Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for July 31, 2023

  1. Dscf0663 meimei crop
    Aspen_Bell  12 months ago

    Because it’s almost August, I bet that’s the last we’ll see of Jules for this year. He’s done his heroic deed in this story and is off to further adventures until we meet again.

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  2. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  12 months ago

    Love Jules’ heroic pose there against another stunning night sky in that last frame!

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    WelshRat Premium Member 12 months ago

    The first backup has arrived.

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    dmah Premium Member 12 months ago

    I want to see Thimblefist arm wrestle Montague Mole …

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    andycat Premium Member 12 months ago

    Looks like Jules has forgiven that trial back in the day. Let’s hear it for the bug!

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    Ricky Bennett  12 months ago

    Forsooth and forthwith! Methinks Homestyle spreadeth the gravy a bit thicketh…

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member 12 months ago

    This is becoming very Shakespearian. I swear, if someone says " forsooth"… “all the Field and Forest residents will band together to defeat the ( shudder) moles, it was foretold.” Now I’m doing it……

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    I need a burrito  12 months ago

    June bug nah July bug nah we got August bug

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    Ruth Brown  12 months ago

    Absolutely gorgeous night scene. Love the last panel.

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    FreyjaRN Premium Member 12 months ago

    I love how the alliance is growing. One more group, and we can call it the Grand Alliance. (Yes, I know that’s the name of the Manticoran – Havenite alliance. Don’t tell President Eloise Pritchard or Empress Elizabeth Winton.)

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    Space_cat  12 months ago

    He’s about to become the August Bug!

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    hruskafrances50  12 months ago

    Perhaps a tug of war between the moles and Mag’s entourage would be a good way of settling the dispute. Better than jousting perhaps?

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    Kitty Katz  12 months ago

    Meanwhile, Back on the Nile

    Queen Catshepsut the Golden: So, what have you discovered at the You Call This a Pyramid.

    Beatrixia: There is a trove of cook scrolls from classic authors, and a pantry full of foods imperishable. We have a jar of original Xanadu honey for you, and one to present to Queen Titania.

    The Queen: That is most generous. I’m sure she will be most joyful to receive it. And speaking of joyful, we have a visit from an old friend.

    Bea: Is Thomios back from visiting Uncle Floof the Joyous?

    Thomios: Here we are!

    Floofnet the Joyous: Both of us!

    Hugs all around

    Iggy: I enjoy catching fish. I think I’d like to learn how to cook it.

    Ora Z: Can we eat the food in the pantry?

    The Queen: Certainly, Ora Z. Just not all at once.

    Iron Glove: Do you need any special utensils? I would love to do some metal work.

    Thomios: That would be much appreciated.

    Bea: I think classic food could catch on. But do we have enough on paw to keep doing this?

    Violet-Ifa: I don’t think we have to worry about that.

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  14. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member 12 months ago

    I guess Jules is leaving with that pronouncement.

    “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.” And sisters, of course.

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    cnk381 Premium Member 12 months ago

    Who/what is the black bird-like thing in panel 1 underneath the speech balloon? Or am I seeing things that aren’t there?

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    uncle snipe  12 months ago

    OK, My comment has disappeared. Not sure why.

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    lsnielson  12 months ago

    What is Queen Mags holding in panel 2?

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    ren31  12 months ago

    Farewell until next year brave Julybug, and thank you.

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    ladykat  12 months ago

    Farewell, Jules. And farewell to little Marshmallow, who left for her forever home this morning. Apparently, she will be renamed Princess Missy Fluffykins.

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    bonita.eley  12 months ago

    Are they mice?

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    misty  12 months ago

    It’s the time of the season

    When Jules flies high

    Just in time, helping Mag is easy

    In her quest to retake stolen lands

    Troops will gather in the sun

    Two allied cans

    To show you every one

    It’s the time of the season for buzzing

    He got game (He got game)

    He’s a baddie (He’s a baddie)

    (He touched) he’s touched the queen Maggie

    He has arrived (he has arrived)

    Summertime (Summertime)

    (To wish) to wish her a long reign to live

    Tell it to me slowly

    Tell me how

    Great it is to see Jules

    It’s the time of the season for buzzing

    - Rod Argent – Time of the Season – The Zombies

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    rs0204 Premium Member 12 months ago

    Jules, the immortal, interdimensional bug, only has a limited window inwhich he can be in this universe.

    Fare thee well, brave July Bug. Until the next intersection of realities.

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  23. Dscn0307
    FrannieL Premium Member 12 months ago

    What are Thimblefist and Homestyle?

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    Dee Merkin  12 months ago

    Relative newbie here… Homestyle appears to be a squirrel but what is Thimblefist? I’m guessing they have history with the racoons?

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  25. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member 12 months ago

    Yes, we’ll rally round the flag, boys, we’ll rally once again,

    Shouting the battle cry of Freedom;

    We will rally from the hillside, we’ll gather from the plain,

    Shouting the battle cry of Freedom.

    The yard for all forever, hurrah, boys, hurrah!

    Down with the traitor, up with the stars;

    While we rally round the flag, boys, rally once again,

    Shouting the battle cry of Freedom.

    We are springing to the call of our brothers gone before,

    Shouting the battle cry of Freedom;

    And we’ll fill the vacant ranks with a million free creatures more,

    Shouting the battle cry of Freedom.

    We will welcome to our numbers the loyal, true, and brave,

    Shouting the battle cry of Freedom;

    And although they may be poor, not a raccoon shall be a slave,

    Shouting the battle cry of Freedom.

    So we’re springing to the call from the East and from the West,

    Shouting the battle cry of Freedom;

    And we’ll prove a loyal crew for the land we love the best,

    Shouting the battle cry of Freedom.

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  26. Dennycrop
    Denny Wheeler Premium Member 12 months ago

    Gee whiz, Jules—you’ve been watching George Reeves, haven’t you? I recognize those two poses.

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    MIHorn Premium Member 12 months ago

    OT: Punto

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  28. Kit chase
    Hedgehog  12 months ago

    Those moles would surrender in no time if Thimblefist played “The Shoutmunks” at full volume a la “Ride of the Valkyries”.

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    Katzen1415  12 months ago

    Hooray for the July Bug, and also for Thimblefist, most comforting of creatures!! I love the look on the raccoons’ faces in panels two and four.

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    The Wolf In Your Midst  12 months ago

    It’s nice to see that Thimblefist can shout respectfully.

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  31. Gocomics avatar
    xsintricks  12 months ago

    Sounds like the Battle Between the Pekes and the Pollicles to me.

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    arolarson Premium Member 12 months ago

    changed avatar photo to show off our summer blooming prairie.

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  33. Hipshotbellestarr
    scaeva Premium Member 12 months ago

    Sierra Hotel, Jules!

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  34. Mbsils
    marilynnbyerly  12 months ago

    “Old Mag” sounded so disrespectful until we were introduced to young Princess Magazine, last week. If anyone called me “Old Mare,” I’d punch them in the snoot or verbally eviscerate them.

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    One Serious Cat  12 months ago

    Calling out to the Orb: Please consider checking out another strip that includes great critters: Home Free by Tom Toro. He commented on Breaking Cat News on June 29, Saturday, and seems intrigued with Georgia’s current story line. I noticed the creator label next to his name and clicked to check out his strip. Here is a link to a recent strip which illustrates his affection for cats:

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    Red Bird  12 months ago

    Thanks for your assistance, Jules. Farewell and safe travels!

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  37. Avatar
    Georgia Dunn creator 12 months ago

    I can explain now that Jules had a bigger role in this story—until my unexpected hand surgery in April threw a big wrench in the gears. I originally intended the story with the moles to roll out a little more slowly through May and June, in between unrelated broadcasts, (though now I’m glad the pace was picked up a bit!) In July, Jules was going to come into things and bring a few allies into place for Old Mag.

    I jumped back into work not only because I missed the comic so much, but also in a race against July! I did my best to balance everyday broadcasts returning before a bigger story could begin—along with getting my hand to a point where it could work on more “paint heavy” Wildlands stories. This is where the timeline landed. With half the time to work with, I needed to make Jules’ contribution really count… and so here are two of our greatest BCN heroes, Homestyle and Thimblefist. The rest will have to make their own way… and will!!

    Thank you, Jules. See you next year!

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    Tom Toro creator 12 months ago

    BCN has the best character names, hands down! I mean, “Homestyle”?! C’mon :)

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  39. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  12 months ago

    Looks like the band is getting back together.

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    asrialfeeple  12 months ago
    OT Bad news, Orb!! Good friends of mine have to help their dog move across the rainbow bridge on account of her organs all giving up the ghost. She has severe heart failure and can hardly stand anymore. They had her for sixteen and a half years, which is dead old for a dog, especially one with congenital heart failure. They will be a the vet’s 16:00 Amsterdam Time. If you can, think of them and send them strength and love. Paw power!!
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    crazeekatlady  12 months ago

    Queen Mag toebeans! Raccoooeeeeeee!

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    Font Lady Premium Member 12 months ago

    Ot: Good news!

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    erinurse2000  12 months ago

    YES!…this is the way!

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    ShariMccormick  12 months ago

    Semi-new to this…who is Jules?

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  45. Lil guy
    anitakapita  12 months ago

    Thanks so much for the explanation…That helps heaps! Trying to keep it all together. Love your storyline and illustrations…long may you wave! :)

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