Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for November 21, 2012

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  over 12 years ago

    Holy Moly! So many costumed heroes and villains!

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  2. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  over 12 years ago

    Good morning all…

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  3. Zap
    60sFan  over 12 years ago

    I agree with those who said it yesterday: this has to be a staged event.

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  4. 1682106 inline inline 2 mel brooks master
    Can't Sleep  over 12 years ago

    I’m just surprised the Scarlett Sting hasn’t shown up!

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  5. 1682106 inline inline 2 mel brooks master
    Can't Sleep  over 12 years ago

    Morning VistaBill, margueritem, and all!Sssshhh! Don’t wake SDM; must be past is bedtime.

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  6. Missing large
    drogers30  over 12 years ago

    A movie filming!!!

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  7. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  over 12 years ago

    Funny, I could have SWORN that I’d put Dick Tracy on my Gocomics list…….

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  8. Db icon60
    Ashmael  over 12 years ago

    It reminds me of costumed roleplay at Lucca Comics and Games! There were even weirder costumes! And no, I don’t think the Authors have gone bonkers, I think there’s an intriguing story developing! Just leave the Human Spaghetti Monster out!

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  9. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  over 12 years ago

    I just noticed. If you look in back of the Cinnamon Knight’s head. You see the scalloped pattern of theater curtains.

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  10. Mysta chimera invading blackhearts hq   8 29 2015
    willy007  over 12 years ago

    Hang in there, you “purists.” The explanation is coming soon.

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  11. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 12 years ago

    Bringing a knife to a gunfight doesn’t seem like a good idea, even if it’s a very big knife versus a spear gun.

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  12. Groucho marx
    coldsooner  over 12 years ago

    Staged or not, Piranha and Knight both have that late 60’s, early 70’s kind of “throwback” feel for me. Like they would fit right in with the Batman of that day, or even Plastic Man, Metemorpho or the Metal Men. Neat.

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  13. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 12 years ago

    The Chicago/Tracyville Film Commission must have rented out Downtown to some Hollywood studio for this costumed superhero epic! Maybe that’s the real reason Vitamin Flintheart is in town! (In other words, I am loathe to believe that these characters are “real.”)

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  14. Freddylombard01
    daedalusomega  over 12 years ago

    “Cinnamon”? This just came to my mind:

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  15. Mongo
    Mongo  over 12 years ago


    Next scene!!

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  16. Super bowel downtown 034
    AB9SS  over 12 years ago

    Meanwhile…Back in the Bat Cave…Holy Twinkies!!! Screamed Robin when he read the headline that Hostess was shut down!!!

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  17. Mmandsp
    jz27wk Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Based on yesterday’s Burt Ward photo, have we just discovered that Robin was working with the Penguin when he hijacked all the truck loads of Twinkies?? Perhaps the real villian there was the Boy Blunder?

    Did you know that prior to appearing on Batman, Burt Ward was already listed in Guiness Book of Records as the fastest reader in the world?

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  18. Skipper
    3hourtour Premium Member over 12 years ago

    ..I keep expecting to hear the word,“CUT!” shouted at any moment…

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  19. Missing large
    mjmsprt40  over 12 years ago

    Naperville’s gonna need a bigger crazy farm. Too many loonies at the jewelry store, the MCS won’t be able to handle all of them.

    In real life, I live only a few miles from Naperville and have occasion to go there from time to time. You’d think costumed nogoodniks being chased by costumed crimefighters would get noticed, and be commented on by the surrounding towns which lack such things. Nope, nada, the local papers are actually kind of quiet.

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  20. Mmdash6
    Pequod  over 12 years ago

    Might this jewelry heist be on a movie set With the skills of Team Tracy it seems a good bet That there’s more afoot than meets the eye Further speculation I won’t try.Hands down it’s certain that Tracy’s the way To get off on the right foot at the start of each day.Fantastic puzzle pieces set out yet not in place Anticipation mounts awaiting Broadway Bates.He’s coming town with bad intentions And then there’s She, whom I won’t mention. It all adds up to a resurrected strip Count me in on this mind-blowing trip.

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  21. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  over 12 years ago

    What is that ominous sound

    Like a rumbling deep under ground?

    Oh No! It’s the grousing of the tribe

    Saying the story just doesn’t jibe

    With their perception of the strip

    They think it’s a crock of ….

    Costumed characters, they say “do not belong”

    “In Dick Tracy, it is just so wrong”

    They hurl their invective

    Saying this course is defective

    The story line just makes them sick

    They want their pure unblemished Dick

    They cry that the strip is sinking

    “Just what are Joe and Mike thinking”

    Do you think it would it give them some joy

    To have a visit by lowly Shoeshine Boy?

    Or perhaps it would be less absurd

    For an appearance by Henry Cabot Henhaus the third

    So as Pequod77 so aptly stated

    Just wait with your breath bated

    Good things are coming soon

    That may just make you swoon.

    Great poem, Pequod77

    Thank you Tarry and coldsooner.

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  22. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  over 12 years ago

    If this is a movie scene (I weep for the investors), wouldn’t there be cameras all over the place, and even-wierder Hollywood people with their tripod chairs? Wonder where their red carpet roll-out will be? Maybe a dollar cinema with half-priced popcorn.

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  23. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  over 12 years ago

    On the other hand, maybe the investors got the best part of the deal – they set the record for a low-budget movie! Yeah, Willy, call me a “purist”.

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  24. Lon chaney london after midnight
    MoonlitKnight Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Good Morning Detectives and Costumed Do-Gooders!Broadway Bates got busy real quick, it looks like!

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  25. 188 1
    hunt  over 12 years ago

    Seems that a few months ago I was reading about caped/masked people pretending to be super heroes actually out on the streets of some cities. And didn’t Mike tell us on Yahoo (maybe) that we were going to see some masked crusaders for justice in the strip?

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  26. Missing large
    puddleglum1066  over 12 years ago

    I’m still confused over whether this strip’s taking place in Tracy’s city or that “other city” (aka “Elsewhere”) mentioned in the Saturday and Sunday strips, where masked/caped characters are apparently common.

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  27. Mmdash6
    Pequod  over 12 years ago

    A tip o’ the hat to Wndrwrthg. Thanks and well done! Safe travels to all Tracy fans heading out for Turkey Day festivities.

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  28. Missing large
    tcreole  over 12 years ago

    I’ll tell you what astounds ME about the Cinnamon Knight — his costume is arguably cinnamon-colored! I would have expected the color monkeys here at GoComics to go with blue, or something.

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  29. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  over 12 years ago

    hmm, ya know.. with the recent proliferation of super-goodniks, methinks that mayhaps a “THUNDER GIRL” appearance with her trusty sledgehammer WOULD fit into the current theme of the strip. imagine mysta hurling her sledgehammer thru the plate glass window in an attempt to take down black p, and instead it changes trajectory due to her erroneous use of her magnetic powers and instead creams the cinnamon knight in the back of the head, laying him out and providing black p with a clean getaway. all thats needed in addition is to have it revealed that broadway bates is working for QUEENIE and the whole “greasepaint gang” would be in full swing! lol!

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  30. Gedc0042
    johnrussco  over 12 years ago

    This Piranha gal is intimidating with a spear gun, scabbard and dagger not to mention that face full of teeth NO nose. That has to be Mr. Brave (BK) his sword latched down and his index finger stuck out there, putting demands on BP even though he seems to be all armored up there …. but what if she shot him in the chin with that spear gun? It is just like the Steve Miller Band says “It just keeps getten better everyday” Keep on a rocken me baby, keep on a rocken me baby, keep on a rocken … a rocken ….. A rocken me, Baby, baby ….

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  31. Buttons
    puckerpuss  over 12 years ago

    We have several costumed “super heroes” in Seattle, who have now spawned their own “super vlllians”, most notably Phoenix Jones and Rex Velvet. This rings fairly true to me, more so if Piranah has her own vodka line and well-produced youtube videos baiting The Knight.

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  32. Buttons
    puckerpuss  over 12 years ago

    Sample Rex Velvet video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6o25q6sSlvk

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  33. Missing large
    prrdh  over 12 years ago

    Why isn’t he carrying a mace instead of a sword?

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  34. Missing large
    mzkdad  over 12 years ago

    I posted late last night on yesterday’s installment, one of my rare posts, probably nobody saw it. So, my 2c is that I am enjoying this arc. I am not clear what a DT “purist” is. I have been a fan of DT for well over 50 years, and from that perspective, the whole Moon Maid/space travel elements might be “impure.” I like the shout-outs to Bob Kane, et al., and the change of pace. I question with all the grand characters such as Flattop, The Mole, Flyface, and on and on, why it is all of a sudden a “no no” for costumed characters to show up. They are less realistic than the aforementioned criminals and aliens? Seriously? Chill and enjoy, and Happy Thanksgiving.

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  35. Chief patton
    Chief Patton  over 12 years ago

    So be patient. Let them set it up first.I agree. I understand the complaints. But Team Tracy deserves patience considering how they’ve been delivering the goods. If in the end, this story turns out not to be your favorite, there’s always the next one.

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  36. Stagger lee
    Stagger Lee  over 12 years ago

    Meanwhile, on the other side of town, the last truck full of Twinkies mysteriously disappears.

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  37. Missing large
    Ken in Ohio  over 12 years ago

    I have seen more than one tv show that started out with what appeared to be an actual scene from the story, and then someone yells “cut” and the cameras back up, and we see that we have been watching something on a movie set. Perhaps that is the case here.On the other hand, several folks have posted that Mike said he was planning a story with costumed “pretend superheroes”, so maybe that’s what this is about.We shall see. . . . .

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  38. Mysta cutie
    yumpinyiminey  over 12 years ago

    I’m not sure what the fuss is about. Dick Tracy has always been filled with strange and colorful characters. Some even in costume. But Black Piranha and Cinnamon Knight are over the top, because? Besides, this looks like an act to me. Broadway Bates doesn’t like costumed superheroes and now the CK shows up in the city he’s moving to? I’m not one to stick my nose in things, but a little perspective is needed here.

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  39. I go pogo
    I Go Pogo   over 12 years ago

    As I’ll be one of the countless thousands of travelers tomorrow I’ll take this moment to extend to all best wishes for a Thanksgiving rich in loved ones, good food and bountiful blessings for which to give thanks.

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  40. Missing large
    kaecispopX  over 12 years ago

    I’m waiting for someone to yell, “Cut!”

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  41. 1957 plymouth belvedere
    ajaxxphat  over 12 years ago

    Speargun beats sword. Checkmate, Sir Cinnamon!

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  42. Aliens2
    fhoffman01  over 12 years ago

    It looks like the sword handle has a cord wrapped around so it can’t be unsheathed. There’s also a cord wrapped around the speargun—some sort of safety feature? Maybe I’m missing something but it looks like visual proof this is NOT REAL!

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  43. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  over 12 years ago

    For the purists so called, how can mutants be any more “real” than those in particular uniform? None really. And Moon Maid is canon whatever you think or like.^^^Yeah, MM is canon…. so long as she’s dead

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  44. Aliens2
    fhoffman01  over 12 years ago

    Just checked, the cord on the speargun was visible yesterday, too.

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  45. Avatar ii
    Judy.Hansel  over 12 years ago

    Da Man, I got the flowers. Thank you. Your note said “place petals inside the mesh bag; place in clothes dryer for 45 mins; remove seeds from bottom of dryer drum for re-planting.” This sounds sinister to me. Others on this site sent me flowers, but not like you did. Otto, that sweet man, sent chocolates with a dozen roses. I think you are up to no good.

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  46. Gocomic 2c
    RickD Premium Member over 12 years ago

    I want to know what Black Piranha has in her utility pouches. Chum? Fishing lures? Bobbers? Caviar? I don’t see any more spears, so she’s got one shot. And Cinnamon Knight sounds like a breakfast cereal mascot. And he can’t see with his visor down. He’s pointing at us…not at Black Piranha (who was, of course, changed to evil from White Piranha back in ish # 232 of Astounding Fish Scales—Simpering Stan)

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  47. Missing large
    fredville  over 12 years ago

    …….so maybe it’s supposed to be a movie shot at a jewelry store, but ends up being a real robbery instead? Naw…..too corny…..

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  48. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  over 12 years ago

    I’m trying to figure out the significance of the sharp fin on her back. At first glance, it might be a mattress anchor.

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  49. Missing large
    fredville  over 12 years ago

    ……the last chocolates I was given, from a girl “friend”…..contained ants and caterpillars inside…….so it could be worse, Judy, ha ha

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