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It’s a surprise to see Brad panic at the sight of a minor wound; he was a paramedic before becoming a fire fighter. Wouldn’t it be funny if it was Luann who bandages the wound?
The Brat already broke something, made a mess and threw trash over Bwad and Luann yet he doesn’t think that, at the very least, he might need to supervise her?
Bwad might want to start by looking after a goldfish first before he starts thinking of kids of his own (hell at this point maybe a pet rock might be more his speed)
The Brats injury is all on Bwad, hopefully it isn’t serious
(Be interesting though if Jonah uses this to inflict guilt on Toni though)
Oh, please. Really? A tiny cut on her finger is going to send a trained EMT into a panic? I don’t think so. This is pretty much the stupidist thing I’ve seen on this strip yet, and I’ve seen some doozies.
Stupid scissors, you were supposed to cut her throat, not her finger. Now if this were the Venture Bros, running with scissors would be a fatal action. But they were death-prone kids. Shannon seems to have a charmed life in that regard.
Some big, rugged guys just freeze in the face of an unexpected accident. Others don’t. A fireman shouldn’t. Whatever. But, if Shannon doesn’t leave after Saturday, my expression will be just like Brad’s in the last panel.
If you are really injured and you really want help, do you still refer to the adult by the name you have been using to mock him? Would Brad still be Bwad if you were hurt?
To all those saying that Brad shouldn’t be Freaking out at the sight of Shannon’s cut because he’s an EMT…
It’s different when it’s your own family.
Ask my mother. Well… it’s a little late for that, but she could have told you, back in the day.
She was a nurse, and not just any nurse… she was a surgical nurse, and she loved it.
When I was in junior high, I asked her to pierce my ears for me. That involved numbing the earlobes with ice, and piercing them with a sterilized needle.
She swore that she nearly fainted as she performed that simple procedure on _ her own daughter’s_ ears.
Unfortunately those piercings never healed properly, mainly, I suspect, because I was too young and impatient at the time. I eventually let them close and had them re-pierced – professionally – when I was in college.
What a wuss. Like Luann, he has regressed to duller version of his early-teen self.
My toddler grandson tripped and fell while my wife and I were watching him. He got a pretty big cut on his forehead – real bleeding. We didn’t freak out; we stopped it up with what we had available, distracted him from his hurt, and in a few minutes he was all OK.
In defense of Brad here. the joke of the day (and there has to be a daily joke) is that after smugly swearing that he’s ready to become a parent he freaks out over a common parent-thing, your kid getting injured. The joke is, and if I have to explain it that it wasn;t much of a jole) is that Brad is nowheres ready for parenthood.
It comes with the territory, Bwad. I carried a first aid kit in my purse for years when I was raising kids. There were 4 of them, and SOMEONE was always bleeding. And don’t even get me started on emergency room visits. One of my daughters broke both arms in a scooter accident when she was 13. She thought it would be cool to close her eyes while riding downhill on a curved street.
Well, ALMOST whatever. It’s so sweet how Brad, a well-trained firefighter who has saved people during dangerous situations, is screaming at Shannon’s little cut on her finger. He loves her so much ♡. I wonder if Shannon will be treated by Luann, the well-trained kindergarten teacher, because Brad will be panicking.Toni is totally righ.
Nobody is ever really ready for the first child. And that first child fools you into thinking the next child will handle the same ways. It’s an adventure; expect surprises and enjoy it while it lasts. – - Grandpa Chet
If a child at 6 or 7 can’t pronounce an “R” and makes it a “W” then they have a speech impediment. In schools they are quickly identified for speech classes. I speculate the writers of this comic don’t know this fact. Ergo, Shannon is “special” and the writers are denying a character treatment by trained professionals. That’s sort of ignorant or cruel on the writer’s part, don’t you think?
Big Bad Bwad the Fire Man is probably reacting more to the expected tongue lashing he’s gonna get from Aunt Toni when he returns Shannon with a cut finger. Maybe Luann will catch some shade too!
When my youngest was about 2 months old, I was changing his diaper on the footstool of the rocker. I turned to grab the new diaper and he rolled off. He only fell like 12 inches, onto carpet, but I freaked out. I put in a call to the doctors, but they had to call back. While I waited, I called my mom, and said “I think I broke the baby!” She asked if he cried right away, are his pupils the same, if everything looks like it is where it should be… All OK. Then the doctor called back and asked the same exact questions. I was like “MY MOTHER ALREADY TOLD ME ALL THAT!” By the fourth one, if the bone isn’t sticking out of the skin, you don’t even raise an eyebrow. Like that TV ad for the cat food- “I’m bleeding!” “Grab two bandages!”
Well, B-wad, just don’t start pushing Toni into things that she doesn’t really want or isn’t ready for yet (unlike Granthony and Liz over at the FOOB).
Ah! The moment of truth! I think Luann is more experienced with kids’ emergencies than Brad.Nice to see Brad and Luann having a rational conversation.
God the child haters! How did they even get into Luann in the first place? Oh wait most of them hate Luann, or Bernice or Gunther, so there is that. They love to complain and whine. Anyway Toni will be the calmer one when they do have a child, and I think this all clearly leading up to that. But parents will rise to the task. Whine about that.
If ever I believed in signs of displeasure with the world from on High, the loss of Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the beginning of Rosh Hashanah would be such a sign.
Luann; you’re being very insightful about how having kids changes your life. But, except for being the youngest in a two kid house, how would you know?
Mr. Nailer Bondy over 4 years ago
I hope this doesn’t go on for weeks.
The Electrician over 4 years ago
And Toni is right and time for paramedic classes.
AnyFace over 4 years ago
Rhetorical_Question over 4 years ago
Act 3 – AAAHHH! – almost over!
Templo S.U.D. over 4 years ago
You’re also an EMT, Bradley; you’re not s’posed to panic.
Miles VanDelay over 4 years ago
A firefighter frightened by a minor injury? Ok, it’s just a cartoon.
jea9hrkr over 4 years ago
Bwad – you already have a kid!
BJShipley1 over 4 years ago
Argythree over 4 years ago
It’s a surprise to see Brad panic at the sight of a minor wound; he was a paramedic before becoming a fire fighter. Wouldn’t it be funny if it was Luann who bandages the wound?
Z-bert over 4 years ago
It’s not the blood, it’s what is Toni going to say when I bring Shannon home with a bandaid when I was supposed to be watching her.
californiamonty over 4 years ago
Isn’t he a firefighter?
Space_Owl on GoComics over 4 years ago
Prescott_Philosopher over 4 years ago
OK, this is Friday’s strip. Let’s hope there’s only one more in the arc. PLEASE GnK, PLEASE.
Marks back over 4 years ago
The Brat already broke something, made a mess and threw trash over Bwad and Luann yet he doesn’t think that, at the very least, he might need to supervise her?
Bwad might want to start by looking after a goldfish first before he starts thinking of kids of his own (hell at this point maybe a pet rock might be more his speed)
The Brats injury is all on Bwad, hopefully it isn’t serious
(Be interesting though if Jonah uses this to inflict guilt on Toni though)
Joe1962 over 4 years ago
Toni is correct!!!!
GreasyOldTam over 4 years ago
“I feel ready for whatever” is easy to say when there isn’t any whatever staring you in the face.
capricorn9th over 4 years ago
Brad? You have firefighting training. You don’t panic, remember?
Enter.Name.Here over 4 years ago
Daddy school begins……………….NOW!
PhoenixHocking over 4 years ago
Oh, please. Really? A tiny cut on her finger is going to send a trained EMT into a panic? I don’t think so. This is pretty much the stupidist thing I’ve seen on this strip yet, and I’ve seen some doozies.
beb01 over 4 years ago
Stupid scissors, you were supposed to cut her throat, not her finger. Now if this were the Venture Bros, running with scissors would be a fatal action. But they were death-prone kids. Shannon seems to have a charmed life in that regard.
beb01 over 4 years ago
Brad repeats what he said yesterday and Tuesday. This week has been the worse kind of time-waster. Shirley, the Evensi can do better.
Cheapskate0 over 4 years ago
Well, I had high hopes for this arc.
It’s Friday now. Only one day to go. Unless G&K want to milk this for next week.
And given their track record, they just might!
Earlier this week, many of you were under the impression that this was going to be a pregnancy announcement for Toni.
If Brad’s performance this week is to be considered “canon,” then I would dearly hope that is not the direction we’re going.
Oh, how funny it would be!
Toni: Pregnant when I’m not ready for it!
Brad: I’m ready to be a – whoops! What was that?
And Shannon, the kid that never goes home…
Caldonia over 4 years ago
Man-child indeed.
noahproblem over 4 years ago
If Brad asked the scissors they’d claim self defense and I wouldn’t blame them…
Airman over 4 years ago
Some big, rugged guys just freeze in the face of an unexpected accident. Others don’t. A fireman shouldn’t. Whatever. But, if Shannon doesn’t leave after Saturday, my expression will be just like Brad’s in the last panel.
And Your Point Would Be over 4 years ago
Does no one ever intervene with this child? Does she never get a time out? Does no one ever say, “Stop it?”
howtheduck over 4 years ago
If you are really injured and you really want help, do you still refer to the adult by the name you have been using to mock him? Would Brad still be Bwad if you were hurt?
butterfly_qvrs over 4 years ago
Isn’t Brad a trained paramedic?
bscan48 over 4 years ago
I’d say that from the point of the scissors it was self defense
SactoSylvia over 4 years ago
To all those saying that Brad shouldn’t be Freaking out at the sight of Shannon’s cut because he’s an EMT…
It’s different when it’s your own family.
Ask my mother. Well… it’s a little late for that, but she could have told you, back in the day.
She was a nurse, and not just any nurse… she was a surgical nurse, and she loved it.
When I was in junior high, I asked her to pierce my ears for me. That involved numbing the earlobes with ice, and piercing them with a sterilized needle.
She swore that she nearly fainted as she performed that simple procedure on _ her own daughter’s_ ears.
Unfortunately those piercings never healed properly, mainly, I suspect, because I was too young and impatient at the time. I eventually let them close and had them re-pierced – professionally – when I was in college.
Roy G Biv over 4 years ago
What a wuss. Like Luann, he has regressed to duller version of his early-teen self.
My toddler grandson tripped and fell while my wife and I were watching him. He got a pretty big cut on his forehead – real bleeding. We didn’t freak out; we stopped it up with what we had available, distracted him from his hurt, and in a few minutes he was all OK.
Brdshtt Premium Member over 4 years ago
Just wait ’till you help deliver the little ones and the doctor hands you the scissors to cut the umbilical cord.
.Been there, done that – twice…
beb01 over 4 years ago
In defense of Brad here. the joke of the day (and there has to be a daily joke) is that after smugly swearing that he’s ready to become a parent he freaks out over a common parent-thing, your kid getting injured. The joke is, and if I have to explain it that it wasn;t much of a jole) is that Brad is nowheres ready for parenthood.
Brdshtt Premium Member over 4 years ago
Since High School Harry isn’t here yet:
Looky – Ann Eiffel just stopped by and bit Shannon. Man, she really bites!
Skylark over 4 years ago
How DARE those nasty scissors injure that poor, sweet child!
PammWhittaker over 4 years ago
Would y’all quit invoking the Evil One? It might attract it!
Drag0nr1der over 4 years ago
Isn’t she getting a bit old to still be talking baby talk? Maybe she’s autistic?
Troglodyte over 4 years ago
Bwad can’t handle bwud?! :D
ForrestOverin over 4 years ago
“Take this tourniquet and put it around your throat, Shannon…”
JoeStoppinghem Premium Member over 4 years ago
Brad should have been reviewing the “the parenting manual”… Oh wait.
Pet over 4 years ago
He is a fireman. He knows how to treat a little cut.
So, it seems as though we are being prepared for Toni and Brad’s surprise pregnancy…
jrankin1959 over 4 years ago
This is a put-on for Shannon’s sake, right Brad? (You’re a firefighter, for cryin’ out loud…)
rrsltx over 4 years ago
You’ve got nothing to say in the matter, Sir Simp.
Ellis97 over 4 years ago
Quick! Medic!
Sherri over 4 years ago
It comes with the territory, Bwad. I carried a first aid kit in my purse for years when I was raising kids. There were 4 of them, and SOMEONE was always bleeding. And don’t even get me started on emergency room visits. One of my daughters broke both arms in a scooter accident when she was 13. She thought it would be cool to close her eyes while riding downhill on a curved street.
Denise DeSerio over 4 years ago
Why am I not surprised that Shannon has black blood?
bookworm0812 over 4 years ago
Jeez, Brad. Are you SERIOUSLY flipping out over a teensy-weensy little cut? You treat BURN victims, for crying out loud!
Aladar30 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Well, ALMOST whatever. It’s so sweet how Brad, a well-trained firefighter who has saved people during dangerous situations, is screaming at Shannon’s little cut on her finger. He loves her so much ♡. I wonder if Shannon will be treated by Luann, the well-trained kindergarten teacher, because Brad will be panicking.Toni is totally righ.
LeighBurton over 4 years ago
She shouldn’t have been playing with scissors! Jonah has taught Shannon nothing!
elliel203 over 4 years ago
Well, ready for almost anything…except blood
cubswin2016 over 4 years ago
That should change Brad’s mind about having a kid quickly.
notbornyesterday over 4 years ago
Well Brad, so much for being a cool, calm first responder.
comic reader 22 over 4 years ago
Please let it end please
eladee AKA Wally over 4 years ago
I don’t think Brad is ready. If he was, he’d be paying more attention to Shannon. Brad likes the IDEA of children.
srmalone over 4 years ago
I agree. This brat is tedious.
mormonyoyoman over 4 years ago
Nobody is ever really ready for the first child. And that first child fools you into thinking the next child will handle the same ways. It’s an adventure; expect surprises and enjoy it while it lasts. – - Grandpa Chet
EasyEight over 4 years ago
If a child at 6 or 7 can’t pronounce an “R” and makes it a “W” then they have a speech impediment. In schools they are quickly identified for speech classes. I speculate the writers of this comic don’t know this fact. Ergo, Shannon is “special” and the writers are denying a character treatment by trained professionals. That’s sort of ignorant or cruel on the writer’s part, don’t you think?
dtidrow over 4 years ago
It’s a bigger deal for Toni, as she probably wouldn’t be able to be on “active duty” while pregnant.
demnuts1 over 4 years ago
a bratty kid is a very good birth control
Airman over 4 years ago
Daddy and daughter teaming up to do a comic strip. One censors the other. Result: strip loses sizzle.
dougsathome over 4 years ago
OK – you be pregnant for nine months and then go thru the “joy” of giving birth.
PeterPirate over 4 years ago
Secret Service agents grabbed the pair of scissors and wrestled it to the ground.
locake over 4 years ago
I am very squeamish about blood, but I was able to handle all my kid’s injuries just fine. I was the parent, I had to deal with it.
dv1093 over 4 years ago
I hope this “Paramedic” is’t the guy who comes to save my life!
Tyge over 4 years ago
Oh! So now you’re eager to start!?!? What do you call what you’ve been doing these past years? Practice?
Tyge over 4 years ago
Big Bad Bwad the Fire Man is probably reacting more to the expected tongue lashing he’s gonna get from Aunt Toni when he returns Shannon with a cut finger. Maybe Luann will catch some shade too!
Tyge over 4 years ago
Shannon says she was attacked by a scissors. But I’m waiting to hear the scissors’ story!!!
CynthiaLeigh over 4 years ago
tcayer over 4 years ago
When my youngest was about 2 months old, I was changing his diaper on the footstool of the rocker. I turned to grab the new diaper and he rolled off. He only fell like 12 inches, onto carpet, but I freaked out. I put in a call to the doctors, but they had to call back. While I waited, I called my mom, and said “I think I broke the baby!” She asked if he cried right away, are his pupils the same, if everything looks like it is where it should be… All OK. Then the doctor called back and asked the same exact questions. I was like “MY MOTHER ALREADY TOLD ME ALL THAT!” By the fourth one, if the bone isn’t sticking out of the skin, you don’t even raise an eyebrow. Like that TV ad for the cat food- “I’m bleeding!” “Grab two bandages!”
syzygy47 over 4 years ago
My cousin used to one-up the reaction: Amputate! he’d say.
tidewaterscot over 4 years ago
Why did Greg ever introduce Shannon? She is the perfect ad for vasectomies.
eladee AKA Wally over 4 years ago
Luann to the rescue!
Joe1962 over 4 years ago
Brad it’s a big step and a life altering decision for you and your family.
Fan o’ Lio. over 4 years ago
What this arc is leading up to:
By this time next year Nancy and Frank will be grand parents.
Maybe sooner.
txmystic over 4 years ago
When is Shannon going to start using her ’R’s?
Johnnyrico over 4 years ago
“A kid changes your life”…. as if Luann really knew what she was talking about..
Johnnyrico over 4 years ago
Well, B-wad, just don’t start pushing Toni into things that she doesn’t really want or isn’t ready for yet (unlike Granthony and Liz over at the FOOB).
Airman over 4 years ago
Didn’t TJ show that kid where they keep the chain saw?
royhoward over 4 years ago
please please stop with the Shannon
YorkGirl Premium Member over 4 years ago
Ah! The moment of truth! I think Luann is more experienced with kids’ emergencies than Brad.Nice to see Brad and Luann having a rational conversation.
luann1212 over 4 years ago
God the child haters! How did they even get into Luann in the first place? Oh wait most of them hate Luann, or Bernice or Gunther, so there is that. They love to complain and whine. Anyway Toni will be the calmer one when they do have a child, and I think this all clearly leading up to that. But parents will rise to the task. Whine about that.
Scoutmaster77 over 4 years ago
He can handle it…
Dragoncat over 4 years ago
Remember your fireman training, Brad. You mustn’t faint at the sight of blood.
Sisyphos over 4 years ago
Shannon is too volatile to be allowed to play with scissors by herself.
Shannon is also the best argument around the Luanniverse for Not Having Children!
Schrodinger's Dog over 4 years ago
R.I.P. Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Truly one of a kind.
Argythree over 4 years ago
If ever I believed in signs of displeasure with the world from on High, the loss of Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the beginning of Rosh Hashanah would be such a sign.
trudyconley Premium Member over 4 years ago
if she cut off the entire tip it spurts….it looks kinda stubby there……
WilliamVollmer over 4 years ago
Luann; you’re being very insightful about how having kids changes your life. But, except for being the youngest in a two kid house, how would you know?