Don’t need no steenking religion if you’re where you already HAVE the answers, right? It would make more sense if the sign mentioned the absence of politics.
I was reading about the Crimean War the other day and discovered it began as the result of a dispute between Catholics and Orthodox in the Holy Land. Only, the churches had patched up their differences before the nations decided they still needed to have a war. They still got blamed.
from wiki “Religious War”: Some historians argue that what is termed “religious wars” is a largely “Western dichotomy” and a modern invention from the past few centuries, arguing that all wars that are classed as “religious” have secular…. ramifications.5 (Economic, political, ethnic….)
5. Cavanaugh, William T. (2009). The Myth of Religious Violence : Secular Ideology and the Roots of Modern Conflict. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-538504-5.
As I’ve said before, it’s hard to see any argument of “my god can beat your god” as having a point, since faith (including religious faith) is to believe in something without evidence. Why would any “all loving” god give equally vague instructions to almost all religious faiths, and watch his “children” develop so much hatred against each other over which “god” is correct?
The Church Triumphant resides in the eternal heavenly kingdom. We are in the Chuch militant on earth, constantly at war with evil while the souls in purgatory are in the Church suffering.
The Body of Christ, the Church, continues in heaven. Thanks be to God.
It has been observed that the more adamantly one believes in their religion, the more likely they are to hate those who don’t, thus in a stroke, denying one of the main tenets of said religion.
“By a show of hands, how many of you believe in any of the following ancient gods: Apollo? Zeus? Vulcan?….Not a single one of you? Okay, so it appears we are all atheists with respect to those gods”
Right wing religious extremism from the big 3 religions is at the root of ALL of humankind’s problems. It is the source of division, hate, and greed of all kinds that throttles nearly our capacity for advancement as a species. We need to treat this as a mental disease, why act in direct opposition of the peaceful tenets they teach unless you have a mental problem?
Back when I was a productive member of society, I had a hard rule, “I don’t discuss religion or politics.” I would recite that often enough to get the message across.
Religion per se isn’t a problem. Religion is just a symptom of the real, underlying problem, namely faith — the mindset that deludes people into thinking that they can somehow or other “know” things without a shred of supporting evidence, and frequently in the face of considerable evidence to the contrary. Faith gives us not only religion but also homeopathy, astrology, objectivism, ufology, conspiracy theories, climate-change denial, false accusations of ritual satanic child abuse, anti-vax movements, a host of superstitions, personality cults, jingoism, imperialism, racism, quackery, Chinese traditional “medicine”, feng shui, and the insidious brain parasite that leads people to endlessly obsess over anyone named Kardashian.
Faith is humanity’s all-time, blue-ribbon, gold-medal, undisputed, undefeated, heavyweight world-champion worst method EVER of making decisions! Nobody ever uses faith for anything that can be tested or measured or that really matters in real life.
The priest class, needless to say, praises faith to the skies, because their paychecks depend on suckers continuing to fall for it. Religious believers are the victims in a huge, accurately named confidence game.
Don’t believe me? Test it for yourself. The difference between education and indoctrination is whether the person at the front of the room welcomes questions from the audience. Try it the next time your minister is in the middle of a sermon.
Other than all the pro-/anti- religious/atheist comments I read here, in my real life no one ever discusses or pressures me about such matters. Live and let live – most people don’t care either way.
“Don’t you know that the unrighteous will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be deceived: No idolaters, adulterers, fornicators, homosexuals, thieves, liars, swindlers, nor the envious will inherit the Kingdom of the Lord.” – 1 Corinthians 6:9
Dtroutma almost 5 years ago
Nor politics.
i_am_the_jam almost 5 years ago
Right on!!!
Say What Now‽ Premium Member almost 5 years ago
If only that applied here.
GreasyOldTam almost 5 years ago
…or politics…
Bilan almost 5 years ago
A lot of atheist would interpret it to mean that they’re the righteous ones, without realizing that they’ve been religious the whole time as well.
Concretionist almost 5 years ago
Don’t need no steenking religion if you’re where you already HAVE the answers, right? It would make more sense if the sign mentioned the absence of politics.
Superfrog almost 5 years ago
eastern.woods.metal almost 5 years ago
I live in an apartment building with an elevator. I’m going to label the up and down arrows with the appropriate destination
Gary Fabian almost 5 years ago
Its definitely not a democracy.
Russell Hauser almost 5 years ago
Heaven indeed.
cdward almost 5 years ago
I was reading about the Crimean War the other day and discovered it began as the result of a dispute between Catholics and Orthodox in the Holy Land. Only, the churches had patched up their differences before the nations decided they still needed to have a war. They still got blamed.
keenanthelibrarian almost 5 years ago
How cynical.!
dot-the-I almost 5 years ago
from wiki “Religious War”: Some historians argue that what is termed “religious wars” is a largely “Western dichotomy” and a modern invention from the past few centuries, arguing that all wars that are classed as “religious” have secular…. ramifications.5 (Economic, political, ethnic….)
5. Cavanaugh, William T. (2009). The Myth of Religious Violence : Secular Ideology and the Roots of Modern Conflict. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-538504-5.
HidariMak2 almost 5 years ago
As I’ve said before, it’s hard to see any argument of “my god can beat your god” as having a point, since faith (including religious faith) is to believe in something without evidence. Why would any “all loving” god give equally vague instructions to almost all religious faiths, and watch his “children” develop so much hatred against each other over which “god” is correct?
Nate England almost 5 years ago
It’s not a religion; it’s a relationship!
bryce.gear almost 5 years ago
Makes perfect sense, there is but one, by any name you wish to use.
Masterskrain almost 5 years ago
Seems kinda “Meta” to me…
Dobby53 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
But, where’s the cat? Wiley’s God always has a Cat at the Gate.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 5 years ago
If Jesus were to ever come back, supposed Christians would be like the Pharisees!!!
dflak almost 5 years ago
To paraphrase Will Rogers: I am not a member of any organized religion; I’m Episcopalian.
Brain Pudding almost 5 years ago
The Church Triumphant resides in the eternal heavenly kingdom. We are in the Chuch militant on earth, constantly at war with evil while the souls in purgatory are in the Church suffering.
The Body of Christ, the Church, continues in heaven. Thanks be to God.
1953Baby almost 5 years ago
Can I get an “AMEN” to that??
bbenoit almost 5 years ago
Religion is of man, by man and for man; therefore, when man dies, religion dies with him.
Pickled Pete almost 5 years ago
This is exactly why MAN is superior to others of the animal kingdom, he had the smarts to invent for himself something invisible which he could fear.
DigitalJim almost 5 years ago
It has been observed that the more adamantly one believes in their religion, the more likely they are to hate those who don’t, thus in a stroke, denying one of the main tenets of said religion.
goblue86 almost 5 years ago
My favorite line from Dan Brown’s Origin,
“By a show of hands, how many of you believe in any of the following ancient gods: Apollo? Zeus? Vulcan?….Not a single one of you? Okay, so it appears we are all atheists with respect to those gods”
ChazNCenTex almost 5 years ago
Yeah if you’ve gotten this far all questions about religion are moot.
David Illig Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Oh, yeah? Then why is the guy at the podium wearing a halo, symbol of the Christian sainthood myth?
Blaidd Drwg Premium Member almost 5 years ago
No Religion. Ah, ‘Modern Love’.
thelordthygod666 almost 5 years ago
Space_cat almost 5 years ago
Right wing religious extremism from the big 3 religions is at the root of ALL of humankind’s problems. It is the source of division, hate, and greed of all kinds that throttles nearly our capacity for advancement as a species. We need to treat this as a mental disease, why act in direct opposition of the peaceful tenets they teach unless you have a mental problem?
the lost wizard almost 5 years ago
Horse sense.
paranormal almost 5 years ago
No politics either…
Fido (aka Felix Rex) almost 5 years ago
diegot almost 5 years ago
Now, that would indeed be heaven!!
locake almost 5 years ago
Is this a repeat? I’m sure I saw this same comic some where in the last month.
Brian Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Back when I was a productive member of society, I had a hard rule, “I don’t discuss religion or politics.” I would recite that often enough to get the message across.
locake almost 5 years ago
This is from April 11, 2016. I did see it last week when I was reading the comic about Kate becoming a teenager. I read a few days into the next week.
Richard S Russell Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Religion per se isn’t a problem. Religion is just a symptom of the real, underlying problem, namely faith — the mindset that deludes people into thinking that they can somehow or other “know” things without a shred of supporting evidence, and frequently in the face of considerable evidence to the contrary. Faith gives us not only religion but also homeopathy, astrology, objectivism, ufology, conspiracy theories, climate-change denial, false accusations of ritual satanic child abuse, anti-vax movements, a host of superstitions, personality cults, jingoism, imperialism, racism, quackery, Chinese traditional “medicine”, feng shui, and the insidious brain parasite that leads people to endlessly obsess over anyone named Kardashian.
Faith is humanity’s all-time, blue-ribbon, gold-medal, undisputed, undefeated, heavyweight world-champion worst method EVER of making decisions! Nobody ever uses faith for anything that can be tested or measured or that really matters in real life.
The priest class, needless to say, praises faith to the skies, because their paychecks depend on suckers continuing to fall for it. Religious believers are the victims in a huge, accurately named confidence game.
Don’t believe me? Test it for yourself. The difference between education and indoctrination is whether the person at the front of the room welcomes questions from the audience. Try it the next time your minister is in the middle of a sermon.
willie_mctell almost 5 years ago
Belief is no longer required.
falcon_370f almost 5 years ago
Except if you aren’t religious, that’s not where you will go.
robhanold almost 5 years ago
John Lennon lives.
walstib Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Other than all the pro-/anti- religious/atheist comments I read here, in my real life no one ever discusses or pressures me about such matters. Live and let live – most people don’t care either way.
Mi-Tasol almost 5 years ago
Wiley must be sick and his agent re-posting his genius from the same date in 2016.
Madzdad the bard almost 5 years ago
My Episcopal bishop has a bumper sticker that says, “Dear God, please save us from your followers” — Love her!
ejrayh almost 5 years ago
Well, glad to see John Lennon made it to heaven.
Andylit Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Makes sense. All the questions are answered, all the ambiguity is removed. It stops faith and becomes reality.
GiantShetlandPony almost 5 years ago
Oddly, it was observed a very long time ago that it may be easier to be moral without religion, than it is to be moral with religion.
John W Kennedy Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Let’s see what the Bible says:
Rev 22:1. And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
2. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.…
22. And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.
So, ummm…. This cartoon is 100% straight Christian orthodoxy.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 5 years ago
“Don’t you know that the unrighteous will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be deceived: No idolaters, adulterers, fornicators, homosexuals, thieves, liars, swindlers, nor the envious will inherit the Kingdom of the Lord.” – 1 Corinthians 6:9
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 1 year ago
That s a closed elite club only the like-minded are allowed in.