Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for March 02, 2025

  1. Ding a ling
    BasilBruce  1 day ago

    For those who thought this was the day when pigs would finally fly . . . false alarm.

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    Hello Everyone  1 day ago

    Those prices can’t be right…I know it’s expensive, but it’s not the NFL!

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  3. Badger 4 360
    sirbadger  1 day ago

    He should have bought his nephew a dozen eggs.

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    194919671982  1 day ago

    That’s not that bad. He still has his arms and his legs.

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  5. Bluedog
    Bilan  1 day ago

    Baseball been berry, berry good to … the owners!” – Chico Escuela

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  6. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 1 day ago

    Too bad pig is not a business — he could write off all that as a business expense.

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    Jesy Bertz Premium Member 1 day ago

    If you have to ask how much beer and peanuts go for at a ball game, you can’t afford it.

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  8. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  1 day ago

    Pig took out a loan to go there!

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  9. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  1 day ago

    Uncle George has a unibrow!

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  10. Coo
    markyakes Premium Member 1 day ago

    We don’t have Baseball here in the UK (mostly) – no soda, no hot dogs, no T-shirts. Can I go home now, please?

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    Nuke Road Warrior  1 day ago

    My Granddad used to take me to baseball games. That was years ago and they were minor league games, so not as expensive

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  12. Unnamed3
    minty_Joe  1 day ago

    I was thinking of getting tickets to a concert this summer. Going to the site selling tickets showed a minimum of $250 dollars each and you’re way in the back. Compare that to a spot closest to the stage…$800. VIP treatment, including meet and greet plus backstage access…in the thousands of dollars range.

    In 2007, when I saw the same band playing upstate and got tickets, it only cost me $100 and I was fairly close to the front. And I got a free meet and greet afterwards.

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  13. 2006 afl collingwood
    nosirrom  1 day ago

    What? No Crackerjacks?

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  14. Tumble
    Keno21  1 day ago

    We are in that cultural stage where more and more things that were once common, are now priced beyond the budget of the working class.

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    Differentname  1 day ago

    Luxury inflation is wild.

    Back in the day, if I left the house with $20.00 in my pocket I felt like a big shot. Today I could spend $1,000.00 and not get the best seats at a show. [I could, but I’m d#mned if I’ll spend $1,000.00 for a show]

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    goodkind103  1 day ago

    More George by the piece

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    DanielRyanMulligan1  1 day ago

    (I hate my iPhone, whenever it “decides” to, it REFRESHES my screen, making me have to type this comment for the fiftieth(50th) time before I can post it….when it lets me the screen, that is!!!!!!!!!)(Now for the comment…)PIG’S UNCLE GEORGE may have spent less on the ballpark, but the “difference” is made up by the “sentimental” value alone, but, tell that to PIG’S UNNAMED NEPHEW, who has proof he can show his friends with PIG’S credit card bill and the ballpark receipts from that trip that PROVES just how much, in cold, hard cash, PIG loves his NEPHEW, and that’s all this NEW GENERATION cares about, see?! But, the odd thing is that EVERY GENERATION of kids that age HAS ALWAYS enjoyed, including me(when I was younger…), getting your “love” in dollar amounts, after all, numbers don’t lie!!!!!! Dan aka…ps “sentimental” value don’t pay no bills, I need money, that’s what I want, money, that’s what I want…

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  18. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member 1 day ago

    Concessions are an effective monopoly. You can’t leave, and there’s ONE choice if you want to eat or drink something. So they charge like a monopoly.

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  19. Note
    Slowly, he turned...  1 day ago

    Well, it is better than spinning in your grave.

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  20. Stick figure
    Ichabod Ferguson  1 day ago

    Weeknight games are a bargain compared to any other sport.

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    diskus Premium Member 1 day ago

    Dont worry, it will trickle down one day

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  22. Squid icon
    SquidGamerGal  1 day ago

    Ugh… Is that how his uncle died in the first place?

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    Number Slx  1 day ago

    So much for a ‘cost of living crisis’. People still have money to burn.

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    grassler  1 day ago

    Once again, Stephen Pastis, you nailed it right on the head!! (2 exclamation points); and while you’re here, look above at the “Peanuts” re-run, it one of the great Snoopy/Woodstock strips!

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    Munch  1 day ago

    Professional sports. It’s all about the money.

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  26. V2
    Willywise52 Premium Member 1 day ago

    Then he went to Hell…

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  27. Huckandfish
    Huckleberry Muhammad Premium Member 1 day ago

    I guess they’re athletes, baseball players. They look bored, though, through most of the game. Going to the games is still fun. It’s about the crowd.. the other people who are there in the stadium along with the bored players. Most of those in the stands are by no means bored. They are by-and-large drunk. Yelling and fighting. A few even urinating on the floor in front of their seats. Puking up their fifty dollar meals and beer. It’s a scream. Gotta stay alert, though. You might miss one of the baseball players out there running for a few seconds, or swinging the bat, or yelling and frothing at an umpire.

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  28. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  1 day ago

    How can you die more than once?

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  29. Gameguy49
    Gameguy49 Premium Member 1 day ago

    It’s a good thing Pig doesn’t drive or he’d have to add $50 for parking.

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    ladykat Premium Member 1 day ago

    Many, many, many eons ago (about 40 years) I was given free tickets to a Montreal Expos game. I decided to take my daughter, who was 10 at the time. By the time we had dinner, paid for parking, bought a couple of souvenirs (one for her and one for my brother to keep my mother from pitching a fit), a beer for me, hot dogs and ice cream, the free evening cost me over $150.00. So, I can believe Pig’s story about the costs.

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    royq27  1 day ago

    One could always go to a minor league game, before MLB gets rid of all the lower league teams…

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  32. Me4
    CitizenOfTheValley  1 day ago

    That is why I now go to MiLB games. More Affordable

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    jmcdonald53  1 day ago

    You’ve got to pay through the nose to watch baseball except for a very few regular season games and the world series. NFL games are free to watch on over the antenna television every weekend of the season.

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    Goat from PBS  1 day ago

    Yeah, prices these days have gone up a tad bit.

    Makes me wish I was able to see a game with my granddad… Watching Ozzie Smith do backflips must’ve been awesome.

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    Ontman  1 day ago

    Good thing he didn’t mention the egg salad.

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    wirepunchr  1 day ago

    I have to assume those prices are correct. The last time I attended a MLB game Nolan Ryan was pitching against the Detroit Tigers in Detroit.

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    rick92040  1 day ago

    I have not been to a baseball game for over 20 years. I stopped watching it on TV as well.

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    Kaputnik  1 day ago

    I’ve never been to any live sporting event, high school, college, or professional. But somehow I can believe those prices.

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    Zebrastripes  1 day ago

    No but you didnt mention Uncle George was a very frugal pig, either!


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    ira.crank  1 day ago

    As long as they were all-beef hot dogs.

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    Otis Rufus Driftwood  1 day ago

    Stephan Pastis says something about inflation. Don’t think they sat in the nose bleed section.

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  42. Comics 2022
    Milady Meg  1 day ago

    I remember walking to Shea Stadium to watch the Mets lose again from the $1.05 seats. Or we could take the long subway ride to the south Bronx and watch the Yanks. IIRC, bleacher seats were thirty-five cents.

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  43. Nowyoulisten
    zeexenon  1 day ago

    Uncle wasn’t dressed either, he forgot his halo, and no one can handle the self-fulfilling-prophecy of inflation and leaving work production for extra pay.

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    the lost wizard  1 day ago

    Must be a Blue Jay follower. Shapiro loves to talk all the time about the fan experience. Too bad the team sucks and the majority of the pitching staff should be collecting their pensions instead of still playing. :)

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    JamesRobinson  1 day ago

    God I miss those weekend double headers with the Dodgers vs the Padres… Steve Garvey was my hero

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  46. Pilgrim
    Newenglandah  1 day ago

    A few years back I went to a game at Yankee Stadium. About the sixth inning I decided that I should be traditional and have a hot dog.

    Some time later, after spending $17 for a hot dog and a Pepsi, I decided that next time I would be less traditional.

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    mousefumanchu Premium Member 1 day ago

    Used to do that with my nephews, but it was HOCKEY! Not only was it more fun, but parking was cheaper.

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  48. Steven 4
    workjobb Premium Member 1 day ago

    That reminds me of when my Aunt used to take me to WWWF wrestling. Our ringside seats cost $5, a soda was about a dollar, they had 8×10s of the wrestlers for fifty cents.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 6964bd]  1 day ago

    The local baseball stadium doesn’t accept cash inside. They will sell a debit/gift card to you at the entrance if you don’t have one. An industry insider I know says people on average spend > 40% more than with cash. Don’t realize how much you’re blowing, unlike when you run out of currency and the wallet echoes hollowly.

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  50. Curious cat
    Curiosity Premium Member 1 day ago

    I am so glad I have no interest in ritual combat, much less enough to pay a significant portion of my income to watch it happening.

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  51. Bob 1
    moondog42 Premium Member 1 day ago

    I remember going to a AA baseball game with my dad and he pointed out all the ads on the outfield wall, and told me that MLB “doesn’t need that kind of billboard money” because they were sponsored by major corporations.

    Oh, how times have changed…. and not for the better….

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  52. Mbsils
    marilynnbyerly  1 day ago

    We gave a minor league team in my city. I’ve never been, but the fireworks are annoying.

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    FRITH RA  1 day ago

    Part of why I’m not that interested in sportsball.

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  54. Sin
    NolaMan  1 day ago

    As long as people keep going and paying those prices they will never go down

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  55. Capture wallacethebrave spud
    BC in NC Premium Member 1 day ago

    In 1988, (senior year of high school), my friend and I would often drive from just north of NYC to Yankee Stadium to watch them play weekday afternoon games. We would get decent seats a little above the third base line. We were busboys in local restaurants and it didn’t “break the bank” to go watch the games. I should see if I have ticket stubs to look at the price.

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    John Jorgensen  1 day ago

    Go to a minor league game or a spring training game. They’re a lot more reasonable.

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    rgcviper  1 day ago

    I’d laugh if those stadium prices, though embellished here, weren’t so close to accurate.

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    MacII  1 day ago

    Last time we went to a Tigers game (which I admit was a couple of years ago) they were still selling grounds tickets for $5. Now you’d think that even at this price, on a 1pm weekday game, the owners would still be the winners as they’d get the profit from any food bought. But the usher in charge of the expensive seats saw us, and given that the stadium was almost empty and there was light rain coming down called us over and said “under the circumstances I don’t think Mr Ilitch will mind if you take a seat” (he was talking about the father of the present owner). So we sat in the padded comfy armchairs and he served us a couple of beers and we caught a couple of innings of JV and the gang. It was awesome.

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    olds_cool63  about 24 hours ago

    Wow! Pig must’ve gone on “Discount Day”! Nuff said.

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  60. Apollo 11 launch 04
    Steverino Premium Member about 23 hours ago

    This is an important comic. It signifies the day where things that would normally not happen will happen. Yes, the day pigs fly.

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    oakie9531  about 22 hours ago


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  62. Plsa button
    Richard S Russell Premium Member about 22 hours ago

    Big money is ruining major-league baseball almost as badly as it’s ruining politics. The National Football League has the right idea, which is why it’s the most popular sport in America. There are upper and lower limits on what each team is allowed to spend on its players. Baseball is now just a spending derby, not an actual team sport.

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  63. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  about 21 hours ago

    Fortunately I find baseball b-o-r-i-n-g or else I’d be peeved at the expense.

    PS: The cheap seats around here are FREE. Though there are a couple of negatives:

    1: They’re not seats, they’re a high spot behind 3rd base

    2: The players have to pay the city when they join a team, which pays for the rent on the ballpark (the ump gets in free, though)… and they make them have an injury waiver too (with proof of insurance). Oh, and they won’t let you play after you turn 75

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    Count Olaf Premium Member about 21 hours ago

    How about the illegal alien who went to the baseball game and was given a seat at the top of the flag pole. He was very flattered before the game began and everyone was so concerned about his view they all sang “Jose, can you see?”

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    wildlandwaters  about 20 hours ago

    to be fair, the multimillionaire prima donnas gotta get paid somehow….

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    sincavage05  about 20 hours ago

    Sounds about right to me. Left out the parking fee, ticket service fee and tip for the usher to seat you.

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  67. Martian tartan
    Ugly, Fat and Crabby  about 3 hours ago

    And that’s why I haven’t been to a major league park in quite a few years. Minor league games for the win!

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