Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for April 22, 2020

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 5 years ago

    when Mom was sick, Dad made making soup and waffles for dinner for him and Calvin
 so let us hope Luann’s father isn’t planning to make the same thing

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  2. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  almost 5 years ago

    She’s being Herman Munster. ✹

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    Rhetorical_Question   almost 5 years ago

    Bad choice to impersonating your Dad before he makes dinner and your Dad looks startled by the bad acting. BTW, did Luann give the pill to the dog, Pubbles?

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    Prescott_Philosopher   almost 5 years ago

    OMG, the arc continues this helpless thread.

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  5. Miriam
    Kymberleigh  almost 5 years ago

    You don’t have enough hair to “be Mom”, Frank.

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    capricorn9th  almost 5 years ago

    Ah, I like this silly Luann. Making light of the situation. We mimic each other in my family and we laugh about that.

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    howtheduck  almost 5 years ago

    I think Frank has mastered Nancy’s sarcasm. However, Luann’s impression of her father needs a little work.

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    BJShipley1  almost 5 years ago

 does no evening involve Frank being at the establishment he owns? Must be nice to not put in any appearances whatsoever and just expect everything to run smoothly.

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    Cheapskate0  almost 5 years ago

    For this, we gave up Pru.

    Drop the mic.

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    Airman  almost 5 years ago

    Gotta’ recognize this as a simple, daddy-daughter event. Mild humor, no controversy, and the proof will be in the pudding.

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    mawa14 Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    What’s that expression: “Turn-around is fair play”
? Watch out, Luann, for Frank’s impression of YOU!

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  12. Dra
    Fiammata  almost 5 years ago

    Now I want spaghetti. Very, very, very much.

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    kenhense  almost 5 years ago

    So yes – Frank does have a job (we still don’t know what).

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  14. Big hug
    Brdshtt Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    You forgot your briefcase, Luann, I mean, Frank

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    luann1212  almost 5 years ago

    Hilarity ensues.

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    SeaSnork  almost 5 years ago

    We learned more about his job than we knew.. Still not much.

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    rklynch  almost 5 years ago

    This strip actually made me laugh out loud.

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    Troglodyte  almost 5 years ago

    Frankly, Luann does a great impression
not! :D

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    Faith :)  almost 5 years ago

    It’ll be funny to see Frank act as Luann tomorrow ;)

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    Milady Meg  almost 5 years ago

    And, debuting in the role of Luann

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    BradFilippone  almost 5 years ago

    And on the alternate nights, he gets to imitate Luann. This should be good.

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    EasyEight  almost 5 years ago

    There is only one problem with the wife going off to work. For most people work blows, seriously. My poor wife comes back from some terrible days in the office. It’s beyond me why people strive for such a dubious prize; you get to work for 1. corporate America or 2. the government. Yuck. “Death by PowerPoint” here we come.

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  23. Wileecoffee3
    Need coffee  almost 5 years ago

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    MAGold  almost 5 years ago

    I understand why Nancy wants to go to work, but there is a lot more to bartending then opening a bottle of beer or pouring a glass of wine. And by the way, where are Brad and Toni, we have not seen them for months

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    dlkrueger33  almost 5 years ago

    Me thinks this strip is just a place holder for this arc while K and G think up adventures for Mom at the Fuze. That could be more interesting. Maybe an employee who doesn’t realize Mom is the OWNER will be doing something illegal and ask if she wants “in” on the scam. Anyway, that’s how MY mind works. If I could draw, I’d have so much fun making a strip

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    ForrestOverin  almost 5 years ago

 we KNOW that Frank isn’t actually like that, so what’s with unprovoked-ly taunting him? Life lesson here, Luann: treat your food server respectfully, or they might spit in your food. You’re welcome, grasshopper.

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  27. Out little avatar
    dadoctah  almost 5 years ago

    So it’s come to this. Performance art.

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    GirlGeek Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    This is boring

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    Mordock999 Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    The “snarking” will STOP, after Luann samples Frank’s “cooking.”

    Luann MIGHT want to have some bicarbonate of soda handy.

    And the local Little Caesars delivery, on speed dial

.., ;)

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    eladee AKA Wally  almost 5 years ago

    I think this arc is pretty entertaining. Sure it’s based in stereotypes—the intrepid wife returning to work leaving her spoiled and untrained family to fend for themselves but it does have Luann front and center for a change and I think she and Frank will figure it out and eventually become a great “home front team”. I only hope we also get to see Nancy’s learning curve at The Fuse so really hilarity can ensure from all sides. This is good stuff. They should all grow on the process.

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    Aladar30 Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Frank knows how to be a great and fun father ♡.Luann is really good at acting. She knows how to be dramatic, how to be serious and, especially, how to be comic, really a lot comic. I hope that one day she will return on the stage. Maybe with Fay.

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    preacherman Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Luann is making this up as most of the time, she doesn’t know what her parents are doing.

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    Willow Mt Lyon  almost 5 years ago

    So many expect dinner to be ready as soon as they walk in the door. When I was a stay at home wife, I was thankful mine wanted to relax a bit before eating. It took pressure off both of us. 47 years married.

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    comic reader 22  almost 5 years ago

    I like the other characters much better than these two

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    Ellis97  almost 5 years ago

    You’re such a great actor, Luann.

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  36. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Does Frank regularly come home and complain about traffic, meetings, and his day at work? How often have we seen that? In a lot of strips that’s the basis for much of the humor, but honestly I didn’t know for sure that Frank even had a job. This strip is really stretching, trying to be a 1970s sitcom.

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    FassEddie  almost 5 years ago

    Who wears an apron? Just be careful!

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    Mordock999 Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Oh. I almost forgot.

    Happy Mirth Day, Gentle People!

    Our gift to the Earth, NO SMOG!

    Maybe We DON’T have to be EVERYWHERE after all

, ;)

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    Aibohphobia  almost 5 years ago

    This is ridiculous. Its 2020, not 1950. Why are we having so many strips about cooking dinner? My 12 year old helps with dinner as does my 9 year old. My husband cooks dinner often. Am I the only one that has people that help “mom’s” work? I am also gone sometimes at night and guess what? Everyone manages to have dinner without much ado.

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  40. Ligand1
    RSH  almost 5 years ago

    Frank says “..I’ll be mom tonight
” implying he has the intact view that it is mom’s job to make dinner. But he will take that role for now. He could have just said ’I’ll make dinner tonight". This family is finally moving on from the 1950/60’s with Nancy as June Cleaver. better late than never.

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  41. Dvincent
    dv1093  almost 5 years ago

    I have to laugh and shake my head at people who think making dinner begins at dinnertime. Anyone who makes the family meals knows that the meal planning sometimes starts 24-48 hours in advance – as in thawing out the frozen stuff – and then making sure your kitchen has all the recipe ingredients on hand, and so on.

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  42. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   almost 5 years ago

    Happy Earth Day! Respect the planet.

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    Rhetorical_Question   almost 5 years ago

    Where is Puddles?

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  44. Hal2
    montylc2001  almost 5 years ago

    There was a period of time in my youth, around 20 I believe if memory serves, when my father and I had to go out on the road together to work. Long story as to why
.but for about a year I had to do all the cooking. Dad was the type that was spoiled by mom in the capacity that she was a stay at home mom, cooked every night, laundry, kept house clean, etc etc. Fortunately I took it upon myself in my teenage years to learn how to cook, figuring I’d be a bachelor for awhile, and no better teacher than dear mother. Anyway, dad expected it every night and mine was not to question. I got pretty good at it. But I DID make him do his own laundry!

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    CynthiaLeigh  almost 5 years ago

    No, Frank, you’ll be a member of the family pitching in to do your part.

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    sueb1863  almost 5 years ago

    I’m more interested in seeing how Nancy’s doing at her first day on a job in several years.

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  47. Tyge
    Tyge  almost 5 years ago

    She looks like Axel!

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    luann1212  almost 5 years ago

    I notice that there is a theme pointing out that 2020 families don’t resemble the 1950’s TV families, and in fact on TV shows like Modern Family there has been a lot of progress in mass media. I think though that this arc is a humorous way for the strip to reflect that progress. There is always a tension between a family strip, and change; for example how Greg approaches Gawd. Sometimes references to a basically Christian deity is hard to avoid, and no matter which way the strip goes on that, Greg and Karen are going to draw shade. So in my mind I remain interested in the slow progression of how this major change in the fundamental family theme will affect the characters and the storylines in the strip. It ought to be interesting.

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  49. Tyge
    Tyge  almost 5 years ago

    He’s Lucille Ball and she’s Desi Arnez? Seems so.

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  50. Tyge
    Tyge  almost 5 years ago

    So far there’s no originality shown with this trope. Frank doesn’t act that way with Nancy, as Luann portrays. But Frank may be channeling Nancy with his response.

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  51. Tyge
    Tyge  almost 5 years ago

    They’re lousy at role play. I hope Luann (as Frank) doesn’t try to get fresh with “Nancy.” Now that would be “hilarity ensuing.”

    And why does Frank need such a large pot for the two of them. He’s acting like Frank, not Nancy.

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    JPuzzleWhiz  almost 5 years ago

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    donwestonmysteries  almost 5 years ago

    Me washes the dishes after dinner.

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  54. Rosie2
    Schrodinger's Dog  almost 5 years ago

    wait’ll it’s Luann’s turn . Let’s see how she does with food prep.

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    GregWaddell  almost 5 years ago

    Oooh! Sick burn, Frank!!

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    JPuzzleWhiz  almost 5 years ago

    “The Gripes Of Wrath”

    “Girly’s Little ‘Dad’”

    “Kitch-ing Rotation”

    “Dinner Roles”

    “I Am You, You Are Me, And We Are All Together (â™Ș♫)”

    “If The Lu Has A Fit

    “Father (With A) Figure”

    “Dinner On Demand”

    “Mr. Mom”

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    JPuzzleWhiz  almost 5 years ago

    I think Luann’s actually having fun with this

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  58. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  almost 5 years ago

    Yeah. Frank works.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 5 years ago

    Pretty good, Luann.

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    electricpostcard  almost 5 years ago

    She knows dang well she should be makin dinners for her pops every night to say
“I love you pops

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    Shonkin  almost 5 years ago

    Luann really is a jerk.

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    PhoenixHocking  almost 5 years ago

    Nice burn, Frank.

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  63. Ligand1
    RSH  almost 5 years ago

    Frank doesn’t seem to have the kind of personality that Luann is imitating, but mostly we see him on sundays.

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  64. Toughcat
    bakana  almost 5 years ago

    So, she sees Dad as an abusive butthead?

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  65. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 5 years ago

    Luann’s heavy-handed caricature hardly matches mild-mannered Frank, though I suppose she could call it exaggeration for effect

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    PaulLeckner  almost 5 years ago

    When my older brother, the first born disrespected my father, my father stared him down. No one ever disrespected Pop.

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