Rob Rogers for March 08, 2024

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    JDave   4 months ago

    The response was given by a woman located where Republicans want to see a woman … in the kitchen.

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  2. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  4 months ago

    Old and reliable. And optimistic. And dozens of times smarter than his opponent.

    Versus tired old “they’re coming for you and your babies (ignore the behavior of the folks in our party who really ARE coming for you and your babies)…”

    All they’ve got is FUD and honestly, from where I sit, it’s yawnworthy. Yes, the economy is good… but inflation is hurting. So pay attention to the hurting. Yes, Biden is old and Trump is old AND incoherent, so pay attention only to the “old”. And of course, yes, the Democrats are treating EVERY PERSON as though they really are equal, but pay attention only to the lie that some of those people are being helped to harm by Dem policies. FUD. It’s all they’ve got.

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  3. Large screenshot 2024 06 07 at 3.05.00 am
    Psilocybin Fernensis  4 months ago

    Biden was the one yelling the whole time. He’s can’t speak in a commanding way.

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  4. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member 4 months ago

    President Biden hosted a forceful master class in how to OWN THE CONS.

    After all the conservative media has done to lie and gaslight and try to represent Joe Biden as some kind of feeble old geriatric, he came on strong, forcefully, repeatedly went off script to extemporaneously improvise, including turning Republican heckles around to make them blow up in Republicans faces.

    He spoke factually, articulately, forcefully and accurately, to describe the stark differences in values, conciliatory tone and policies, on which most Americans agree with Democrats on issues such as reproductive freedom, personal liberty, common sense gun safety, real border security now being blocked by Trump and he spineless Republicans he commands, standing with our NATO allies, standing up to Putin and balancing the legitimate interests of both Israel and the Palestinians to have their own sovereign nations with dignity, safety and true sovereignty via a two-state solution.

    But of course the conservative liars will try to gaslight and try to tell us that we didn’t really see what we very clearly did say. But we saw what we saw. We heard what we heard.

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  5. Great view up here
    comixbomix  4 months ago

    (Apologies – I don’t know how to make this look like the poem/song it is, on this site.)……………………………..Paraphrasing the ‘Republican Response’ to Biden’s State of the Union Speech:

    “The Republican Rag”

    Torpedo all them immigrant boats, Pour that bleach right down your throats, Give medals to any faithless turncoats, Do the Republican Rag.

    Don’t forget that it’s the season, To congratulate any acts of treason, There’s never a lack of a terrible reason, To do the Republican Rag.

    If you’re really proud to be a ‘racist’, Except you just wish that it rhymed with ‘fascist’, And you haven’t a clue about Democracy’s basis, You’re doin’ the Republican Rag.

    Then be sure to pack the Supreme Court, To ensure that it’ll never vote to cut short, A candidacy by the criminal sort, Vote for the Republican Rag.

    That’s right – there’s no way that any juror, Can stop your vote for your Wannabe Fuhrer. So step right up – don’t be a demurer – Sieg Heil to the Republican Rag!

    (I suppose I might as well add: /s)

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  6. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member 4 months ago

    That tells you how unhinged they are.

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  7. Fox picture avatar  2
    phritzg Premium Member 4 months ago

    I posted this on a different cartoonist’s page, but I don’t mind repeating it: The State of Our Union: Democrats: The glass is half empty, but we’re working on filling it, and for everybody. GQP: The glass is half empty, so we’re punching holes in it, and then we’ll smash it against a stone wall.

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    WaitingMan  4 months ago

    Thank you, Republicans. By making Trump your nominee, you have not only guaranteed President Biden’s re-election, but it will be the biggest Democratic landslide since Johnson/Goldwater.

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  9. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member 4 months ago

    Republican ad about Bidenomics is saying that Americans can’t make ends meet. So does that mean Republicans are fighting for a $15/hour minimum wage? Heck NO!! They shoot any raise down.

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    mac04416  4 months ago

    From the spin doctors: A broken clock is still right twice a day.

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  11. Ss 100419 volcano lightning full
    chaosed2  4 months ago

    Yeah, he’s been in Washington since 1972, but NOW he’s going to fix the problems of this country.

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  12. Ecd86d39 32ff 4415 8649 563cd2c1048d
    Joan Tinnin Premium Member 4 months ago

    I love it!!

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    piper_gilbert  4 months ago

    The GOP put a woman in a kitchen as their response. After the repeal of Roe, you put a woman in a kitchen to rebut the SOTU address. Barefoot and pregnant as well would have been a nice touch. It wasn’t lost on the women in this country. Just waiting for November. Tick. Tick. Tick.

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    IndyW  4 months ago

    Old, but reliable – to destroy democracy. Hate of the Union speech, that was something to watch.

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member 4 months ago

    April 12, 2014

    Trump tells Fox Business’ Eric Bolling that Putin was nice to him during Miss Universe.

    “We just left Moscow,” Trump said. “He could not have been nicer. He was so nice and so everything. But you have to give him credit that what he’s doing for that country in terms of their world prestige is very strong.”

    In the same interview, Trump praises Putin’s invasion of Crimea.

    “Well, he’s done an amazing job of taking the mantle,” Trump said. “And he’s taken it away from the President, and you look at what he’s doing. And so smart. When you see the riots in a country because they’re hurting the Russians, OK, ‘We’ll go and take it over.’ And he really goes step by step by step, and you have to give him a lot of credit.”

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  16. Reading cat
    morningglory73 Premium Member 4 months ago

    In a free country we have choices. Like the voters some 2,000 years ago they had a choice of Good versus Evil. They chose Barabbas and let the good Rabbi hang. VOTE BLUE PEOPLE!!!!!

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  17. Marx lennon
    charliekane  4 months ago

    OK Phunty, take your meds and lie down, it’s nappy time.

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  18. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 4 months ago

    I sure am breathing easier this morning. I was worried that Biden wouldn’t be able to keep from looking like an old used up guy and today’s news would be about his gaffs. He didn’t just get a hit, he got a homerun, not just on the written speech, but with the dopes in the audience. I was always voting for, sending money to, and working for Biden, but I was scared that it might not work. Comparing Biden to Trump’s rambling complaints about how mean everyone is to him. WE GOT A WINNER!!!!

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  19. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  4 months ago

    Exactly, old guy with normal short term memory for his age vs. a deluded psychopath who may also be showing symptoms of dementia. You pick.

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  20. Plsa button
    Richard S Russell Premium Member 4 months ago

    Serious question here, not sure I’ve ever heard it answered. At this point both Biden and Trump have their respective nominations all but locked up. What happens if one of them drops dead between now and their respective conventions? What happens if one of them drops dead after the convention?

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  21. Plsa button
    Richard S Russell Premium Member 4 months ago

    How wonderful! Way back in 1924 you invented a time machine and immediately jumped a hundred years ahead to see what the future had in store. Let me bring you up to speed on what’s happened in the intervening century.

    First off, a dollar won’t buy you a steak dinner with all the trimmings. Maybe a bag of peanuts. A small bag.

    Secondly, the Lindy Hop is no longer young people’s favorite dance. As to what is … well, some things you’ll just have to see for yourself.

    But, most importantly, everything you THINK you know about America’s big political parties is wrong. In fact, when you go back to your own time, seek out Herbert Hoover and tell him he should listen more closely to that governor from New York, the one with the Dutch name and the funny accent. He’s actually a cousin of your boy Teddy. The Republican Party started going downhill under Herb, and GOP presidents just kept getting worse and worse until today, when the label no longer stands for “Grand Old Party” but rather “Greedy Oligarchical Pigs”.

    Thanks for visiting. Don’t let us keep you.

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    AtomicForce91 Premium Member 4 months ago

    To the second panel, at no point has a Republican endorsed Biden.

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    T Smith  4 months ago

    I’ll take Caffeinated Grandpa over Adjudicated Rapist every time.

    But maybe that’s just me.

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  24. Lifi
    rossevrymn  4 months ago


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  25. Bald eagle portrait
    Kilrwat Premium Member 4 months ago

    And old.

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    tpcox928  4 months ago

    Great job by comixbomix. This cartoon is a great summary of our choices in 2024. If we can maintain democracy at this election it will give us four more years for the GOP to cleanse itself of MAGA and become the Grand Old Party again.

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    Terrence Feenstra Premium Member 4 months ago

    Perhaps an Oxford comma after chaotic?

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    LC64  4 months ago

    That donald trump

    That donald trump

    He’s a chump

    That donald trump

    He’s gonna get caught, just you wait and see

    Why’s everybody always pickin’ on me?

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