As adorable as all the theater is — I really am loving all the improv! and Sophie’s breakthrough! — I have a hankering for a bit of tussle … maybe something involving tiny folding chairs …
Panel 1: I want so much to cuddle Lupin! He’s so adorable in that cringe with his head the size of his body. Panel 3: my heart breaks for Sophie! Oh poor kitty, will you slink away and have no friends?Panel 4: you go, girl! Way to take Goldie’s plot twist, be a good sport, and use your fabulous imagination!
Poor Lupin, thoroughly cowed, in the first panel, and the interplay between Goldie and Sophie – all wonderful. Georgia, thank you for continuing to lift our hearts in these trying times!
Setting: Ancient Egypt, where cats are worshiped as gods
Royal Magician: You summoned me, oh Queen Catshepsut?
Her Majesty: Yes, Sophititi. I need a symbol of my power throughout the realm.
Sophititi: I will create for you an amulet, in the shape of the Cat Ankh.
Queen Catshepsut: Do that, and summon the Royal Cook to create for me a dish containing eggs, and other delicacies scrambled together and cooked as one.
Sophititi: At once, your majesty. You shall have your amulet and your omelette as you command.
Besides all the puns elicited by the Existential Bread which were quite droll, I also loved how Sophie took Goldie’s lead and ran with it. Sophie is blossoming nicely.
Today is Name Yourself Day—it must be intended as a benefit from those who have forgotten their name, or like master Butterbur, “only remember it because people shout it at you all day.”
I love how this was handled. Sophia has always wanted to play with the other cats, but thought she didn’t know “how”. And she thought her partial blindness and weak paws would make it impossible. The cats’ explanation told her that she had control — “you can just work that into your storyline, make it part of your character”. Not only did she not know their wrestling was theater (and therefore art), she didn’t know she was allowed to create her own character with traits that were on her terms. She can be who she is, or make up anything she wants, she doesn’t have to change a thing. And the way she whipped up that outfit and made up the Existential Dread, she must have had them in mind for a long time but not where/how to use them. Brilliant, Georgia.
Le'letha Premium Member almost 5 years ago
I’m not sure what’s cuter: Lupin all curled up or Sophie and Goldie building the story up further in true, “Yes, and…!” style!
Aspen_Bell almost 5 years ago
@sdjamieson and @kirbie1232, you called it!!!
RAGs almost 5 years ago
I love how Sophie is really getting in to it, and socializing.
Strob almost 5 years ago
It’s the anti-Kryptonite.
Dirty Dragon almost 5 years ago
A wrestling match when done right is an improv, made up on the fly by the participants and often adjusted based on the audience feedback.
As young Mr. Grace used to say, “you’ve all done very well!”
DennisinSeattle almost 5 years ago
Sophie seizes the opportunity for a theatrical swoon! And it was time to move on in terms of the drama.
ctlum almost 5 years ago
I love how Sophie has realized how much fun it is to play with the others!
Catmom almost 5 years ago
It’s easier for Sophie to “let go” behind the facade of another character. And she’s learning to play well with others. A true breakthrough!
Corwin Haught Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Frame of reference here: the Casket match from the 1994 Royal Rumble.
Sue Ellen almost 5 years ago
Sophie is reacting better to the theft of her amulet than Lupin reacted to the theft of his tape recorder!
enigmamz almost 5 years ago
One Serious Cat almost 5 years ago
Love how Georgia captures Sophie’s surprise in panel 3 and her sheer delight in panel 4 as she catches on to Goldie’s plot advancement!
maggijoseph Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Brilliant improv move on Goldie’s part and brilliant uptake by Sophie! And Lupin so cute curled up but looking a bit outclassed by the ladies.
catmom1360 almost 5 years ago
Goldie and Sophie are playing their parts well.
Robin Harwood almost 5 years ago
Without her amulet, the Existential Dread is doomed.
dmah Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Love how the Existential Bread’s ear is peeking out from her hat in panel 3!
dmah Premium Member almost 5 years ago
As adorable as all the theater is — I really am loving all the improv! and Sophie’s breakthrough! — I have a hankering for a bit of tussle … maybe something involving tiny folding chairs …
WelshRat Premium Member almost 5 years ago
And now she’s REALLY part of the family!
PammWhittaker almost 5 years ago
Oh my Cat! Georgia, I love you! :) So happy to see Sophie playing and loving it! And the look on Goldie’s face.. LOL!
PammWhittaker almost 5 years ago
Oh and did you see Goldie took the amulet without disturbing Sophie’s hat! :)
DorseyBelle almost 5 years ago
Panel 1: I want so much to cuddle Lupin! He’s so adorable in that cringe with his head the size of his body. Panel 3: my heart breaks for Sophie! Oh poor kitty, will you slink away and have no friends?Panel 4: you go, girl! Way to take Goldie’s plot twist, be a good sport, and use your fabulous imagination!
cat19632001 almost 5 years ago
Someone needs to quickly sign to Lupin the changes in the plot.
cat19632001 almost 5 years ago
BoCH – with hat!
cat19632001 almost 5 years ago
Those are Sophie toe beans. Purple Sophie Toe Beans!
tricksterson almost 5 years ago
But how did Rowdy Goldie Pepper know that? My answer, she and the Existential Dread are sisters!
tatempleman almost 5 years ago
Even in defeat, Sophie is loving every minute of this – look at that smile!
cat19632001 almost 5 years ago
I can’t wait to hear what Pretty Pucky and Good Cat Almighty have to say about this twist in the plot.
Kaputnik almost 5 years ago
Maybe someone already commented on this, but I see that the ankh has little cat ears.
cat19632001 almost 5 years ago
Alright – what is Rowdy Goldie Pepper going to do with The Dread’s power?
ladykat almost 5 years ago
Poor Lupin, thoroughly cowed, in the first panel, and the interplay between Goldie and Sophie – all wonderful. Georgia, thank you for continuing to lift our hearts in these trying times!
Kitty Katz almost 5 years ago
Setting: Ancient Egypt, where cats are worshiped as gods
Royal Magician: You summoned me, oh Queen Catshepsut?
Her Majesty: Yes, Sophititi. I need a symbol of my power throughout the realm.
Sophititi: I will create for you an amulet, in the shape of the Cat Ankh.
Queen Catshepsut: Do that, and summon the Royal Cook to create for me a dish containing eggs, and other delicacies scrambled together and cooked as one.
Sophititi: At once, your majesty. You shall have your amulet and your omelette as you command.
tims145 almost 5 years ago
E.D. is going to use her last secret power to get her amulet back: Charm +1000
T_Lexi almost 5 years ago
[cheer! whistle! stomp!] Rowdy Goldie Pepper = The Existential Dreadnought [munching popcorn as fast as it pops]
Colorado Expat almost 5 years ago
OT – cuteness overload!
wildwind almost 5 years ago
Besides all the puns elicited by the Existential Bread which were quite droll, I also loved how Sophie took Goldie’s lead and ran with it. Sophie is blossoming nicely.
anomalous4 almost 5 years ago
ICYMI: A cheetah at the Smithsonian zoo gave birth to 4 cubs yesterday. Live cam:
I love how they chirp like little birds.
Oh, and my copy of Take It Away, Tommy! arrived yesterday. YAY!
scyphi26 almost 5 years ago
Also, Goldie basically just saved Lupin from said amulet effects, so, you know…that’s gonna be a thing.
Hedgehog almost 5 years ago
Cat curses – tin foiled again.
thecatlady3410 almost 5 years ago
Love it
thecatlady3410 almost 5 years ago
Through back Thursday October 30 2017
willie_mctell almost 5 years ago
D & D and wrestling?
rikkiTikki Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Sophie’s amulet looks like an ankh with cat ears.She was reading about Egyptian Cats before the match…is this her homage to Bastet?
bajacalla Premium Member almost 5 years ago
I am so proud of Sophie – this is a true breakthrough for her!
MartinPerry1 almost 5 years ago
I used to have fun watching pro wrestling, but the circuit was called Stampede Wrestling, run by Stu Hart. I never liked WWE.
almost 5 years ago
Let’s hear it for Goldie!
knight1192a almost 5 years ago
Now Lupin will take the amulet and use it against Goldie. At that point Tusslemania will end as Goldie will switch over to Aegean-Persian tussleing.
Maizing almost 5 years ago
I love Sophie’s smile as she says, “I grow weak without it.”
scaeva Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Today is Name Yourself Day—it must be intended as a benefit from those who have forgotten their name, or like master Butterbur, “only remember it because people shout it at you all day.”
Hello, my Self! What is our name?
If you don’t know, I certainly won’t tell you.
LucyLuLu almost 5 years ago
OT. Forgot to mention that yesterday was LucyLu’s 10th anniversary of me rescuing her…. She was spoiled rotten all day with treats and goodies.
marilynnbyerly almost 5 years ago
The evil villain is looking surprisingly happy about the turn of events.
asrialfeeple almost 5 years ago
I wonder where she got the amulet. Maybe it was Ankhara?
Mx Crazy Cat Person almost 5 years ago
Don’t grow to weak, La Damos Dragone (I hope I spelt that right) will swat (sorry wrestle) you silly.
Aspen_Bell almost 5 years ago
I love how this was handled. Sophia has always wanted to play with the other cats, but thought she didn’t know “how”. And she thought her partial blindness and weak paws would make it impossible. The cats’ explanation told her that she had control — “you can just work that into your storyline, make it part of your character”. Not only did she not know their wrestling was theater (and therefore art), she didn’t know she was allowed to create her own character with traits that were on her terms. She can be who she is, or make up anything she wants, she doesn’t have to change a thing. And the way she whipped up that outfit and made up the Existential Dread, she must have had them in mind for a long time but not where/how to use them. Brilliant, Georgia.
Fennec! at the Disco 10 months ago
So Goldie writes a little more of the storyline—"the source of all your power"—and Sophie quickly rolls with it—"I grow weak without it!"