Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for June 21, 2024

  1. Cadyacht1
    lvlax  12 days ago

    No, it doesn’t take a village.. it takes a responsible parent/parents.

    Brad, instead of imposing on Luann, TJ and your parents.. how about just tell Jonah NO?

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    Doneaver  12 days ago

    You are going to miss a lot more needs Brad besides sleep. Before having you own kids that time is needed to bond and know each other ever better. Have they accepted or talking it over at this point?I have a hard time with this, Shannon needs some kind of permanent structure in her life, who gives it is the question.

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  3. Sugarloaf scene i
    live2read  12 days ago

    And the award for Most Spineless Babysitters goes to. . .

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  4. Beb avatar
    beb01  12 days ago

    They gave in and only now wonder how they’re going to do it. So what’s the Saturday surprise? Shannon burning down the house?

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  5. Beb avatar
    beb01  12 days ago

    They gave in and only now wonder how they’re going to do it. So what’s the Saturday surprise? Shannon burning down the house?

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    Joe1962 Premium Member 12 days ago

    Brad be the man, say you are and say no. for once.

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    howtheduck  12 days ago

    Mrs. Horner. Really? Is that where this is going?

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    outonalimb  12 days ago

    Maybe Toni and Brad could hire Fay Garcia to do some of the baby-sitting. Those lessons she got from Luann about overcoming her shyness and being assertive would really be put to the test.

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    Argythree  12 days ago

    Brad doesn’t want to do or say anything that would upset Toni, so if Toni wants to help her brother by taking care of his kid, Brad will go along. (Besides that, Brad actually seems to like Shannon.)

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  10. Bookshelves background
    Azul0858  12 days ago

    It’s too bad Shannon’s still a little too young for most sleepaway summer camps, or Jonah, Brad and Toni and Brad’s parents could chip in for a month away (or whatever it takes to care for Shannon until school starts again in their world).

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    Mordock999 Premium Member 12 days ago

    Aw Come On, Brad!

    “Pre-Volunteering” your family without their knowledge or consent? How DARE You!

    Frank and Nancy have jobs, too!

    And Luann? Well okay. Maybe SHE doesn’t have an “actual” job right now, but still, it’s the principle of thing.

    Shannon is Jonah’s “little problem” NOT YOURS!

    Most single parents with a shred of integrity put their dream career on Hold and find any jobs locally where they can be home with their kids in the evening. And while those parents are working, they put their kids in DAYCARE, something Jonah obviously doesn’t want to PAY for.

    One more thing. Toni and Jonah were raised by an Aunt (Last Seen during the 2016 wedding). Funny how Jonah never seems to saddle Shannon with HER.

    AND, wasn’t the Fuse looking for “live entertainment” once upon a time? Why not give Jonah that job?

    That way, he could be home after work and look after his OWN kid! ;-)

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    wolfiiig  12 days ago

    A sorry group of people throwing their lives away ‘to be nice’.

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  13. Oip
    klbdds  12 days ago

    Where is Shannon’s mother?

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  14. Flag
    c001  12 days ago

    “Wen have jobs! Lives!” Nerves…

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  15. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   12 days ago

    What does Jonah do with the money he gets from “acting” ?

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    snsurone76  12 days ago

    Is Jonah still there? Or did the sperm donor just turn and walk away—as usual?

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    FalkenHawke  12 days ago

    What’s kinda messed up is it is possible for them to do it but they’ll be switching roles as single parents for 18 days. That might be 17 days more than Jonah ever spent with Shannon…

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  18. Monty python french1
    French Persons Premium Member 12 days ago

    People who have friends, neighbors, siblings, parents and other relatives close by who are able and WILLING to babysit their kids, especially on short notice, is a real blessing. Although in many cases, those “support networks” have a tendency to dry up very quickly.

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  19. Wilkins2
    Wilkins068  12 days ago

    If they’re suppose to be in Californa, I heard on TV that they’re payin $20 an hour to start at McDonalds

    Down here it’s about 11 bucks an hour on avrage. I’m wonderin how much a cheeseburger is out there

    Psst.. Jonah they’re payin $20 an hour out there

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    sueb1863  12 days ago

    What they should be talking about is how Jonah is taking gross advantage of their good natures and skipping out on his responsibilities.

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    JoeStoppinghem Premium Member 12 days ago

    Has Nancy “dealt with” Shannon yet? I don’t remember, but bet she wouldn’t put up some stuff of the little lady says or does.

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    Aladar30 Premium Member 12 days ago

    Jonah took Shannon away and now Brad and Toni can relax together, tired from the little sleep. They’re really cute to see, full of understanding for Jonah… maybe even too much understanding. I keep wondering if the best solution would be asking to Toni’s weird aunt if she can take care of Shannon, even though it’s obvious that Toni don’t consider her a reliable person. It could be a situation like in the movie “Uncle Buck”, where the aunt isn’t so bad in the end.

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    kucpa Premium Member 12 days ago

    I sense a dream-sequence coming.

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    CaptAmerica11  12 days ago

    the only good thing about this is, we get to see more of Toni and less of the other one

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  25. Morning cuppa
    Wizard of Ahz-no relation  12 days ago

    Toni feels responsibility to her brother since they lost their parents early BUT she’s starting to understand he needs to finally grow up and she’s doing ihm no favors by letting him get away with this.

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  26. Cobra 1
    [Traveler] Premium Member 12 days ago

    Perhaps a kennel

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    David Huie Green ForceIsAUsefulFiction  12 days ago

    “….any sleep.”

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    grocks  12 days ago

    I hope they have Jonah cover Shannon’s expenses from the income he’ll be earning. With back payments, it should probably all go to Toni and Brad.

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  29. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  12 days ago

    Maybe this could be good practice for deciding if you guys really do want to have kids. Either that, or you could just tell Jonah to get someone else.

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    ctolson  12 days ago

    Well,it looks like Toni has her robe on so maybe time to go to bed and practice making their own baby.

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  31. Joe the bugatti mulhouse clipped
    Call me Ishmael  12 days ago

    Why is this seemingly intelligent and attractive woman involved with this impecunious dolt?

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  32. Littloopy
    A R V reader  12 days ago

    For Jonah, one month later may come up to two or three months later.

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    dobransf  12 days ago

    Serious, we won’t be having children vibes from Toni.

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    comic reader 22  12 days ago

    Maybe Brad should actually speak to the members of this “village” who he seems to think are available to help with child care before he just assumes they will be available.

    Shannon needs some kind of structure – not just being bounced around from person to person on a daily basis. Orrrr…. maybe she could just permanently disappear? G&K could create a good story – like, her grandma on her mom’s side shows up and she goes to live with her full time. Then they could delete both her and Jonah from the character list.

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    cooterrichards  12 days ago

    If he did then there wouldn’t be an arc for Greg!

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    nightflight  12 days ago

    What a cluttered, disappointing marriage.

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    mfought  12 days ago

    looks like Toni has worn that same bathrobe all day must be a day off from their busy lifes

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    richardzimdars  12 days ago

    After reading many posts, the answer is quite obvious. Readers of this strip want Brad and Toni to say NO to Jacob because they don’t want a month’s worth of Shannon strips. I think Jonah should go to court and give his parental rights away to Brad and Toni. Let’s end this once and for all.

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    Purdey  12 days ago

    I’m a bit confused. Are these comics a repeat? I think I recall Jonah gave custody of Shannon to Toni and Brad a couple years ago.

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    Purdey  12 days ago

    Saying “no” is a big theme in Luann. So many “wishy washy” characters drive me a bit bonkers. I don’t care for many of them.

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  41. Tulips
    locake  12 days ago

    All parents of young children face this exact situation. They need child care. One parent can stay home full time, you can pay for expensive child care, two parents work opposite shifts so someone is always home, or you get free/lower cost help from relatives. We had one parent stay home full time with the young kids and that worked out pretty well. We didn’t buy expensive clothes, cars or take a lot of vacations. The kids turned out pretty well.

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  42. Kea favorite portrait
    KEA  12 days ago

    it might be worth it to hire a temp nanny

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  43. Noble 10
    BJShipley1  12 days ago

    Or maybe you should refrain from making a commitment that requires the help of other people. Just tell Jonah no instead of expecting Luann and Nancy to pick up your slack.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 12 days ago

    The yawn signifies bed time………..

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    comic reader 22  12 days ago

    I don’t like the Shannon character at all, but since this has become a format for discussing child care issues….

    What happens when the village member assigned to Shannon for the day has something come up? Does she get to overhear them calling people trying make other arrangements? Does she get to witness the possible scheduling conflicts that will surely come up? Don’t say this stuff won’t happen, because it will, and even if she doesn’t show it, she would know what’s going.

    It’s a bad situation for a child (who is already facing abandonment issues with her father) to realize her supervision has become a day to day scheduling issue….but by all means village people, go ahead and make her feel like a PROBLEM.

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    kauri44  12 days ago

    I’ve always thought the Evanses have missed an interesting plot line with the Shannon situation – which would have Brad finally confronting Toni about her inability to say no to her brother. While I am probably more aware than some here of situations where family members are expected to provide longterm free childcare (usually for grandchildren) there has clearly been, at least in the early days, a level a manipulation and pressure from Jonah that Toni falls for every time, presumably because of elements of their family background.

    Brad and Toni haven’t had a real conflict with each other since they got married, and this issue has been simmering for years. This may be something they need to work out, for reasons that probably go beyond whether or not they want to babysit Shannon.

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  47. Neil diamond
    The Quiet One  12 days ago

    TJ, Luann and Bernice can help.

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  48. Loving hands
    BBComicLover  12 days ago

    Jonah is a user and irresponsible. They need to say “no” so Jonah can start to prioritize or troubleshoot his life issues. Help Jonah become an adult….say “no”.

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    lnrokr55  12 days ago

    Ah, now we have a real new direction building. It’ll be interesting to see this plays out. Lots of opportunities for the peanut gallery to criticize for sure! ;-)

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    WilliamVollmer  12 days ago

    One question about responsible peopel helping to take of Shannon. TJ?

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    comic reader 22  12 days ago

    “Hard to find people who don’t have jobs or lives”. Hey genius – here’s a clue – there are people, good people, kind people, who care for children each and every day. Sheesh! It’s like these people are totally cut off from civilization!

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    fourteenpeeves  12 days ago

    Remember the old STONE SOUP series.??

    Wally(the nerd) had to take in his sister’s teenage son because she was a neglectful jet setter who left him to fend for himself. When his parents divorced, he told both of them to drop dead—-he was staying with uncle Wally.dull but reliable

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    htieiri  12 days ago

    Or find another “babysitter” to help out so those two can get some very needed sleep. Has anyone figured out how to get rid of that black bar in the upper part of the screen that keeps appearing?

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  54. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  12 days ago

    Luann, her parents, and TJ don’t have jobs or lives! According to Toni, and she wouldn’t lie!

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    Willywise52 Premium Member 12 days ago

    It takes a pushover…

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    eladee AKA Wally  11 days ago

    They are called Nannys. You have to pay them but it’s worth it if you want good care. Shannon could benefit from a little Mary Poppins treatment.

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    jdsven  11 days ago

    Well, if it takes a village, then I nominate Jonah for the role of “village idiot.”

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    nightflight  11 days ago

    What will happen? 1) Something, anything, that won’t offend the readers. 2) Bernice will finish second in the county fair’s Magpie calling contest, and demand a recount. 3) Toni will keep her robe and their future closed.

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    Annie352  11 days ago

    Shannon is the most annoying part of this strip. I cannot imagine a month of her.

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    tcayer  11 days ago

    I was a cop. The FD was in our building. They work like 2 24 hour shifts in a week. Most of them had other full-time jobs. 2 firefighters can definitely parent a kid full time. And does TJ even HAVE a job?

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  61. Spinynorman
    liberalnlovinit  11 days ago

    DOES Jonah pay anything toward Shannon’s upkeep?

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