Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for June 28, 2023

  1. The cat
    Le'letha Premium Member about 1 year ago

    I suspect Ares, Cat of War is drawing up a battle plan to rescue Tommy and Beatrix (his two favorite cats!) and then give those rude moles what-for!

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  2. Small keeper
    McColl34 Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Well, NO, in general, moles do not like cats. Just like mice, rats, lizards, spiders and just about anything smaller than a cat that scurries around, do not, in general, like cats.

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  3. Kilo icon
    WelshRat Premium Member about 1 year ago

    If they’d sent Elvis, it would be war…

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  4. Missing large
    thelsrc  about 1 year ago

    Yes, send in Elvis for instant escalation of hostilities. At least it would be dignified hostilities.

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  5. Girls pose
    uncle snipe  about 1 year ago

    We can imagine. SUNFLOWER ELVIS ACTIVATE !!!!! I think we need more of a team of Elvis, Tabitha and Baba Mouse. Ora Z is the nuclear option.

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  6. Screenshot 2024 03 09 140504
    Gloria Fleming  about 1 year ago

    Yes, Puck. Yes we can certainly imagine what would have happened if you sent Elvis!! Bea and Tommy were the obvious first choices. Elvis and Tabitha would kinda been the last resorts.

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  7. Screenshot 2024 03 09 140504
    Gloria Fleming  about 1 year ago

    Maybe Baba and Mags can straighten this out before there are more frowns and blood is shed. Of course then we’d see the girls in their nightingale caps and wardrobe. I’m sure Tabitha would look real cute! I better go, the sleeping pills seem to be kicking in. Sleep well everyone.sweet dreams !

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  8. Opus swivel 2
    Jacob Mattingly   about 1 year ago

    Elvis is also delightful.. but I also concede he’s an acquired taste and would’ve hissed back at the moles for several hour and is likely currently plotting their deaths, if for reasons covered in other posts on here, not unjustifiably. He’s just.. not good with people and is very selective. It’s telling that most of his friends are people he personally raised with the only exceptions being Goldie (who he’s not paticuarlly close to ), Tommy (Whose the nicest cat in all of fiction) , the white robber mouse (who he’s a lot alike), and Sophie (Who he has a ton of chemistry with and in common with, both being moody introverts). He’s just not a person that opens up easily and i’ts part of why I like him so much.

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  9. Small
    cb8ty  about 1 year ago

    I love Elvis’ glasses and pen. Can’t wait to see what’s on that notepad.

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  10. Goojf2
    FreihEitner Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Maybe… just maybe… they can have an improv battle. We’ll call it “Whose Lawn Is it Anyway?” with Ryan Squirrels and Wayne Birdy.

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  11. Missing large
    nightshadea2010  about 1 year ago

    grandma and cat lived next to a vast field in Indiana……lets just say the body count was impressive with the wild rodent pop…. so moles have reasons to fear felines

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  12. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  about 1 year ago

    OK, Puck and Elvis—remember how you first felt when the intruder came to sit on cats? Well, now YOU are the intruders.

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  13. Large goat farm
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  about 1 year ago

    It’s not too late. Send him !!!

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  14. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  about 1 year ago

    Eh why not asks the source of ancient wisdom who is since paleolithically prehistoric times? That good old Baba Mousey? She would suggest how to deals with these outlawn maniacal moleafide critters. Of course she may suggest taking help from her ancient aliens pals and zaps em monkey moles from an aerial UFO attacks.

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  15. Photo
    Robin Harwood  about 1 year ago

    The moles have threatened Beatrix. Elvis’ ears show he is most displeased.

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  16. Out little avatar
    dadoctah  about 1 year ago

    To be fair, Tommy does take some getting used to.

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  17. Trouble and mischief together
    Lady Bri  about 1 year ago


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  18. 410865e6 270d 4714 ad97 173a55059bff
    Wise Thinker  about 1 year ago

    When in doubt, send in ol’ Baba cat…

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  19. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Elvis would have started a full-out war immediately. As it is, the moles won’t get much sympathy nor consideration for what they’ve done to sweet Bea and Tommy.

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  20. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  about 1 year ago

    Elvis’s List:

    1 Ora Zella

    4 Flamethrowers

    Eleventy billion bags of quick set concrete …

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  21. 20200518 145255
    sprint  about 1 year ago

    OT: tomorrow night 7/29 at 7:00pm EST on WWFM.ORG (on line) a program called “What Makes It Great” with Rob Kapalow will analyze 3 songs by Joni Mitchell and 3 songs by Carol King. If you love these artists DO NOT MISS THIS!!

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    rs0204 Premium Member about 1 year ago

    It is time for the Delta Team: Elvis, Tabitha, and of course, Ora Zella. It’s a drastic move, I grant you, but it will cut the war by five years and save tens of thousands of lives.

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  23. Profile picture 1466872462
    Kitty Katz  about 1 year ago

    Meanwhile, Back on the Nile

    Puckmosis: The groundhogs and the beavers are sure making for an exciting competition.

    Lupinium: I see piles of veggies all ready for thwumping in!

    Violet-Ifa: Don’t. Thomios and his entire kitchen will never forgive you!

    Agnes-Ata: Well, Thomios might. But Sue Chef and the crew would be pretty ticked.

    Lupinium: You mean…?

    Agnes: Ham might be suddenly in short supply. Scones may not be baked.

    Lupinium: Gotcha. There’s plenty more mischief available, anyway.

    Vi: Speaking of mischief, has anyone seen Ora Z?

    In the Cosmo Flower Garden

    Ora Z: Ooh, so many pretty flowers! Wonder what this is.

    Iggy: Be careful, Ora. That might be a sp…

    To Be Continued

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  24. 55233ce0 9ea3 49a7 986a c107ff04abf2
    DorseyBelle  about 1 year ago

    If they sent Elvis?Oh my! Revenge of the Moles. The Mole Apocalypse. War and Paws.

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  25. Bcndp
    Mathaline  about 1 year ago

    My poor Elvis… nothing stings more than barbs from his two best and oldest friends ;(

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  26. Missing large
    Katzen1415  about 1 year ago

    Shades of Elvis the taco sneaking up on them on Halloween. I agree that those are probably their best diplomats, although Sir Fig might also be a good option.

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  27. Beaker
    JDP_Huntington Beach  about 1 year ago

    The Princess of Alderan, Princess Beatrix has been captured by the Galactic Empire, along with her Protocol Droid, Tommy3PO.

    Elvis Wan Kenobi ( Yes, yesterday, we said he was a Windu, but He called dibs on Kenobi too ) anyway, Kenobi asks Puck Skywalker to join him on this mission to save the Princess, and help restore Freedom to the Galaxy.

    They will need to secure passage to the Outer Rim, a collection of planets knows as the Yard, possibly aboard the Millenium Trevor, the ship of smuggler, and hero, Lupin Solo and his companion Burt the Wookie. The ship looks old and worn, but he made the Kessel Run in under 12 Parsecs. ( Yes; that is a unit of measure, but it isn’t wrong – when navigating in space, the closer you can maneuver to dwarf stars, and black holes without being swallowed up by the massive gravity wells, the faster you can runso stop saying they made a mistake! )

    In the meantime, the Mole-clone Wars are erupting all over the galaxy and the Planet Yard. Will the Jedi Order bring Grandmaster Tabitha Satele Shan and Goldie Skywalker to the front to battle the Galactic Empire troopers.

    Given that my cats are all named after characters from Lord of the Rings, you can guess that I role play with them, too.

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  28. 250
    ladykat  about 1 year ago

    Elvis is drawing up a detailed plan of attack which will include him, Ora Zella, Tabitha, the robber mice, a hose, and various other implements of destruction. Nobody attacks his baby girl and gets away with it!

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  29. Bd7b74a6 fdfc 4d08 a704 292313aadcaf
    sdjamieson Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Where’s Baba Mouse? She’d settle this in two minutes!

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  30. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Ah yes, now there would be a fun story line, Elvis the Yevgeny Prigozhin of the BCN team meeting up with the Mole version of Putin. I can see it now…………

    “Breaking news her at BCN. A war has broken out in the yard between two notorious enemies. We have a reporter on the scene and hope to have an update for you on the six o’clock news. Film at 11.”

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  31. Missing large
    prrdh  about 1 year ago

    Actually, if they had sent Elvis, it might have gone well. They speak the same (sibilant) language.

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  32. Dscn0307
    FrannieL Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Before anyone or anycat desides to decimate the moles. Listen to their side and try detente before all out war. [Moles play a beneficial role in the management of soil and the control of undesirable grubs and insects. By tunneling and shifting soil particles, moles permit better aeration of the soil, help dry out sod, and enable humus (organic matter) to travel deeper into the soil.] Penn State Extension. Just trying to stop a war in the yard.

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  33. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  about 1 year ago

    Before we progress beyond the point of no return, could it merely be a communication issue? Does Tabitha speak “mole?”

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  34. Kaioc
    artmer  about 1 year ago

    Elvis is the hit-cat for this situation. Bye bye moles.

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    AgEnT sEaGuL  about 1 year ago

    Sorry I wasn’t here I was in cedar point for the last few days. But now I’m back!

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  36. Rwljlogo2
    The Wolf In Your Midst  about 1 year ago

    I used to say live and let live

    (I know I did, I know I did, I know I did)

    But then those mean ol’ squinty moles smashed Bea’s cake in

    And made our dear Tommy cry

    (inhale, exhale)



    (With a thousand groveling pardons to be apportioned out to Paul and Linda McCartney and Wings. Guns N’ Roses can get in line.)

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  37. Lucy22
    LucyLuLu  about 1 year ago

    Hello Orb from sunny NE Georgia. Had the not so lovely pleasure of being caught in thunder & hail storms near Louisville on Sunday. Beautiful day driving through the Smokey Mountains yesterday. Now on to celebrate my sister hitting a milestone birthday. 2 week vacations are good for the soul! Everyone have a great day today!

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  38. Th
    Code the Enforcer  about 1 year ago

    " First Contact missions!! – At times, MAN, do they Suck !! "

    Quote definitively NOT credited to Captain Kirk or Captain Picard … (just sayin’) … :)

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  39. Mbsils
    marilynnbyerly  about 1 year ago

    Calmer heads need to reign. This is an investigative news report, NOT a territory dispute. News reporters, even cute ones, get insulted all the time. It’s part of the job. Let the annoying moles alone since they didn’t really hurt anything but Tommy’s feelings.

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  40. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  about 1 year ago

    The Feline Envoy of Good Will. In my dad’s dime store you could see the faint residue of a sign above the greeting card rack, a vestige of the card line the previous owner carried. It said, “Ambassador Cards, your personal envoy of good taste.”

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  41. Dsc 0689
    Miss Mina  about 1 year ago

    “Delightful” is exactly the word I would use to describe those two.

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  42. Slogo3avatar
    scyphi26  about 1 year ago

    It would’ve only started a war between the moles and Elvis. None of the other cats, just Elvis. He wouldn’t want the help of the other cats anyway (until he inevitably starts to loose, of course).

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  43. Download
    misty  about 1 year ago

    Moles dig rocks and foes to kick and

    Love to get their paws on some clay (to fling it)

    I figure they’re about the crabbiest bunch found

    In that holey yard today

    Pushes may not roll the whole Tommy

    And hisses do not scare the smol Bea

    But hey, it feels so groovy, okay?

    Elvis, oh-oh, makes moles face the music

    He could really have fun causin’ a scene

    Cats think he could say somethin’ that would be really mean

    But if he really shares it, then BCN won’t air it

    As he lays it on one very dignified line

    - Noel Paul Stookey / Dave Dixon / James Mason – I Dig Rock and Roll Music – Peter, Paul and Mary

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  44. Red bird 20240701 001339 0000
    Red Bird  about 1 year ago

    Elvis would have attacked them with sarcastic remarks.

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    Fennec! at the Disco  about 1 year ago

    Someone had to say it. And of course the someone was Lupin.

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  46. Valstone
    vlbrown Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Moles… typically do not like cats, no.

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  47. Dennycrop
    Denny Wheeler Premium Member about 1 year ago

    But many cats like moles. For breakfast, for lunch…

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  48. Screenshot  47
    tammyspeakslife Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Is that a legal pad that Elvis is writing in? Things are starting to look serious! (0_o)

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  49. Ruke toe
    miscreant  about 1 year ago

    Send Elvis now. Then the moles will run for the hills.

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  50. 2 gryffindor
    GSD Mom Premium Member about 1 year ago


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  51. Missing large
    erinurse2000  about 1 year ago

    Maybe they should send Elvis…he is fluent in cranky!

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