Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for June 22, 2024

  1. Cadyacht1
    lvlax  9 days ago

    Seriously?? With how often they have babysat Shannon.. Brad feels they still need parent practice ?

    Well, it looks like they’re going to cave and watch Shannon for a month.

    Jonah has it made in the shade. Maybe next time he should ask for 3 months? :/

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    Tenax  9 days ago

    As much as they already have had Shannon to watch … one would think they’d have taught her better behavior by now.

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    Prescott_Philosopher   9 days ago

    Nah, talking about parent practice was just a way of easing into a conversation RE having kids.

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  4. Beb avatar
    beb01  9 days ago

    Brad must like sleeping on the sofa since he’s always annoying Toni with the getting pregnant stuff.

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  5. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  9 days ago

    Kids are born with a personality. Try all you will to shape it, you can only hope to guide it.

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    Joe1962 Premium Member 9 days ago

    Why do I always think Toni, is the adult in this relationship?

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    Ruth Brown  9 days ago

    Your house, your rules. Children need structure and it helps them.

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  8. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  9 days ago

    Gasp! The are actually aware that Shannon has flaws! I thought they thought she was adorable and should have whatever she wants, which is why she gets whatever she wants! Now I know they’re just lazy!

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    californiamonty  9 days ago

    Ahah! Toni just might have foreshadowed an adoption arc.

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    Argythree  9 days ago

    Brad should quit trying to insist on a big family. At this point, the fact that Toni is willing to think about 1 kid is major progress for him – and since he has no real idea how much this will cost (child care, etc.), he should wait to see how the whole situation works out…

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    saobadao  9 days ago

    Toni and Brad don’t get maternity/paternity leave for the month Shannon is with them. Way different planning circumstances.

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  12. Nermal
    Willow Mt Lyon  9 days ago

    Is this going to be another comic strip with twins?

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  13. Wilkins2
    Wilkins068  9 days ago

    Incrementalism Bradley, incrementalism..

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  14. Wilkins2
    Wilkins068  9 days ago

    Toni looks super adorable in th last picture

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    Mordock999 Premium Member 9 days ago

    Maybe, just MAYBE the reason why Jonah’s life is such a “chaotic mess” is because YOU help enable it, Toni.

    Just saying……., ;-)

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  16. Bob
    R.W.Singer -SF  9 days ago

    Watching Shannon would make me go get snipped.

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    nightflight  9 days ago

    Brad has that, “Let’s do it again” look, and Toni has that “Be happy with what you got” look.

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    snsurone76  9 days ago

    Brad looks just like TJ in the last panel, LOL.

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    snsurone76  9 days ago

    But Shannon IS getting better under Brad and Toni’s care. True, it’s a VERY slow process, but it is getting results. She never had a “home” with her sperm donor—what with his chasing his impossible “dreams” all over the globe! Brad and Toni’s house is the only place where she has any stability.

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    uhohlol  9 days ago

    Parenting isn’t of everyone, and it shouldn’t be. The world needs a lot less humans.

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    JonnyT   9 days ago

    Wow, they actually said their own kids would be BETTER than Shannon. Saying the quiet part out loud? This may be the best Shannon story line ever.

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  22. Monty python french1
    French Persons Premium Member 9 days ago

    “If we raised her, she would be different, she would be better”… you absolutely CANNOT say that with any level of certainty at all. Those are the words of people who have other people’s kids around them for a few hours at a time, a day, a weekend, or a week. You enjoy the kids for a short period of time, then one of the greatest things possible happens… THEY GO HOME. When they’re living with you full-time, it’s a completely different kettle of fish..

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    bh05150  9 days ago

    Shannon still is the Scappy Doo of this comic strip.

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    leighabc123  9 days ago

    If they raised Shannon, she would have much better behavior than she has shown thoughout this strip!

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    Ellis97  9 days ago

    This really could be a great opportunity for them to get a head start of what true parenthood is like. I think Shannon should stay with them.

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    stealth694  9 days ago

    Let’s see,, Shannon has been living with them for How Long??Remember it’s not the time spent, it’s the commitment.

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    Aladar30 Premium Member 9 days ago

    Toni is right, but it’s mostly thanks to the presence of her, Brad, TJ and the rest of the Degroot family that Shannon is slowly becoming a less chaotic and much, much happier child.Having Shannon for a whole month, a very hot one, will be a difficult test. If they can overcome it, they’ll definitely be ready to raise children of their own. I still hope that, at some point, Toni’s aunt will appear to help

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    papajim545  9 days ago

    He wants to keep practicing

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  29. Braveheart
    Free or Not? Premium Member 9 days ago

    Feminist indoctrination. Portraying men as having to put their natural desire for multiple children behind them. Submit to the personal goals of women. Or else.

    Marriage is about a team. Men are the natural providers and defenders. Women are the natural bearers and nurturers of children. Many women regret missing out on bearing children and focusing on them during their formative years.

    Women have been mislead with the lie that they can be active career women and have kids or, maybe just a husband is enough. If he submits to the childless future preferred by the anti-human elitists.

    This strip is one such example of the lies and propaganda spread to Gen Z and millenials that is part of the anti-natalist movement.

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  30. Boston
    MS72  9 days ago

    I love it. Brad and Toni discussing the situation sounds like a lot of the comments this week. Seems like they know the reaction of the fans…

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    Count Olaf Premium Member 9 days ago

    A month with that spoiled obnoxious little witch would make a good case for celibacy.

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    Amina Rush  9 days ago

    Hubris! And Shannon’s behavior is fine. She’s not on-screen at all, she has a lot of imagination, she’s engaging, and she self-advocates like a healthy kid does.

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    wantcomicsnow2  9 days ago

    Brad’s pushing it. They don’t even have one kid (of their own) yet, and he’s already insisting on more.

    Toni should tell him if he wants a houseful of kids, then HE can give birth to them. For her, it’s one and done. :D ;D

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    tcmrr1  9 days ago

    Economics of children. You wouldn’t pay 5 cents for somebody else’s (No matter how good), or take a million Dollars for one your own (No matter how bratty).

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    tremaine53  9 days ago

    Jebus, Brad, she’s right. One chaotic mess at a time. Anyone who gets all dreamy about a second child when they haven’t had their first child yet? There’s a screw loose there somewhere.

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    tidewaterscot  9 days ago

    Shannon will become a Karen.

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    rshive  9 days ago

    One family in a town I lived in had twelve children (mostly boys). They seemed to all get along super well. Wonder if there’s a secret.

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  38. Badger avatar
    Twelve Badgers in a Suit Premium Member 9 days ago

    This answers a question I’ve had for a while now, namely: Given their experience with Shannon, why do they still want kids? Apparently the answer is that they’re refuzing to apply the lessons they’ve learnt from Shannon to their own potential offspring.

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    nightflight  9 days ago

    Art work is good, but story lines are heavy handed.

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  40. Fvz3syjxoaqx49s
    Shanana  9 days ago

    Oh yes, they train themselves very well, especially when they hand Shannon to Luann.

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    prrdh  9 days ago

    Toni is overlooking the huge contribution having a kid makes to turn your life into a chaotic mess.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 9 days ago

    My mother had….get this…….11 kids……………….

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    mousefumanchu Premium Member 9 days ago

    Bud has a LOT to learn.

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    comic reader 22  9 days ago

    So if Toni has such firm ideas on child raising, why hasn’t she made any effort to teach Shannon some boundaries and manners? She and Brad have every right to establish rules for Shannon when she’s at their house. and expect the kind of good behavior she claims her own children would show. Toni better watch out! That remark is the kind of thing that comes back to bite you! Their child will turn out to be an even worse monster than Shannon LOL!

    please don’t let this continue next week.

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    Amina Rush  9 days ago

    I’d like to see a Shannon retrospective on the luannfan website!

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    kauri44  9 days ago

    Since Shannon staying for a month is apparently a new thing I think she spends much more time with her father than people assumed. It does make me wonder why Brad and Toni went to the trouble of building her a separate room just for periodic babysitting.

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  47. Greg backlit
    mindjob  9 days ago

    Would they spare the rod and spoil the child?

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  48. Kea favorite portrait
    KEA  9 days ago

    There lives are so full… why are they considering having Kids? (tradition I guess)

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  49. Neil diamond
    The Quiet One  9 days ago

    Slowdown Brad, one chaotic mess at a time.

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    WilliamVollmer  9 days ago

    Brad and Toni at least try to install discipline with Shannon. But even thoughit seems like it at times, Shannon doesn’t live with them full time. Who know what kind of discipline (if any) Jonah has for her.Brad wants more than one kid for himself, and, Toni? A little Brad, and, Luann?

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  51. Ygzuoa
    Kenezg  9 days ago

    I agree. Their child would be different for many reasons. Mainly, because they would be there for the child more. Children with different rules and expectations in different locations still fall back into chaotic behavior if that’s what they experience most of the time.

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    NatureBatsLast  9 days ago

    “Kids?” 8 Billion not enough?

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    sueb1863  9 days ago

    Remember the time Shannon painted the couch? That was an expensive piece of furniture ruined.

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    BJShipley1  9 days ago

    Yes, thank you, “My brother’s child is a horrible hellion allowed to run wild, unlike any child I raise which will be a perfect polite little angel at all times” is exactly what was needed to make Toni as loathsome as possible in all this.

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    rikkiTikki Premium Member 9 days ago

    I forget-where is the kid’s mother?

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    kstewskis  9 days ago

    Nice to see Toni talking about a future “kid(s)” now! Before it was out of the question (indefinitely). I think the recent “scare” she had a few months ago got her thinking. It’s nature. She’d make a great mom someday. My dad was a fireman, and it was a blast “growing up” in a firehouse. Hopefully it’ll be soon!

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    eced52  9 days ago

    Let’s start the parenting while pregnant arc.

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    David Huie Green ForceIsAUsefulFiction  9 days ago

    People that good should leave multiple offspring. Some others should leave none. Some should just leave.

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    lnrokr55  9 days ago

    Gee, wonder how this ends up. The last story line really set the table I think. This has the potential to really change Luann World! Stay tuned !

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    Hydrohead  9 days ago

    If she only wants one chaotic mess at a time, she should stop with just having a husband.

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  61. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   9 days ago

    Shannon would still have a strong will.

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    PaulLeckner  8 days ago

    How will Shannon take the competition for Toni and Brad’s undivided attention?

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  63. Cartoon kathy
    Kaycee Lane  8 days ago

    Nobody knows better how to raise children than the childless… lol

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