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Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for January 05, 2015
Ned: So how's the whole-food plant-based diet going, Bob? Bob: Great! Down 30 pounds already. Ned: Any down-side? Do you miss eating meat? Bob: No! I've got more energy and never felt better in my life! But I've had to buy new clothes and... Voice out of frame: Oh, BLAH BLAH BLAH! You'll be back when you get tired of all that boring health junk. You vegan girlie-man!! Ned: Wow...what's THAT all about? Bob: Carnivores feel threatened when anyone leaves the fold. Voice out of frame: Life without bacon isn't worth living, traitor!
thirdguy about 10 years ago
My freedom is better than your freedom!
Can't Sleep about 10 years ago
Come on. Considering all we’ve seen before of Bob’s personality, he wrap bacon in broccoli, and consider it vegan because he couldn’t see the meat.
Varnes about 10 years ago
Just stay away from carbs, Bob…Breads and pasta are just sugar in the long run. Hard vegetables, broccoli, carrots, beans, asparagus, and if you’re feeling risky, squashes and an occasional potato….Rice, I’m ambivalent about…But the body needs protein, and a little meat is actually good for you, dude…
Barker62 about 10 years ago
Plants have feelings too, STOP HERBICIDE!!!!!!! Eating plants is a crime against Mother nature!!!!!!
trspence about 10 years ago
As far as I am concerned, everyone should eat what they want to eat and shut up about it — except for cannibals.
cabalonrye about 10 years ago
I have no problem with vegetarians, unless they are of the aggressive kind. I still have not recovered from that diner at my house when one of the guests, who had very carefully not told me she was vegan, looked at the meat and said very loudly : Oh, you eat corpses. Talk about a mood breaker. Funny thing is, she was never invited again by any of us. I heard she put it down as us waging war against vegans.
hildigunnurr Premium Member about 10 years ago
Oh I hear much more of the other way around – I muted a facebook friend who kept harping on how could anybody even think about eating meat! (aka cabalonrye above).
cdward about 10 years ago
Frankly, though I have vegetarian and vegan friends, my omnivore friends (and I am a meat eater) are much more outspoken in their disdain for non-meat-eaters. I’m much ore in the school of, “Eat what makes you feel best, and let everyone else do the same.” Though I will say Americans eat way more than others, and it’s probably not good in such excess.
FresnoDude about 10 years ago
Is that a new type of beverage?
Alabama Al about 10 years ago
Why couldn’t God have made at least some vegetables taste like bacon? Might have solved a few problems.
Lifeflame about 10 years ago
Morning Star Farms Brakefast Strips taste great like bacon and are lower in calorie. They are Vegan. I am flexitarian lol the modern way to say omnivorous.
tripwire45 about 10 years ago
Getting a little preachy, aren’t we?
Plumbob Wilson about 10 years ago
I’m pretty sure Wiley lifted the dialogue directly from the comments here a few weeks back.
Pocosdad about 10 years ago
Visualize whirled peas!
ShadowBeast Premium Member about 10 years ago
Bob better be eating organic, otherwise he’s just eating plants with harmful chemicals in them.
puddlesplatt about 10 years ago
Gin is all I need, and of course the stuffed Olive!
puddleglum1066 about 10 years ago
…but mostly, it’s about believing you’re morally superior to everybody else. This is a really great feeling. (removed by editors from Davis & Melinda’s first draft)
Nicole ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫ Premium Member about 10 years ago
I love it when someone leaves the carnivorous fold; More bacon for me!
ladykat Premium Member about 10 years ago
I’ll eat pretty much anything except okra (which is just wrong), and bell peppers with skin on them (skin gives me indigestion). Oh, and fish with bones left in.
Duncan Idaho about 10 years ago
If you’re not a carnivore, you’re on the menu.
Nighthawks Premium Member about 10 years ago
dabugger about 10 years ago
Good for Bob. Don’t let anyone discourage ya? Time someone revised her menu….
goweeder about 10 years ago
Nobody can ‘make’ meat. You can boil it, broil it, fry it, roast it, barbecue it, but you sure can’t ‘make’ it.
palos about 10 years ago
Comment No. 43: Just to change the subject, but his style in clothes hasn’t changed.
Retired Dude about 10 years ago
I enjoy vegetarian bacon.
calliopejane about 10 years ago
I wonder how that haughty-pushy-superior type of vegetarian/vegan (which is certainly not all of them) will cope with the advent of vat-grown meat, cultured from cells. Scientists can kind of do it now, growing what is nutritionally-speaking muscle tissue, but the current attempts taste like crap. I’m quite sure, however, that the taste problem will eventually be conquered, and every one can enjoy meat without any housing or killing of animals required.
But…but… what will those obnoxious people feel superior about then?
Argy.Bargy2 about 10 years ago
Cow pucky
didereaux about 10 years ago
Well, I see we are back on the pulpit again! A few more episodes of this crappola preaching and it won;t be hard to never read the strip again. Happened in the old Wizard of Id strip as well…went religious at he end.
JanLC about 10 years ago
Just how would you define the “top” 3 billion? Oldest? Richest? Most Western?
Droptma Styx about 10 years ago
Seems like Pastis and Wiley have a showdown a-comin’
mr_sherman Premium Member about 10 years ago
I do wonder about eggs and dairy products. Why do vegans get antsy with those items? The eggs are unfertilized and otherwise would be waste products. It would be the same with dairy.
Guilty Bystander about 10 years ago
Eat and let eat. I’m an “omnivore,” I guess, but I respect vegans who can set an example by simply living within their culinary constraints without going all Joel Osteen on me about how I should eat like they do. Not all preaching is limited to Sunday mornings at 10.
Sheila Hardie about 10 years ago
It’s funny, but I get WAY more crap from “bacon lovers” than I do from vegetarians/vegans. Meat eaters sure do get defensive.
ShadowBeast Premium Member about 10 years ago
Vegans are an extremis version of vegetarians.They are no heroes since most do it to feel superior to others and actually only hurt their own cause.
water_moon about 10 years ago
You forgot bugs. Most omnivores in this world eat lots of bugs. They’re a very good source of protein. (only grain with every protien humans can’t sythasize and thus need via diet to stay alive is quinoa).And having GROWN organic brocolli myself, I am glad to point out to the vegans this same fact since the vast majority of them recognize that lots o’ pesticide is bad :D
hippogriff about 10 years ago
Duncan Idaho: We all are on the menu for worms, saprophytic bacteria, etc.
Varnes about 10 years ago
misterdantes, Mr. Miller is an illustrator…..He is illustrating a scene, about an “occurrence” and thereby illustrating the argument and attitudes of some people… To ascribe either Bob’s or the off panel heckler’s statements as what Wiley himself believes is an assumption that probably shouldn’t be made…….
timbob2313 Premium Member about 10 years ago
all things in moderation. Eating anything to excess is bad.I have chinaware from the 30s. The dinner plates from that time look like our desert plates today. Their platters look like our dinner plates today. Restaurants serve massive amounts of food today. Then we have fast food joints where 1 burger is about 1200 cal. and an entire “meal” with burger, fries and soft drink can come to over 4000 cal. Given how much we americans eat versus how little we exercise its no wonder obesity is so high. Then we exported fast food all over the world, making other races as fat as we are.My wife is Korean, so we eat lots of rice, kimchee, lots of other veggies, some chicken and fish. IMVPO its a very healthy diet. Depending on how hot you want it.A Korean company has set up a few rest. that serve only 1 dish Ba Bim Bop. Which is a veggie stew that Korean workers eat for any meal every day as it is cheap and very filling, from what I saw on the cooking channel, college kids are making those take out places very successful
Dr.silly about 10 years ago
“I’ve never known a carnivore to do this ever. I’ve looked at a lot of forums like reddit and the only problems are complaining about vegetarians and vegans who act this way.”-———————————————————————————-
I guess that means you haven’t bothered reading the comments here.
6turtle9 about 10 years ago
Fact #1: Bacon has been responsible for the conversion of more vegetarians and vegans than any other food on the planet. Fact #2: Everything is better with Bacon.
Wiley creator about 10 years ago
“Being vegan is about reverence for life.”
That’s just part of it, Dogsniff, not all of it. While there are many good ethical, political and ecological reasons to quit eating meat (and dairy), I think the reason most have taken up the whole-food-plant-based diet is for health reasons. Here’s an item a reader sent me this morning.
It’s representative of hundreds of stories across the country and why the numbers of people turning to this is growning every day. Why this provokes so much fear, as displayed here today, is quite beyond me. No one is trying to force anyone to change their diet. The irony here is, so many of you are actually validating the accuracy of the cartoon! For that, I thank you. :-)dflak about 10 years ago
I did not fight and scratch myself to the top of the food chain to eat plants!
According to paleontologists, hominoids didn’t start growing bigger brains until they started eating meat. Maybe it had something to do with being able to outsmart something smarter than plants.
QuiteDragon about 10 years ago
“Maybe it had something to do with being able to outsmart something smarter than plants.”Almost certainly. One would imagine that outsmarting other scavengers occurred in the interim. Also, having more protein and calories with less work lends time to develop other activities (tools, shelter, ?).
Girly-Vegan about 10 years ago
What a lot of fear contained in these protests about not getting to eat meat. I don’t think it’s your fault, really. It’s just that when you eat meat, along with it you eat the terror that animals experience when they are murdered. Besides, when you remove animal flesh from your diet, you experience real healing. Take note of the testimony on this website:
lmonteros about 10 years ago
Not threatened. Just exasperated and tired of hearing supercilious comments about how much healthier s/he is than I am.
Wiley creator about 10 years ago
@Bruno Zeigerts“Whether Vegan falls into that category remains to be seen, and for how long before someone else comes out with data to suggest that it isn’t healthy in the long run.”-———————————————————————————————————
As I’ve said before here, quoting the late Tip O’Neil, you are entitled to your own opinion but you’re not entitled to your own facts. There have been many studies conducted over a very long time. If you’re interested in learning about it, as opposed to making up your own “facts”, start here:
If you don’t want to read the book, you can go to a number of places on the internet, such as and There’s an abundance of research, actual facts, for you (and anyone else here) to educate yourself on. This, in fact, is what changed me. It was the hard, irrefutable science on what ridding the body of meat and dairy does for your health. The effects are immediate and long lasting. Sorry if so many here feels that information is “preachy”, but there you have it.
live.the.future about 10 years ago
Wiley’s got it backwards. It’s the vegans who always insist on chiming in with unsolicited dietary comments.
K M about 10 years ago
I once lost about 109 pounds. Then I reached the point where I really missed food.
wrwallaceii about 10 years ago
Leave the fold, join the herd…MOO.
hippogriff about 10 years ago
HighPriestMikhal: But many plants, particularly sensitive fern and sensitive mimosa, will fold their leaves if touched by humans but be unaffected if the wind puts them in contact with other vegetation.