Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for April 02, 2013
April 01, 2013
April 03, 2013
Brad: "I get the joke, Toni. I proposed to you last April fool's. So now you're asking me. Ha ha."
Toni: "It's not a joke. Brad Degroot, will you marry me?"
…… now comes the part where Brad wakes up, right? Pleeeease don’t do this to us, Greg….it’s impossible enough to believe she’d say yes if he begged on bended knees….but HER asking HIM? What’s next…..Gunther becomes a rock star?
Be fair! Brad has grown and improved a lot! and Toni has had enough time to see what a real relationship is like, and see the beauty of it, Running into Dirk just jolted her to remember what she had to compare – Dirk changed, and now has a decent life, but the Dirk she was with was the worst. She sees Brad in a new light, he is what Dirk had to work to become…..he is the best thing that has happened to Toni… – Greg…..Don’t Blow This!!
Since you all were able to predict this, I imagine your predictions for the outcome will ring true. So, I’ll go out on a limb and say… Brad will hesitate and ask what made her think of it. He will question her motives and timing and (quite obviously) her sincerity. A proposal isn’t a trick where he has 10 seconds to say yes or he’ll “lose his chance” somehow. If she is indeed sincere, nothing Brad can say, within reason, will shift her from her desire to marry him. I’m wondering how much she was influenced by seeing Dirk “move on” so completely from her. Greg showed us that for a reason. There must be a link.
Run Brad Run!! Toni is bad news!!! Any fool of a man can see that. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again . . . She’s not pretty she just looks that way . . . . thank you Northern Pikes.
There is a logic here. Toni had to truly make up her mind and probably was spurred into action by witnessing (no longer) Dirk the jerk’s transformation. Also by her proposing, she has command over a MAJOR decision. Having been abused in a relationship this makes sense. Now it’s up to Brad not to blow it.
He should say no. The only reason she’s proposing is because she saw Dirk has his life together and now she’s panicking.^^I don’t think she’s panicking at all, I think she was seriously worried that if she and Brad got too close, that J….Dirk might come back and hurt Brad… now, she knows that she’s free of him and she can finally move on.
Oh, Yeah – After seeing today’s strip, I thought, “this is gonna be a record for comments, today”. Then I looked down and there are 92 already @ 7:30 on the East Coast. Welcome to the real April, folks. Yesterday was just foolishness.
I take cartoons way too seriously, I see now. Actually got a tear in my eye with this one. I’ve been with most of the strips on this site from their beginnings. How can you not read something everyday for years and not feel something?
“WHY”, Brad.ASK Her WHY She WANTS to get Married NOW after Turning You Down?I MEAN, LOVING Her wasn’t enough.SHARING Mutual Interest in the SAME Things WASN’T Enough.HELL, You Saving HER Life at the RISK of Your OWN wasn’t Even ENOUGH!“What EXACTLY Changed Your Mind, Toni?” is a FAIR Question for YOU to ASK, Brad.Because DESPITE what MOST of the CHEERLEADERS here on THIS Forum THINK, “I” for ONE wanna see YOUR Reaction when YOU find out that the REAL Reason SHE wants to get MARRIED is BECAUSE She saw Her ABUSIVE Ex-Boyfriend, Happily married to Somebody Else!
So SCREW an Impending Attack from North Korea! I Wanna SEE what happens later this week, when the BOMB that goes OFF at the “Pepe La Pew” Restaurant!
Wow you had to drop the hand grenade in the middle of the party! Very direct and accurate comments. And besides that issue, I just worry Toni will take him for granted, as he is such a “nice guy.” But what the h-ll. go for it brad. Say YES. She’s beautiful, in love, promising, and really Brad what do YOU have to lose. (However guess we’ll have a year of wedding prep and hi-jinks.)
I think I’m missing something here! In the past Toni turned Brad’s marriage proposals twice because of her commitment issues, and now SHE PROPOSES TO BRAD!!! What’s up with this Mr. Evans?!?
“Yes,” Brad. The word is “yes.” That’s the word you’re looking for, Brad. “Yes.” It’s very simple. “Yes.” That’s all there is to it. Just “Yes.” Come on, Brad, you can do it!
I don’t usually comment here since there are always so many comments, too many for me to read through, and this has probably already been said. If he says no he is the stupidest fool on the planet. Go for it Brad!
Brad needs to say No. Toni isn’t proposing because she loves him but because she saw Dirk with a wife and kid and Toni’s biological clock started ticking louder. Please say no Brad.
Pick a line:.“Gee. This is so sudden. I don’t know.”“I need some time……… to think.”“Of course I like you. You’re my best friend. But…….. I don’t know.”“I thought we were just having a good time together.”“I want to enjoy what we have now.”.
@cooldude45 (and others): I agree. I’m not a rabid Luann fan, but I’ve been following off and on since the early days and I’ve been around for most of Brad and Toni. She is the best thing to happen to Brads’ character, and she’s a deep person herself. If Evans blows this one this week, I’m finished with this strip. There is “soap opera” mentality, and then there is just mean – and this would be past mean to the fans.
No, Toni is NOT hearing her biological clock ticking. She can’t be much older than 23 — 25 tops. If she was ten years older, maybe, but not now.
What she IS hearing, however, is her relationship clock ticking. For a long time, she has been putting Brad off, and putting Brad off, and putting Brad off. What her reasoning for that, we can only guess, but it was likely something to do with Dirk.
If Toni keeps putting off Brad when he’s ready to commit, he is eventually going to lose interest and move on to someone who will. That’s the relationship clock. It’s just part of life.
Brad has proved his worth to her time and again over the past few years. They enjoy each other’s company. He enjoys going shopping with her. He supports her. He’s protected her. He’s put his life on the line to save hers. He’s shown great fatherhood potential by the way he interacts with Shannon.
Seeing Dirk happily married to a cute-as-a-button wife, and seeing him a doting father of a darling little baby girl just gave Toni a metaphorical swift kick in the seat of the pants. She has no excuses left now.
I think these two strips are the key to what happened today:
Unbelievable how many here think Brad would or should say no. He has been waiting patiently for Toni to get herself together enough to make a commitment and not quite expecting this day ever to come.
Here’s something to think about. A year ago, Brad was constantly thinking of marriage. He even went along with TJ’s hair-brain scheme to ask her on April Fool’s day.
A year later, things have changed. When Luann asked him last Friday if he was going to propose, he said a solid, flat “NO!”.
A year ago, if Toni had asked him to marry her, he would have exultantly exclaimed, “YES”. Today he thinks it’s a joke, and when she informs him she’s serious; it catches him completely by surprise.
Brad’s ardor has definitely cooled since a year ago. I can’t remember the last time that he even mentioned marriage. I wonder what his thoughts on marrying Toni are at the present moment. That is the $64 dollar question.
I’m all for happy endings, but could Toni be a day late and a dollar short?
I still think it would have been more effective if Toni hadn’t said anything.
Imagine today’s strip with the second panel being the first panel but with no dialog. Toni is holding Brad’s hands and looking steadfastly into his eyes without saying a word. The new second panel would be almost a duplicate of the first but in closeup. Finally the third panel would be the same. Brad suddenly realizes that Toni is being serious.
Meh. I don’t like it. So soon after seeing domesticated Dirk, it feels more like she’s reacting to that rather than having an actual desire to marry Brad.
Wow. Lot’s of comments today. Nobody will ever scroll down far enough to see mine today. Here goes anyway: I predict tomorrow will be a one panel big kissing scene. If I am wrong about that then my second guess is Brad will say something stupid. Brad is really good at saying stupid things.
One more in the “Yes” column.-And six months after the wedding (maybe sooner), when Brad and Toni realize they’re raising Shannon anyway, they tell Jonah to butt out of her care. -Interesting possibilities there – instant family w/o ummmm, well, you know. Or an adoption arc.-Regardless, the response to this panel/arc is amazing!
Tomorrow’s comic will be Luann talking to Quill on her computer telling him about how Toni told her that she was planning to propose to Brad, and how excited she is that Toni will soon be part of the family. It will end off with Quill saying something like he thinks it’s wrong for a woman to propose or expressing doubt that Brad will say yes. This will start an argument that will signal the beginning of the end for Luann and Quill. By the end of the summer, their relationship will be over. A new beginning for one couple will be the end for another.Wow, not sure where my mind is today that that’s my prediction. I hope I’m wrong.
I want to say that I called this (indirectly) back on 3/14. I suspect that the conversation Toni had with Luann is what triggered our most recent development.
There you go again indulging in your fantasies and inappropriate in a family strip and public comments. It is better and sends a good message to wait until marriage.
So would that make them Broni or Torad? Before a yes I figure a few more “Are you serious? Are you for real?” will come out. I think the biggest hurdle will be for him to actually believe its a real proposal, the stuff his dreams are made of. (And P.S. she shouldn’t get upset if he’s a little slow. He’s been burned before getting his hopes up.)
“After all, it’s one thing to propose to Brad because how you’re feeling about seeing a married Dirk; it’s another thing to actually consider being married to Brad. Once the horror of that sinks in, Toni will probably jump on any excuse to break the engagement.”
Nay, I highly doubt it. They have been dating for a very long time. This is no spur-of-the-moment thing on Toni’s part. She knows all his faults and weaknesses. Consider the 3/15 strip referenced above where she referred to him as an amazing guy who once was “a worthless loser” — a sentiment shared by Luann and a majority of her long-time fans. Not to mention the 4/4/2012 strip also referenced above where she states, “Brad, you’re a great guy, and I love you, but sometimes…”
No, there are no surprises. There will be no sudden realizations of what a poor choice Brad is. Certainly, there will be second thoughts and the usual cold feet. That happens with nearly all engaged couples. But there will be no sudden revelations that will cancel the happy occasion.
218 comments! Wow! This strip really strikes a chord in a lot of people, doesn’t it? And it’s day after day that there are more comments on this strip than any other I’ve observed. I like it and read it every day. Nice job Greg Evans, the people’s choice.
The strip started in 1985. That was 28 years ago. She was 13 then. She is 17 now. That works about to be around seven real years for every one year in the life of Luann.
If she was a junior last year, she has a few more years ahead of her as a junior.
If he simply says yes, then he has not matured nearly as much as implied. He MUST question her first and then we should expect a lengthy engagement because I do not recall any serious discussion of it since last year. The only couples I’ve seen do well have been discussing marriage for a long time (along with everything that marriage really means) so that there’s pretty much no chance of a “no” when it’s finally brought up in a decision-making way. A proposal should never be a game of Gotcha! and should be taken seriously. While Brad’s proposal of a year ago may have been sincere, it was a surprise to Toni and a T.J. scheme to boot- both reasons to doom it. Also, they’re pretty young and rushing into marriage at that age is statistically risky. Of course, since we’re essentially talking about a fictional comic strip story, anything can happen and real world issues may be irrelevant.
I’m with YOU Dave. I’m willing to bet that the NEXT “Surprise” will involve Shannon in some way. And THAT will either be that Shannon is REALLY Toni’s child (Which Means Toni’s got some VERY Heavy ‘splaining to do) or Shannon’s USELESS Father meets with some fatal accident making the toddler from the Infernal Regions an Orphan that needs a “Good Home”.
Jeez. Why oh WHY can’t an ordinary Guy meet some Uber Beautiful Babe and have a FUN relationship WITHOUT any “Strings ATTACHED”???
It’s going to take more than a couple of Cinnabons to get Nancy on board with this..Recently my posts have been disappearing. Am I on the GoComics / Luann SL or is my avatar misbehaving again?
• TJ will want to be Best Man, but Brad is going to be super wary of it. Whether TJ gets the job or not will depend upon Brad’s strength of will.
• Shannon will be flower girl.
• Nancy will back off her strong suspicions of Toni. She has always been leery of her because she has been convinced Toni wasn’t really serious about the relationship and would end up hurting him. Now that they are engaged, the chances of Toni hurting Brad in that way are slim to none.
• Luann and Toni have become the sisters neither of them had. Luann will be her maid of honor and help Toni with all the bridal preparations. Nancy will help too, especially with the dress. That will help her and Toni to come to an understanding.
• It is going to take a year to prepare for the wedding. There will be attacks of cold feet. There will be the hassles that always happen when two families coming together. There will be the usual arguments over announcements, wedding dates, civil versus religious authority, church versus other venue, small versus large, etc., etc.
• The day of the wedding, Brad will have a panic attack. He will forget something vitally important. There will be a last minute scramble, but in the end it will all work out.
I think Toni’s been testing the waters about Brad’s potential as a possible future husband and her readiness to commit to marriage for the past few months, not just since Dirk showed up. I don’t have the strip at hand, but didn’t Toni say something to Brad about proving he was good father material when they took Shannon to visit Santa?
If Brad and Toni want the wedding gifts stolen, 70% of the money put aside for the wedding to come up missing, and parts of the wedding cake eaten before the ceremony, yes, he can.^^LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!
sorry if that sounds a little morbid, but it could make for an interesting twist on things. Just when Brad’s wish has finally come thru ( apparently), there’s an unexpected complication.^^I think Shannon will become a part of the Degroot family very soon, likely with nothing more than a registered letter to Toni, from her brother’s lawyer, saying that he’s found a permanent job with a touring group of actors, and wishes to give all guardianship rights to her… Brad would probably pretend to be upset, but, we all know that he and Shannon love each other (My guess is Shannon would rather call Brad Daddy, than her scumbag real Father); and as a bonus, I can see Nancy becoming very attached to her first Grandchild and that could only help her strained relationship with Toni.
Mary Worth? Ohmygosh, last time I read that strip one of Mary’s cougar friends was hitting on a much younger window washer, who eventually connected with a trapeze artist.-I kid you not.
Greg, you’ve let all your characters grow through the years, let this take these two in a new combined direction. It will provide plenty of humor as time goes by…
MJ:Just move to Pittsville and everything will be fine. It might take a few months/years to get to your arc but hey you won’t be any older- but you better put it in your contract that Evans doesn’t cast you in the Fogerty role!^^LOL
I hate to say it… but my gut says he will decline with some crap about finally growing up and realizing he doesn’t need a bombshell to make his life meaningful… *(and if Greg really does this, I’ll hurl all over the keyboard.)
I could be way off the mark here, but there’s always that possibility that Toni may be carrying a little one. She did have that ‘appointment’ about a month or so ago.
How’s that oldie from Paul Anka go again?^^I also looked at that possibility, although someone mentioned that Toni still seems to be drinking alcohol, she isn’t the sort who would do so, if she knew she was pregnant… plus, I think she’d have told Brad by now (No Lev, Dirk would not be the Father)
Simply seeing Dirk in a store with wife and babe does not in itself mean that Dirk has a better life than she has. The question is: Is Toni happy? She has a great career, she is foxey, she is intelligent. She has a so-so boy friend, but I must admit that Brad is improving all the time. Her life is “together”. Marriage and family is the next step. My thought, she was coming to that realization. She would have broached the subject of marrage soon enough. The Dirk encounter just sped things up a little.^^I don’t agree that Brad is so-so… unless you mean looks, but, as a person, Brad has easily grown more in everything from personality to maturity than anyone else in the strip, on the other hand, I totally concur with the last 2 lines you wrote.
I doubt that Toni is pregnant. • One, this is Luann, not PibGorn. • Two, She’s drinking wine. • Three, I don’t see Toni asking Brad to marry her without first telling him something like that.• Four, if she and Brad had been doing the ‘nasty’, I would expect Greg Evans to be a little more forthright about it. This guy isn’t one bit shy about tackling delicate subjects. Remember the story arc that began with this:And included this strip:That was back in 1991. If Greg Evans wasn’t afraid of tackling Luann’s onset of puberty clear back the, I really don’t think he would be that shy about revealing Toni and Brad getting to know each other as the Bible puts it.
Oh, the anticipation . . . .One little part of me thinks tomorrow’s strip will be anti-climatic. -And for those who think Greg Evans doesn’t read, know, or care about the comments here, I beg to differ. I’m pretty sure he is aware that today’s strip is reaching 300 comments. I’m pretty sure he’s aware of what is the norm for comments on other strips.-Hits, views, responses, number of papers carrying a strip – call ’em what you will – those are the yardstick for success. And today Mr. Evans seems to be doing very, very well.
If Tiff does as you suggest, Toni will kick her out. She will want her Maids to be dressed as she wants them dressed. The bride gets to do that on that one day^^Probably true Lev, but, mostly, I was “going for the laugh” :D
Yes, I’ve noticed how many responses Luann draws. Evans may not read every response, but you can bet your bippy he and the marketing buffaloes at are very aware of the response rate.
I thought this is where he was headed for the last couple of days. Evans can sure get a lot of mileage out of this story arc. The engagement, the planning of the wedding, the little dramas therein and finally the big day. It’s going to be like Father of the Brad. I wonder how much longer after they’re hitched that they become Shannon’s guardians? BTW, which one of them is getting the engagement ring?
“Brad is the most improved character in the strip. If you were to take one of his early “Potatohead” drawings and put it next to the way he is shown today, a person that had never seen the strip before would not think they were the same person.”
And here is his first appearance from 3/26/1985:You could hardly tell they are the same character.
… a very busy day since I had to leave the computer this morning – and I guesstimated today would be an all-time high for comments. Nice to know that I can be right at least ONCE every hundred or so guesses! Now I’ve read through all the comments (well, except for several from our resident novelist) and see that there are several themes repeated numerous times by various posters..So, now the rest of the story (since I was right on the numerous posts) – and am stupid enough to think I’m on a roll:.Brad gets his breath back, kisses Toni, and finally answers the question. By Saturday, they eventually get home to Frank and Nancy and tell them! Nancy faints. Dirk rushes in and gives her mouth to mouth and she survives with only a mild stroke..Next week is spent at the hospital with Luann and friends, and Quill shows up as a new med student. Brad asks him to be best man at the wedding and hilarity reigns. Guess that’s enough for now…
that’s to be expected … Toni has to put up with her all the time, in good times and bad. Brad has only had to have sporadic exposure. But I could envisage Toni saying to Brad “I know this isn’t what you had agreed to, so if you want out now….” and Brad recommitting to both her and Shannon.^^Yup; Bran is “manning up” and this is the payoff
The Drum Roll: Will we get 400 comments? Probably 300 of those address whether Brad & Toni will get married. I’m guessing that 80% of those want “Yes.”
Not that I’d like it but I think that Brad’s need of the Heimlich would be a valid arc. Brad saves Toni’s life with a catch (sorta), Toni saves Brad’s life with the Heimlich. I’m also imagining that the Pittsville FD will play a pretty big role in any upcoming wedding..I’m bettin’ on Gunther to do all the dresses; flower girl to wedding gown..I agree with a previous commenter that Brad has never looked as handsome as in that last panel..How many strips this arc could hold…
Tony said to her boss, I think it was when she was trying to get Brad’s job back, that someday he might be her husband. It’s clearly been on her mind for quite a while.
When I looked at that last panel, Brad’s image called to mind a young man I know. He’s a grade-school friend of my youngest son. About 20 years ago, he ran like a colt, and was kind of uncomfortable around adults. Now he’s a deputy sheriff.
Also, in one of the episodes of Big Bang Theory, Leonard promises to let Penny propose to him when she feels ready. Maybe that s where Evan’s got the idea of Toni proposing?
DaJellyBelly almost 12 years ago
JimT8 almost 12 years ago
The eyes have it.
Fuddy Duddy almost 12 years ago
Oy vey!
fredville almost 12 years ago
…..tell her, “if I can stay home and you support me”, lol…
stainless steel rat almost 12 years ago
They should elope. Get the wedding over with before everyone tries to get involved.
JimT8 almost 12 years ago
Don’t worry. He is just speechless.
Templo S.U.D. almost 12 years ago
I’ve read/heard that females propose to males on 29 February. (Think hard and respond quickly, Brad.)
fredville almost 12 years ago
…… now comes the part where Brad wakes up, right? Pleeeease don’t do this to us, Greg….it’s impossible enough to believe she’d say yes if he begged on bended knees….but HER asking HIM? What’s next…..Gunther becomes a rock star?
WoodEye almost 12 years ago
Ron Dunn Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Well at least he didn’t spew his bread, yaaaaaa for Brad & Toni.
cooldude45 almost 12 years ago
So help me God, if he says no…
Ginispics almost 12 years ago
Be fair! Brad has grown and improved a lot! and Toni has had enough time to see what a real relationship is like, and see the beauty of it, Running into Dirk just jolted her to remember what she had to compare – Dirk changed, and now has a decent life, but the Dirk she was with was the worst. She sees Brad in a new light, he is what Dirk had to work to become…..he is the best thing that has happened to Toni… – Greg…..Don’t Blow This!!
fredville almost 12 years ago
ok, last comment 4 me is a question….reverse the expressions…..when does a GIRL ever say “yes” after gulping and looking like t-h-a-t, duhhhh?
Takagi-san almost 12 years ago
Since you all were able to predict this, I imagine your predictions for the outcome will ring true. So, I’ll go out on a limb and say… Brad will hesitate and ask what made her think of it. He will question her motives and timing and (quite obviously) her sincerity. A proposal isn’t a trick where he has 10 seconds to say yes or he’ll “lose his chance” somehow. If she is indeed sincere, nothing Brad can say, within reason, will shift her from her desire to marry him. I’m wondering how much she was influenced by seeing Dirk “move on” so completely from her. Greg showed us that for a reason. There must be a link.
TheDOCTOR almost 12 years ago
YAY! BRAD AND TONI DEGROOT! Wonder if Luann will be Maid of Honor?
alviebird almost 12 years ago
Well, that smug look Brad has been wearing lately is now gone. He had been looking very self-confident until now.
george almost 12 years ago
Capricious are the gods . . . and comics writers.
Angelalex242 almost 12 years ago
Courage Brad, COURAGE!
jeff_e almost 12 years ago
Next strip: Toni administers the Heimlech maneuver and saves Brad from choking to death.
Ottodesu almost 12 years ago
I called it!I think …
Simon_Jester almost 12 years ago
Brad…one word
Three letters, starts with ‘Y’, ends with, ‘S’
Got that?
homfencing almost 12 years ago
sactiger almost 12 years ago
… and BOOM goes the dynamite!! woohoooo!!!
barbarasbrute almost 12 years ago
Heck, if he says NO, I’ll FART not FAINT
Odd Dog Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Wounder if Tony had told Luann ahead of time? And this was why Luann asked Brad if he was going to ask againa couple day’s back?
lance96816 almost 12 years ago
Go man go!
Olderbutwiserone almost 12 years ago
Since she just saw her ex-boyfriend happily married, is this what she wants or what she thinks she needs?
ninjanick101 almost 12 years ago
Say yes.
dataweaver almost 12 years ago
OK: so this is one year, to the day, after the last time Brad proposed to her.
How long has Luanne been a Senior in High School?
The Old Wolf almost 12 years ago
Northern_Man almost 12 years ago
Holy ….!
Hank1938 almost 12 years ago
Elope to Vegas and get the Elvis impersonator to do the quickie wedding!
trspence almost 12 years ago
OK….. You can pick me up off the floor now…
SoItBegins~ almost 12 years ago
Come on, Brad— it’s time!
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML almost 12 years ago
Ummm… Let’s sleep on that…
doverdan almost 12 years ago
… now comes the part where Brad wakes up
m b almost 12 years ago
YAY, about time, his answer better be YES
SCOTTtheBADGER almost 12 years ago
Say yes, Brad.
Chrisdiaz801 almost 12 years ago
He swallowed his bite..too soon. Wait until Wednesday(when Brad has finished his dinner roll.
curmudgeon68 almost 12 years ago
Before the wedding date Toni is killed in a fire.
sentinel762 almost 12 years ago
dhkrause almost 12 years ago
Please don’t spoil the moment with such an obscene comment.
gkid almost 12 years ago
I can’t believe she actually said it. I’m gonna cry. “Sniff!”
kenhense almost 12 years ago
I swear if Brad says something like, “Is this because Dirk got married?” I’ll lose hope that anything good can happen to anybody…
doctor075 almost 12 years ago
Tog almost 12 years ago
Well, did any comic ever generate so much comment so early in the day? Better say yes then Brad.
artybee almost 12 years ago
You guys really called it! I’m impressed.
upanddown17 almost 12 years ago
And it’s not even leap year.
auramac almost 12 years ago
Say “Yesss!!!”
auramac almost 12 years ago
He swallowed. He’s in kissing mode now- don’t blow it!
Edward White almost 12 years ago
I hope it don’t take 28 years like Luanns time in Jr High & High school. ?? Oh & about time.
sarge112751 almost 12 years ago
Squad 51, Squad 51 … See the man; .Suspected heart attack, in progress ….Squad 51 – handle, Code THREE !
bearcat666 almost 12 years ago
Run Brad Run!! Toni is bad news!!! Any fool of a man can see that. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again . . . She’s not pretty she just looks that way . . . . thank you Northern Pikes.
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 12 years ago
Did his face evoled?
percenez almost 12 years ago
obviously dirk precipitated this.
timzsixty9 almost 12 years ago
yes….YES, you fool!
vwdualnomand almost 12 years ago
about time…
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 12 years ago
Which being interpreted means, YES
Tinyman almost 12 years ago
I would have had the same reaction and then just fainted right there on the floor and wind up with a big lump on my head.
JoeStoppinghem Premium Member almost 12 years ago
You know Brad is going to wonder if seeing Dirk caused this (it’s Brad he does mess up now and then), and will wonder is she marrying me for me or…
jenbrown1017 almost 12 years ago
He’s gonna choke on his bread and she’s gonna have to do the Heimlich and in the mayhem he will say yes
Mostly Water Premium Member almost 12 years ago
There is a logic here. Toni had to truly make up her mind and probably was spurred into action by witnessing (no longer) Dirk the jerk’s transformation. Also by her proposing, she has command over a MAJOR decision. Having been abused in a relationship this makes sense. Now it’s up to Brad not to blow it.
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
Finally… let’s see if Brad can avoid screwing this up, now
PMark almost 12 years ago
I like the idea of Brad choking on that last swallow, and her having to administer the Heimlich on him.
PMark almost 12 years ago
Pssst, Brad.
You’re line is, “Yes, of course I’ll marry you.”
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
He should say no. The only reason she’s proposing is because she saw Dirk has his life together and now she’s panicking.^^I don’t think she’s panicking at all, I think she was seriously worried that if she and Brad got too close, that J….Dirk might come back and hurt Brad… now, she knows that she’s free of him and she can finally move on.
TORAD_07 almost 12 years ago
Brad … Don’t “F” this up!!!!! SAY YES!!!
Sisyphos almost 12 years ago
Man up and say “yes,” Brad This is no time for bumbling and mumbling. “Faint heart ne’er won fair lady!”
Sisyphos almost 12 years ago
—Or, is the gag that he gags on his bite of bun and Toni has to administer the Heimlich Maneuvre on him?
loubarra almost 12 years ago
He’ll say yes if he doesn’t faint.
Ottodesu almost 12 years ago
Everyone gets older …
imbaldeagle almost 12 years ago
Oh, Yeah – After seeing today’s strip, I thought, “this is gonna be a record for comments, today”. Then I looked down and there are 92 already @ 7:30 on the East Coast. Welcome to the real April, folks. Yesterday was just foolishness.
mikecronis almost 12 years ago
On her terms, sure, but not proper. Not a leap year.
Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member almost 12 years ago
OK, visionaries, seers, prognosticators: call the next surprise announcement.
ewalnut almost 12 years ago
She may have to administer Heimlich.
salvaescalante almost 12 years ago
Say YES! Brad!!!… OMG, hope this is not going the “Stan and Wendy” scenario.
emptc12 almost 12 years ago
I take cartoons way too seriously, I see now. Actually got a tear in my eye with this one. I’ve been with most of the strips on this site from their beginnings. How can you not read something everyday for years and not feel something?
aedra6 almost 12 years ago
rasalom almost 12 years ago
Yay for them unless she’s just trying to keep up with Dirk…
Mordock999 almost 12 years ago
“WHY”, Brad.ASK Her WHY She WANTS to get Married NOW after Turning You Down?I MEAN, LOVING Her wasn’t enough.SHARING Mutual Interest in the SAME Things WASN’T Enough.HELL, You Saving HER Life at the RISK of Your OWN wasn’t Even ENOUGH!“What EXACTLY Changed Your Mind, Toni?” is a FAIR Question for YOU to ASK, Brad.Because DESPITE what MOST of the CHEERLEADERS here on THIS Forum THINK, “I” for ONE wanna see YOUR Reaction when YOU find out that the REAL Reason SHE wants to get MARRIED is BECAUSE She saw Her ABUSIVE Ex-Boyfriend, Happily married to Somebody Else!
So SCREW an Impending Attack from North Korea! I Wanna SEE what happens later this week, when the BOMB that goes OFF at the “Pepe La Pew” Restaurant!
LittleContessa almost 12 years ago
@DaJellyBelly :This is a family strip. Please keep your comment out of the realm of reality tv.
schmid13 almost 12 years ago
Wow you had to drop the hand grenade in the middle of the party! Very direct and accurate comments. And besides that issue, I just worry Toni will take him for granted, as he is such a “nice guy.” But what the h-ll. go for it brad. Say YES. She’s beautiful, in love, promising, and really Brad what do YOU have to lose. (However guess we’ll have a year of wedding prep and hi-jinks.)
morningglory73 Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Did seeing Dirk so happily married have anything to do with this?
terek almost 12 years ago
I think I’m missing something here! In the past Toni turned Brad’s marriage proposals twice because of her commitment issues, and now SHE PROPOSES TO BRAD!!! What’s up with this Mr. Evans?!?
Endunamoo almost 12 years ago
Sweet… Go get her Brad.
rugeirn almost 12 years ago
“Yes,” Brad. The word is “yes.” That’s the word you’re looking for, Brad. “Yes.” It’s very simple. “Yes.” That’s all there is to it. Just “Yes.” Come on, Brad, you can do it!
Sangelia almost 12 years ago
if he says no. I get the feeling that there will be a wound that will never heal. and not a physical one either.
pakratt almost 12 years ago
Brad has just been backed into a corner……
CP Justy almost 12 years ago
Of course he’s gonna say yes. Late this week though—Thursday or Friday.
spiffny almost 12 years ago
She always said she didn’t want him to ask her. Now we know why. She wanted to ask him!
jackdohany almost 12 years ago
Hey Brad, if you won’t, I will.Oops, no, wait… I’m already married. Heck!
alondra almost 12 years ago
I don’t usually comment here since there are always so many comments, too many for me to read through, and this has probably already been said. If he says no he is the stupidest fool on the planet. Go for it Brad!
Sportymonk almost 12 years ago
Brad needs to say No. Toni isn’t proposing because she loves him but because she saw Dirk with a wife and kid and Toni’s biological clock started ticking louder. Please say no Brad.
yldonaldson almost 12 years ago
Yay!! He had better say YES!!
57-Don almost 12 years ago
Anyone know the Heimlich maneuver?
sjsczurek almost 12 years ago
Pick a line:.“Gee. This is so sudden. I don’t know.”“I need some time……… to think.”“Of course I like you. You’re my best friend. But…….. I don’t know.”“I thought we were just having a good time together.”“I want to enjoy what we have now.”.
Of course they all mean “no.”
Can you think of some others?
ajc60803 almost 12 years ago
Woo-Hoo!! Now, don’t be a dolt Brad. You’d better say YES.
charlo222 almost 12 years ago
Can’t believe Greg didn’t drag it out all week.
prof2 almost 12 years ago
@cooldude45 (and others): I agree. I’m not a rabid Luann fan, but I’ve been following off and on since the early days and I’ve been around for most of Brad and Toni. She is the best thing to happen to Brads’ character, and she’s a deep person herself. If Evans blows this one this week, I’m finished with this strip. There is “soap opera” mentality, and then there is just mean – and this would be past mean to the fans.
PMark almost 12 years ago
No, Toni is NOT hearing her biological clock ticking. She can’t be much older than 23 — 25 tops. If she was ten years older, maybe, but not now.
What she IS hearing, however, is her relationship clock ticking. For a long time, she has been putting Brad off, and putting Brad off, and putting Brad off. What her reasoning for that, we can only guess, but it was likely something to do with Dirk.
If Toni keeps putting off Brad when he’s ready to commit, he is eventually going to lose interest and move on to someone who will. That’s the relationship clock. It’s just part of life.
Brad has proved his worth to her time and again over the past few years. They enjoy each other’s company. He enjoys going shopping with her. He supports her. He’s protected her. He’s put his life on the line to save hers. He’s shown great fatherhood potential by the way he interacts with Shannon.
Seeing Dirk happily married to a cute-as-a-button wife, and seeing him a doting father of a darling little baby girl just gave Toni a metaphorical swift kick in the seat of the pants. She has no excuses left now.
I think these two strips are the key to what happened today:
nz4m60 almost 12 years ago
Say “YES” fool!
sweetg1 almost 12 years ago
Tomorrow….The most anticipated Luann in some time.
notbornyesterday almost 12 years ago
I don’t get it. are those two even having sex ?
JimT8 almost 12 years ago
Unbelievable how many here think Brad would or should say no. He has been waiting patiently for Toni to get herself together enough to make a commitment and not quite expecting this day ever to come.
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML almost 12 years ago
Finally… Bwads gonna git some…..
SheriCrest almost 12 years ago
Just say “Yes.”
Come on, Brad, you know it’s time…"
PMark almost 12 years ago
Here’s something to think about. A year ago, Brad was constantly thinking of marriage. He even went along with TJ’s hair-brain scheme to ask her on April Fool’s day.
A year later, things have changed. When Luann asked him last Friday if he was going to propose, he said a solid, flat “NO!”.
A year ago, if Toni had asked him to marry her, he would have exultantly exclaimed, “YES”. Today he thinks it’s a joke, and when she informs him she’s serious; it catches him completely by surprise.
Brad’s ardor has definitely cooled since a year ago. I can’t remember the last time that he even mentioned marriage. I wonder what his thoughts on marrying Toni are at the present moment. That is the $64 dollar question.
I’m all for happy endings, but could Toni be a day late and a dollar short?
LadyJ4444 almost 12 years ago
I love this couple!
DoubleU almost 12 years ago
Say yes, Brad, you idiot, do it!
PMark almost 12 years ago
I still think it would have been more effective if Toni hadn’t said anything.
Imagine today’s strip with the second panel being the first panel but with no dialog. Toni is holding Brad’s hands and looking steadfastly into his eyes without saying a word. The new second panel would be almost a duplicate of the first but in closeup. Finally the third panel would be the same. Brad suddenly realizes that Toni is being serious.
The#1BoiseStateFan almost 12 years ago
Oh my god……
tubgrape almost 12 years ago
Don’t let TJ hear about it ‘till it’s all over!
tubgrape almost 12 years ago
One other thing: DON’T disappoint us Greg. If he refuses, I quit this strip….like for good! I mean, this has kept me on the edge of my seat!
bjoanz almost 12 years ago
I bet she admits she proposed after seeing Dirk all married up…and Brad will flip out!
eheroking almost 12 years ago
boom chicka boom chicka boom!!!! FINALLY!!
The Life I Draw Upon almost 12 years ago
Where’s the ring Toni?
Cathiet almost 12 years ago
mirabai305 almost 12 years ago
Meh. I don’t like it. So soon after seeing domesticated Dirk, it feels more like she’s reacting to that rather than having an actual desire to marry Brad.
Mimi Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I’m in the "She asking because she saw Dirk happy’ club.
I say no. But then on the other hand… stranger things have happened in this strip
Bandera_Ken almost 12 years ago
Wow. Lot’s of comments today. Nobody will ever scroll down far enough to see mine today. Here goes anyway: I predict tomorrow will be a one panel big kissing scene. If I am wrong about that then my second guess is Brad will say something stupid. Brad is really good at saying stupid things.
Govi Premium Member almost 12 years ago
leosmashroyale almost 12 years ago
She beat you to it bro. Congratulations _
pedalflower almost 12 years ago
She’ll get over the domestic Dirk sighting and take the proposal back. Tell Brad she wasn’t in her right mind… the beat goes on.
PMark almost 12 years ago
“put the roll down dummy”
He can’t. Toni has both his hands clamp tightly in hers. :-)
kenwarnerfordictator almost 12 years ago
Okay, I was wrong.
ManateeGag almost 12 years ago
she may need to perform the Heimlich on Brad before he responds.
DAVIDSITKA Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Of course he should say yes. Is she asking now because she saw Dirk had settled down?
transylvanian almost 12 years ago
The answer is YES, Brad, YES YES YES!! You and Toni make the perfect couple, and with Shannon along on the honeymoon…. Well, let’s not project. ;)
Fuddy Duddy almost 12 years ago
One more in the “Yes” column.-And six months after the wedding (maybe sooner), when Brad and Toni realize they’re raising Shannon anyway, they tell Jonah to butt out of her care. -Interesting possibilities there – instant family w/o ummmm, well, you know. Or an adoption arc.-Regardless, the response to this panel/arc is amazing!
GKBeetle almost 12 years ago
Tomorrow’s comic will be Luann talking to Quill on her computer telling him about how Toni told her that she was planning to propose to Brad, and how excited she is that Toni will soon be part of the family. It will end off with Quill saying something like he thinks it’s wrong for a woman to propose or expressing doubt that Brad will say yes. This will start an argument that will signal the beginning of the end for Luann and Quill. By the end of the summer, their relationship will be over. A new beginning for one couple will be the end for another.Wow, not sure where my mind is today that that’s my prediction. I hope I’m wrong.
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 12 years ago
Whoa, you tools! give someone (like me) a chance to have a say…..Gee, thanks a lot! Now I forgot what I had to say!
Davison77 almost 12 years ago
TJ can be the wedding planner.
reedkomicks Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Now, hilarity will ensue with the telling of the engagement, Nancy’s disgruntlement, wedding plans, Brad’s utter loss of composure.
Phongor almost 12 years ago
I want to say that I called this (indirectly) back on 3/14. I suspect that the conversation Toni had with Luann is what triggered our most recent development.
buccaneer8 almost 12 years ago
Cool! It was a very good story arc over the years, especially for those with the patience to appreciate such things.
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML almost 12 years ago
y’ALL need to take a breath….!!!! yer gonna hyperventilate!!!!
Paul Rider Premium Member almost 12 years ago
He’d better say “Yes!”
buccaneer8 almost 12 years ago
There you go again indulging in your fantasies and inappropriate in a family strip and public comments. It is better and sends a good message to wait until marriage.
Tha_Hype almost 12 years ago
So would that make them Broni or Torad? Before a yes I figure a few more “Are you serious? Are you for real?” will come out. I think the biggest hurdle will be for him to actually believe its a real proposal, the stuff his dreams are made of. (And P.S. she shouldn’t get upset if he’s a little slow. He’s been burned before getting his hopes up.)
dvoyack almost 12 years ago
Repeat after me Brad:“YES!”
PMark almost 12 years ago
“After all, it’s one thing to propose to Brad because how you’re feeling about seeing a married Dirk; it’s another thing to actually consider being married to Brad. Once the horror of that sinks in, Toni will probably jump on any excuse to break the engagement.”
Nay, I highly doubt it. They have been dating for a very long time. This is no spur-of-the-moment thing on Toni’s part. She knows all his faults and weaknesses. Consider the 3/15 strip referenced above where she referred to him as an amazing guy who once was “a worthless loser” — a sentiment shared by Luann and a majority of her long-time fans. Not to mention the 4/4/2012 strip also referenced above where she states, “Brad, you’re a great guy, and I love you, but sometimes…”
No, there are no surprises. There will be no sudden realizations of what a poor choice Brad is. Certainly, there will be second thoughts and the usual cold feet. That happens with nearly all engaged couples. But there will be no sudden revelations that will cancel the happy occasion.
animalheck Premium Member almost 12 years ago
boom chicka pow pow!!!!
StCleve72 almost 12 years ago
218 comments! Wow! This strip really strikes a chord in a lot of people, doesn’t it? And it’s day after day that there are more comments on this strip than any other I’ve observed. I like it and read it every day. Nice job Greg Evans, the people’s choice.
RoninBob almost 12 years ago
Can’t wait to see where this is going!
PMark almost 12 years ago
Well, Brad. The moment of truth has arrived. Time to fish or cut bait.
Are you up to it?
PMark almost 12 years ago
“Wasn’t Luann a Junior last year?”
The strip started in 1985. That was 28 years ago. She was 13 then. She is 17 now. That works about to be around seven real years for every one year in the life of Luann.
If she was a junior last year, she has a few more years ahead of her as a junior.
Flash5005 almost 12 years ago
I called it! Back when she saw Dirk with a family! Hah!
Takagi-san almost 12 years ago
If he simply says yes, then he has not matured nearly as much as implied. He MUST question her first and then we should expect a lengthy engagement because I do not recall any serious discussion of it since last year. The only couples I’ve seen do well have been discussing marriage for a long time (along with everything that marriage really means) so that there’s pretty much no chance of a “no” when it’s finally brought up in a decision-making way. A proposal should never be a game of Gotcha! and should be taken seriously. While Brad’s proposal of a year ago may have been sincere, it was a surprise to Toni and a T.J. scheme to boot- both reasons to doom it. Also, they’re pretty young and rushing into marriage at that age is statistically risky. Of course, since we’re essentially talking about a fictional comic strip story, anything can happen and real world issues may be irrelevant.
krondor2000 almost 12 years ago
Definitely a long week!
Mordock999 almost 12 years ago
I’m with YOU Dave. I’m willing to bet that the NEXT “Surprise” will involve Shannon in some way. And THAT will either be that Shannon is REALLY Toni’s child (Which Means Toni’s got some VERY Heavy ‘splaining to do) or Shannon’s USELESS Father meets with some fatal accident making the toddler from the Infernal Regions an Orphan that needs a “Good Home”.
Jeez. Why oh WHY can’t an ordinary Guy meet some Uber Beautiful Babe and have a FUN relationship WITHOUT any “Strings ATTACHED”???
NorCalChuck almost 12 years ago
Life goes on and they live happily ever after.Tee-Hee . . . . Holy Moley Batman!
Mordock999 almost 12 years ago
Ahhhhh, Dave. You’ve JUST Discovered one of the secrets of Life!
Anyway, I STILL have My COFFEE…….,
noreenklose almost 12 years ago
Popeyesforearm almost 12 years ago
If he doesn’t say yes and yell it to the moon he’s a putz. And nice sweater by the way.
Faux Real almost 12 years ago
It’s going to take more than a couple of Cinnabons to get Nancy on board with this..Recently my posts have been disappearing. Am I on the GoComics / Luann SL or is my avatar misbehaving again?
Purplepeach almost 12 years ago
doverdan almost 12 years ago
No engagement ring. ?… now comes the part where Brad wakes up
buccaneer8 almost 12 years ago
Wish they would delete posts of those insisting on using all capital letter words.
doverdan almost 12 years ago
Seeing Dirk so happy in family life made her think..No other explanation... . .BUT . . .If she mentions that, Brad will flare up. Blow the mood.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 12 years ago
Ahh, but it became April 2 while they were still on their rolls and will at least be the third ere he answers.
TerBer almost 12 years ago
Oh Hell YES!
Dr Lou Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Is Toni going to have to Heimlich Brad, too?
PMark almost 12 years ago
• TJ will want to be Best Man, but Brad is going to be super wary of it. Whether TJ gets the job or not will depend upon Brad’s strength of will.• Shannon will be flower girl.
• Nancy will back off her strong suspicions of Toni. She has always been leery of her because she has been convinced Toni wasn’t really serious about the relationship and would end up hurting him. Now that they are engaged, the chances of Toni hurting Brad in that way are slim to none.
• Luann and Toni have become the sisters neither of them had. Luann will be her maid of honor and help Toni with all the bridal preparations. Nancy will help too, especially with the dress. That will help her and Toni to come to an understanding.
• It is going to take a year to prepare for the wedding. There will be attacks of cold feet. There will be the hassles that always happen when two families coming together. There will be the usual arguments over announcements, wedding dates, civil versus religious authority, church versus other venue, small versus large, etc., etc.
• The day of the wedding, Brad will have a panic attack. He will forget something vitally important. There will be a last minute scramble, but in the end it will all work out.
friendjoanie almost 12 years ago
Ha! I knew it.
PMark almost 12 years ago
“Is there any chance that blue sweater Toni has on might slip off her shoulders?”
I wouldn’t get your hopes up, Levi. Okay, the sweater might begin to slip, but Toni has other ways of preventing it from going very far.
milania almost 12 years ago
And I thought she was an intelligent character. Oh well….
barbsmith0012 almost 12 years ago
haha reminds me of when I proposed to my husband 4 years ago. :D Brad…just say yes and smile!
Lion_Tamer almost 12 years ago
Lev.I don’t think Toni would make an offer to buy the cow if she had not already sampled the milk.
Attila The Voice! almost 12 years ago
I now pronounce you husband & wife!!!! :D
kauri44 almost 12 years ago
I think Toni’s been testing the waters about Brad’s potential as a possible future husband and her readiness to commit to marriage for the past few months, not just since Dirk showed up. I don’t have the strip at hand, but didn’t Toni say something to Brad about proving he was good father material when they took Shannon to visit Santa?
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
If Brad and Toni want the wedding gifts stolen, 70% of the money put aside for the wedding to come up missing, and parts of the wedding cake eaten before the ceremony, yes, he can.^^LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
sorry if that sounds a little morbid, but it could make for an interesting twist on things. Just when Brad’s wish has finally come thru ( apparently), there’s an unexpected complication.^^I think Shannon will become a part of the Degroot family very soon, likely with nothing more than a registered letter to Toni, from her brother’s lawyer, saying that he’s found a permanent job with a touring group of actors, and wishes to give all guardianship rights to her… Brad would probably pretend to be upset, but, we all know that he and Shannon love each other (My guess is Shannon would rather call Brad Daddy, than her scumbag real Father); and as a bonus, I can see Nancy becoming very attached to her first Grandchild and that could only help her strained relationship with Toni.
candyisyummy almost 12 years ago
so does Toni get Brad a ring or vise-versa?
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
My theory: Computer glitch^^Sometimes maybe… one time I had every 2nd post deleted, unlikely that it was a mod’s work
Fuddy Duddy almost 12 years ago
Mary Worth? Ohmygosh, last time I read that strip one of Mary’s cougar friends was hitting on a much younger window washer, who eventually connected with a trapeze artist.-I kid you not.
craigwestlake almost 12 years ago
Greg, you’ve let all your characters grow through the years, let this take these two in a new combined direction. It will provide plenty of humor as time goes by…
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
MJ:Just move to Pittsville and everything will be fine. It might take a few months/years to get to your arc but hey you won’t be any older- but you better put it in your contract that Evans doesn’t cast you in the Fogerty role!^^LOL
Ken Otwell almost 12 years ago
I hate to say it… but my gut says he will decline with some crap about finally growing up and realizing he doesn’t need a bombshell to make his life meaningful… *(and if Greg really does this, I’ll hurl all over the keyboard.)
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
I could be way off the mark here, but there’s always that possibility that Toni may be carrying a little one. She did have that ‘appointment’ about a month or so ago.
How’s that oldie from Paul Anka go again?^^I also looked at that possibility, although someone mentioned that Toni still seems to be drinking alcohol, she isn’t the sort who would do so, if she knew she was pregnant… plus, I think she’d have told Brad by now (No Lev, Dirk would not be the Father)
PMark almost 12 years ago
Come one guys. Only twelve more to go.
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
Simply seeing Dirk in a store with wife and babe does not in itself mean that Dirk has a better life than she has. The question is: Is Toni happy? She has a great career, she is foxey, she is intelligent. She has a so-so boy friend, but I must admit that Brad is improving all the time. Her life is “together”. Marriage and family is the next step. My thought, she was coming to that realization. She would have broached the subject of marrage soon enough. The Dirk encounter just sped things up a little.^^I don’t agree that Brad is so-so… unless you mean looks, but, as a person, Brad has easily grown more in everything from personality to maturity than anyone else in the strip, on the other hand, I totally concur with the last 2 lines you wrote.
PMark almost 12 years ago
I doubt that Toni is pregnant. • One, this is Luann, not PibGorn. • Two, She’s drinking wine. • Three, I don’t see Toni asking Brad to marry her without first telling him something like that.• Four, if she and Brad had been doing the ‘nasty’, I would expect Greg Evans to be a little more forthright about it. This guy isn’t one bit shy about tackling delicate subjects. Remember the story arc that began with this:And included this strip:That was back in 1991. If Greg Evans wasn’t afraid of tackling Luann’s onset of puberty clear back the, I really don’t think he would be that shy about revealing Toni and Brad getting to know each other as the Bible puts it.
Kathe almost 12 years ago
Fuddy Duddy almost 12 years ago
Oh, the anticipation . . . .One little part of me thinks tomorrow’s strip will be anti-climatic. -And for those who think Greg Evans doesn’t read, know, or care about the comments here, I beg to differ. I’m pretty sure he is aware that today’s strip is reaching 300 comments. I’m pretty sure he’s aware of what is the norm for comments on other strips.-Hits, views, responses, number of papers carrying a strip – call ’em what you will – those are the yardstick for success. And today Mr. Evans seems to be doing very, very well.
Burnside217 almost 12 years ago
So she asks him when his mouth was full?
Burnside217 almost 12 years ago
Thank you, has the number been that high before?
FrNoah almost 12 years ago
…after “gulp,” he’d be nuts to say anything else but Yeah, Baby!
buccaneer8 almost 12 years ago
Shannon a “very good girl”??? By what very low standards could you come up with that gem?
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
If Tiff does as you suggest, Toni will kick her out. She will want her Maids to be dressed as she wants them dressed. The bride gets to do that on that one day^^Probably true Lev, but, mostly, I was “going for the laugh” :D
Fuddy Duddy almost 12 years ago
Yes, I’ve noticed how many responses Luann draws. Evans may not read every response, but you can bet your bippy he and the marketing buffaloes at are very aware of the response rate.
sarafaye almost 12 years ago
I kind of want the suggestion to take on Shannon to come from Brad. I often get the impression that he enjoys having her around more than Toni does.
Alan Smithee almost 12 years ago
I thought this is where he was headed for the last couple of days. Evans can sure get a lot of mileage out of this story arc. The engagement, the planning of the wedding, the little dramas therein and finally the big day. It’s going to be like Father of the Brad. I wonder how much longer after they’re hitched that they become Shannon’s guardians? BTW, which one of them is getting the engagement ring?
bluezcafe almost 12 years ago
frig…it’s a comic people. Rock on, Gunther….
Fuddy Duddy almost 12 years ago
And if he DOES say yes, when the word gets out to all Luann’s female friends will be going on about what a hunk Brad is.-You heard it here, first.
Yakety Sax almost 12 years ago
He’s gonna choke on his food and she’ll save him.
pagercat almost 12 years ago
Perhaps they can get married and adopt Toni’s niece.
ILikeMeSomeComics almost 12 years ago
I’m throwing rice already!
PMark almost 12 years ago
“Brad is the most improved character in the strip. If you were to take one of his early “Potatohead” drawings and put it next to the way he is shown today, a person that had never seen the strip before would not think they were the same person.”
And here is his first appearance from 3/26/1985:You could hardly tell they are the same character.
sarafaye almost 12 years ago
Time will tell us nothing.
sarafaye almost 12 years ago
I’m not claiming Toni doesn’t love Shannon, just that she finds her very stressful, while Brad finds her to be enjoyable company.
carlewright almost 12 years ago
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
imbaldeagle almost 12 years ago
… a very busy day since I had to leave the computer this morning – and I guesstimated today would be an all-time high for comments. Nice to know that I can be right at least ONCE every hundred or so guesses! Now I’ve read through all the comments (well, except for several from our resident novelist) and see that there are several themes repeated numerous times by various posters..So, now the rest of the story (since I was right on the numerous posts) – and am stupid enough to think I’m on a roll:.Brad gets his breath back, kisses Toni, and finally answers the question. By Saturday, they eventually get home to Frank and Nancy and tell them! Nancy faints. Dirk rushes in and gives her mouth to mouth and she survives with only a mild stroke..Next week is spent at the hospital with Luann and friends, and Quill shows up as a new med student. Brad asks him to be best man at the wedding and hilarity reigns. Guess that’s enough for now…
Ottodesu almost 12 years ago
This is 341 as I type, it’s a record for Luann, yes?And will it break 400 in the next couple of hours?
Ottodesu almost 12 years ago
people should not do empty postings just to boost the numbers
AmyGrantfan51774 almost 12 years ago
wonder if Brad and Toni will marry????!!!!!!!
scsurfer almost 12 years ago
Uh oh. It’s a big one. Don’t blow it, Brad.
aqsartin almost 12 years ago
Next, he chokes on his bread and she has to give him the Heimlich Maneuver!
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
that’s to be expected … Toni has to put up with her all the time, in good times and bad. Brad has only had to have sporadic exposure. But I could envisage Toni saying to Brad “I know this isn’t what you had agreed to, so if you want out now….” and Brad recommitting to both her and Shannon.^^Yup; Bran is “manning up” and this is the payoff
cdemattos almost 12 years ago
So many comments. Brad, this is where you rear back and say “Hell Yeah!” boy.
kenhense almost 12 years ago
The Drum Roll: Will we get 400 comments? Probably 300 of those address whether Brad & Toni will get married. I’m guessing that 80% of those want “Yes.”
Faux Real almost 12 years ago
Not that I’d like it but I think that Brad’s need of the Heimlich would be a valid arc. Brad saves Toni’s life with a catch (sorta), Toni saves Brad’s life with the Heimlich. I’m also imagining that the Pittsville FD will play a pretty big role in any upcoming wedding..I’m bettin’ on Gunther to do all the dresses; flower girl to wedding gown..I agree with a previous commenter that Brad has never looked as handsome as in that last panel..How many strips this arc could hold…
sarafaye almost 12 years ago
Tony said to her boss, I think it was when she was trying to get Brad’s job back, that someday he might be her husband. It’s clearly been on her mind for quite a while.
sarafaye almost 12 years ago
Brad has been looking really good lately.
Spade Jr. almost 12 years ago
Unexpected, not schmaltzy…well done!
Fuddy Duddy almost 12 years ago
When I looked at that last panel, Brad’s image called to mind a young man I know. He’s a grade-school friend of my youngest son. About 20 years ago, he ran like a colt, and was kind of uncomfortable around adults. Now he’s a deputy sheriff.
Time marches on, and people do change.
Doctor11 almost 12 years ago
Oh, I hope Brad doesn’t choke, and I mean both figuratively and literally.
seyleigh almost 12 years ago
Comment 358. YayYayYayYayYay!!!!!
Also, in one of the episodes of Big Bang Theory, Leonard promises to let Penny propose to him when she feels ready. Maybe that s where Evan’s got the idea of Toni proposing?
RBLawyer almost 12 years ago
Check out the tear on Brads face
Fuddy Duddy almost 12 years ago
The Lady is a tiger.
mechaman almost 12 years ago
Go for Her, SON!!
rugratz2222 almost 12 years ago
there was a stat recently by a major jewelery maker that only 1% of women ever propose … usually it is the guys who do it.
Cornelius Robinson Premium Member almost 12 years ago
So, how long will the engagement last until they’re actually married? A couple more years?
RCKJD almost 12 years ago
And she proposes on my 12th wedding anniversary, how cute. Or is it still April 1st there? Hmm… At least the comic was published on my anniverary.
peanutsaddicted almost 12 years ago
Ye Yes Yes say Yes
Aladar30 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
DevilDog2001 Premium Member almost 7 years ago
The_Best over 5 years ago
This is intense
Vm almost 4 years ago