Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for October 04, 2024

  1. Ding a ling
    BasilBruce  6 months ago

    Heā€™s not just an average idiot, heā€™s Super-Idiot!

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    GreasyOldTam  6 months ago

    Elon Musk had a similar idea, only with net worth.

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    Fernangreigosa  6 months ago

    But does he have children?

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    cmxx  6 months ago

    If Rat doesnā€™t have children, at least we know heā€™s not a cat lady.

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  5. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  6 months ago

    Rat is wants democrazy eh.

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  6. Coyote
    eromlig  6 months ago

    What doesnā€™t seem fair is that I study the candidates and the issues carefullyā€¦and my vote counts no more than the guy who closes his eyes and throws a dart.

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  7. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  6 months ago

    He just proved his mental capacity as an idiot.

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  8. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  6 months ago

    Ratā€™s ego strikes again!

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    shanen0  6 months ago

    The theory of democracy depends on ā€œwisdom of crowdsā€, where many independent opinions tend to converge on best answers. However modern technology has pretty much destroyed the crucial ā€œindependenceā€ and lies are amplified by targeting them at the perfect idiots for each lie.

    (There are also problems with production costs. Itā€™s expensive to find the truth but lies are really cheap to produce. Also some lies (from liars more competent than the orange albatross) can only be debunked with expensive research.)

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  10. Tumble
    Keno21  6 months ago

    If you want other peopleā€™s money because you donā€™t want to work- vote democratic. If you want other peopleā€™s money because you are rich and want more- vote republican. Me; Iā€™m voting Bill and Opus.

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    Troglodyte  6 months ago

    Rats canā€™t vote ā€“ thank goodness for that.

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    Differentname  6 months ago

    In his novel ā€œDouble Starā€ Robert Heinlein came up with a great idea. Instead of voting based on where you live, you get to choose your own constituency. If you want to be a ā€œFarmer,ā€ or a ā€œGun Ownerā€ or ā€œMass Transit Userā€ or ā€œGamerā€ or whatever, thatā€™s who you are. The book itself is light on details, but I think itā€™s a good place to start

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    win.45mag  6 months ago

    Stephen missed out on the best laugh. He should have wrote,ā€œDear registrar of voting. I would like to registrar to vote.ā€

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    donlackie  6 months ago

    I like Rat.

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    tiprod1953  6 months ago

    Typical progressive elite.

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    bigcatbusiness  6 months ago

    At the rate things are going, I would trust a rat more than any politician.

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    Egrayjames  6 months ago

    Rat could always try buying votes. Maybe I could interest him in paying off my mortgage with someone elseā€™s moneyā€¦ā€¦Iā€™d vote for the Rat then.

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    scpandich  6 months ago

    I knew someone who thought voting should be weighted by education, e.g., someone who never graduated high school would get one vote, a high school graduate would get two votes, someone with some college education would get three votes, someone with an associateā€™s degree four votes, a bachelorā€™s would be five votes, etc.

    I told him heā€™d have a better chance of convincing people of the scheme if he wasnā€™t about to get his doctorate, which would have the maximum number of votes.

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    ajr58(1)  6 months ago

    Meanwhile, Tina Peters got nine years in prison. Sometimes, like now, I am proud of our justice system.

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  20. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  6 months ago

    I once met an honest politician, he had his hands in his own pockets!

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  21. Lifi
    rossevrymn  6 months ago

    anā€™ a 1000 times smarter than right-wing populistsā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.

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    Goat from PBS  6 months ago

    I wonder if unwarranted arrogance earns extra votes.

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  23. Apollo 11 launch 04
    Steverino Premium Member 6 months ago

    In a democracy, itā€™s your vote that counts.

    In fudalism, itā€™s your Count that votes.

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    ComicsDad5  6 months ago

    but your vote doesnā€™t count less than that other personā€™s. What you seem to want (if Iā€™m reading you correctly) is a system where the elites do all the choosing and the peons have no say. Wait, donā€™t we have that now? Maybe, but it sure would be nice if that worked more like ā€œIā€ think it should, nā€™est ce-pas?

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    Painted Wolf  6 months ago

    Nevil Shute proposed an excellent method in the novel In The Wet. You get one vote just for breathing at the time of the election. You got another if you were a professional (doctor, lawyer, teacher, engineer, architect, clergy, etc.). If you were a military veteran, another. (Note 1: you didnā€™t get the extra until after you left the military. ā€˜Veteranā€™ is the key. Note 2: if you were a professional and a veteran, thatā€™s two extra votes. The extra for being a professional does count while youā€™re in the military.) If you employed 1000 or more, thatā€™s another vote; a veteran who was a professional and employed 1000 would have three extra votes, itā€™s just that it would be difficult to get that combination. There were a total of six possible extra votes, the last being the Queenā€™s (Liz sat in Buck House then, itā€™d be the Kingā€™s Vote now that Jughead infests Buck House) Vote, granted by HM the Queen/King for exceptional service to the Empire/Commonwealth. Getting two extra votes would be fairly straightforward; there are a whole lot of veterans who are professionals, for example. Three would be more difficult, four or five nearly impossible; probably no one would score all six extra votes.

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    ladykat Premium Member 6 months ago

    Thatā€™s not how it works, Rat.

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    uniquename  6 months ago

    Right. And the vast majority of people are better than average drivers.

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  28. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  6 months ago

    Whoever said, ā€œAlls fair in love and war" was an idiot.

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    Count Olaf Premium Member 6 months ago

    Liberals write similar requests only they use crayons and omit every thing after the word ā€œButā€ and pick up again after ā€œAs such,ā€. They even have copies in Spanish, Chinese, Haitians, Jamaicans, Somali/Ghanan/ et al, for Illegal Immigrants. Oopsā€¦ The Count means Migrant Workersā€¦ so hard to keep up. God Bless America.

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    Code the Enforcer  6 months ago

    Rat should move to Chicago! ā€¦ Where as the saying goes ā€¦ Vote Early! ā€“ And Vote Often !! ā€¦ :)

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    whelan_jj  6 months ago

    If you live in on of those states where the mail ballots to everyone and than allow them to be deposited in Unattended ballot boxes, you only need to go to neighbors who donā€™t intend to vote and ask for their ballots. Vote as many times as you want.

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    John Jorgensen  6 months ago

    If I had multiple votes and there were more than two viable candidates, I would identify the least attractive candidate and divide my votes among the others.

    I remember some years ago watching a silly talent show on YouTube. The judges spent the season narrowing the field down to three contestants, then the audience had a week to vote for a winner. I donā€™t think there was a way to limit an account to one vote at the time so they just made it a free for all and encouraged the audience to vote as many times as they wished. I saw a comment from someone who proudly declared ā€œIā€™m voting for all three of them because theyā€™re all great!ā€ I tried in vain to explain that piling all your votes on your first choice was a valid strategy, and so was identifying your last choice and putting votes on both of the others, but that voting for all three would cancel out and was just a pointless waste of time. Turns out that trying to explain this was also a pointless waste of time, so I guess I was no better than the other commenter.

    Come to think of it, the whole show was a pointless waste of time. But I had nothing better to do.

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  33. Nollanav
    DaBump Premium Member 6 months ago

    Yeah, no.

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    GojusJoe  6 months ago

    Reading other comments, I have what I think is a unique opinion. I believe we should maintain the current electoral college system which gives every eligible voter an equal vote within his state. Then, regardless of the percentage of votes for any one candidate, each stateā€™s block of electoral votes (which is based on the stateā€™s population) goes to the candidate preferred by the people of that state. This way both the people and the states have a say in the outcome.

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  35. Nowyoulisten
    zeexenon  6 months ago

    Ha on you ā€¦ we have a great filter called the ā€œElectoral College.ā€ Psst ā€¦ you donā€™t vote for President, they do. But weā€™re expected to believe that every vote counts ā€¦ thing is, not as a whole vote.

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    KEA  6 months ago

    no dumber than the Electoral College

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  37. Mbsils
    marilynnbyerly  6 months ago

    Most idiots think they are smart so most of us wonā€™t take Ratā€™s word for it.

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  38. Bluedog
    Bilan  6 months ago

    This strip must come from the David Letterman joke: Vote, because your vote counts as much as somebody who knows what theyā€™re voting about.

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  39. Bluedog
    Bilan  6 months ago

    Everybody thinks theyā€™re 100 times smarter, so it works out to even.

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    petecocker  6 months ago

    Just got paper ballot in mail. Has long list of who canā€™t vote. One line item says ā€œIdiots andinsane peopleā€. I guess there will be a test at the polling place? It really says this!

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  41. Spinynorman
    Doctor Go  6 months ago

    Registrar of Voters to Rat: PROVE IT.

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  42. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 6 months ago

    Magats donā€™t believe voting is necessary any longer.

    Instead, they want to ā€˜installā€™ Their Messiah.

    If any elections are held, they must be Putin style. Including the jailing and/or execution of opponents.

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  43. Amazing fox photos 25
    eddi-TBH  6 months ago

    It only needs to count for ten votes, Rat. Most average idiots donā€™t vote. Which is probably a blessing in disguise.

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  44. Ericka huggins
    JLChi  6 months ago

    Cat ladies should get 10,000 votes per cat. And by ā€œper cat,ā€ I mean every cat she has plus every cat she ever had, including fosters and any ferals sheā€™s fed. Take that, JD.

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    Chris Sherlock  6 months ago

    ā€œThe trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.ā€ ā€”Bertrand Russell

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  46. Jesus
    TIMH  6 months ago

    You should only have as many extra votes as you have children. Ask JDV.

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    Cameron1988 Premium Member 6 months ago

    I already voted two Saturdays ago, so Iā€™m done voting for the rest of the year

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    Otis Rufus Driftwood  6 months ago

    Besides Rat , who says he is 100x smarter than everyone else.

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    csroberto2854  6 months ago

    unrelated note: Trump said that he might bring the purge for a day to get rid of criminals

    If he does that, he better hope none of his ā€œalliesā€ are willing to off him

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    DanMercer  6 months ago

    The best you can do is move to Wyoming and vote Republican, in which case your vote counts a tiny bit more than the vote of a Democrat from California. However, if you are a California Republican, your vote counts for nothing. Walz and Democrats hate the Electoral College where people vote by state. He thinks itā€™s unDemocratic. But the edge gained by a small state like Wyoming getting 3 votes instead of one isnā€™t anywhere near us unDemocratic as the Senate where all the voters of Wyoming have the same representation as all the voters of California. Thatā€™s a feature, not a bug. Without it the voters of California could legally plunder Wyoming.

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    da_villa  6 months ago

    What also sucks is the push to register voters knowing that the real voters will be the caretakers of those for whom they registered.

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