My favorite incident of that type was when I was telling some friends about the evil Navajo spirit named “He-who-kicks-people-off-cliffs”, or Tse’tahotsilta’li. Someone else overheard and gave me an earful, assuming I’d made the name up. I hadn’t…
Pig knows enough to turn around and check after the second “that’s offensive.” Then he’s thoughtful enough to warn the others before he hits the deck. You couldn’t ask for a better roomie.
The duck would be more effective if it did give a poop-right on her head. Although I understand the sensitivities of some people and do avoid some inflammatory language I also recommend the “In one ear and out the other” philosophy.
I’m an amputee and had a teacher in seventh grade who, on April Fools Day, was sanctimoniously offended on my behalf by comments about me wearing my leg backward. And then I came in wearing my leg backward, and he got even more sanctimoniously offended and told me to fix it. He actually called home to talk to my mother about it. My mother … once she was done laughing … told him to lighten up.
If I say something that offends you and not another, that proves that “offense” is subjective, and therefore a personal choice. Frankly, it’s not my business who is offended, and I have made the personal choice not to care. It’s not my responsibility to manage anyone’s emotions other than my own.
This past week, an Astros commentator, during a game, talked about the slider. He had been a ball player himself, and talked about how horrible the slider had been to him. “If I could go back in history and change one think, I would skip right past slavery, and get rid of the slider.”
He is an African-American, who has making a joke, that’s all, using a form of ironic hyperbole to explain his hatred for the slider. Did anyone take him seriously?
The woman in the panel above. White liberals, most of whom, I am sure, have never watched or listened to a baseball game, picked up on this, and demanded an apology for this “horribly racist” comment.
The announcer obliged. An African-American submitted to white people and apologized for a joke.
Somewhere, Jackie Robinson is shaking his head and laughing.
As I said before, when someone says to me that they are offended, I reply, “That’s your problem.”
When I was working in IT at a certain university, a secretary needed to connect a peripheral to her computer but the interfaces did not match. I told her we needed a “gender changer” and went off to collect the part. After placing the package that was plainly labelled “Gender Changer” on her desk I found out that in the meantime she had lodged a complaint against me with the university authorities.
Anybody or any group that does not have a sense of humour is dangerous.
My favorite comeback is “I didn’t mean to offend you. That was just a bonus.” Said with sincerity and a broad smile, it totally confuses the offendee. I didn’t make it up. It was on a tee-shirt a good friend gave me.
If someone were to post this comic on a wall at a college campus, there would no doubt be all sorts of demonstrations, sit-ins, and an investigation into who could disseminate such a terrible, insensitive comic strip. The college President would be asked (no, ordered) to resign, and there would be much caterwauling and calls for play-doh. It would be great.
BE THIS GUY over 6 years ago
Eavesdropping is very rude and offensive.
Wilde Bill over 6 years ago
I find the fact that you have no mouth offensive.
Adiraiju over 6 years ago
My favorite incident of that type was when I was telling some friends about the evil Navajo spirit named “He-who-kicks-people-off-cliffs”, or Tse’tahotsilta’li. Someone else overheard and gave me an earful, assuming I’d made the name up. I hadn’t…
alaskajohn1 over 6 years ago
Shades of You Bet Your Life with Groucho Marx : Say the “Secret Word”.
AtariDragon over 6 years ago
If he’s related to Li’l Guard Duck, I’d advise against troubling him too much.
ND Cool Z over 6 years ago
Is that Guard Duck? No it can’t be, because Guard Duck has never learned to fly.
chris_weaver over 6 years ago
“Don’t stand underneath when they fly by” – Tom Lehrer, in a different context.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 6 years ago
Pig knows enough to turn around and check after the second “that’s offensive.” Then he’s thoughtful enough to warn the others before he hits the deck. You couldn’t ask for a better roomie.
Bilan over 6 years ago
I’m still trying to figure out what’s offensive about the No One Cares Duck.
dadoctah over 6 years ago
You’re going to need a lot more than just one duck.
blunebottle over 6 years ago
Where can I buy me one of those?
Alexander the Good Enough over 6 years ago
Q: How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: ONE!! And it’s NOT FUNNY!!!
derdave969 over 6 years ago
Finally! We have a useful application for drones!
bbbmorrell over 6 years ago
I really want one of those.
mattro65 over 6 years ago
The duck would be more effective if it did give a poop-right on her head. Although I understand the sensitivities of some people and do avoid some inflammatory language I also recommend the “In one ear and out the other” philosophy.
Masterskrain over 6 years ago
Maura? She came back???
Plods with ...™ over 6 years ago
Oh for cryin’….
Where the heck is panel 4??
skipper1992 over 6 years ago
I’m an amputee and had a teacher in seventh grade who, on April Fools Day, was sanctimoniously offended on my behalf by comments about me wearing my leg backward. And then I came in wearing my leg backward, and he got even more sanctimoniously offended and told me to fix it. He actually called home to talk to my mother about it. My mother … once she was done laughing … told him to lighten up.
aimlesscruzr over 6 years ago
If I say something that offends you and not another, that proves that “offense” is subjective, and therefore a personal choice. Frankly, it’s not my business who is offended, and I have made the personal choice not to care. It’s not my responsibility to manage anyone’s emotions other than my own.
Willywise52 Premium Member over 6 years ago
No one gives a duck.
Max Starman Jones over 6 years ago
This past week, an Astros commentator, during a game, talked about the slider. He had been a ball player himself, and talked about how horrible the slider had been to him. “If I could go back in history and change one think, I would skip right past slavery, and get rid of the slider.”
He is an African-American, who has making a joke, that’s all, using a form of ironic hyperbole to explain his hatred for the slider. Did anyone take him seriously?
The woman in the panel above. White liberals, most of whom, I am sure, have never watched or listened to a baseball game, picked up on this, and demanded an apology for this “horribly racist” comment.
The announcer obliged. An African-American submitted to white people and apologized for a joke.
Somewhere, Jackie Robinson is shaking his head and laughing.
Max Starman Jones over 6 years ago
Sorry for the spelling errors: * “thing,” not “think,” and *"was," not “has.”
TurbosDad over 6 years ago
I have learned that we would care less what people think about us if we really knew how little they do…
!!ǝlɐ⅁ over 6 years ago
Oh, the next fly-by should be primed with duxatives.
BiathlonNut over 6 years ago
As I said before, when someone says to me that they are offended, I reply, “That’s your problem.”
When I was working in IT at a certain university, a secretary needed to connect a peripheral to her computer but the interfaces did not match. I told her we needed a “gender changer” and went off to collect the part. After placing the package that was plainly labelled “Gender Changer” on her desk I found out that in the meantime she had lodged a complaint against me with the university authorities.
Anybody or any group that does not have a sense of humour is dangerous.
WCraft Premium Member over 6 years ago
More sad than funny. Happens all to often today.
Gent over 6 years ago
So, if I eat that duck, no one cares, right?
Gent over 6 years ago
What we need is the Shut Up and Get Lost Duck.
Bookworm over 6 years ago
My favorite comeback is “I didn’t mean to offend you. That was just a bonus.” Said with sincerity and a broad smile, it totally confuses the offendee. I didn’t make it up. It was on a tee-shirt a good friend gave me.
eladee AKA Wally over 6 years ago
We’re gonna need a LOT more ducks!!!!!!!!!
Coyoty Premium Member over 6 years ago
The duck has a trigger trigger.
mantydad over 6 years ago
Finally a good use for the AFLAC duck!!
joefearsnothing over 6 years ago
Being offended seems to be the thing today! I hope it’s just a fad!
John W. Vinson Premium Member over 6 years ago
Somebody needs to come up with a cure for Offense Kleptomania.
DarthRevan over 6 years ago
The “incoming” is guard duck with a rocket launcher, firing missioes labeled “Nobody cares”
B UTTONS over 6 years ago
Who cares? Enter “BBQ Becky” and her supercharged phone.
TimeLordSoundwave over 6 years ago
Coming up next, the “Mind Your Own Business” duck.
17bsch over 6 years ago
I miss Guard Duck!
cdward over 6 years ago
Dang Pastis. Why you so easily offended by people who are offended? I guess nobody cares.
SomeOtherGocomicsGuy over 6 years ago
16 years and he STILL cant draw- Rat
Zepp Jamieson over 6 years ago
“…and a large number of ducks were not given that day…”
Aladar30 Premium Member over 6 years ago
This is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
Sisyphos over 6 years ago
A whole flock of them! Please! More! We need those ducks so much!
Teto85 Premium Member over 6 years ago
You’re offended? I’m offended that you’re offended.
This Guy(Am I Right?) over 6 years ago
Anyone notice the Bob Dylan reference?
TwilightFaze over 6 years ago
“You offended me.” My response: “Tell your therapist.”
glowing-steak32 over 6 years ago
Is Freddie Mercury involved?
tad1 over 6 years ago
I usually try to avoid offending people. If being considerate of other people’s ,feelings is wrong, I sure as heck don’t want to be right!
gammaguy over 6 years ago
I’m not offended. I’m on-ended.
Ragnar Premium Member over 6 years ago
If someone were to post this comic on a wall at a college campus, there would no doubt be all sorts of demonstrations, sit-ins, and an investigation into who could disseminate such a terrible, insensitive comic strip. The college President would be asked (no, ordered) to resign, and there would be much caterwauling and calls for play-doh. It would be great.
SuperCharged5- almost 3 years ago
don’t be offended by something that is not related to or directed at you
Squirrel Chaser over 2 years ago