On the second frame, with all the inventions, did anybody else see what I saw scribbled in the lower right hand corner? I couldn’t make out the first line but the second and third lines, if I read them correctly, made me laugh so loud, I hope I didn’t wake the neighbors!
If this were a similar dis of former President Obama, there would be such an outcry to either have this comic put in the political section or banned outright. Such a double standard. TDS runs amok.
And remember folks, before printing off comic strips and sharing them with the kiddies to color, make sure to check the fine print. In due consideration of my grandchildren’s vocabulary, I’m passing on this one.
The German people did not drive the rags of Julius Streicher (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_Streicher) off the newsstands, and Streicher into bankruptcy. The American people have not driven Ann Coulter (to name one) off the media and into bankruptcy. Business Rule 1: The Customer Is Always Right. Rule 2: If the Customer is Wrong, See Rule 1. What have YOU purchased (directly or indirectly) today?
I wonder if we would have seen all this tolerance for disrespect if it was put where it belongs with AOC, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schummer, or best of all President Obama. That’s where that comment deserves to be pointed.
While I can’t say the hidden Trump message was a great idea, it definitely served to expose the lameness of the Butler Eagle. But this comes as no surprise to me as I’ve personally seen this newspaper sensor out well-written, respectable “letters to the editor” that apparently did not agree with their philosophy.
Hmmm… according to the news, and the change in the cartoon since yesterday, it seems Wiley has either self-censored or been censored, thanks to the overreaction of self-righteous or pathologically conservative types.
Saw that Wiley was catching some flack for this strip so signed up as Premium on Go Comic. I can’t make a paper run a strip but I can send my money to those who do.
The last four presidents did such a poor job for so many millions of voters, that we deserve this president. Think about that the next time someone is admiring 0bama, the Bushes, or Clinton.
I say, “thank you, Wiley, for courage and cleverness”. I applaud your Easter egg and will keep you in my “favorites” list. (And, lucky for me, we get a real paper Sunday paper, so I have an original version to keep.)
I can only hope it does indeed say that. Freedom of press and all. Actually, it’s not spelled out, it’s inferred. You see anything there, you’re looking for it. :-)
Oh, very clever! Ha. Ha. Ha. Of course, the artist might have wanted to consider that the people who actually subscribe to newspapers that print comics are likely to be less than amused and that one newspaper has already dumped the comic because of this, but what the heck. All in good fun and when the “Dump Wiley” movement catches on and he’s dropped by the syndicate, he can giggle all the way to the unemployment office.
But I’m also very confused about the people above complaining about censoring. It’s still clearly there on my screen.Not happy about the language showing up on a comics page, though. :/
Extremely disappoint in MyComics censoring this comic. “When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” And censoring everyone who doesn’t agree with the flag-wrapped cross carriers.
I am sad to see that my newspaper is dropping Wiley Non-Sequitur because of the words about Trump. I may have to drop my newspaper. At least I still can see it here on the internet.
The worst part is GoComics editing it. I am really bummed about that…is there another comics page that DOESN’T censor? We’re all supposedly adults here….
The “F” word doesn’t belong in a comic that’s read by children. Wiley is welcome to his political opinion, but he should have kept that word to himself.
Note to all, don’t waste your time looking for the note in the corner the comments all refer to. This comic has been CENSORED, the item scribbled in the corner has been excised from the version on here.
SHAME to gocomics! Either keep the comic in original form, put up a placeholder saying the comic has been pulled, or a visible notice up top saying that this Feb. 10 comic was updated Feb. 11. Please keep the book 1984 in mind; in today’s electronic world, it’s a dangerous precedent to decide it’s OK to modify existing, dated, comics, articles, etc. without at least providing a notice on the page that it’s been done. Obviously not a big deal for one comic, but imagine trying to look through some historical archive only to find (like in 1984) that the articles are all a little different each time you go back to look.
Oh no. They took out the scribbling in the lower right hand corner. Fortunately, some newspapers pointed it out previously. Glad I didn’t miss the punch line. Urp.
GoComics, did you edit out the controversial scribbling in this comic? Because I’ve seen it in articles about this comic, but coming here to see it for myself, it is gone!
DAMMIT, WILEY! Your comic is the one I look forward to and save for last to read! NOW WHAT? Are you going to set up something so we can continue to follow you? For a small fee, maybe? C’mon…now that you got us hooked, you can’t just dump us cold turkey!
Non sequitur is one of the few comics with something worthwhile to say, and says it with style and sometimes subtlety. And in this case, to cite The Bard, “Much Ado About Nothing.” The whole foo-rah reminds me of Charles Schultz introducing an obviously Black character, Franklin, into the strip a few years ago. Some papers howled, demanding Schultz remove Franklin post-haste or they would drop the strip. Schultz, to his credit, told ’em, Go Ahead; Franklin stays. Thanks, Wiley, for the insights, the witty commentary, and backbone.
I just saw that the Boston Globe has dropped “Non Sequitur” ! Dumb! Apparently readers commented enough about ‘inappropriate’ scribbles that they couldn’t really make out that it bothered the Editors. 1. If someone has to go hunting for things about which to be offended, I cannot take them seriously.2. “Inappropriate” is a useless term in an era where the entire staff of the Executive Branch is under investigation, indicted, or already convicted for criminal acts and exhorting others to violence.3. I may just drop my long time Globe subscription.
Enlarged as much as possible, I cannot read any of the “text” scribbled in the second frame. But my newspaper, the Sacramento Bee (CA), has just cancelled this strip because of a “profane phrase” aimed at Trump. What is there?
Want to voice my support for Wiley and one of my favorite comics. I couldn’t be more disappointed that the LA Times has reacted to this tempest in a teapot by pulling Non Sequitur.
I can’t see anything, which is frustrating! My paper, the Sacramento Bee, is pulling NonSequitur because of a non-PC comment. I thought they said it was in last Friday’s comic, but I couldn’t find it. I hate when I miss the good stuff!
Indianapolis Star is dropping Wiley. Guess it is time to drop the Star. Only thing worth reading is Non Sequitur and the Pacers coverage. Oh well, cheaper to read on-line anyways.
Mr. Miller, my heartfelt thanks and support for your original version. I’m sorry that this has cost you so much grief and bad press: I may just now cancel my “subscriptions” to those newspapers who have dropped your comic. It is their oversight, after all, which allowed this “unconscionable” heresy to be published and offend my sensitive nature, and these paper should be dropped summarily. Thanks for your good work, Mr. Miller.
I see a lot of papers dumping the strip. Sneaking in secret messages violates the faith editors have that material they are paying for is exactly what it appears to be. They can’t be sure that Wiley Miller won’t do it again.
At almost 68, Wiley Miller is a gifted artist and, obviously, a crafty, intelligent and savvy cartoonist who’s been pouring a considerable amount of his time into creating Non Sequitur for more than a quarter century. He knows precisely what he’s about, and I suspect the controversial novelty he employed in this particular edition of the strip may be a clever tactical measure to force himself and Non Sequitur — which surely must demand excruciating effort and energy to produce — into retirement. If so, Wiley, you have my best wishes. I’ll miss you, but you’ve certainly earned some ease for a change.
This particular comic got this strip banned by the Columbus Dispatch because of the aforementioned comment in the lower right corner. I guess the Dispatch has no sense of humor. After all, they publish comments by Trump, and everyone knows what a potty mouth Doofus Donnie can be.
Guess I’m going to have to come to this site to read it now. Too bad!
I am still disappointed that the original 2/10/19 comic was removed. If you review the original strip though the COMPLETELY LEGIBLE text is debatable. I will post my initial impression of the text below. It would seem Wiley is being held responsible for us filling in the blanks of semi-legible scribble.
I was away on business this past week and, while I had seen the comic when originally printed in my local papers (and Washington Post), I missed the “scribbling”. I got back home to find that both of the print papers I get, the Boston Globe and Nashua (NH) Telegraph, dropped the strip (though both had printed it.) I gather that their editors had also missed the text. Ah well….
I CAN’T SEE A THING in that frame. So all the papers took away a perfectly good cartoon for nothing. In fact I would rather have MALLARD FILLMORE removed for being biased the other way and for just not being funny. So instead the papers support censorship and the choice to be offended. And don’t give me the line of a paper is a family paper. There is not a single cartoon in the paper produced for the kids. Not to mention how many kids actually read the paper.
The Tacoma newspaper just announced they were replacing the strip with the cutting edge, and controversial (not!) strip Nancy” C.1922. Their excuse is the comic was shipped in by a third party and they didn’t screen it for content.
I stand with the people who only see chicken scratch. If there is an insult directed at the POTUS I sure can’t see it. It seems obvious that my newspaper along with many others in the country are owned by a billionaire friend of Trump. I’m 71 years old .. please don’t make me read Nancy. I had my fill of that comic when I was a kid!!
I’m going to find a list of violating newspapers and inundate them with complaints about them dropping the strip. I have stamps and I’m not afraid to use them.
Additionally, although Wiley is likely inundated with email at the moment, it’s good tonote that PayPal will deliver cash rewards/donations to wileyink@earthlink.com
I’m sending $10 right now.
Don’t just stand there, DO SOMETHING! make a difference.
It’s like anything else, if the ones in power like it, (including their associate believers,) then it’s OK. If the ones in power don’t like it then your screwed.I voted for Trump but what I’m getting is most certainly not what I voted for, I was hoodwinked! The only way that Trump can deal with adversaries is to result to name calling. (But that’s OK because Trump says so.)The base line standard today is either greed or lies……
I miss Wiley in my paper, the LA times, so much. I know I can follow on this site, but I’d have much rather Trump been eliminated from the paper. I have the original Sunday comics section from 2/10. Might frame it.
aah… too bad, history has changed before our very eyes. The “offending” phrase has disappeared from the online cartoon. You have to go to blogs.mprnews.org/newscut/2019/02/obscene-message-in-comic-strip/to find a copy of the original.
I happen to (and still do) like NS and Trump. Our country has completely lost its sense of humor; every comment is a slur, an offense, or a… Word’s aren’t obscene… except in the eye of the reader! All you fellators lighten up out there.
I’ve been sharing for two years, since this one was published and our newspaper dropped non sequitur. I managed to get my hands on the paper version, too. What a tempest in the teapot, and look where we are now. EFF Tr*mp.
Bilan almost 6 years ago
Dang. When I color the bear in, the color doesn’t stay on the bear.
Enter.Name.Here almost 6 years ago
Another weekend where Wiley couldn’t think of something, eh?
Say What Now‽ Premium Member almost 6 years ago
It’s another one of those Wiley bear traps!
CharlesJ.O'Kelly almost 6 years ago
“Leonardo … wrote in the margin of a journal, ‘The Medici made me and the Medici destroyed me.’” Hm. Speaking of marginal notations …
Farside99 almost 6 years ago
I tried coloring it, but every time I moved the cursor, the color moved too.
dadoctah almost 6 years ago
I like the Vitruvian Bear. Any chance for a t-shirt?
Carole Athena Costa almost 6 years ago
On the second frame, with all the inventions, did anybody else see what I saw scribbled in the lower right hand corner? I couldn’t make out the first line but the second and third lines, if I read them correctly, made me laugh so loud, I hope I didn’t wake the neighbors!
Aussie Down Under almost 6 years ago
Another great strip.
Ida No almost 6 years ago
Yay! I’ve been waiting for the coloring bear page for months! I especially love the Mona Bearista.
Masterskrain almost 6 years ago
“Look for the bear necessities…”
Bryan Farht almost 6 years ago
Where can I post the result?
franktower Premium Member almost 6 years ago
I’m thinkin’ it should be the Beara Lisa…
sandpiper almost 6 years ago
Did we really need to go there?
Qiset almost 6 years ago
If this were a similar dis of former President Obama, there would be such an outcry to either have this comic put in the political section or banned outright. Such a double standard. TDS runs amok.
tomtrow44 almost 6 years ago
Can’t read his writing. Is it cursive? Or Hebrew? Or greek? Maybe cuneiform?
JoeRedburn almost 6 years ago
My sentiments exactly.
mudak326 almost 6 years ago
I wonder if that appears in the print versions of this strip.
wmbrainiac almost 6 years ago
Like so many not making millions, he probably will get a smaller return or owe more this year.
Elite1grey almost 6 years ago
too bad you cannot print just the comic out without having to pay for it
johndifool almost 6 years ago
The Beara Lisa’s eyes seem to always follow me…
Radish... almost 6 years ago
Square the bear.
tripwire45 almost 6 years ago
And remember folks, before printing off comic strips and sharing them with the kiddies to color, make sure to check the fine print. In due consideration of my grandchildren’s vocabulary, I’m passing on this one.
Kalkkuna almost 6 years ago
animemom50 almost 6 years ago
What happened to that on Sunday only storyline about the silent fellow with powers and the girl trying to save him?
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Fun for the whole family. Parents get the paper kids get the drawing. Thank.
William Bednar Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Love it, Wiley! I simply love your work!
BiathlonNut almost 6 years ago
Every time I get my hand near the bear’s mouth I notice a piece of me is missing. Love those Wiley Bears!
Terr Bear Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Well, now I have crayon on my Kindle.
ascha35-gocomics almost 6 years ago
Everyone seems to have missed the obvious question. How do you clean the crayons off the screen after you’ve colored the picture?
lagoulou almost 6 years ago
Wiley, I love you!
bobdingus almost 6 years ago
Congratulations, Wiley, for getting an important message past the censors. The resistance continues!
Jeffin Premium Member almost 6 years ago
What color is bearnaise sauce?
AndrewSihler almost 6 years ago
A, the exquisite Mona Ursa.
theincrediblebulk almost 6 years ago
when I read Bearnaissance, my mind translated it to bearnaise sauce. I thought the bears were becoming fancy chefs for a second or two.
comixbomix almost 6 years ago
Next Sunday: Sculpting With Bearnini…
NoSleepTil_BKLYN almost 6 years ago
I’m starting to think that this guy’s got a thing for bears! (I could be wrong) ; 0
Fenshaw almost 6 years ago
Somewhere in this Great Nation, a Comics Censor found itself suddenly unemployed. You rock, Wiley.
maggaggiemay almost 6 years ago
Trump disgusts me, too, but hiding a Go F Yourself message in the comics is sophomoric.
MDMom almost 6 years ago
. . . does anyone know how to get permanent markers stains off of my note book? I think, maybe, that I should have printed it out first? Dang! :(
DouglasPotter almost 6 years ago
Now, that’s the size the Mona Lisa should be!
CharlesJ.O'Kelly almost 6 years ago
Aaaand, once again, the winner is … Walt Kelly. “We have met the enemy and he is us.”
CharlesJ.O'Kelly almost 6 years ago
The German people did not drive the rags of Julius Streicher (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_Streicher) off the newsstands, and Streicher into bankruptcy. The American people have not driven Ann Coulter (to name one) off the media and into bankruptcy. Business Rule 1: The Customer Is Always Right. Rule 2: If the Customer is Wrong, See Rule 1. What have YOU purchased (directly or indirectly) today?
sufamelico almost 6 years ago
@CAROLE, Well, I can distinctively read part of “We respectably request that u go G F ur. . .lf #*%ump” But I’ve been wrong many times before
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 6 years ago
The Wiley Bears have their own history too. Too bad they find us so yummy.
RichardL1 almost 6 years ago
Leonardo da Vinci would write backwards with his left hand. Hold it up to a mirror. It actually says, “Continue the great work, Mr. President”.
Tricia55 almost 6 years ago
Thumbs up!
jessie d. almost 6 years ago
Getting too cheap to color his toons, I see. Wanting the kids and those in second childhoods to do the work for him. A cushy life to be had by some.
mikehamm almost 6 years ago
I guess I thought it says stirrups since that’s what it’s pointing at. But, the other theory might just hold water.
TheDOCTOR almost 6 years ago
Guess Monday we’ll see how many papers DROP this strip. Ashame though cause its good.
dougcalder1 almost 6 years ago
Saw that ;o)
Bronco46 almost 6 years ago
I wonder if we would have seen all this tolerance for disrespect if it was put where it belongs with AOC, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schummer, or best of all President Obama. That’s where that comment deserves to be pointed.
clayusmcret Premium Member almost 6 years ago
This is why I dropped Non Funny several years ago. Be funny or be political. I like both. Don’t pretend to be one to slip in jabs with the other.
CorinneGarrett almost 6 years ago
The Butler Eagle’s loss. GREAT Political Cartooning as always by Wiley.
Unlicensed Bozo almost 6 years ago
Sad, so sad…
eideard almost 6 years ago
And one candyass newspaper is dropping Wiley.
DouglasHall almost 6 years ago
Thank you Butler Eagle… kinda pathetic… you’re obviously not witty or creative enough to be Doonesbury or Bloom County, Wiley… so please don’t try.
tcayer almost 6 years ago
It appears he did what he suggested to himself. His strip is getting dumped by outlets!
MichaelMinor almost 6 years ago
This is how a cartoon becomes news. Hope youknowwho gets it.
ShaneMathews almost 6 years ago
Any chance to get a poster of the original?
tistack9 almost 6 years ago
While I can’t say the hidden Trump message was a great idea, it definitely served to expose the lameness of the Butler Eagle. But this comes as no surprise to me as I’ve personally seen this newspaper sensor out well-written, respectable “letters to the editor” that apparently did not agree with their philosophy.
Tracy Evans almost 6 years ago
I see the rude comment has been removed. I know one paper dropped him. Where there others?
rasleyd almost 6 years ago
Where is the original, un-edited comic? This one has been CENSORED by some nitwits.
texgal61 almost 6 years ago
See where a newspaper dropped you for a insulting and disgusting comment. I will drop you too, bye bye!!
Bonita Voigt almost 6 years ago
I see the whitewashed edition as replaced the original one.
David Hamblin Premium Member almost 6 years ago
They censored this in the drawing showing now. where is free speech?
JamesBernard almost 6 years ago
dhoff68718 Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Why is necessary to drag politics into everything!
erniejpdx almost 6 years ago
Hmmm… according to the news, and the change in the cartoon since yesterday, it seems Wiley has either self-censored or been censored, thanks to the overreaction of self-righteous or pathologically conservative types.
brega Premium Member almost 6 years ago
I came here to see what the hub-bub was all about and gocomics erased the part everyone was talking about. :-(
Mr. Snuffles' Accomplice Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Is the online version on GoComics the later, “edited” version? ‘cuz I don’t see it.
bakana almost 6 years ago
The Comments section will be 1000% Improved is all the Trumpanzees keep their promises to never visit again.
Sadly, I’m sure they will Not because they are Trolls and Trolls gotta Troll.
D1063n35 Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Saw that Wiley was catching some flack for this strip so signed up as Premium on Go Comic. I can’t make a paper run a strip but I can send my money to those who do.
JodyHarbison almost 6 years ago
I saw it…saved my Sunday paper from the Butler Eagle and now will proudly frame it…the cartoon. Love it!
Cheapskate0 almost 6 years ago
For those who care, the unedited version of the second panel.
Electra-Woman almost 6 years ago
I don’t see the sick burn, but I heard it’s there… Go wiley!
RandyTracy almost 6 years ago
The last four presidents did such a poor job for so many millions of voters, that we deserve this president. Think about that the next time someone is admiring 0bama, the Bushes, or Clinton.
Gabryant almost 6 years ago
Thanks Wiley!!! What many of us would love to say!
-Baltimore Premium Member almost 6 years ago
I say, “thank you, Wiley, for courage and cleverness”. I applaud your Easter egg and will keep you in my “favorites” list. (And, lucky for me, we get a real paper Sunday paper, so I have an original version to keep.)
hn3841 almost 6 years ago
This poor cartoonist just can not get over the fact that lying Hillary lost.
kevin1097 Premium Member almost 6 years ago
I can only hope it does indeed say that. Freedom of press and all. Actually, it’s not spelled out, it’s inferred. You see anything there, you’re looking for it. :-)
hdcanterbelle Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Yea! I love the art reference ones. My only suggestion was it should have been written backwards, as Leonardo would have.
SteveKelly1 almost 6 years ago
Pity the original has been pulled. Only the redneck bible belt & the hate brigade would be offended by it.
RomaineSpence almost 6 years ago
Oh, very clever! Ha. Ha. Ha. Of course, the artist might have wanted to consider that the people who actually subscribe to newspapers that print comics are likely to be less than amused and that one newspaper has already dumped the comic because of this, but what the heck. All in good fun and when the “Dump Wiley” movement catches on and he’s dropped by the syndicate, he can giggle all the way to the unemployment office.
dnorbeck81 almost 6 years ago
Im a little dissapointed that they edited/censored the comic to get rid of the trump text
Cat Hammer almost 6 years ago
You’re an ass, Miller.
Catbunny404 almost 6 years ago
But I’m also very confused about the people above complaining about censoring. It’s still clearly there on my screen.Not happy about the language showing up on a comics page, though. :/
redviking almost 6 years ago
gee, and i USED TO read this tripe out of sympathy. guess I’ll correct that.
good job – cheap shot – lost fan. FYI – the cartoon really isnt that funny
DIF20 almost 6 years ago
I think you’ve overdone this bear thing……..getting very boring.
magdala666 almost 6 years ago
Extremely disappoint in MyComics censoring this comic. “When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” And censoring everyone who doesn’t agree with the flag-wrapped cross carriers.
KieranO1 almost 6 years ago
I am sad to see that my newspaper is dropping Wiley Non-Sequitur because of the words about Trump. I may have to drop my newspaper. At least I still can see it here on the internet.
Patlet almost 6 years ago
The worst part is GoComics editing it. I am really bummed about that…is there another comics page that DOESN’T censor? We’re all supposedly adults here….
Bloom_County_subs almost 6 years ago
Wiley creates a coloring page, and places profanity in it… and in the only section that Kids frequent… Class act, Wiley, Class act.
MikeJ almost 6 years ago
The “F” word doesn’t belong in a comic that’s read by children. Wiley is welcome to his political opinion, but he should have kept that word to himself.
laladish almost 6 years ago
The Chattanooga Times Free Press put an apology in today’s paper, I say truth in comics !!!
nomomaniacs almost 6 years ago
I was gonna say c’mon Wiley, enough with the bears…then I saw the news from Russia. Sheesh!
cwg almost 6 years ago
Can bearly contain my excitement.
HenryWertz almost 6 years ago
Note to all, don’t waste your time looking for the note in the corner the comments all refer to. This comic has been CENSORED, the item scribbled in the corner has been excised from the version on here.
SHAME to gocomics! Either keep the comic in original form, put up a placeholder saying the comic has been pulled, or a visible notice up top saying that this Feb. 10 comic was updated Feb. 11. Please keep the book 1984 in mind; in today’s electronic world, it’s a dangerous precedent to decide it’s OK to modify existing, dated, comics, articles, etc. without at least providing a notice on the page that it’s been done. Obviously not a big deal for one comic, but imagine trying to look through some historical archive only to find (like in 1984) that the articles are all a little different each time you go back to look.
ultra2bob almost 6 years ago
Oh no. They took out the scribbling in the lower right hand corner. Fortunately, some newspapers pointed it out previously. Glad I didn’t miss the punch line. Urp.
Mr.Bubbles2257 almost 6 years ago
I see nothing in the lower right hand corner. what am I missing?
PixieFun almost 6 years ago
GoComics, did you edit out the controversial scribbling in this comic? Because I’ve seen it in articles about this comic, but coming here to see it for myself, it is gone!
hippie1 almost 6 years ago
Mr. Limp does and says worse every day. What was suggested in this comic, he does to everyone, everyday.
Gregthetenor almost 6 years ago
The News and Observer in Raleigh, NC has dropped Non Sequitor as of 2/18 after one of the readers complained.
DNeikirk almost 6 years ago
DAMMIT, WILEY! Your comic is the one I look forward to and save for last to read! NOW WHAT? Are you going to set up something so we can continue to follow you? For a small fee, maybe? C’mon…now that you got us hooked, you can’t just dump us cold turkey!
AleishaMorrison almost 6 years ago
Saying out loud what many think…Well done.
williamwallaceoc almost 6 years ago
Non sequitur is one of the few comics with something worthwhile to say, and says it with style and sometimes subtlety. And in this case, to cite The Bard, “Much Ado About Nothing.” The whole foo-rah reminds me of Charles Schultz introducing an obviously Black character, Franklin, into the strip a few years ago. Some papers howled, demanding Schultz remove Franklin post-haste or they would drop the strip. Schultz, to his credit, told ’em, Go Ahead; Franklin stays. Thanks, Wiley, for the insights, the witty commentary, and backbone.
BobHillery almost 6 years ago
I just saw that the Boston Globe has dropped “Non Sequitur” ! Dumb! Apparently readers commented enough about ‘inappropriate’ scribbles that they couldn’t really make out that it bothered the Editors. 1. If someone has to go hunting for things about which to be offended, I cannot take them seriously.2. “Inappropriate” is a useless term in an era where the entire staff of the Executive Branch is under investigation, indicted, or already convicted for criminal acts and exhorting others to violence.3. I may just drop my long time Globe subscription.
rossjoanne400 almost 6 years ago
Enlarged as much as possible, I cannot read any of the “text” scribbled in the second frame. But my newspaper, the Sacramento Bee (CA), has just cancelled this strip because of a “profane phrase” aimed at Trump. What is there?
Elvira Brook almost 6 years ago
Want to voice my support for Wiley and one of my favorite comics. I couldn’t be more disappointed that the LA Times has reacted to this tempest in a teapot by pulling Non Sequitur.
sandrawils almost 6 years ago
I can’t see anything, which is frustrating! My paper, the Sacramento Bee, is pulling NonSequitur because of a non-PC comment. I thought they said it was in last Friday’s comic, but I couldn’t find it. I hate when I miss the good stuff!
dave22221 almost 6 years ago
Indianapolis Star is dropping Wiley. Guess it is time to drop the Star. Only thing worth reading is Non Sequitur and the Pacers coverage. Oh well, cheaper to read on-line anyways.
ajnotales almost 6 years ago
Mr. Miller, my heartfelt thanks and support for your original version. I’m sorry that this has cost you so much grief and bad press: I may just now cancel my “subscriptions” to those newspapers who have dropped your comic. It is their oversight, after all, which allowed this “unconscionable” heresy to be published and offend my sensitive nature, and these paper should be dropped summarily. Thanks for your good work, Mr. Miller.
ask4reb Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Wonderful ! Wiley I salute. you.
A Hip loving Canadian... almost 6 years ago
Wow, some people get offended easily.
bacarrie almost 6 years ago
I see a lot of papers dumping the strip. Sneaking in secret messages violates the faith editors have that material they are paying for is exactly what it appears to be. They can’t be sure that Wiley Miller won’t do it again.
Andrew Sleeth almost 6 years ago
At almost 68, Wiley Miller is a gifted artist and, obviously, a crafty, intelligent and savvy cartoonist who’s been pouring a considerable amount of his time into creating Non Sequitur for more than a quarter century. He knows precisely what he’s about, and I suspect the controversial novelty he employed in this particular edition of the strip may be a clever tactical measure to force himself and Non Sequitur — which surely must demand excruciating effort and energy to produce — into retirement. If so, Wiley, you have my best wishes. I’ll miss you, but you’ve certainly earned some ease for a change.
dfot almost 6 years ago
This particular comic got this strip banned by the Columbus Dispatch because of the aforementioned comment in the lower right corner. I guess the Dispatch has no sense of humor. After all, they publish comments by Trump, and everyone knows what a potty mouth Doofus Donnie can be.
Guess I’m going to have to come to this site to read it now. Too bad!
ArtieEl almost 6 years ago
I am still disappointed that the original 2/10/19 comic was removed. If you review the original strip though the COMPLETELY LEGIBLE text is debatable. I will post my initial impression of the text below. It would seem Wiley is being held responsible for us filling in the blanks of semi-legible scribble.
timykel2015 almost 6 years ago
was the Trump comment removed from GoComics?
jonat Premium Member almost 6 years ago
I was away on business this past week and, while I had seen the comic when originally printed in my local papers (and Washington Post), I missed the “scribbling”. I got back home to find that both of the print papers I get, the Boston Globe and Nashua (NH) Telegraph, dropped the strip (though both had printed it.) I gather that their editors had also missed the text. Ah well….
kv505 almost 6 years ago
I loved the original and saved it. The wrong wing has so many “snowflakes”. :-)
rose.and.kelly almost 6 years ago
I CAN’T SEE A THING in that frame. So all the papers took away a perfectly good cartoon for nothing. In fact I would rather have MALLARD FILLMORE removed for being biased the other way and for just not being funny. So instead the papers support censorship and the choice to be offended. And don’t give me the line of a paper is a family paper. There is not a single cartoon in the paper produced for the kids. Not to mention how many kids actually read the paper.
KarenRiggs almost 6 years ago
I looked and looked and couldn’t find the “vulgar language.” Even with a magnifying glass! He apologized, give him another chance! I love this comic!
Darryl Weaver almost 6 years ago
I missed the whole controversy originally…. but It appears the phrase has been edited out of the image here
justalurkr almost 6 years ago
Has the offending message been removed or blurred? I’m not seeing it.
Wasiechu almost 6 years ago
The Tacoma newspaper just announced they were replacing the strip with the cutting edge, and controversial (not!) strip Nancy” C.1922. Their excuse is the comic was shipped in by a third party and they didn’t screen it for content.
[Unnamed Reader - 35b0aa] almost 6 years ago
I miss the original.
DonaldBrock almost 6 years ago
I missed it what did it say.
loveabulldesign almost 6 years ago
dragon23 Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Unless this too has been censored, I couldn’t see it.
JasonBall34 almost 6 years ago
Dang, can’t believe this happened.
polarisfire Premium Member almost 6 years ago
I stand with the people who only see chicken scratch. If there is an insult directed at the POTUS I sure can’t see it. It seems obvious that my newspaper along with many others in the country are owned by a billionaire friend of Trump. I’m 71 years old .. please don’t make me read Nancy. I had my fill of that comic when I was a kid!!
Ka`ōnōhi`ula`okahōkūmiomio`ehiku Premium Member almost 6 years ago
The original panel:
Ka`ōnōhi`ula`okahōkūmiomio`ehiku Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Enough talk. Let’s act.
I’m going to find a list of violating newspapers and inundate them with complaints about them dropping the strip. I have stamps and I’m not afraid to use them.
Additionally, although Wiley is likely inundated with email at the moment, it’s good tonote that PayPal will deliver cash rewards/donations to wileyink@earthlink.com
I’m sending $10 right now.
Don’t just stand there, DO SOMETHING! make a difference.
BruceHerden1 almost 6 years ago
It’s like anything else, if the ones in power like it, (including their associate believers,) then it’s OK. If the ones in power don’t like it then your screwed.I voted for Trump but what I’m getting is most certainly not what I voted for, I was hoodwinked! The only way that Trump can deal with adversaries is to result to name calling. (But that’s OK because Trump says so.)The base line standard today is either greed or lies……
BruceHerden1 almost 6 years ago
At lease he’s genuine……
therocket1954 almost 6 years ago
I miss Wiley in my paper, the LA times, so much. I know I can follow on this site, but I’d have much rather Trump been eliminated from the paper. I have the original Sunday comics section from 2/10. Might frame it.
shawdk1952622 almost 6 years ago
It go met the strip canceled in our local paper. I miss it.
gsteele531 over 5 years ago
It would be nice if it were possible to scribble some class – but that’s above Wiley’s pay grade.
paulvernon almost 5 years ago
Looks like it has been deleted
comics over 4 years ago
aah… too bad, history has changed before our very eyes. The “offending” phrase has disappeared from the online cartoon. You have to go to blogs.mprnews.org/newscut/2019/02/obscene-message-in-comic-strip/to find a copy of the original.
I happen to (and still do) like NS and Trump. Our country has completely lost its sense of humor; every comment is a slur, an offense, or a… Word’s aren’t obscene… except in the eye of the reader! All you fellators lighten up out there.
RitaGB almost 4 years ago
I’ve been sharing for two years, since this one was published and our newspaper dropped non sequitur. I managed to get my hands on the paper version, too. What a tempest in the teapot, and look where we are now. EFF Tr*mp.
phoenixnyc almost 4 years ago
For those looking for the profane message, GoComics has removed it. The message was “Fondly, go f&(% yourself, Trump.”
lalapalooza Premium Member over 3 years ago
: )
we love yo wiley,
oh yes we doo o o
and we will always
be true to you!
when you’re not with us,
we’re bluu u u e
oh wiley we love you!
ReallyOldSurferDude over 2 years ago
The current image has been revised. I did a screen capture on the day this was published. It is as timely now as it was then.
r.feinberg 26 days ago
Sad to say, they appear to have whited it out on the current online version!