I’ve always maintained that if the feminists had their way, little boys would have to squat to pee. OTOH, being NOT a little boy, and quite lazy when it come to housekeeping and other things, I always sit to pee on the theory that why should one do something standing up when it can be done sitting down…
Either way someone’s going to have to move that seat. Either that or the women are going to have to hope that the last man in there didn’t simply point and hope…
But cabbies from certain unnamed countries pee standing up while the seat is down! In such restrooms the proper position of the seat is up, unless persons of either sex enjoy wiping the seat. Eeeww! Gross!
Be an adult. It isn’t hard. If you want it up, put it up. If you want it down, put it down. If you women like it down, put it down before sitting. Not really difficult.
Maybe, just maybe everyone should be respectful of others and not leave a biohazard let alone a mess. It ain’t difficult to keep the bathroom clean but it’s a royal pain to clean it up after some moron so one and all, please don’t be an a**. BTW cute cartoon.
Everyone should leave the seat and the lid down. It’s only fair that women should have to do the extra step too, and it’s more attractive, and cats like to sit on the lid.
In the interest of efficiency leave it wherever it is when you are done. There’s a 50% chance it will be right for the next person. Why put it down and just have the next person have to put it back up again. Makes no sense.
First, why do they make seats and lids for toilets if people don’t use them? Personally I like the lid (and seat) down on the toilets in my house. Secondly, there are usually urinals for men in public restrooms, so very few times do they need to use the toilet for #1, thus no need to lift the seat (that usually has a split anyway) and if you do lift it PUT IT BACK DOWN, out of common courtesy. The unisex restrooms I used while in Oregon had both sets of fixtures.
I am a woman, and I’ve never hovered. I can’t speak for every other woman on the planet, of course, but then, I have always been uncomfortable with blanket statements; they smack of an -ism (in this case, sexism).
Just for everyone who wants the lid down as well: that’s great in some climates, but in humid areas, that can lead to some nastiness growing in the bowl. So some places it’s fine to use the lid, others, it’s gonna make things get real bad.
BE THIS GUY about 6 years ago
Leave it up. Women don’t exactly sit; they hover.
Kveldulf about 6 years ago
Sorry Pig. TMI.
Darsan54 Premium Member about 6 years ago
Men should learn to pee sitting down…………at least at night.
Templo S.U.D. about 6 years ago
Um… Pig never accidentally walked into a bathroom where Pigita was using it?
DennisinSeattle about 6 years ago
Men are Pointers, women are Setters.
PICTO about 6 years ago
Men can pee in a beer bottle and not get their fingers wet…women can’t.
oldpine52 about 6 years ago
But if you never raise it, they will still complain.
Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Premium Member about 6 years ago
Anyway you leave the toilet seat women will always blame men .
alaskajohn1 about 6 years ago
Pigs, female or male, don’t do either; they just pee in place.
wiatr about 6 years ago
“Mysterious” is a good start at a description but it lacks depth.
kaffekup about 6 years ago
I saw a questionnaire once about leaving the seat up. This was the scoring:
If you leave the seat up: -20 points.
If you always put it back down: 0 points.
enigmamz about 6 years ago
Do unisex bathrooms not have urinals? If men only use the actual toilets while sitting down themselves, this becomes a non issue.
gocomics about 6 years ago
Both Pig and Goat’s cup handles switch direction between the 2nd and 3rd panel. Goat’s teabag, however, remains facing the viewer.
Breadboard about 6 years ago
Hang in there Pig ….. As Red Green said …We are all in this together ;-)
Alexander the Good Enough about 6 years ago
I’ve always maintained that if the feminists had their way, little boys would have to squat to pee. OTOH, being NOT a little boy, and quite lazy when it come to housekeeping and other things, I always sit to pee on the theory that why should one do something standing up when it can be done sitting down…
chris_weaver about 6 years ago
Holy crap, they must be aliens!
P-B about 6 years ago
If the toilet has a lid, put it down. That’s what it’s there for, and everybody has to opne/close it when they use it.
mjb515 about 6 years ago
Keep the seat down, always.
James Wolfenstein about 6 years ago
Seat down and lid down!!!!! All the other options are for the hillbillies. :D
SeanT Premium Member about 6 years ago
Consider this: If the seat is up, you know the guy wasn’t trying to be a ‘sharpshooter.’
fredd13 about 6 years ago
Either way someone’s going to have to move that seat. Either that or the women are going to have to hope that the last man in there didn’t simply point and hope…
Frank_Lecanto about 6 years ago
The ultimate responsibility for the seat’s position rests with whoever is about to use it…
Andrew Sleeth about 6 years ago
Hold on one minute! I saw the bathroom scene from “The Full Monty” and those women sure weren’t sitting down!
tripwire45 about 6 years ago
My three-year-old granddaughter tried to pee standing because her brother does. I had to give her a simple explanation about why that wouldn’t work.
rmercer Premium Member about 6 years ago
Just think it’s fascinating that this comment (already!) has set a record for the most comments. BTW I never use the unisex bathroom — I’m not unisex.
YippiKiAyMofo about 6 years ago
Leave it down, but pee on it first.
Nathan Daniels about 6 years ago
Always leave it up. A lot of dudes will pee on the seat out of laziness.
ArtyD2 Premium Member about 6 years ago
Less mysterious since the Brazilian
Sephten about 6 years ago
I’m a man. I always out the seat AND the lid. I don’t know any women who do that.I’ve learned to live with it!
Ignatz Premium Member about 6 years ago
Well, do women lift the seat when they’re done, just in case the next occupant is a man?
It bothers me that women actually sit on the toilet without looking at the seat first. Why would you do that?
scpandich about 6 years ago
Oh, great: as unisex bathrooms become more of a thing, how much do you want to bet we’ll be subjected to whining about that?
D Ob-one B about 6 years ago
At my house I put the ring AND the lid down …. always surprises my wife at night!
GuntherGrass about 6 years ago
But cabbies from certain unnamed countries pee standing up while the seat is down! In such restrooms the proper position of the seat is up, unless persons of either sex enjoy wiping the seat. Eeeww! Gross!
Brain Pudding about 6 years ago
Pig, that is only the bginning the the mysterious ways of women!
Ermine Notyours about 6 years ago
I guess Pig never got past first base.
hk Premium Member about 6 years ago
Be an adult. It isn’t hard. If you want it up, put it up. If you want it down, put it down. If you women like it down, put it down before sitting. Not really difficult.
Display about 6 years ago
Maybe, just maybe everyone should be respectful of others and not leave a biohazard let alone a mess. It ain’t difficult to keep the bathroom clean but it’s a royal pain to clean it up after some moron so one and all, please don’t be an a**. BTW cute cartoon.
Kitty Cunningham about 6 years ago
Leave it down. Everyone has to sit sometime.
jless about 6 years ago
Today’s comments are brought to you by Depends™, the best way to pee.
Nicki's ZoMcYo about 6 years ago
I just try to avoid public restrooms like the plague.
BiathlonNut about 6 years ago
It must be nice to have such problems seen as being important.
zenguyuno about 6 years ago
Stephan, what’s happened to the Crocs? Have you stopped them drawing for fear of offending some group?
DCBakerEsq about 6 years ago
I get all my anatomy lessons from the comics.
gorgolo_chick about 6 years ago
Everyone should leave the seat and the lid down. It’s only fair that women should have to do the extra step too, and it’s more attractive, and cats like to sit on the lid.
mountaingreenery. about 6 years ago
Someone should put a pedal bin mechanism on toilet seats.
Leojim about 6 years ago
In the interest of efficiency leave it wherever it is when you are done. There’s a 50% chance it will be right for the next person. Why put it down and just have the next person have to put it back up again. Makes no sense.
57BelAir about 6 years ago
First, why do they make seats and lids for toilets if people don’t use them? Personally I like the lid (and seat) down on the toilets in my house. Secondly, there are usually urinals for men in public restrooms, so very few times do they need to use the toilet for #1, thus no need to lift the seat (that usually has a split anyway) and if you do lift it PUT IT BACK DOWN, out of common courtesy. The unisex restrooms I used while in Oregon had both sets of fixtures.
John W. Vinson Premium Member about 6 years ago
Seat AND lid down: equal opportunity inconvenience, and keeps kids and pets out.
Scott S about 6 years ago
I put it down, after wiping off if necessary.
You’re welcome, ladies!
BubbleTape Premium Member about 6 years ago
there truly is no hope for humanity if we still haven’t figure this one out yet.
Back to Big Mike about 6 years ago
My bride and I have four sons. She said she was always happy to find the seat up because it meant no one had whizzed on it.
magdala666 about 6 years ago
I am a woman, and I’ve never hovered. I can’t speak for every other woman on the planet, of course, but then, I have always been uncomfortable with blanket statements; they smack of an -ism (in this case, sexism).
Cornelius Noodleman about 6 years ago
I always flush!
stefaninafla about 6 years ago
The seat up/seat down thing in my house was answered the day the cat fell in the toilet. After that, seat AND lid were down at all times.
rick92040 about 6 years ago
Women should put it up when they are done.
GuyWithComputer about 6 years ago
Well this was a pleasant comic to read
oakie817 about 6 years ago
what’s worse than a man who doesn’t put the seat back down? a guy who doesn’t pick it up
Sisyphos about 6 years ago
OMG! Poor, ignorant Pig!
This whole comment-generating controversy is meaningless for the obsessively-clean neat-freaks, who may be among us….
wahsahzii about 6 years ago
My hobby is sneaking into women’s restrooms and putting all the seats up.
syzygy47 about 6 years ago
Women pee sitting down??? FAKE NEWS, delivered by the lying liberal news media! (Joshing, thought a tRump-ism would work here as a spin)
grafdog about 6 years ago
Just for everyone who wants the lid down as well: that’s great in some climates, but in humid areas, that can lead to some nastiness growing in the bowl. So some places it’s fine to use the lid, others, it’s gonna make things get real bad.
Swirls Before Pine about 6 years ago
Stand up: seat up.
PBS1! over 4 years ago
I’m more worried about a communal bathroom
leopardglily about 2 years ago
THAT’S why Goat feels like Pig didn’t get a full education?
alantain about 1 year ago
Men sit down occasionally as well! You can’t convince me that a man would enjoy sitting on cold porcelain instead of a seat!