Um, Goldie, you might want to cut Lupin a bit of slack on his Press Pass … I mean, you wouldn’t want him to examine your “badge” too closely, would you?
On the use of fake ID documents… such as a “Get Out of Jail” card as a Press Pass…
In 1987 I had a friend, all of 23 years old, who was skilled at bluffing and creating fake supporting documents for his bluffs. He’d started while still in high school, making a copy of his driver’s license that altered his birthdate to make him able to get into bars and buy alcohol.
By the time I knew John, he had faked copies of a variety of journalist IDs, bluffing his way into interviews with film actors, authors, rock performers, and… in this case… political figures.
I was used to hearing about his adventures after the fact. When the contenders for the Democratic nomination for the Presidency of the United States held one of their 1987 debates at the Fox Theater in Atlanta, I anticipated a good story.
I watched the televised debate with several friends, most of whom knew John. I said “Watch for camera views of the audience. We’ll probably see John.” Doubts were expressed, but when the first shot of the audience appeared, there he was front row in a great looking tuxedo. General amazement among my friends.
The next day, I phoned him and got the details. After the debate, he tried to bluff his way backstage, past the Secret Service, with a fake “Rolling Stone Press Pass.” He was walked out by a discerning agent who spotted the fakery. He promptly sneaked back in by an obscure entrance he had known for years. This time, he got as far as introducing himself to candidate Gary Hart and asking his first question. But, he was spotted by the same SS agent and more forcibly ejected, warned of arrest if he tried to get back in.
Not long after, the “secret girlfriend” facts about Hart became public and he withdrew his bid for nomination. I’ve always wished that John had gotten and published his interview.
Lupin’s little gambit in today’s strip reminded me of all this.
P.S. —Ronald Reagan was elected. And yesterday was the 33rd anniversary of Hart’s withdrawal.
Drest in a little brief authority,Most ignorant of what she’s most assured,Her bossy essence, like an angry dog,Plays such officious tricks before the kitchenAs make reporters seethe; …
Classic police , verses press standoff. Reminds me of a incident years ago. A photographer for the Rhode Island Providence Journal once got a photo of a gunman fleeing a shooting (gun in hand) at a local festival. Police got wind she had pictures (evidence) and caught up to her at the office where a stand off over the film occured. Until management, on both sides, stepped in and sent them all to the time out room. Opps I mean dark room. The police got their copy, the paper kept the film, and the picture took up half the front page of the Sunday paper. Everyone was very happy , except the gunman, who turned himself in later that week.
Just a reminder that Georgia is going to be reading from Take It Away Tommy and Lupin Leaps In today at 1PM Pacific time. I am hoping to at least have it up on my phone to listen to while I am working. So far I don’t have any meetings at that time.
OK, it’s been a rough morning; I finally got around to reading the strip and I’ve been wandering around giggling to myself. Paul and Yum Yum think I am losing what precious little is left of my mind!
Today is No Socks Day. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. It is currently 36°F, NNE 20 to 27 mph winds off the lake, wind chill of 27°F. It’s raw out there. And we have to go to the post orifice.
If you think the weather is chaotic now, well, in the not-quite-immortal words of filker and parodist Tom Smith, “You ain’t seen, nothin’, yet.”
Happy Friday, everyone!!! Today at 1pm Pacific time, it’s storytime on our YouTube channel! I will be reading a few broadcasts aloud from my books “Take It Away, Tommy!” and “Lupin Leaps In”. I hope you can make it! And always if you can’t make it today at 1pm, never fear, I will save the broadcast as a video on the channel! Hope to see you there!
Le'letha Premium Member over 4 years ago
Same difference.
Sue Ellen over 4 years ago
I see two cats who need to get some couples counseling!
dmah Premium Member over 4 years ago
Um, Goldie, you might want to cut Lupin a bit of slack on his Press Pass … I mean, you wouldn’t want him to examine your “badge” too closely, would you?
Brian Premium Member over 4 years ago
“This is a dog license, with the word ‘dog’ crossed out and ‘cat’ written in in crayon.”
FreihEitner Premium Member over 4 years ago
It seems Goldie doesn’t have a monopoly on kitchen access. ;-)
Notaspy over 4 years ago
The get out of jail card has a cat on it, which means they play cat-themed Monopoly. Now I want that.
WelshRat Premium Member over 4 years ago
Press passes. Lupin has the monopoly on those.
WelshRat Premium Member over 4 years ago
Well, she could escort him onto the scene. Cops sometimes do that when their superiors aren’t looking.
jimmjonzz Premium Member over 4 years ago
On the use of fake ID documents… such as a “Get Out of Jail” card as a Press Pass…
In 1987 I had a friend, all of 23 years old, who was skilled at bluffing and creating fake supporting documents for his bluffs. He’d started while still in high school, making a copy of his driver’s license that altered his birthdate to make him able to get into bars and buy alcohol.
By the time I knew John, he had faked copies of a variety of journalist IDs, bluffing his way into interviews with film actors, authors, rock performers, and… in this case… political figures.
I was used to hearing about his adventures after the fact. When the contenders for the Democratic nomination for the Presidency of the United States held one of their 1987 debates at the Fox Theater in Atlanta, I anticipated a good story.
I watched the televised debate with several friends, most of whom knew John. I said “Watch for camera views of the audience. We’ll probably see John.” Doubts were expressed, but when the first shot of the audience appeared, there he was front row in a great looking tuxedo. General amazement among my friends.
The next day, I phoned him and got the details. After the debate, he tried to bluff his way backstage, past the Secret Service, with a fake “Rolling Stone Press Pass.” He was walked out by a discerning agent who spotted the fakery. He promptly sneaked back in by an obscure entrance he had known for years. This time, he got as far as introducing himself to candidate Gary Hart and asking his first question. But, he was spotted by the same SS agent and more forcibly ejected, warned of arrest if he tried to get back in.
Not long after, the “secret girlfriend” facts about Hart became public and he withdrew his bid for nomination. I’ve always wished that John had gotten and published his interview.
Lupin’s little gambit in today’s strip reminded me of all this.
P.S. —Ronald Reagan was elected. And yesterday was the 33rd anniversary of Hart’s withdrawal.
Ruth Brown over 4 years ago
The question is, what happened to make it a crime scene?
Robin Harwood over 4 years ago
A valid “get out of jail” card seems like a universal pass to me. I wish I had one.
Gent over 4 years ago
See folks? I told you he got the press pass!
Gent over 4 years ago
And that is a toy badge, you phony inspector! You have no authority to stop him!
andycat Premium Member over 4 years ago
Is it me, or is that Snowball from “Our Nine Lives” on the card? I probably would have used one of the Chase brothers.
OliveO'Sudden over 4 years ago
OMC, Puck’s face and posture in the first panel is giving me life.♥
Robin Harwood over 4 years ago
Drest in a little brief authority,Most ignorant of what she’s most assured,Her bossy essence, like an angry dog,Plays such officious tricks before the kitchenAs make reporters seethe; …
Apologies to you-know-who.
Alicelth Premium Member over 4 years ago
Check out today’s Snow Sez for adorable kitten toe beans!
Snowy&Finlay over 4 years ago
Classic police , verses press standoff. Reminds me of a incident years ago. A photographer for the Rhode Island Providence Journal once got a photo of a gunman fleeing a shooting (gun in hand) at a local festival. Police got wind she had pictures (evidence) and caught up to her at the office where a stand off over the film occured. Until management, on both sides, stepped in and sent them all to the time out room. Opps I mean dark room. The police got their copy, the paper kept the film, and the picture took up half the front page of the Sunday paper. Everyone was very happy , except the gunman, who turned himself in later that week.
Miss Mina over 4 years ago
A lanyard makes everything more official!
kevin over 4 years ago
How can you put something IN a lanyard? A lanyard is a strap. Lupin’s pass is in a badge holder.
Invader Chocolate over 4 years ago
Peter, my cat, says that Goldie should let Lupin in.
DorseyBelle over 4 years ago
Still Valid!!!*
Michael G. over 4 years ago
Are there no People in the vicinity? :-0
A R V reader over 4 years ago
Of course, Lupin’s scowl has returned.
diskus Premium Member over 4 years ago
For some reason I’m seeing Abbot and Costello
anomalous4 over 4 years ago
If he were a real reporter, he’d have that press pass stuck in his hatband.
ocarol7 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Love Lupin’s single finger claw explaining the truth to Goldie in the last panel-
scyphi26 over 4 years ago
To be fair…there would be many applications for such a card IRL.
Cassia over 4 years ago
Sheriff cat
You’re a boss
You’re a dreamer
You know
how to hustle
You’re unfair
You won’t share
I don’t care
I bring the tussle
I get the news
Yes cat
How did you know
Can’t you see your case just blows
Fake it
in your head
All the b’loney
that you said
got to bendin’ my ear
can I know
about the warm
kitchen secrets
you’ll be keepin’ for years
I get the news
I Got the News – Steely Dan
Songwriters: Donald Jay Fagen / Walter Carl Becker
lpayne.1632 Premium Member over 4 years ago
It would really frost Lupin if “feline-interest reporter” Puck got granted immediate access!
Susanna Premium Member over 4 years ago
Just a reminder that Georgia is going to be reading from Take It Away Tommy and Lupin Leaps In today at 1PM Pacific time. I am hoping to at least have it up on my phone to listen to while I am working. So far I don’t have any meetings at that time.
Le'letha Premium Member over 4 years ago
Even cat-themed Monopoly would not make me want to play Monopoly. I’ve never liked that game. Not one bit.
Cat-themed Monopoly would just inspire me to steal all the game pieces and build a cat community on my own.
serenasakitty over 4 years ago
Way OT
Le'letha Premium Member over 4 years ago
Shockingly, this strip has been up for nearly twelve hours and the term “Multi-Pass!” has not yet been uttered. XD
(What is with that movie?)
ladykat over 4 years ago
OK, it’s been a rough morning; I finally got around to reading the strip and I’ve been wandering around giggling to myself. Paul and Yum Yum think I am losing what precious little is left of my mind!
Denny Wheeler Premium Member over 4 years ago
@ Le’letha (GC wanted to put my reply to you waaaaaaayyyyy up the threads)- “multi-pass”?? Is this a movie about heart surgery?
scaeva Premium Member over 4 years ago
Today is No Socks Day. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. It is currently 36°F, NNE 20 to 27 mph winds off the lake, wind chill of 27°F. It’s raw out there. And we have to go to the post orifice.
If you think the weather is chaotic now, well, in the not-quite-immortal words of filker and parodist Tom Smith, “You ain’t seen, nothin’, yet.”
Georgia Dunn creator over 4 years ago
Happy Friday, everyone!!! Today at 1pm Pacific time, it’s storytime on our YouTube channel! I will be reading a few broadcasts aloud from my books “Take It Away, Tommy!” and “Lupin Leaps In”. I hope you can make it! And always if you can’t make it today at 1pm, never fear, I will save the broadcast as a video on the channel! Hope to see you there!
over 4 years ago
He’s got you there, Goldie.
cat19632001 over 4 years ago
Freedom of the Press!
cat19632001 over 4 years ago
And by the way, where is Puck with his Polaroid?
knight1192a over 4 years ago
A get out of jail free card. Sounds about right.
BenBerlin over 4 years ago
looking forward to it.
Cheetoperson over 4 years ago
HAII! I just got an account! I have read these comics for a while so im happy to finally comment!
willie_mctell over 4 years ago
Shades of the “Pet Licensing Bureau.”
serenasakitty over 4 years ago
Is Lupin shaking his little finger at Goldie? I love the details.
Mx Crazy Cat Person over 4 years ago
Get Out of Jail Card or Press Pass………… perhaps they are the same thing. Who knows?
lim95 almost 4 years ago
If that card is from Monopoly but with cats, I WANT IT. I WANT IT SO BAD.
Pucky 5 months ago
Lupin in the first panel! So cute!