Pickles by Brian Crane for March 25, 2025

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    oldthang  4 days ago

    Yep—just like other people.

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    carlsonbob  4 days ago

    Well, we park in a driveway and drive in a parkway. Go figure.

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  3. Blue morning
    Yakety Sax  4 days ago

    Look up where the word hallway came from

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  4. Lapin tapisserie
    Morriss H.  4 days ago

    It is so annoying when people use foyer for the entrance. Foyer is French for fire place, it just doesn’t make sense to use francophones.

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    joeallendoty57 Premium Member 4 days ago

    Also, the living room used to be called a parlor. But, when I was growing up in the 1950s, we called it “The front room.”

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    David Wright Premium Member 4 days ago

    Drawing Room, short form of Withdrawing Room, where someone could withdraw for more privacy when the main room was busy.

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  7. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  4 days ago

    Not too many people take baths anymore.

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    Muzi54  4 days ago

    I’d say ‘The Sitting Room’ made sense, but I never saw a room sit and how would you train it anyway?

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    daDoctah1  4 days ago

    Reminds me of that 4th season Monty Python episode where all the German bigshots get tossed out of a zeppelin and the couple whose house they land in keep correcting each other: “put them in the sitting room”, “this is the sitting room, you mean the drawing room”.

    Then they decide that they need to ring the government, and one of them looks at the line of casualties and says “this is the government”.

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    Blu Bunny  4 days ago

    The family room, a relaxing room.

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    Macushlalondra  4 days ago

    The drawing room is short for withdrawing room. It was called that because in the old days after a dinner the hostess would invite the ladies to withdraw from the dining room to that room while the men stayed and smoked cigars and drank brandy (or some other liquor) and the ladies didn’t want to breathe in the smoke. After a while the men joined them in the drawing room.

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    Walrus Gumbo Premium Member 4 days ago

    They were all high on mushrooms at the time of naming them.

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  13. Purplepeopleeater small
    Purple People Eater  4 days ago

    According to Wikipedia

    “A drawing room is a room in a house where visitors may be entertained, and an alternative name for a living room. The name is derived from the 16th-century terms withdrawing room and withdrawing chamber, which remained in use through the 17th century, and made their first written appearance in 1642. In a large 16th- to early 18th-century English house, a withdrawing room was a room to which the owner of the house, his wife, or a distinguished guest who was occupying one of the main apartments in the house could “withdraw” for more privacy."

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  14. Man with x ray glasses
    The Reader Premium Member 4 days ago

    At least they got the room part right!

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    waknoch  4 days ago

    Living room was the parlor because that is where people talked/visited. The drawing room was a place for the women to “withdraw” after dinner and do their women things while the men went to the study or library to smoke cigars and drink brandy. (Maybe the women did that in the drawing room as well.)

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  16. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  4 days ago

    Now you got me thinking, living rooms are not alive, are they?

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  17. Shilo s first year 002  2
    MY DOG IS MY CO PILOT  4 days ago

    It used to be called the Drawing Room as a shortened version of WITHdrawing room as people in high society would Withdraw them selves from the dining room after dinner to this room after their meals especially if they had guests. If was just family there on the day they would all go into the drawing room to sit and talk as a family, but if they had guests the men would go into the drawing room and drink play cards or even do business with each other while the ladies would go into the parlour to drink, talk to their friends and catch up on all the latest gossip. Parlour for parlour room is derived from the Old French word parloir or parler and later parlez meaning “to speak” in French. It entered the English language around the turn of the 16th century. It became known as a Living or Sitting room in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as this is where the house occupants would “live” and relax in the house. You slept in the bedroom, ate in the dining room and worked in the kitchen so you would have a living room just as somewhere for you to live or sit and relax and take it easy at the end of the day with your family and friends.

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  18. Curtisp70
    Curtis Mathews  4 days ago

    If the living room was called the Drawing Room, where and what was the sitting room.

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    The Orange Mailman  4 days ago

    The pantry has nothing to do with panting.

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    dbeitz929  4 days ago

    Why isn’t the kitchen the cooking room?

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  21. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member 4 days ago

    My parents old house had sliding doors between the front room and the living room. I assume the front room was for guests and the doors were to hide the mess of the lived in room.

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    dsatvoinde Premium Member 4 days ago

    In the house I grew up in, the living room was a seldom used room, reserved for entertaining guests. Unless it was the holidays and then that’s where the tree was displayed as it was the front window.

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  23. Animal triangle
    ANIMAL  4 days ago

    Kid’s got a POINT

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    timbob2313 Premium Member 4 days ago

    The same people who named the place you park your car a driveway and a road where you drive your car a parkway

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    ken in tx  4 days ago

    Drawing room was short for withdrawing room. It was where the ladies withdrew to to get away from the men smoking cigars and drinking brandy at the table.

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    Jimvideo  4 days ago

    The drawing room name comes from being called the withdrawing room, I.e. withdrawing from other people. I think grandpa would like that.

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    goboboyd  4 days ago

    And it’s not always The Front Room. On rare occasions, a Rumpus Room. (Otherwise, the space with cheap paneling in the basement.

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    SamT53  4 days ago

    Too bad some make comments before checking what others have said. The repetitiveness is redundant & stated too many times.

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    gloverla455  4 days ago

    Foyer – they often had a fireplace in the large room at the entrance of a grand home. My gripe is that people pronounce it “foi yer”. It is ‘foi yay’. French, as has been mentioned.

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  30. Bunsen  1
    Pony  4 days ago

    I’d just call it the Couch Room.

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  31. Coachroy1
    Roy Lamberton  4 days ago

    As I recall it originally was the “Withdrawing Room,” where the women went (withdrew) after dinner, so the men could smoke cigars and drink Port. They also used to have another formal sitting room – the Parlor. But only if you were filthy rich.

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    mjwhisenhant Premium Member 4 days ago

    Some people used to call it the front room.

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    timzsixty9  4 days ago

    I’ve heard that it was called the “sitting room” which seems VERY appropriate!

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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member 4 days ago

    What’s considered the Living Room in our home is open concept with the Dining area. We refer to it as the Great room since it’s great to hang out in

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    Chris  4 days ago

    they sure can be

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    royq27  4 days ago

    Call it what you want, it is nice to have a place to live!

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    bobbyferrel  4 days ago

    My grandparents on both sides (a looooong time ago) called it ‘the front room’. As I recall, it wasn’t used much, either.

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    ladykat Premium Member 4 days ago

    It also used to be called the parlor.

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    dpatrickryan Premium Member 4 days ago

    It was short for the “withdrawing” room, where the men would withdraw for brandy and cigars after the meal, while the women
 whatever women do?

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    SofaKing Premium Member 4 days ago

    “F—- you real estate lady! This bedroom has an oven in it! This bedroom has a bunch of people sitting around watching tv.” The late, great Mitch Hedberg, on how it’s up to him to decide how many bedrooms there are in the house.

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    GojusJoe  4 days ago

    Our water closet is just off the sitting room, or salon as we called it. And there is a dumbwaiter between the galley and the refectory.

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  42. Nowyoulisten
    zeexenon  4 days ago

    I saw my grandpa lying dead on 06/01/1958 in the parlor.

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    whelan_jj  4 days ago

    A lot of room names come from naming of rooms in mansions or castles where there were rooms for all kind of specialized purposes as pointed out in several comments. As everyone became able to buy smaller one family homes today’s living room served many of the purposes and acquired different of the previous room names. “Living room” was a new one becasue that’s where the family spent most of their daytime hours.

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    curtlyon19 Premium Member 4 days ago

    there’s also front room

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    KEA  4 days ago

    names usually make sense at the time they originate. 
like dialing a phone number

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    Petemejia77  4 days ago

    Now let’s talk about origins of the Master Bedroom! :)

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    jstlucas  4 days ago

    I had to look up “living room”, apparently before WW 1 the room, before funeral parlors were common, was used for displaying dead bodies in the house and sometimes called the “death room”. In 1910 the Ladies Home Journal started calling it the “living room” to get rid of the stigma of death, and that “living” was because that’s where people did a lot of activities in the house.Sounds good to me, true or not.

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  48. Coffee turtle avatar
    coffeeturtle  4 days ago

    A room with large glass windows or walls for exposure to sunlight:

    The Sunroom

    The Florida Room

    The Patio Room

    The Three Season Room

    The Winter Garden

    The Solarium

    I have no explanation and I think I missed a few other names


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    heligoland  4 days ago

    I believe drawing room was originally withdrawing room where you went for a little peace.

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    lisaegray  4 days ago

    It is called the “living room” because it is the part of the house where most of the “living” goes on. Talking, watching television, etc. Easy peasy.

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    ncorgbl  4 days ago

    How can anyone even consider renaming the Gulf of Mexico when they can’t name the rooms of their own house?

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    ArcticFox Premium Member 4 days ago

    But not nearly as dumb as those who name new drugs.

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    donwestonmysteries  4 days ago
    regional reference? I don’t know
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    Smeagol  4 days ago

    A place to sit, listen to music (on the TV or record player), read a book, watch TV, play music (aside from my guitars I picked up a keyboard over the weekend:) so it’s my living/reading/ TV/ Music Room and sometimes it doubles as my bedroom if I fall asleep on the recliner. My snoring will wake me up so I can go to bed.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  3 days ago

    Parlor. Salon. Recreation room.

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    olds_cool63  3 days ago

    Grampa: “Yes
people really ARE kind of dumb”!

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    Laurie Stoker Premium Member 3 days ago

    True words from the mouth of babes.

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    Aimless Melissa   3 days ago

    Does “lounge” sound better? To me, calling it a lounge seems like a liminal area of a fancy hotel. Somehow, it sounds old-fashioned too.

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