-Fuhrer told them to.

    The GOP is such a desperate group of deplorables that they can’t actually govern. They can only stand in the way of governance.

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    aristoclesplato9  24 days ago

    There’s still no solution. No limit on illegals pouring thru checkpoints. 2500 get to come in anywhere else. Millions more every year. All illegal.

    Dems want you to think illegals means undocumented. And if they document them then they are not illegal. Nonsense. Lie about amnesty and that’s illegal. And Dems let you in regardless of your country – including our enemies like Iran, Russia, China, and NoKo.

    We need someone who is experienced in securing our border. And only one candidate fits that bill.

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  4. Wtp
    superposition  24 days ago

    “If all immigrants were just to disappear from the U.S. workforce tomorrow, that would have a tremendous negative impact on the economy,” said Daniel Costa, the director of immigration law and policy research at the Economic Policy Institute, an economic research think tank based in Washington, D.C.

    “Immigrants are overrepresented in a lot of occupations in both low- and high-skilled jobs,” he explained. “You’d feel an impact and loss in many, many different occupations and industries, from construction and landscape to finance and IT.”

    Though some U.S.-born workers could fill some of those jobs, large gaps in several sectors would remain and cause a decline in the economy, Costa said.

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  5. Braveheart
    Free or Not? Premium Member 24 days ago

    Yup. Exec orders were used by Biden to Open the border wide up. Now they are being used by him to PRETEND he is slowing down the flow of illegal aliens. All with loop holes for exceptions and with new de facto amnesty for 350,000 illegals let in last year by ending their amnesty hearing requirement.

    All part of the plan boys, all part of the plan. To destroy America.

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    truthsocialol  24 days ago


    Once again, for the stupid people:

    There was a bipartisan deal reached.

    republican supporters of the bill insisted it represented the most comprehensive bipartisan border proposal in years and included many republican priorities that the republicans had been wanting for years.

    the twice-impeached non-president super felon republican trump said no, so the cowardly republicans who like their high-paying jobs with the perks killed the border deal.

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  24 days ago

    This is a resonable change in a kind of middleof the road way

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    The Nodding Head  24 days ago

    Legislation. It was there. It is there. But right wing blowhards would much rather screech destructively than act constructively.

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    mac04416  24 days ago

    Doesn’t that document say the entered the country illegally, and the must report to a court hearing?

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    Johncom  24 days ago

    I’m tired of the constant harping about how ILLEGAL aliens are good for us. Many of them are (except for the illegal part, but consider these facts:

    1. $14 billion to $22 billion dollars are spent each year on welfare to illegal aliens.

    2. $7.5 billion dollars are spent each year on Medicaid for illegal aliens.

    3. $12 billion dollars are spent each year on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally.

    4. $27 billion dollars are spent each year for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.

    5. $1.2 Billion a year is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens. 28% percent of all federal prison inmates are illegal aliens.

    6. $190 billion dollars are spent each year on illegal aliens for welfare/social services by the American taxpayers.

    Our immigration system used to be inefficient. Now it is broken, made so deliberately by the Biden Administration.

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    suzalee  24 days ago

    Biden hoped that Congress would act, and they refused. An actual law carries much more weight than an executive order. Also, the President can’t fund more courts that are desperately needed in order to speed up listening to appeals for sanctuary and determine if the seeker has a right to stay here. Only Congress can appropriate funds.

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    Jack7528  24 days ago

    Well Biden and his cabinet is dump!

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    davidthoms1  24 days ago

    Dishonesty is strong in this one!

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    artegal  24 days ago

    Wait. I thought all this time he was powerless to do anything about the border, and it was all the fault of the Republicans in Congress. You mean Brandon lied to us? The hell you say!

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    ChristopherBurns  24 days ago

    How long do you think it will last before being overturned in court? I give it a week.

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    ncorgbl  24 days ago

    So, they found tRump’s copy.

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    piper_gilbert  24 days ago

    He waited too long for the Republicans to do their job. They’re not going to do their job. Biden should have moved as soon as Trump shut down the bi-partisan border deal.

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    steveandeileen  24 days ago

    Republicans had a bill, Cheeto Jesus told them to kill it. You can’t complain about nothing getting done when you’re the one not doing anything,

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    rmike7842  24 days ago

    Meh…more irony. Many of Trumps former aids and staff have spoken out about this. This is one of the topics both sides should avoid.

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    s49nav  24 days ago

    The only acceptable number of illegal border crossings is ZERO.

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    jader3rd  24 days ago

    Executive Orders aren’t fixes to the boarder. Republicans in Congress need to do it. During the Obama administration Republicans approved of boarder legislation until they learned that Obama was fine with it too.

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    ferddo  24 days ago

    Interesting how Goodwyn depicts Biden as a high energy adventurer doing things that most men in their 80s could never do… despite the MAGA clamor that Biden is a feeble old man unable to do anything…

    Also odd how conservatives are all up in arms when Biden does what they’ve been screaming at him to do…

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  23. Frank
    Frankfreak  24 days ago

    Trump’s playbook. Good reason to go to that as a last resort when republicans block all other actions.

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    cbellmerit  24 days ago

    Politicians like EOs better than laws because they are easier to reverse. Obama used many EOs that Trump reversed, Trump used many EOs that Biden reversed. Because the Affordable Care Act was law it could not be reversed with another EO.

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    Al Fresco  24 days ago

    It took Biden 3-1/2 years to figure out he was loosing votes over the border issue. Now he finally admits he does have the authority to stop this disaster through executive orders? C’mon man.

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member 24 days ago

    Republicans were united for decades in the conclusion that chocolate should be the only flavor of ice cream permitted for consumption.

    Then one day a Democratic Party president announced that the only ice cream he serves his family is chocolate.

    The next day the GOP issued an official pronouncement that vanilla is the only flavor of ice cream permitted for consumption, and that anyone who claims chocolate is their favorite flavor is an unAmerican traitor who hates God and oughta be locked up!

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    Radish the wordsmith  24 days ago

    Felon Trump told the corrupt republican House to leave the border open so republicans could blame Biden. Anti American republicans are out right evil.

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    Groucho & Redd Panda  24 days ago

    Hard to believe someone with as little talent as Al Goodwyn, can make a living as an artist.

    He must have a side job, maybe as hairdresser?

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    Ivan the Terrible   24 days ago

    I’m getting angry with this political warfare! Stop and think, Sheeple, the Uniparty is using us all.

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    Nantucket Premium Member 24 days ago

    Al Goodwyn and Mike Johnson seem to have conveniently forgotten that the bill that SHOULD have made it to President Biden’s desk was a BIPARTISAN bill that the Repubs’ lord and master Trump told them NOT to pass because he didn’t want Biden to get a “win”. Many Repubs worked on the bill but their politics is more important than actually resolving an issue.

    Nixon scuttled the Vietnam peace talks because “war presidents win elections”. Reagan scuttled the peace talks between President Carter and Iran so Carter didn’t get an “October surprise” and then he and his team committed treason with Iran-Contra. Al and Mike must just LOVE all the death and destruction that created.

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  31. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  23 days ago
    US president Biden promised the 50 countries standing with Ukraine “will not walk away” or “surrender to the bullies”, as he addressed the crowds, adding: “Make no mistake the autocrats of the world are watching closely to see what happens in Ukraine … To surrender to bullies, to bow down to dictators is simply unthinkable.”

    He added: “History tells us freedom is not free. You want to know the price of freedom come here to Normandy to look.”

    And Les Budding, a former Royal Marine who served on a landing craft charged with providing covering fire for the first wave of troops who stormed Sword Beach, warne: “For many, this is the most dangerous time we have lived through … I am worried about the future.”

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    braindead Premium Member 23 days ago

    Once again:

    Republicans want to CLOSE THE BORDER!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Except they don’t.


    They have NO policy or policies they have proposed or passed (Republicans control the House). NONE.

    When Trump was elected, they proposed NO legislation.


    Instead, they constantly scream that the border is OPEN whenever a Democrat is president, and claim it’s all under control when a Republican is president. (It’s OKAY If A Republican Does It). They do not pass, or even propose legislation. The ONLY solution they believe in, is The Wall, that they believe Mexico will pay for.

    It is again, government by bumper sticker.


    What they DO, is to hire illegals at all levels of business, AND invoke massive amounts of H-1B visas, and other H-1 visas to import ‘legals’ who nobody tracks.

    Their analysis consists solely of tracking crimes committed by illegals and screaming that none of that would have happened without the porous border.

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    DrDon1  23 days ago

    More and more, it appears that Goodwyn works for Lara tRump’s RNC!

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    zendog13la  23 days ago

    He wouldn’t have had to do ANY of that if the f’n Republicans in the House would do their JOB.

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    calliarcale  23 days ago

    Executive Orders won’t solve the mess that is our immigration system. They are, at best, duct tape, bailing wire, and zip ties trying to hold together a gigantic and underfunded accretion of policies since the early 20th Century that does duty as a “system” of sorts. Executive Orders comprise much of its structure, but not all of it, nor even most of it; Congress created the bulk of it, and thus, it is Congress that must act to repair it.

    If you’ve got a damaged bridge, temporary repairs can get you so far. Eventually you’re going to have to do a permanent job, or, better yet, replace the thing. But that requires a level of commitment no politician can even envision these days.

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  36. Mooseguy
    moosemin  23 days ago

    Al, you seem to conveniently forget that Mitch McConnell always tabled Obama’s initiatives, until all the President had left was to issue Executive Actions. Then, YOU and every other republican %## vilified him for doing so! YOU REPUBS ARE SO BRAZEN THAT YOU DON’T EVEN TRY TO HIDE YOUR ARROGANCE ANYMORE! Of course, you have a huge army of morons who will follow wherever they’re led.

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    Al Fresco  23 days ago

    King Biden I’s well used book, “EO’S Dummies.” Another book in his library “Lawfare: How to Screw Your Political Enemies.”

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    Zuhl's Wife  23 days ago

    On the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the ghosts of our grandfathers who fought in WWII, and our grandmothers who supported them overseas, in factories, and at home, would be totally disgusted that the MAGA / Nazi movement is trying harder to destroy our country more effectively than all the weapons of our enemies. And those enemies are laughingly spewing their propaganda slop into the willing right wing media to feed the fifth-columnist pigs who eagerly believe every word.

    Let’s all follow the MAGA leader and dehumanize and victimize not just the “illegals” but all minorities and anybody who doesn’t look like “us”.

    “Why can’t we have migrants from places like Norway and Denmark?”

    “Can’t we just shoot ’em in the legs or something?”

    Google Operation Wet back (Go Comics banned word) for the MAGA / Nazi “final solution” to persecute, imprison and deport tens of millions of people.

    And the whole world is deathly afraid that the criminal wannnabe-dictator and his traitorous useful idiots turns America into a murderous Fourth Reich threatening millions (or billions) of lives while helping to doom our planet to a runaway green house effect. Earth will become a hell planet making Venus look like paradise.

    “So what’s in it for them?”

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  39. Sunimage
    Sun  23 days ago

    The Democrat Party for Dummies

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    gopher gofer  23 days ago

    ⇧ naturally, it takes one to know one… ☺

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    GiantShetlandPony  23 days ago

    Of course, there was better hard worked bipartisan legislation ready to be voted on and signed to law. Until Traitor Felon Trump told Johnson NO! It’s ridiculous anyone, but a fool would support Traitor Felon Trump, but there are a lot of fools in the world.

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