Mike Luckovich for February 23, 2024

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    apfelzra Premium Member 4 months ago

    One of the stupidest judicial decisions ever made.

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    Psilocybin Fernensis  4 months ago

    Thou shalt not murder, welcome to equality ladies.

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    Joe1962 Premium Member 4 months ago

    What has happen to Judicial system in this country.

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  4. Emerald faerie x
    Emerald Pixie  4 months ago

    If a fertilized embryo is the equivalent of a human person, does it make a difference if the fertilized embryo is a male embryo or a female embryo that Republicans believe they have the right to control?

    HUMAN LIFE — male or female — does not begin at “conception” (the accurate term is “fertilization”).

    The egg cell and the sperm cell both had LIFE of the HUMAN species (“human life”) long before fertilization. The egg came to life decades earlier; the sperm a few weeks earlier.

    But they are alive and of the human species. They are “human life.”

    Is a sperm cell or an egg cell a “child”?

    The real issue is not when cell tissue becomes ALIVE, but when that human LIFE becomes a human PERSON — what qualities of human personhood are necessary to have developed in order for that “life” to develop into a human “person.”

    Just being human life? Being alive?

    So the sperm and egg are human persons?

    When the heartbeat starts? About 6 weeks (though that is just a cellular pulsing, no organs have actually formed at that point).

    When measurable EEG brain waves begin? That is not until the middle of second trimester. Since the cessation of measurable EEG brain waves is the definition of clinical death (at which point organs can be removed), it seems that the very minimum standard for when human LIFE becomes a human PERSON would be the onset of measurable EEG brain waves.

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    brwydave Premium Member 4 months ago

    Please be careful and don’t let that child thaw.

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    Coopersdad  4 months ago

    I guess women in Alabama can justifiably be jealous of a frozen embryo having a higher status than they enjoy. Embryos have “rights”…….women don’t!!!

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    braindead Premium Member 4 months ago

    If she takes it home, can she use the car pool lane?

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    VegaAlopex  4 months ago

    I didn’t get to ask that growth in my colon before they cut it out.

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    Mominexile Premium Member 4 months ago

    Touche, Mr. Luckovich.

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    FreyjaRN Premium Member 4 months ago

    Spot on, sir.

    Vote blue.

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    GiantShetlandPony  4 months ago

    Does this mean the parents can claim all of the embryos as dependents on their taxes?

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    akachman Premium Member 4 months ago

    1984 is here.

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    wrd2255  4 months ago

    They can’t communicate with you. You need to give them a “cell phone.”

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  14. Direwolf 1
    Direwolf  4 months ago

    Under republicon religious fanatics rules females are only people until they’re born, then they become property of their male relatives.

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  15. Sevasleeping
    Serial Pedant  4 months ago

    It becomes a ‘human life’ when a biblically-inspired rant by a republican-appointed (who else?) judge pronounces it so. This, in a country whose Constitution mandates the separation of Church and State…

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  16. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member 4 months ago

    If you freeze a baby, the baby dies.

    The fact that frozen embryos are viable proves that embryos aren’t babies.

    If a Mexican woman conceives in the United States, is the baby automatically a US citizen?

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    The Nodding Head  4 months ago

    Next: Alabama makes wet dreams a felony.

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    mourdac Premium Member 4 months ago

    In October 2020, a healthy baby was born from an embryo which had been frozen for 27 years. The Repubs are planning to pull a surprise in the ’24 elections and run one which has been frozen for 35 years.

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    mac04416  4 months ago

    It feels like my life is valued now.

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    Jack Man Premium Member 4 months ago

    Yeah, I didn’t think you would know.

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    cdward  4 months ago

    Until the “parents” get a tax deduction for every single one of those frozen embryos, they can’t possibly be considered children.

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  22. Killer
    bagholder5150  4 months ago

    I want child support for my 73 fertilized embryos

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    piper_gilbert  4 months ago

    Tax deductions in a test tube. Only in America.

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    "Black widow" cocktail -- why?  4 months ago

    The GOP – home of the indelicate deception since 1969.™

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    ShadowMaster  4 months ago

    Someone needs to go look at embryos when they are very tiny and see them lined up with embryos from various mammals. You might have a problem picking out which one is the human.

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    buckyteeth  4 months ago

    She’ll never know what it’s like to be treated like a person. Only the unborn are allowed that, I guess.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member 4 months ago

    So.. are these storage facilities going to be taxed as a hotel or an apartment complex? Alabama is poised to become a very rich state.

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    The Dem Veteran   4 months ago

    um…….. if the embryo is alive when it is fertilized is it not alive ( i.e. DEAD ) when it is frozen?

    As a Frozen embryo it does not conduct ANY of the functions of life.

    Is it Murder to Freeze an embryo after fertilization?

    Ask the Brain Trust in Alabama

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  29. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  4 months ago

    We give Israel 10 million a day, they have free unquestioned abortion.

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  30. Marx lennon
    charliekane  4 months ago

    That embryo may have it better than do, ma’am . . .

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  31. Jrmadden
    JRMadDog Premium Member 4 months ago

    If a frozen embryo is equivalent to a child, is it okay to freeze a child?

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    john.horvath  4 months ago

    Every sperm is precious. Every sperm is good . . .

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    Addled Brain  4 months ago

    That they refer to it as a baby is incendiary language for the express purpose of generating emotion rather than facts. It’s an embryo.

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member 4 months ago

    Religion poisons everything, but it poisons biology faster than anything else.

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  35. Packrat
    Packratjohn Premium Member 4 months ago

    I am going to move to Alabama and file notice that I will be voting by proxy on behalf of all frozen embryos. I will meet with them all and vote as they wish me to.

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member 4 months ago

    Lots of laws need to be revised. The age children begin school; the legal age to obtain a driver’s license; voting age; minimum age for admission to the military; age requirements to hold various public offices; weapons/ammunition purchase/ownership — although it is possible that Republicans soon will pass national laws legalizing ownership of those the instant egg is fertilized; probably many others I’m failing to list here.

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  37. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  4 months ago

    Jewish and Muslim law teach that life begins when the baby takes its first breath. But, as the general interrogating the prisoner at Gitmo told him, “My god is better than your god.”

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  38. Wanderer auf nebelmeer
    kv450  4 months ago

    Frozen embryos and guns have more rights than women of any age.

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    Addled Brain  4 months ago

    Could the mother be charged with kidnapping for restraining the “child” and refusing to release it for 9 months ?

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    Duane Ott  4 months ago

    Who decides? It doesn’t seem to be the mother, father, doctor, science? It seems to be the one most crippled by absurd religious beliefs with no respect for the First Amendment.

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    kaffekup   4 months ago

    Don’t expect this to affect any other laws the state has an interest in, though.

    A Texas prison guard asked to get off because her fetus was in trouble. She was refused. When she finally got off, she rushed to the hospital to find the fetus was indeed dead.

    She sued the state for pain and suffering and medical expenses due to the loss of her child. Here’s what the state said: a fetus is not necessarily a child under the 14th amendment.

    “For more than two decades, in legislation passed by lawmakers and defended in court by the attorney general’s office, Texas has insisted “unborn children” be recognized as people starting at fertilization. And although it has traditionally referred to all stages of pregnancy, from fertilized egg to birth, as an unborn child, the state repeatedly referred to Issa’s stillborn baby as a fetus in legal briefings”.’

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    pwbritt Premium Member 4 months ago

    Does anyone else here, loath abortion because it is a waste of money? I am an atheist but I dislike abortion not because it is supposedly ending a life but because it is so wretchedly expensive. I know it is cheaper than raising an unwanted child but there are cheaper forms of birth control. I don’t know what it currently costs but 20 years ago an abortion by pill cost over $500 in Louisiana.

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  43. 3 stooges
    tee929  4 months ago

    “Bama will next want a new Census to include its missing million plus “children” which means they might get another 1-2 US Representatives in Congress……………

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    Rich Douglas  4 months ago

    If you’re IN a uterus, you have rights. If you HAVE a uterus, you don’t have rights.

    Got it?

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    AtomicForce91 Premium Member 4 months ago

    She is and judging from her appearance, has not lived a moment of her life where she did not have equal protection under the law.

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    tpcox928  4 months ago

    I remember going to a party with my father and coming home with my mother. I had no idea I was a person, then.

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    jvo  4 months ago

    If a frozen embryo, which has been technically “born”, as it is outside the mother, is considered to be a person.

    Does that mean, after 21 years in the freezer, embryos can vote?

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  48. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member 4 months ago

    If you freeze a baby, the baby dies. The fact that frozen embryos are viable is proof that the embryo is not a baby.

    But does this mean that if a Mexican woman conceives in the US, her child is automatically a US citizen?

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    gammaguy  4 months ago

    So if a fertilized embryo is held in frozen storage for 18 years (maybe plus 9 months?), does it have the right to vote in Alabama?

    And once it reaches 21, are the “parents” — those who donated the egg and the sperm — free of responsibility for it?

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    mistercatworks  4 months ago

    Is the state going to be financially responsible for maintaining frozen embryos in perpetuity?

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    parkerinthehouse  4 months ago

    dear gop – plot twist – embryos are non-binary

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    ElwoodP  4 months ago


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    Super Fly  4 months ago

    Won’t somebody think of the sperm-persons? They deserve protection. It’s in the bible!

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