Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for February 12, 2024

  1. Gcav
    Brian  Premium Member 6 months ago

    Get out your Yiddish-English dictionary!

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  2. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  6 months ago

    Good morning™, all!

    I wonder if the victim is one of the artists that Popski is talking about. At least it sounds like there is already a suspect that he has in mind.

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    firestrike1  6 months ago

    Popski has a beak that looks like it belongs on a parrot…

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  4. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  6 months ago

    “MINUTE MISERYS?” Yuck, see y’all in 2 weeks. I’ll be MIA !! :-D

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  5. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  6 months ago

    Why would Tracy ask the EMT to tell him when the patient can talk? She’s only bringing him to the hospital, she’s not his nurse.

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  6. Images
    BreathlessMahoney77  6 months ago

    “Nothing but trouble!” “Who, Popski?” “The writer who stuck me with this cliche dialogue & exaggerated ethnic characteristics!”

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  7. Large goat farm
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  6 months ago

    Good morning™, schmegegge heads !

    The graphic detail draws you right in. :-)  Sounds like a ‘family’ feud between frenemies. Tracy has had some poisonings lately so it makes sense that he is at this place at this time. Sam consoles his favorite delicatier.

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  8. Large me selfie
    markwillman4  6 months ago

    Where’s Sam’s pastrami on rye? That’s what they should be investigating. ;)

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  9. Gcav
    Brian  Premium Member 6 months ago

    “Borgia”, as in “Lucrezia Borgia”, reputed poisoner?

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  10. Missing large
    jim204716  6 months ago

    Excellent learning opportunity here. Panel 1 – Paramedic ..“Not the way to deal with a suspected poison case …”. Any doctor, paramedic ,nurse or other medical professional on this blog? What is the best treatment / actions for suspected poisoning other than calling for an medical assistance ?

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    jim204716  6 months ago

    Holy Batarang – a two week Minit Mystery – Morgana & Rikki will be long gone – the trail will be COLD. I think someone last week was attempting to call “International Rescue” to “fix” the previous story.

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  12. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  6 months ago

    I think the EMT is an intermediator between Tracy and the doctor, who will inform Tracy when the victim can talk!

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  13. Img015
    DaveG1960  6 months ago

    What’s the betting that Borgia is a female?

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  14. Index
    GoComicsGo!  6 months ago

    Unfortunately it looks like Eric hasn’t learnt how to do dailies since his last story and appears this is from a long form story instead of a short story as this seams to be a conversation scene which most likely be over several days. With this story to end in two weeks I fear there will be several truck wide plot holes by the end.

    Also it’ll be interesting to see Tracy close up tomorrow as by seeing Sam close up he has a much fuller face than Shelley usually gives him.

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  15. Bucky1
    crobinson019  6 months ago

    Never deal with the Borgias

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  16. Trespassers will..
    Trespassers W  6 months ago

    Of course, if you don’t want people to poison your clientele, you probably should not provide plates with a skull-and-crossbone motif.

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  17. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  6 months ago

    Enough with the “Jewish slang” already…we get it, Sam is Jewish and eats regularly at a Jewish away from the archaic stereotyping and try to tell a coherent story (tho this one is already a dumpster fire waiting to happen)

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  18. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member 6 months ago

    What’s not the way to deal with a suspected poison case? Mustard in milk?

    The art is different, but actually pretty good.

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  19. Jeep head 02
    Ray Toler  6 months ago

    Two poisoning stories in a row? Now, that’s creative.

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  20. Me 2020
    Don Bagert Premium Member 6 months ago

    Bringing in MCU so quickly was made more believable by Sam’s personal involvement.

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    Can't Sleep  6 months ago

    Borgia? Now who’d suspect a person named Borgia could poison someone?

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  22. Me 2020
    Don Bagert Premium Member 6 months ago

    So what was the deal about the mustard again?

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  23. Icon2
    Wichita1.0  6 months ago

    Yeah, that Arnie Palmer. What a wack job.

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    General Trelane (Ret.) Premium Member 6 months ago

    I thought it was a bad dream but here’s this doofus Minit Mystery again .

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  6 months ago


    “What’s going on?Has Mars finally invaded?”

    Evacuated beachgoer—-“THE MONSTER THAT CHALLENGED THE WORLD”—1957

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  26. Major matt mason315
    Major Matt Mason Premium Member 6 months ago
    Q: What does EOC have that the Noisy Losers here don’t have a snowball’s chance of getting?

    A: Professional recognition! ;-)


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    Solomon J. Behala Premium Member 6 months ago

    This effected yiddishism is driving me crazy. This guy is probably a blue-blooded WASP.

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  28. Jeep head 02
    Ray Toler  6 months ago

    To keep everyone up to date, here is a summary of the last 8 stories we have had in DT from January 2023 year to Year to Date:

    1. Nero Wolfe Crossover – Really just an excuse to bring back Flattop and Blowtop. Set in a non-modern time period which the modern Tracy could not have been a part of unless he is over 100 years old. Stupid Tracy never discovers that the bank robbers are Flattop and Blowtop and they get off Scot free.

    2. Gameboy – Another memorabilia story about a collectible Monoply game. Not much plot. The crime was more of a story about Chick Tracy, the smartest hen in town. The big “crime of the century” here turns out to be a snatch and grab robbery of the rare item. The chicken saves the day not Tracy.

    3. Rerun of Fearless Fosdick crossover – (with Elmer Fudd in drag). It is a really stupid Minit Mystery dream sequence that makes Tracy look like a clown.

    4. Sprocket Nitrate and the boiler-room call center – All of the main villains get away Scot free. Only Madsden was caught after he tripped and fell into a pile of bird schitt. This story was interrupted before the ending by:

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  29. Softball
    ridenslide65  6 months ago

    See ya in 2 weeks

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 6 months ago

    “Schmegeggies”….is that Jewish slang…..?

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  6 months ago

    Well,we may get a lesson in Yiddish 101 from this story.

    One educated reader remembers William Palmer,who in 1850’s London specialized in marrying women and poisoning themfor inheritances.He hanged.

    For real scholars, look at John Dickson Carr’s THe PROBLEM OF THE GREEN CAPSULE,which gives long dissertation on “ThePsychology Of The Male Poisoner”

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  32. Missing large
    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  6 months ago

    It’s been a long year since everybody’s unfavorite dwarf, Art Dekko, disappeared into the sunset after somebody apparently put a hit out on him. Wherever he is(witness protection?), I hope he’s very uncomfortable.

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  33. Elusive dream girl
    Jonathan K. and the Elusive Dream Girl  6 months ago

    Poison again?

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    Batster  6 months ago

    Minit Mysteries typically have an offbeat tongue-in-cheek feel, as if to provide occasional light relief from hard-hitting canonical Tracy cases; but with the canonical ones now so tongue-in-cheeky themselves, who can tell the difference anymore?

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  35. Unnamed
    Another Take  6 months ago

    1-ELLIE MAE TISHELL (EMT for short): I go on all the calls involving a deli so I can pick up a little something for din din. DT: Whoa. Maybe you should focus more on calls to Chick-fil-a Oh. And skip the fries and soft drink. And run there instead of riding in the ambulance. And…

    2-POOPSKI: My business – she is ruined! SAM: There, there. One customer had a little indigestion. Wait. “She?” POOPSKI: Si – Ima change to Italiano now that nobody will eat at a Uri’s Kosher Deli a no more-a! And by the way, Mr. Buttinski…

    DT: Shouldn’t you be rushing that man to the hospital? EMT: My order ain’t ready yet.

    3-POOPSKI: …It’s TWO counting the one I was able to drag out to the alley unnoticed. He’d have company right now if you hadn’t come in! SAM: Say – where’s my sandwich? I’m famished! POOPSKI: Why don’t you finish the poisoned guy’s sandwich while I make yours? SAM: Waste not, want not!!!

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  36. Koala
    orbenjawell Premium Member 6 months ago

    …like the heavy black outlines around the characters……..like all those old Hanna-Barbera animated thingies…….

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  37. Koala
    orbenjawell Premium Member 6 months ago

    ……“Palmer”….mmmmm….PLEASE say it ain’t, y’know, that powerhouse drummer and the last remaining third of the infamous ELP………

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  38. Avatar92
    David Rickard Premium Member 6 months ago

    —Never deal with artists! Crazy people!

    —But popski, we’re comic strip characters. We have to deal with artists.

    —Yeah, and look what they’ve done to you—a Jewish man dressed like a leprechaun!

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