Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for December 03, 2018

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 6 years ago

    no texting and sending emoticons in class, Luann and Jack! (even if does seem funny)

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    cdcoventry  over 6 years ago

    I probably said this before but I’ll say this again..even if it’s not a “Relationship”..Jack is good for Luann and vice versa.

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    Faith :)  over 6 years ago

    Luann + Jack = ❤️

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    momofalex7  over 6 years ago

    Most teachers will confiscate cell phones.

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    31768  over 6 years ago

    they look at each other, only thing is I don’t get what for.

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    capricorn9th  over 6 years ago

    I love doing this with my husband. We do this everyday. They really need to update the GIFs. It’s getting harder to find new ones.

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    AnyFace  over 6 years ago
    Read in Ben Stein’s Voice. ✨
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    Dreamdeer  over 6 years ago

    Jack won’t get far as a veterinarian if he doesn’t pay attention in chemistry class.

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    Robin Harwood  over 6 years ago

    Concentrate, kids, or you’ll miss vital stuff like this:

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    Macushlalondra  over 6 years ago

    It’s not either/or in this situation, it’s both! But you’ll have a lot of energy running for the washroom!

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    Joe1962  over 6 years ago

    Luann+Jack not funny texting in class.

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    SactoSylvia  over 6 years ago

    I like that Jack and Luann are communicating, even sort of flirting. I wish they wouldn’t do it while they’re supposed to be paying attention in class, though.

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    Rosette  over 6 years ago

    First slang words and acronyms, now emojis – go home, Greg, you’re drunk (and not “hip”).

    How do you do, fellow kids?

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  14. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  over 6 years ago

    Remember, they attend a community college. Even at big name colleges, instructors aren’t picayune over the student’s behavior in class. The reason is that they have your money. Whether a student chooses to apply themselves and learn is not their concern!

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    Ruth Brown  over 6 years ago

    Texting is not a relationship.

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  16. Dra
    Fiammata  over 6 years ago

    If Luann and Jack have kids, will some of them have whites to their eyes and some of them not?

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  17. Big hug
    Brdshtt Premium Member over 6 years ago

    And so it starts… ❤️ (maybe a bit beyond friendship, that is – and who knows from there)


    My wife and I were good friends to best friends before we were married. She’s still my best friend and I couldn’t imagine not having her in my life. If somehow we got to come back for another round here, I’d spend that life trying to find her again.

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    GirlGeek Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Oh now this is cute

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  19. Trollspry
    Enter.Name.Here  over 6 years ago

    Another argument for banning phones in the classroom.

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    Troglodyte  over 6 years ago

    Is it International Emoji Day already?

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  21. Miriam
    Kymberleigh  over 6 years ago

    I just realized something in seeing today’s strip. Since the graduation from high school, we never see Bernice in a classroom setting, even though we have had several story arcs with Luann in one.

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    asrialfeeple  over 6 years ago

    This strip is a gas.

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    Mordock999 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Ah. Jack..,what IS his last name anyway? The one bright spot for the “mere males” in this Strip. The one guy regularly featured, that Team Evans and many fans, seem to actually “like.” Dogs LOVE Him. Tiffany Lusts after Him. Tara respects him. Luann likes him. Maybe more than “likes.” Yep. There’ll NEVER be a two hour time-limited “date” for Jack. No Sir, not EVER.And Luann will NEVER conjure up some LAME excuse on why an empty seat next to her in class is NOT available like she used to do to a certain guy We know:

    Jack – “Is this seat taken?”

    Luann – “Yes, by YOU!”

    The only disappointing thing is, Jack can’t hold his COFFEE. I mean, three cups is not even getting warmed up, big fella.

    And I wouldn’t worry about passing these classes, Jack. I know a guy that would be glad to tutor you through the tough parts in exchange for You showing him how to put on some muscle……,

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  24. Tyge
    Tyge  over 6 years ago

    So it’s “bathroom humor” today? :o)

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    Prescott_Philosopher   over 6 years ago

    This is the beginning of a new ark? Wonder where it’s going.

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  26. Large angrychicken
    RWY  over 6 years ago


    But then it’s like the course in my last undergraduate semester where, because it was a three-hour evening course and I was tired, I often ignored the lecture to write notes in my diary.

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  27. Tyge
    Tyge  over 6 years ago

    And Tara is… where?

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    yangeldf  over 6 years ago

    those emojis suck, they actually mean things

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  29. Morning cuppa
    Wizard of Ahz-no relation  over 6 years ago

    so the last two story lines are dropped just like that. guess greg stopped helping.

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    Vangoghdog01  over 6 years ago

    Gotta love those 7:00 AM classes. The Adjunct Professor, Full Professors tend to NOT teach at that hour, always talks in a monotones.

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  31. Yakko
    TheBigPickle  over 6 years ago

    Millennial foreplay… Just get a room already!

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  32. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Thank goodness we’ve left the Gunther-and-Les-decorate-the-house story arc behind. Let’s not go back there until after everything has been taken down and packed away next spring.

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    wildman-al  over 6 years ago

    A little ditty ’bout Jack & LuannTwo American kids growing up in the heart land

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    GaryCooper  over 6 years ago

    Jack, if you want to be a vet, you’re going to need chemistry.

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    luann1212  over 6 years ago

    Some of the most dumb judgmental posts today: OMG these two young adult college students are exchanging cute notes to each other the 21st century way, with cell phones. Horrors!!! Oh the humanity!! Less intrusive actually than the old way. There are two points I see at first glance: first the use of funny emojis to express thoughts, and nice cartooning to show that, and second that these two are so comfortable and easy with each other. It’s almost, not quite, but almost obvious they should be together, they are practically made for each other. Tara is right. God I hope so, Luann needs the right “one.”

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    ksrose911  over 6 years ago

    I didn’t like Jack at first but he is growing on me.

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    BJShipley1  over 6 years ago

    Uh-oh, looks like Greg & Karen have finally discovered emojis. And where were these cell phones during the monster truck rally when these two got removed but Tara didn’t know?

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  38. Rosie the rivetor
    Camiyami Premium Member over 6 years ago

    YAY! We’re back Jack and Luann! :) Hey, it sort of sounds like John Mellencamp’s “Jack and Dianne”… must be a sign!!

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    Moonyea  over 6 years ago

    Here’s my two cents. It’s time Luann had a more serious relationship and Jack would be a good guy to fulfill this. A lot of first relationships work out well but most don’t. This could go either way and as a worst case scenario they could become best buds! And let’s face it, it is a cartoon strip and with a few strokes of the pen Quill could be back in the picture with a better outlook as to how Luann is more to him then he thought!

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    procentrum  over 6 years ago

    no wonder it’s boring. this lecture is from grade 9 science.

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    katzpawz1a  over 6 years ago

    I wonder how Luann is going to react, on down the line, when Jack has to leave for veterinary school?

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  42. Green bird
    colcam  over 6 years ago

    Have we ever found out if astatine is a true diatomic?

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    swanridge  over 6 years ago

    Looks like “F” on the mid-term.

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    Argy.Bargy2  over 6 years ago

    Regarding the issue of confiscating cells in classrooms: the attitude towards students having phones with them has changed drastically since the murders at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, here in Florida. Not only can students call for help or report an active shooter, but the phone can be left with an open line so the dispatcher can hear what is going on and alert first responders about where the shooter appears to be, how many victims might be in what locations and so on. Sorry, but things have changed…

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    Argy.Bargy2  over 6 years ago

    Reading comments that say this arc shows a serious relationship is happening, or it’s time for one, or what, makes me think of parents who keep pushing their kids to hurry up and date. And then it’s hurry up and get married. And then it’s hurry up and have kids. Anybody ever think that maybe we wouldn’t have such high divorce rates if people would just quit pushing relationships on other people before they are ready for them?

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    Airman  over 6 years ago

    Technology moves forward? But, kids still act like high school sophomores. Giggle, giggle.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 6 years ago

    How could diatomic and monatomic gases possibly be boring? Does not compute. Does not compute. Does not compute. Does not compute….

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    baraktorvan  over 6 years ago

    The way they are looking at each other, you know there is something brewing there that is more than just friends.

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    Argy.Bargy2  over 6 years ago

    @katzpawz1a: If Jack is serious about being a veterinarian, he would need to pay attention to a chem class. He isn’t paying attention, so I’m figuring he mostly wants to be a vet tech.

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    Scoutmaster77  over 6 years ago

    As a sub-teacher, I would walk around the classroom as students worked quietly. Sometime a student would be using their cell phone in their lap. I would announce that, “There were only two reasons why a high school student would have their hands in their lap during class and one reason was a cell phone. I hope that’s a cell phone.” We would all have a good laugh as the phone was put away. :-D

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  51. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member over 6 years ago


    A very humorous start to a new arc today. The emoji discussion….. funny. However, I still tend to be an “emoticon” aficionado myself ( ~~u/ ).

    It appears to me that Greg is testing out a new format of weekly “mini-arcs” where he is changing the arc each week. Although the value of this new format is debatable…. for me I tend to like the change each week, even if it lends itself to continual “cliff-hangers” and “unresolved story lines”. The reality is…. The comic, Luann, has become a long-form story format and has been so for several years now. I see value in this new, weekly change, as it allows us to rotate through the characters more frequently and does not stay as fixated on one arc for multiple weeks…. which can at times, be less interesting when it involves certain characters. So, if this weekly pattern continues…. I am fond of it.

    As a professor myself, I can state that my policy about electronic “gizmos” is very simply…. the student can do what he or she would like…. as long as their “gizmo” is not distracting to others (noise or visuals). But, my students also quickly recognize that if they play on their “gizmo” too much, they will perform exceptionally poorly on my exams. So, quickly the use of electronics becomes primarily for classroom related, academic benefit… and not play. My only “rule” other than that of non-distraction… is that the “gizmos” must be fully OFF and put away during exams.

    Both Luann and Jack seem to be “light-weights” in regards to coffee, IMO. :)

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  52. Kitty relaxing
    DamSkippy  over 6 years ago

    Jack is doing Luann a disservice by distracting her from her education with something 6th graders would think funny. Try thinking from an instructor’s perspective. It’s possible you may be bored, but there’s no reason to be rude.

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    notbornyesterday  over 6 years ago

    What both of you “shoud’a” is turn off your toys and pay attention in class

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    Aladar30 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    I love the way they flirt. The smile that they exchange. They’re so cute!

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    nathenleeturner  over 6 years ago

    I can see this friendship becoming a romance. mainly because neither one if entering with expectations, both just like being with the other.

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  56. Ligand1
    RSH  over 6 years ago

    Common Jack if you are going to anesthetize dogs and cats and keep them stable during surgery then you need to be interested in gases and their properties.

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  57. Little lulu
    sallymargaret  over 6 years ago

    The Diatomic Elements: “Have no fear of ice cold beer.” (Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Fluorine, Oxygen Iodine, Chlorine, Bromine.) Monatomic gases: “Xenophobic racists have no kindness or affection.” (Xenon, Radon, Helium, Neon, Krypton, Oganesson, Argon.) Monatomic gases: The noble gases. The only chemical elements which are stable single atom molecules at standard temperature and pressure. Diatomic gases: Diatomic molecules are molecules composed of only two atoms, of the same or different chemical elements. That’s the lecture in a nutshell.

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    STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Maybe Luann and Jack will form an ionic bond, where polar opposites bond strongly together.

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    Sisyphos  over 6 years ago

    Please silence all cellphones and electronic devices.

    And don’t text in class (it’s the new equivalent of passing notes)….

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    LtPowers  over 6 years ago

    Haha, it’s funny because no one likes science, amirite?

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    amberlep1.  over 6 years ago

    As I read through all these comments, I realize that some of you may not know that this is not real…I am sure the human Jack and Luann are paying attention in class, because that’s what all young college students do…ALL of them!! LOL

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  62. Little lulu
    sallymargaret  about 6 years ago

    It just dawned on me, while watching the nearly full moon tonight, that 50 years ago today three astronauts rode aboard Apollo 8 orbiting the moon: James Lovell, William Anders and Borman. I was in a little cabin in Colorado on a ski trip, and we listened to the three astronauts read from the book of Genesis over a crackly radio. It would never happen today, unfortunately. It was magical! It was the best part of our trip.

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