For further details pls refer – “A Discourse on the Evolution of the Snowman from the Inhumane Practise of Shovelling Snow.”, 8th Edition, Calvin & Hobbes. ISBN 14489553421138532
I always wonder where he finds the perfect sticks for the arms and hands. And does he find them first and they inspire him to build a particular snowman?
So, the human equivalent of this would be gazing at ones sleeping child and contemplating the wonderful future they will have while they dream of sugar highs, bath avoidance and merciless pranks to be played on siblings/friends/school mates/teachers/parents/girls/boys and stuffed tigers??
I remember this strip very well. When I was in the fourth grade I had quite a lot of fun encouraging others to contemplate these questions. (It should be mentioned that that’s also the only winter from my childhood where I remember that it never snowed once.)
BE THIS GUY almost 2 years ago
Plenty of crime scene workers have removed genetic material off the sidewalk.
dadthedawg Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Calvin, the philosopher…..
codycab almost 2 years ago
As dad said about shoveling: It builds character!
C almost 2 years ago
The thought of it
in.amongst almost 2 years ago
For further details pls refer – “A Discourse on the Evolution of the Snowman from the Inhumane Practise of Shovelling Snow.”, 8th Edition, Calvin & Hobbes. ISBN 14489553421138532
Mmm. Love this Seasonal Affective Disorder roast! almost 2 years ago
You start down this path, things snowball fast.
Charliegirl Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Bilan almost 2 years ago
Actually, the snow man is thinking How do I prove I’m not the father? We don’t have any dna.
jvo almost 2 years ago
scote1379 Premium Member almost 2 years ago
It all starts with , I Think , Therefore I Am , It’s been all downhill from than……/s or is it lol ….hmmmm….
bigcatbusiness almost 2 years ago
It’s rather disturbing how complex Calvin’s mentality can be… and how lazy he is to actually use that mind at school.
BigDaveGlass almost 2 years ago
Any excuse not to shovel the pavement……….
The Reader Premium Member almost 2 years ago
I drift, therefore I am!
nsr60 almost 2 years ago
Water thou art, and to water thou shall return.
Chithing Premium Member almost 2 years ago
I’ve had someone’s precursors thrown at me before, mostly in an attempt to prove they were somehow better than me.
figuratively speaking almost 2 years ago
Some deep philosophical stuff going on here.
jagedlo almost 2 years ago
“The Snow Thinker” by Calvin!
uniquename almost 2 years ago
I always wonder where he finds the perfect sticks for the arms and hands. And does he find them first and they inspire him to build a particular snowman?
Zebrastripes almost 2 years ago
The remains of the day….
YippiKiAyMofo almost 2 years ago
Like they do in Seattle.
mindjob almost 2 years ago
Snowman DNA gets washed into rivers and oceans to begin the cycle all over again
Droptma Styx almost 2 years ago
That last line from Calvin will get your comic strip yanked in some communities.
Redd Panda almost 2 years ago
Maybe snowman is doing the graveyard speech from Hamlet?
goboboyd almost 2 years ago
From dust we are made. To dust we shall return. “The same, ‘cept differn’t” ~SNL
BRBurns1960 almost 2 years ago
Leaving genetic material on the walk really seems to bother the wife.
bbenoit almost 2 years ago
So, the human equivalent of this would be gazing at ones sleeping child and contemplating the wonderful future they will have while they dream of sugar highs, bath avoidance and merciless pranks to be played on siblings/friends/school mates/teachers/parents/girls/boys and stuffed tigers??
rshive almost 2 years ago
The poor snowman has lots on his mind.
Daltongang Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Oh great, now the crazies will want to ban the creation of snow balls and the shoveling of sidewalks.
Purple People Eater almost 2 years ago
Genetic material on the sidewalk is an image I did not need stuck in my head.
MEPace almost 2 years ago
Who wants their progeny born on the walk?
aknstd almost 2 years ago
What about the old classic of turning the snow yellow?
Potamus almost 2 years ago
Monkeyball fight!
mistercatworks almost 2 years ago
Pretty deep for a snowman. Maybe he’s thinking of a Yeti. :)
smsrt almost 2 years ago
Deep, deep… very deep.
g04922 almost 2 years ago
Hmmm… Calvin is becoming very clever regarding how to get out of work. The "Theological"l approach – he is advancing quickly.
Mmm. Love this Seasonal Affective Disorder roast! almost 2 years ago
Name that snowperson!
One take? Gene / Jean Freezin. : )
John Jorgensen almost 2 years ago
I remember this strip very well. When I was in the fourth grade I had quite a lot of fun encouraging others to contemplate these questions. (It should be mentioned that that’s also the only winter from my childhood where I remember that it never snowed once.)
donwestonmysteries almost 2 years ago
Deep. Especially for so early in the season.
Squoop almost 2 years ago
I’m cold, therefore I am.
Rick Smith Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Better than throwing ones genetic material at someone.
wnbresn almost 2 years ago
Oh great, No I’m stuck on thinking about the deep philosophical ramifications of snow evolving into snowmen .. lol
Otis Rufus Driftwood almost 2 years ago
Calvin can sure get deep.
hagarthehorrible almost 2 years ago
Shoveling genetic material from the track seems gross.
EnlilEnkiEa almost 2 years ago
You’re standing on his…. never mind.