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At least Toni was smart enough to leave without making a scene. Ann got the wind knocked out of her sails, so she takes it out on the first available target: poor, clueless Brad, who is standing there, literally holding the bag (a dry cleaning bag). Which does look like a valid case of harassment.
Ann’s a witch with a capital “B.” Brad should have quit when he had the chance. And someone guessed on a previous strip that the “Errand” Brad was running was picking up Ann’s dry cleaning. I guess they were right. Not sure how well a harassment lawsuit would hold up (Couldn’t Ann just say that Brad was making false claims against her because he was angry over being fired?), but they could probably take legal action against her for wrongful termination.
I just noticed something. Ann’s already walking off as she says “You’re fired.” She’ll probably be back in her office before Brad actually registers what she said.
Some great panels today. In the 1st Toni is walking away tall and proud while Ann is scowling. The 2nd panel it looks like she is in shock and trying figure out what the heck happened. While Brad looks cheerful delivering her dry cleaning. The 3rd Ann appears to be steaming as she tells Brad he’s fired and poor Brad Stands there dumbfounded by her action.
A final thought, is dressing like you are auditioning for a 3rd rate stock company’s production of “Peter Pan,” appropriate attire for a manager of a business?
Ann blew it, BIGTIME You can fire someone for no reason, or or a good reason. It is illegal to fire somone fo an improper reason. Zane and Bernice need to be intervewed now.
And now you’ve spoiled the fallout from this. But it is Brad’s fault for having the audacity to upstage Luann in her own comic strip, so he must be punished severely. He has to lose everything so the readers know his place in this strip. We can’t have any dark horse characters running around being more interesting than the main character.
One door closes and another one will open. Brad will be doing something much more worthwhile than washing floors at ww. I guess TJ’s grand plan was separating Brad from a psychopath and it worked like a charm. Way to go TJ!
Well, this is at least a way to end this whole thing without pandering down to do a cheesy cat-fight. But I kind of think it would be funny if Brad got miffed at Toni since she was out of line. Also what is he holding? It looks like a tiny top and a mini-skirt. XD
I think Ann handled the situation in a good way. If she kept Brad working for her she might have had to deal with Toni approaching her again and Toni did kinda threaten her. Brad is an expendable worker and he doesn’t really seem worth it for the drama that’s going on. It’s not really good for business. In real life the kind of confrontation that happened would have probably ended up this way too, unless the worker in Brad’s position was a very important worker.
Also guys, if Brad wasn’t smart enough to take unemployment, try to find another firefighter position, or something he could use his training for; he is most definitely NOT going to be smart enough to sue Ann over this. Besides Greg wouldn’t put us through a lame court storyline. At least I really hope he wouldn’t.
Heck, aside from the harassment issues, the SIMPLE fact that Ann asked Brad to pick up her personal dry cleaning (on company time yet) is grounds for the company to fire her!
But I do NOT feel any sympathy for Brad. He’s turned into such a dork. He fails a Darwin test.
And a firefighter who was laid off could get a much better job than working in a fast food place….
Besides, Brad should be getting unemployment insurance payments. And those payments should be comparable to the poor salary of a fast food worker!
Regarding Toni, HOW the hell does she work as a firefighter when her hair goes down to her butt?!
If I was Brad, I’d consider this an excellent time to serve my country and join the Navy. No matter what happens next, he’s going to be a hurtin’ cowboy.
@Rabid Weasel — If the writer were to do a stint called Brad and Toni, I’d read it. The strip may be called “Luann” but Toni is a more interesting character and a there are a lot of men who can see a lot of themselves in Brad’s traumas. But the idea is worth thinking about. There are a number of artists out there doing two strips at once.
@px eliezer regarding Toni as a firefighter, her hair has nothing to do with her duties as a firefighter. She can, and probably does, tie it up into a bun. The only hair in question that would affect her job is facial hair, which she does not have. Proper mask to face seal is why no beards are allowed in the fire service.
@Raspberryice54 I’m not sure what state you live in, but at my job, they take sexual harassment very seriously no matter what sex you are. We are required to attend sensitivity training inservices, at which both our HR and city attorney are present and speak at. It goes both ways, believe me.
And one thing I can not understand is why Brad is not working for a private ambulance service. I work fire and ems as 911 calls come in, but yet there are more private services driving around my small size city than you can shake a stick at. We only have one hospital and a couple of nursing homes. A lot of our medics and basics pick up jobs with them to make extra money on their days off. Brad could be making a good paycheck working for them full time.
It hurts…watching a guy like Brad, who appears he isn’t smart enough to pour pi$$ out of a boot with the instructions printed on the bottom. He wanders around like he has a 100 IQ in general and a IQ of 55 when it comes to women. That boy is really missing something when it comes to understanding or dealing with women. What in the world does Toni see in him anyway? Her own non-windup toy? Will Brad ever get to steer the car or will he ALWAYS just be along for the ride, going wherever the person(‘s) he is with is/are going?Maybe it is a woman thing in that family, as in the women make the decisions in the family so Brad expects that at work or wherever else he happens to be too.I don’t think we will ever see Brad growing up to become a CEO. What would a company be like if Brad became COO? (Chief Operations Officer) Bet it wouldn’t be in business long.
His errand was fetching her dry cleaning? That is so NOT in his job description. Brad can easily kick her butt with discrimination, exploitation, preferentials, sexual harassment on the job. Brad, you better DO it.
what a horrible, petty person. reminds me of a certain pres candidate. something happened that did not go their way, and so, they are running for prez, but failing in the polls, running out of money, and losing staff.
Didn’t Brad save Zane from the burning building of the bookstore that Ann managed before Wienie World? Seems ironic that he’s now getting burned. All we need now is for Dirk to show up as Ann’s boyfriend. What a tangled story!
Actually, that was an easy call. The second Toni grabbed Ann, we all knew Brad was fired. I wonder if TJ knew that was going to happen? Another TJ plan, crashed and burned. Oh well, now Brad can focus his efforts on getting a more suitable job for his training. Toni is lucky she walked when she did. I don’t think their encounter will have any legal reprocussions. How many entrances to this place? Toni was obviously heading for the door while Brad was coming from the other direction. Brad will not encounter her in the parking lot. He will go home to TJ and moan about his cruel fate.
Actually Brad just needs to go to Weenie World’s corporate HR and tell them that Ann sent him to do her personal matters while on company time and then Ann will be seeing what the unemployment line looks like. I hope Brad builds a spine and fights this one
Oh, COME ON, Annie!I wuz Jest kiddin’ with the “Annie-Cakes” bit!
Say, I SEE you NEED another Lackey, er I MEAN “employee”!Well theres this guy I know from ‘Oz’ named Quill!He’s TALL, and (Debatably) handsome, and a really, REALLY Hard Worker, and he NEEDS to be NEUTRALIZED, er, I mean EMPLOYED!You’ll HIRE Him? GOOD, I send Him Over, Thanks!(Hey Luann? WATCH Dis!!!!)
Ann won the “day” but she laid the ground for full defeat…………. Toni already told her she was gonna talk to HQ of WW………….. Ann recently told Brad basically that as long as “he kept devotion” and do as told, she would promote him…….. and she gave him “supervisor duties” for 1 hour at least(we should assume he is now “assistant to the manager”?)………… after she has done that, and fire him out of the blue AFTER HE PICKED STUFF FOR HER from a dry cleaner (which is outside of his duties), she stands on potentially weak ground
Bets on Monday? I think we will pick up on another arc. Maybe we will find out if Tiff got the movie part? Or will Rosa and Gunther have a second date and GASP! a kiss? Will we take a break with the maybe-yes maybe-no relationship of Knute and Crystal. Will our star, Luann, realize that she is in her senior year and her prospects of scoring a better guy that Quill are slim to none? Stop wasting time Luann; your making us angry. Truth be said, I’d rather stay with is arc another week or two.
To all those who mentioned Unemployment Insurance; if you didn’t figure it out, it doesn’t exist in the Luanniverse. You either work or your mother kicks you out of your own home. I still think Brad should join the family business. He can sit around and drink coffee all day.
But, what if Brad actually had his eye on Ann. Maybe all his protestations were fake to throw his friends off. She is pretty hot and he is an ex-fireman…….
Hmm no fight. That is good on many levels I suppose, but my male sense of seeing female conflict is disappointed. But I am glad that Toni took the high road, and made it clear who she is; certainly no shrinking violet, who was the victim of the abusive Dirk. She has really grown, now lets hope Brad can grow as well. As far as wrongful termination, if this strip is in a terminable-at-will state Brad has no remedy except unemployment compensation. Also Greg is careful enough not to set up a real sexual harassment case, or enough of a hostile environment where a legal claim based on that would get anywhere. Still can’t wait to see what happens next. Wonder how long this particular story line will play out. Such fun!!!
…unlike most people,I think Brad had the situation handled(though,holding her drycleaning ,might say otherwise)…this might lead to fireworks between Brad and Toni.
On a broader note..this shows the stress involved in layoffs in general.
It’s a tribute to Greg that his strip inspires such a vigorous debate. For the longest time, Brad was the consummate teenage couch potato with zero ambition and nothing going for him but greasy hands. Pulling a character like that into a) a respectable job and b) a relationship with a smart, foxy lady like Toni is a master stroke, because it’s rife with possibility of conflict – as we have seen. And that’s what makes a strip interesting.
I can’t begin to predict where this will go, because in real life, sometimes the bottom-feeders win; the only thing that’s certain is that I will keep on reading.
No problem – just burn down WW tonight. Yeah I play rough. He should know enough about fires to make it tough to investigate. Once you get the deep fryers going nothing is going to stop it…It’s probably cheaper for corporate than a settlement anyway…
An employer retaliating against an employee for the actions of a spouse or girlfriend falls under the legal definition of sexual harassment. I’m amazed Eiffel doesn’t know this. She has really put her foot in it this time.
Unfortunately, this might be an “employment at will” state, where an employer can fire an employee for any reason or no reason at all except for federally protected reasons such as age, race, religion or disability. There are a few other protections, but not many…
Outside of these, an employer in an ‘at will’ state can fire someone simply for wearing the wrong color of socks or for having an acquaintance who ‘disrupts the workplace’— many women have lost jobs because of abusive spouses, and cases have held up on these grounds.
Possible plot line – Brad gets called back to fire fighting and doesn’t take the time and energy needed to pursue a lawsuit (which he would probably win) over a minimum wage job, he asks Toni to marry him, we gets weeks of wind up to the wedding which will involve the entire cast of characters, the newly weds get Toni’s niece, Brad’s mom is set up as an annoying MIL to Toni and then we get back to Luann’s life with occasional looks at married Toni & Brad and an eventual kid or two (so there’s a replacement when Luann gets too old to be interesting).
This is clearly a case of harassment. I think the corporate brass at Weenieworld would love to hear about this. I say Toni did the right thing in confronting Ann Eiffel as she was concerned that Eiffel was using Brad. Now, that it was the case. Let’s see what’s next.
It is typical of our society of today that we are talking lawsuits. This is a COMIC STRIP, folks. We don’t want to introduce lawyers and legal entanglements here. There would be no end to it. Brad is a simpleton to put up with Ann’s insults and manipulations just to keep a no-nothing job. Do we REALLY have fellows like that? .
Now at least things are starting to come out in the open. Ann’s treatment of an employee was unethical and wrong right from the start. She had no reason to get on his case just because a couple of his friends stopped in for a snack and said “hi”. They did not interupt his work. Most people are capable of talking and washing the floor at the same time. As an employee, it was not his job to tell customers that they were not allowed in a public place. She had no right to demand his loyalty to her, or to expect him to run her errands. I hope someone can stop her before she does the same to someone else. Please don’t change this arc before some of this is settled.
I think what will happen is that Toni’s threat to report Ann to WeenieWorld upper management will become reality, and within a week Ann will be terminated from her job as manager of that WeenieWorld restaurant.
Has anyone noticed how hot Ann is? and why is Brad holding her lingerie? are we going to see her wear it?is Brad being seduced? does he have a clue?can I have his job?
Repercussions for miz beeotch and TJ having a talk with Brad. Luann would tell him to grow a pair. This will end up with Luann telling Big bro to persue corporate and get miss Eiffel out of WW. Then she can persue Brad outright and TJ will turn her to flaming paste…
Great. I wonder how this will turn out for Brad and Toni’s relationship. Ann will definately turn it around on her feeling threatened by Toni and/or accusing Brad of manipulating the situation to move up the ladder. Either way, not going to be good for BxT
Toni might be smarter and more sophisticated than we all think. She’s got the dragon-lady over a barrel on multiple levels, plus she’s got her guy out of that nasty situation (intentionally?) with unemployment. She showed folks who’s boss, and she saved her guy for herself. She really loves her weenie-guy….it’s about as much protection and unconditional love as a man can get……..and Brad has no clue.
Yes, it would be so much better if we just settled things out in the back alley with tire irons and chains whenever anyone cheated us or treated us unfairly. Because the guy who’s in the right always escapes without a scratch and evil is always defeated that way.
“Politicial correctness” has nothing to do with this, and isn’t something you can be sued for.
I wonder about the whole morality of what Toni did. If she discussed all of this with Brad beforehand, and he agreed, knowing he could lose his job, then it’s not an issue. But if Toni did this all on her own, then is what she did really right?:just askin’
Had Brad applied for unemployment after being laid off by the fire department, he would have been entitled to full benefits, job search assistance, educational benefits and soforth, based on his FD wages, which were at least somewhat above poverty level.
Now he’s a fired minimum wage worker, and if he is able to even get unemployment, it will be based on his Weenie World Wages.
You know what? Since Brad still has “possession” of the dry cleaning, he should just take it back to the cleaners and leave it for HER to pick up herself.
Brad is so naive. He’s been this way thruout the relationshipwith Toni. He only catches on S-L-O-W-L-Y. In the end tho’he will come out ahead-with Toni and probably the managerof WeeieWorld (since it holds a special fun place in his heart).
Maybe not in the comic world of Brad and Toni, but in the real world young Brad wouldn’t need to be looking for work for a while, although I suspect ’lil missy Tutu wil be rather quickly.
By the way “Dennis Downey”, if it’s a “right to fire” state, then she can do so with no need for reason to be given. Exceptions have to do with civil rights or the very thing that must be bubbling in Toni’s head right now (paying an employee with corporate funds to do personal work). But hey… I’m just a skate bording fool of a frog. I’m sure ‘lil missy won’t worry her pretty little head over it though..
Poor Brad, that wasn’t fair to him. That Ann is horrible even for a comic strip! Where the heck is Tj?! How did someone know it was going to be drycleaning. Wonder if it was Ann’s uniform?
“I would just look for another job and forget about Ann, because there’s a good chance she will win.” This is how predators get to continue in their unlawful ways because people are afraid to either make waves, be embarrassed, not be believed, or lose. If Bernice & Zane had filed a lawsuit against her instead of just going to corporate & letting them quietly sweep it under the rug Brad would have a stronger case & if he files a lawsuit then Ann’s NEXT victim (because there will be one) will have a stronger suit. Silence is a sign of approval in this world, it’s why con artists, rapists & pedophiles get away with what they do for long periods of times.
If boss still feels this way… file for complaint and sue her. Brad has been a very dutiful worker, did run an extra errand (pick up dry cleaning?.. please) There is no reason for boss to fire him.
HOLY CRAP!!!!! That is sooo wierd. Not only did he get fired, which we were all saying would happen, but turns out he WAS picking up her dry cleaning like someone said a couple of days ago!
To RagnaroCker:If he kept it wouldnt she say them he stole it? He should just give it back then say when he came back from getting her stuff from the dry cleaner she said Your’e Fired. (Donald Trumps line)
Not if Ann has history of the same pattern – Brad can call Bernice and Zane as witnesses and Ann’s former supervisor at Borderline to explain why she was demoted to Tokyo…and perhaps why she is no longer employed with them….
Luann readers are some of the most astute and thoughtful people around. I am impressed at their understanding of labor laws, personalities and complex relationships. Bravo!
It strikes me that Brad will be upset with TJ trying another of his schemes until TJ reveals what REALLY happened – that they set up Ann and now SHE’S in trouble for firing Brad without cause. Question is will Ann be forced to hire him back (eating crow) or will they exact retribution in some other way? I expect that Greg will continue this next week to tie up the loose ends.
198 comments, Greg! Wow! You sure know how to incite a riot! :-D I’m late to comment and it’s late here, so I may be repeating something someone else said, but Bitc- slap Ann, the little witch seriously needs it, and I hope she gets fired, and Toni and Brad, get married already and get it over with!
And this is post 200. On a really big day at we would top 100, best was 120, most of that were trolls making merry. Great comments and discussions.
I think Toni was way out of line in jepardizing Brad’s burger flipping heaven. Does anybody remember jelous, possessive jerk named Dirk? Toni is a lot like him.
omg i cant believe i forgot to read this yesterday!…i come here to read it because of the comments. most of the strips i read daily i read at yahoo cuz its faster…. but you guys are intense! I do think Toni and TJ had her wired and that TJ is taking video with his phone, and Ann is gonna get her witchy butt fired! Brad will be called back to the fire station before he can become manager in her place though. I honestly think so anyway, and hope so too!
Ann had the right to exclude Toni from Weenie World.As for firing Brad, Ann had the right if she fired him because his being there brought Toni around to threaten Ann. Ann could not fire Brad because he spurned her advances.As for Toni, she shouldn’t have directly interfered at Brad’s workplace.And TJ — what did he intend to accomplish? He should have known sending Toni in to confront Ann wouldn’t be good — is he hoping that Brad and Toni break up, and he gets Toni?
Brad should’ve asked “why?” and listened to Ann’s explanation of why he was fired. … fuel for his wrongful termination lawsuit. Toni is right… Ann should not have touched her at all, ever, but especially when there was a dispute. It could actually be called assault, under that circumstance. Whew! Ann is a loose cannon and needs a management seminar.
bikenboatn over 13 years ago
At least Toni was smart enough to leave without making a scene. Ann got the wind knocked out of her sails, so she takes it out on the first available target: poor, clueless Brad, who is standing there, literally holding the bag (a dry cleaning bag). Which does look like a valid case of harassment.
FatTonyBalducci over 13 years ago
Is that legal?……[uhoh]
SideshowStarlet over 13 years ago
Ann’s a witch with a capital “B.” Brad should have quit when he had the chance. And someone guessed on a previous strip that the “Errand” Brad was running was picking up Ann’s dry cleaning. I guess they were right. Not sure how well a harassment lawsuit would hold up (Couldn’t Ann just say that Brad was making false claims against her because he was angry over being fired?), but they could probably take legal action against her for wrongful termination.
SideshowStarlet over 13 years ago
I just noticed something. Ann’s already walking off as she says “You’re fired.” She’ll probably be back in her office before Brad actually registers what she said.
Poor Brad…
Cam22 over 13 years ago
Time to go Mafia on that cow’s @rse.
SideshowStarlet over 13 years ago
TJ! We need you!
bikenboatn over 13 years ago
Unfortunate collateral damage. The only one adversely affected by these combatants is the innocent bystander, Brad.
Professional Rookie over 13 years ago
Hmm. Now that Brad is canned, it wouldn’t be interoffice romance if she pursues him.
barbarasbrute over 13 years ago
Unemployment insurance.
kittylover2 over 13 years ago
If Ann does that she is stalking him. Jail time for her.
DaJellyBelly over 13 years ago
I’ll bet that by next weekend it will be Ms awful who is gone and Brad will be rehired.
DaJellyBelly over 13 years ago
Some great panels today. In the 1st Toni is walking away tall and proud while Ann is scowling. The 2nd panel it looks like she is in shock and trying figure out what the heck happened. While Brad looks cheerful delivering her dry cleaning. The 3rd Ann appears to be steaming as she tells Brad he’s fired and poor Brad Stands there dumbfounded by her action.
bikenboatn over 13 years ago
I’m not a law expert, but it seems to me that either, or possibly even both “Quid pro quo” or “hostile environment” harassment may be applicable here.
DaJellyBelly over 13 years ago
A final thought, is dressing like you are auditioning for a 3rd rate stock company’s production of “Peter Pan,” appropriate attire for a manager of a business?
RBLawyer over 13 years ago
Ann blew it, BIGTIME You can fire someone for no reason, or or a good reason. It is illegal to fire somone fo an improper reason. Zane and Bernice need to be intervewed now.
SackofRabidWeasels over 13 years ago
And now you’ve spoiled the fallout from this. But it is Brad’s fault for having the audacity to upstage Luann in her own comic strip, so he must be punished severely. He has to lose everything so the readers know his place in this strip. We can’t have any dark horse characters running around being more interesting than the main character.
kher over 13 years ago
Ann’s skirt is too short for fast food. Hope she doesn’t get some hot grease splattered on her.
slug_queen over 13 years ago
Brad’s fired, but I’d bet that Toni’s wired…
AKHenderson Premium Member over 13 years ago
I was right, Ann does take it out on Brad..Getting Brad fired was part of the plan, right Toni?
Sisyphos over 13 years ago
If Brad has the stones, he could file a lawsuit now. Will he? Annie needs to be taken to the cleaners, so to speak.
HeckleMeElmo over 13 years ago
Hmmm, did one of those silhouettes in the background look a bit like TJ holding a video camera…?
DockoftheBay over 13 years ago
One door closes and another one will open. Brad will be doing something much more worthwhile than washing floors at ww. I guess TJ’s grand plan was separating Brad from a psychopath and it worked like a charm. Way to go TJ!
chicken 33 over 13 years ago
All part of TJ’s plan.But what and is it all going to?
Chas60 over 13 years ago
On what grounds?
Rockabore over 13 years ago
Well, this is at least a way to end this whole thing without pandering down to do a cheesy cat-fight. But I kind of think it would be funny if Brad got miffed at Toni since she was out of line. Also what is he holding? It looks like a tiny top and a mini-skirt. XD
hawgowar over 13 years ago
I’d have loved to see Toni Daytona pimp-slap her into next year.
CAT FIGHT! Except it wouldn’t be much of a fight. Toni would wipe the floor with her.
princecharmeing over 13 years ago
ann’s hands were in a fist the frist panel the next panel the wind knocked out of her sails
chicken 33 over 13 years ago
I bet TJ has called in some favors and sprung a trap.
Rockabore over 13 years ago
I think Ann handled the situation in a good way. If she kept Brad working for her she might have had to deal with Toni approaching her again and Toni did kinda threaten her. Brad is an expendable worker and he doesn’t really seem worth it for the drama that’s going on. It’s not really good for business. In real life the kind of confrontation that happened would have probably ended up this way too, unless the worker in Brad’s position was a very important worker.
Rockabore over 13 years ago
Also guys, if Brad wasn’t smart enough to take unemployment, try to find another firefighter position, or something he could use his training for; he is most definitely NOT going to be smart enough to sue Ann over this. Besides Greg wouldn’t put us through a lame court storyline. At least I really hope he wouldn’t.
x_Tech over 13 years ago
As you leave Brad, just hang her dry cleaning over the deep fryer.
Wenthral over 13 years ago
If that was me I would just drop the dry clenaing on the floor and walk out.
px eliezer over 13 years ago
Heck, aside from the harassment issues, the SIMPLE fact that Ann asked Brad to pick up her personal dry cleaning (on company time yet) is grounds for the company to fire her!
But I do NOT feel any sympathy for Brad. He’s turned into such a dork. He fails a Darwin test.
And a firefighter who was laid off could get a much better job than working in a fast food place….
Besides, Brad should be getting unemployment insurance payments. And those payments should be comparable to the poor salary of a fast food worker!
Regarding Toni, HOW the hell does she work as a firefighter when her hair goes down to her butt?!
JerryTheK over 13 years ago
Go Greg!
trspence over 13 years ago
If I was Brad, I’d consider this an excellent time to serve my country and join the Navy. No matter what happens next, he’s going to be a hurtin’ cowboy.
trspence over 13 years ago
@Rabid Weasel — If the writer were to do a stint called Brad and Toni, I’d read it. The strip may be called “Luann” but Toni is a more interesting character and a there are a lot of men who can see a lot of themselves in Brad’s traumas. But the idea is worth thinking about. There are a number of artists out there doing two strips at once.
FFmike over 13 years ago
@px eliezer regarding Toni as a firefighter, her hair has nothing to do with her duties as a firefighter. She can, and probably does, tie it up into a bun. The only hair in question that would affect her job is facial hair, which she does not have. Proper mask to face seal is why no beards are allowed in the fire service.
@Raspberryice54 I’m not sure what state you live in, but at my job, they take sexual harassment very seriously no matter what sex you are. We are required to attend sensitivity training inservices, at which both our HR and city attorney are present and speak at. It goes both ways, believe me.
And one thing I can not understand is why Brad is not working for a private ambulance service. I work fire and ems as 911 calls come in, but yet there are more private services driving around my small size city than you can shake a stick at. We only have one hospital and a couple of nursing homes. A lot of our medics and basics pick up jobs with them to make extra money on their days off. Brad could be making a good paycheck working for them full time.
sgtmatt2378 over 13 years ago
The best way to end this thread is for Brad to be recalled to duty at the firehouse. He was only laid off, not fired. Time for this to be wrapped up.
KenChevy over 13 years ago
It hurts…watching a guy like Brad, who appears he isn’t smart enough to pour pi$$ out of a boot with the instructions printed on the bottom. He wanders around like he has a 100 IQ in general and a IQ of 55 when it comes to women. That boy is really missing something when it comes to understanding or dealing with women. What in the world does Toni see in him anyway? Her own non-windup toy? Will Brad ever get to steer the car or will he ALWAYS just be along for the ride, going wherever the person(‘s) he is with is/are going?Maybe it is a woman thing in that family, as in the women make the decisions in the family so Brad expects that at work or wherever else he happens to be too.I don’t think we will ever see Brad growing up to become a CEO. What would a company be like if Brad became COO? (Chief Operations Officer) Bet it wouldn’t be in business long.
Talker123 over 13 years ago
Yes, yes and yes! Go Toni, go!
ZacBSM over 13 years ago
His errand was fetching her dry cleaning? That is so NOT in his job description. Brad can easily kick her butt with discrimination, exploitation, preferentials, sexual harassment on the job. Brad, you better DO it.
Mighty_Mouse over 13 years ago
Jughead, her name is “Ann”. She would go right off at you if you called her “Annie”.
vwdualnomand over 13 years ago
what a horrible, petty person. reminds me of a certain pres candidate. something happened that did not go their way, and so, they are running for prez, but failing in the polls, running out of money, and losing staff.
ossiningaling over 13 years ago
No no no. I think Greg is OK with other characters sharing the spotlight. It’s like ‘Pickles.’ That strip is NOT about the dog.
Mark Roberts over 13 years ago
Didn’t Brad save Zane from the burning building of the bookstore that Ann managed before Wienie World? Seems ironic that he’s now getting burned. All we need now is for Dirk to show up as Ann’s boyfriend. What a tangled story!
Chuck373 over 13 years ago
Actually, that was an easy call. The second Toni grabbed Ann, we all knew Brad was fired. I wonder if TJ knew that was going to happen? Another TJ plan, crashed and burned. Oh well, now Brad can focus his efforts on getting a more suitable job for his training. Toni is lucky she walked when she did. I don’t think their encounter will have any legal reprocussions. How many entrances to this place? Toni was obviously heading for the door while Brad was coming from the other direction. Brad will not encounter her in the parking lot. He will go home to TJ and moan about his cruel fate.
dre7861 over 13 years ago
Actually Brad just needs to go to Weenie World’s corporate HR and tell them that Ann sent him to do her personal matters while on company time and then Ann will be seeing what the unemployment line looks like. I hope Brad builds a spine and fights this one
Mordock999 over 13 years ago
Thought so!
That was a really “GREAT” Idea you had there, TJ!
Now YOU GIVE UP that three grand you promised Brad, and then, GET LOST PERMANENTLY.
And Brad, take up Toni’s offer and MOVE IN with Her.
Hey “Annie-Cakes”! COFFEE, NOW!!!!!
Mordock999 over 13 years ago
Oh, COME ON, Annie!I wuz Jest kiddin’ with the “Annie-Cakes” bit!
Say, I SEE you NEED another Lackey, er I MEAN “employee”!Well theres this guy I know from ‘Oz’ named Quill!He’s TALL, and (Debatably) handsome, and a really, REALLY Hard Worker, and he NEEDS to be NEUTRALIZED, er, I mean EMPLOYED!You’ll HIRE Him? GOOD, I send Him Over, Thanks!(Hey Luann? WATCH Dis!!!!)
cdward over 13 years ago
I think we all know where this is going.
wiselad over 13 years ago
Ann won the “day” but she laid the ground for full defeat…………. Toni already told her she was gonna talk to HQ of WW………….. Ann recently told Brad basically that as long as “he kept devotion” and do as told, she would promote him…….. and she gave him “supervisor duties” for 1 hour at least(we should assume he is now “assistant to the manager”?)………… after she has done that, and fire him out of the blue AFTER HE PICKED STUFF FOR HER from a dry cleaner (which is outside of his duties), she stands on potentially weak ground
Chuck373 over 13 years ago
Bets on Monday? I think we will pick up on another arc. Maybe we will find out if Tiff got the movie part? Or will Rosa and Gunther have a second date and GASP! a kiss? Will we take a break with the maybe-yes maybe-no relationship of Knute and Crystal. Will our star, Luann, realize that she is in her senior year and her prospects of scoring a better guy that Quill are slim to none? Stop wasting time Luann; your making us angry. Truth be said, I’d rather stay with is arc another week or two.
Chuck373 over 13 years ago
To all those who mentioned Unemployment Insurance; if you didn’t figure it out, it doesn’t exist in the Luanniverse. You either work or your mother kicks you out of your own home. I still think Brad should join the family business. He can sit around and drink coffee all day.
Chuck373 over 13 years ago
Can’t wait to see both TJ’s and Toni’s reaction to this. After all, they did go behind Brad’s back on this one.
Dr Low over 13 years ago
But, what if Brad actually had his eye on Ann. Maybe all his protestations were fake to throw his friends off. She is pretty hot and he is an ex-fireman…….
Mighty_Mouse over 13 years ago
If Ann wore her dresses any shorter they would be nearly as short as my girlfriends’.
tigergocomics over 13 years ago
Toni doing her best impression of Dirk!
luann1212 over 13 years ago
Hmm no fight. That is good on many levels I suppose, but my male sense of seeing female conflict is disappointed. But I am glad that Toni took the high road, and made it clear who she is; certainly no shrinking violet, who was the victim of the abusive Dirk. She has really grown, now lets hope Brad can grow as well. As far as wrongful termination, if this strip is in a terminable-at-will state Brad has no remedy except unemployment compensation. Also Greg is careful enough not to set up a real sexual harassment case, or enough of a hostile environment where a legal claim based on that would get anywhere. Still can’t wait to see what happens next. Wonder how long this particular story line will play out. Such fun!!!
3hourtour Premium Member over 13 years ago
…unlike most people,I think Brad had the situation handled(though,holding her drycleaning ,might say otherwise)…this might lead to fireworks between Brad and Toni.
On a broader note..this shows the stress involved in layoffs in general.
chicken 33 over 13 years ago
Maybe T.J.’s on Wennies board.
wicky over 13 years ago
Nice guy Brad, stuck between two nasty broads…
mike0993 over 13 years ago
Maybe now Toni can bully the Fire Department into re-hiring Brad.
The Old Wolf over 13 years ago
It’s a tribute to Greg that his strip inspires such a vigorous debate. For the longest time, Brad was the consummate teenage couch potato with zero ambition and nothing going for him but greasy hands. Pulling a character like that into a) a respectable job and b) a relationship with a smart, foxy lady like Toni is a master stroke, because it’s rife with possibility of conflict – as we have seen. And that’s what makes a strip interesting.
I can’t begin to predict where this will go, because in real life, sometimes the bottom-feeders win; the only thing that’s certain is that I will keep on reading.
Cathy38c over 13 years ago
I have matches, and a lighter for TJ
Brian LeCaire over 13 years ago
tj should have come to as a witness. ann would be done the minute she touched Toni.
srchief78 over 13 years ago
well there goes a shot of leg down the drain
JohnRPelt over 13 years ago
Gee, an idea by TJ backfires horribly! Who’d a-thunk it?
dael2713 over 13 years ago
Excellent-one of myt two favorites.
bagbalm over 13 years ago
No problem – just burn down WW tonight. Yeah I play rough. He should know enough about fires to make it tough to investigate. Once you get the deep fryers going nothing is going to stop it…It’s probably cheaper for corporate than a settlement anyway…
DCWriter71 over 13 years ago
An employer retaliating against an employee for the actions of a spouse or girlfriend falls under the legal definition of sexual harassment. I’m amazed Eiffel doesn’t know this. She has really put her foot in it this time.
Mitchtheone over 13 years ago
As I had thought .. Brad is now unemployed.. Again…
But on the upside he may have a case.. Shaky at best.
On the down side Brad is still unemployed.
But it is the holiday season so at the very least he may find a little seasonal work somewhere..
Loki Laufeyson over 13 years ago
Unfortunately, this might be an “employment at will” state, where an employer can fire an employee for any reason or no reason at all except for federally protected reasons such as age, race, religion or disability. There are a few other protections, but not many…
Outside of these, an employer in an ‘at will’ state can fire someone simply for wearing the wrong color of socks or for having an acquaintance who ‘disrupts the workplace’— many women have lost jobs because of abusive spouses, and cases have held up on these grounds.
georgiiii over 13 years ago
Possible plot line – Brad gets called back to fire fighting and doesn’t take the time and energy needed to pursue a lawsuit (which he would probably win) over a minimum wage job, he asks Toni to marry him, we gets weeks of wind up to the wedding which will involve the entire cast of characters, the newly weds get Toni’s niece, Brad’s mom is set up as an annoying MIL to Toni and then we get back to Luann’s life with occasional looks at married Toni & Brad and an eventual kid or two (so there’s a replacement when Luann gets too old to be interesting).
dtaylor404 over 13 years ago
Psst. Brad. Now’s your chance. Drycleaning. Mustard and ketchup. Go for it.
Guy Bona over 13 years ago
This is clearly a case of harassment. I think the corporate brass at Weenieworld would love to hear about this. I say Toni did the right thing in confronting Ann Eiffel as she was concerned that Eiffel was using Brad. Now, that it was the case. Let’s see what’s next.
jebjayman over 13 years ago
It is typical of our society of today that we are talking lawsuits. This is a COMIC STRIP, folks. We don’t want to introduce lawyers and legal entanglements here. There would be no end to it. Brad is a simpleton to put up with Ann’s insults and manipulations just to keep a no-nothing job. Do we REALLY have fellows like that? .
serenasakitty over 13 years ago
Now at least things are starting to come out in the open. Ann’s treatment of an employee was unethical and wrong right from the start. She had no reason to get on his case just because a couple of his friends stopped in for a snack and said “hi”. They did not interupt his work. Most people are capable of talking and washing the floor at the same time. As an employee, it was not his job to tell customers that they were not allowed in a public place. She had no right to demand his loyalty to her, or to expect him to run her errands. I hope someone can stop her before she does the same to someone else. Please don’t change this arc before some of this is settled.
Tue Elung-Jensen over 13 years ago
Fired for sexual harrasement – from her.
Sacto1624 over 13 years ago
I think what will happen is that Toni’s threat to report Ann to WeenieWorld upper management will become reality, and within a week Ann will be terminated from her job as manager of that WeenieWorld restaurant.
Hugh Manatee over 13 years ago
Ann gets fired, Brad is named manager. Ha!
marsh_1 over 13 years ago
Has anyone noticed how hot Ann is? and why is Brad holding her lingerie? are we going to see her wear it?is Brad being seduced? does he have a clue?can I have his job?
DFWBear over 13 years ago
Repercussions for miz beeotch and TJ having a talk with Brad. Luann would tell him to grow a pair. This will end up with Luann telling Big bro to persue corporate and get miss Eiffel out of WW. Then she can persue Brad outright and TJ will turn her to flaming paste…
Doctor11 over 13 years ago
You’re right on that one, especially since she was having Brad pick up her dry-cleaning, which is a legal trap according to my dad.
Dconskjk over 13 years ago
Great. I wonder how this will turn out for Brad and Toni’s relationship. Ann will definately turn it around on her feeling threatened by Toni and/or accusing Brad of manipulating the situation to move up the ladder. Either way, not going to be good for BxT
Comic Minister Premium Member over 13 years ago
Nooooo! That’s not fair Brad didn’t do anything wrong this time!!
Callie Ray over 13 years ago
I smell a lawsuit happening, unless Brad gets lucky enough to go back to the Firehouse.
r.haza over 13 years ago
look at the drycleaning he is picking up… sexy… could it be a message from ann?
remington1998 over 13 years ago
Toni might be smarter and more sophisticated than we all think. She’s got the dragon-lady over a barrel on multiple levels, plus she’s got her guy out of that nasty situation (intentionally?) with unemployment. She showed folks who’s boss, and she saved her guy for herself. She really loves her weenie-guy….it’s about as much protection and unconditional love as a man can get……..and Brad has no clue.
mojitobaby over 13 years ago
Yes, it would be so much better if we just settled things out in the back alley with tire irons and chains whenever anyone cheated us or treated us unfairly. Because the guy who’s in the right always escapes without a scratch and evil is always defeated that way.
“Politicial correctness” has nothing to do with this, and isn’t something you can be sued for.
tec449 over 13 years ago
Maybe Ann gets fired and Brad gets promoted.
WMS4Yeshua over 13 years ago
I think he has grounds for BOTH sexual harrassment, and wrongful termination. As someone else said, Ann Eifel IS a WITCH!!
Kirk Sinclair over 13 years ago
I wonder about the whole morality of what Toni did. If she discussed all of this with Brad beforehand, and he agreed, knowing he could lose his job, then it’s not an issue. But if Toni did this all on her own, then is what she did really right?:just askin’
Gabryant over 13 years ago
Brad – can you say sexual harassment lawsuit?!?
lilrabbit over 13 years ago
Had Brad applied for unemployment after being laid off by the fire department, he would have been entitled to full benefits, job search assistance, educational benefits and soforth, based on his FD wages, which were at least somewhat above poverty level.
Now he’s a fired minimum wage worker, and if he is able to even get unemployment, it will be based on his Weenie World Wages.
srlloyd over 13 years ago
Anyone else notice the ‘drycleaning’ is a cute little negligee
been there over 13 years ago
Now the fun starts. For Sack of Rabid Weasels THE SIDE BAR STORYS IN THIS STRIP MAKES IT POPULAR.
ladypuu over 13 years ago
aww man! I kinda knew this was going to happen. Ouch!
been there over 13 years ago
Thiss the only strip i lookp on my comp.
Dragoncat over 13 years ago
You know what? Since Brad still has “possession” of the dry cleaning, he should just take it back to the cleaners and leave it for HER to pick up herself.
mailman1947 over 13 years ago
Brad is so naive. He’s been this way thruout the relationshipwith Toni. He only catches on S-L-O-W-L-Y. In the end tho’he will come out ahead-with Toni and probably the managerof WeeieWorld (since it holds a special fun place in his heart).
Hear this Greg???
Dragoncat over 13 years ago
Gee, I wonder if THIS was part of TJ’s plan…Somebody call Bernice! I think she’s better equipped to help Brad through this.
smsrt over 13 years ago
Maybe not in the comic world of Brad and Toni, but in the real world young Brad wouldn’t need to be looking for work for a while, although I suspect ’lil missy Tutu wil be rather quickly.
Mr. Tinkles over 13 years ago
Brad will blame Toni for this.
smsrt over 13 years ago
By the way “Dennis Downey”, if it’s a “right to fire” state, then she can do so with no need for reason to be given. Exceptions have to do with civil rights or the very thing that must be bubbling in Toni’s head right now (paying an employee with corporate funds to do personal work). But hey… I’m just a skate bording fool of a frog. I’m sure ‘lil missy won’t worry her pretty little head over it though..
werlecar over 13 years ago
Poor Brad, that wasn’t fair to him. That Ann is horrible even for a comic strip! Where the heck is Tj?! How did someone know it was going to be drycleaning. Wonder if it was Ann’s uniform?
ChappellGirl5 over 13 years ago
“I would just look for another job and forget about Ann, because there’s a good chance she will win.” This is how predators get to continue in their unlawful ways because people are afraid to either make waves, be embarrassed, not be believed, or lose. If Bernice & Zane had filed a lawsuit against her instead of just going to corporate & letting them quietly sweep it under the rug Brad would have a stronger case & if he files a lawsuit then Ann’s NEXT victim (because there will be one) will have a stronger suit. Silence is a sign of approval in this world, it’s why con artists, rapists & pedophiles get away with what they do for long periods of times.
sjsczurek over 13 years ago
Boy. Toni doesn’t just look proud and confident. She actually looks brawny in that first panel.
RBLawyer over 13 years ago
Wesley, NO you are wrong and I am right. Go back to law school.
colleenf58 over 13 years ago
If boss still feels this way… file for complaint and sue her. Brad has been a very dutiful worker, did run an extra errand (pick up dry cleaning?.. please) There is no reason for boss to fire him.
rebecca.l.burson over 13 years ago
Saw that coming…
Dragongirl2319 over 13 years ago
HOLY CRAP!!!!! That is sooo wierd. Not only did he get fired, which we were all saying would happen, but turns out he WAS picking up her dry cleaning like someone said a couple of days ago!
Tinyman over 13 years ago
To RagnaroCker:If he kept it wouldnt she say them he stole it? He should just give it back then say when he came back from getting her stuff from the dry cleaner she said Your’e Fired. (Donald Trumps line)
DDrazen over 13 years ago
Yeah, that’s pretty much how the world works.
ToonaD68 Premium Member over 13 years ago
She sent him to pick up her dry cleaning? What is that- lingerie?
kenwarnerfordictator over 13 years ago
I"m glad to see that I was wrong in my evaluation of Ann yeaterday. She lost control and acted impulsivly. Not at all what I expected of her.
ReneTray over 13 years ago
Boise Ed Premium Member over 13 years ago
If I were Brad, I’d walk back outside and drop her dry-cleaned clothes in the nearest mud puddle. Oops.
kevin1103 over 13 years ago
Brad is better off. I still say he should go back to school
falconman over 13 years ago
Toni was wrong on all counts.. you don’t go on your mate job..there is no reason for Toni to go there…
ftroha over 13 years ago
It’s a right to work state. Must be Republican.
Petemejia77 over 13 years ago
vldazzle over 13 years ago
Crazy bunch of comments!
ZacBSM over 13 years ago
Not if Ann has history of the same pattern – Brad can call Bernice and Zane as witnesses and Ann’s former supervisor at Borderline to explain why she was demoted to Tokyo…and perhaps why she is no longer employed with them….
arbyisme over 13 years ago
Corporate may not like it when they find out no fireman will walk into the place once Toni tells her story.
hendrix_david over 13 years ago
Luann readers are some of the most astute and thoughtful people around. I am impressed at their understanding of labor laws, personalities and complex relationships. Bravo!
imbaldeagle over 13 years ago
It strikes me that Brad will be upset with TJ trying another of his schemes until TJ reveals what REALLY happened – that they set up Ann and now SHE’S in trouble for firing Brad without cause. Question is will Ann be forced to hire him back (eating crow) or will they exact retribution in some other way? I expect that Greg will continue this next week to tie up the loose ends.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 13 years ago
198 comments, Greg! Wow! You sure know how to incite a riot! :-D I’m late to comment and it’s late here, so I may be repeating something someone else said, but Bitc- slap Ann, the little witch seriously needs it, and I hope she gets fired, and Toni and Brad, get married already and get it over with!
Mighty_Mouse over 13 years ago
And this is post 200. On a really big day at we would top 100, best was 120, most of that were trolls making merry. Great comments and discussions.
wiselad over 13 years ago
wow, I hit 200!!!!!!!!!!! lot of comments today
BuffaloBusker over 13 years ago
I think Toni was way out of line in jepardizing Brad’s burger flipping heaven. Does anybody remember jelous, possessive jerk named Dirk? Toni is a lot like him.
Mighty_Mouse over 13 years ago
Takes one to know one.
maestrabella67 over 13 years ago
Good job, Toni, you just got your BF fired. Let him fight his own battles.
nj23nut over 13 years ago
Good for Brad. He should be concentrating on finding a new firefighter position instead of wasting his time at Weenieworld!
Linda Solomon over 13 years ago
omg i cant believe i forgot to read this yesterday!…i come here to read it because of the comments. most of the strips i read daily i read at yahoo cuz its faster…. but you guys are intense! I do think Toni and TJ had her wired and that TJ is taking video with his phone, and Ann is gonna get her witchy butt fired! Brad will be called back to the fire station before he can become manager in her place though. I honestly think so anyway, and hope so too!
Dragoncat over 13 years ago
I hope Ann remembers that when someone is fired they get “severance pay”.
flangben over 13 years ago
Ann had the right to exclude Toni from Weenie World.As for firing Brad, Ann had the right if she fired him because his being there brought Toni around to threaten Ann. Ann could not fire Brad because he spurned her advances.As for Toni, she shouldn’t have directly interfered at Brad’s workplace.And TJ — what did he intend to accomplish? He should have known sending Toni in to confront Ann wouldn’t be good — is he hoping that Brad and Toni break up, and he gets Toni?
swantine19 over 13 years ago
Brad should’ve asked “why?” and listened to Ann’s explanation of why he was fired. … fuel for his wrongful termination lawsuit. Toni is right… Ann should not have touched her at all, ever, but especially when there was a dispute. It could actually be called assault, under that circumstance. Whew! Ann is a loose cannon and needs a management seminar.
JOJOHUN1211 over 13 years ago
Get out. Demand her ass. And get a new job.
Aladar30 Premium Member over 6 years ago
And now will start the drama!