Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for March 10, 2016

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 9 years ago

    well, this is indeed awkward on so many levels… e’en for Benice

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    Masterdrail  almost 9 years ago

    Bern is working on so many false pretenses. She needs to get her head checked.

    Oh the other hand, he’s got his eye on her, so I hope that develops.

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    Pointspread  almost 9 years ago

    Good move G!

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    Wilde Bill  almost 9 years ago

    Boy, ol’ Gunther seems sooo disappointed to see a guy coming out of Tiffany’s room. Bernice needs to dial back on the scheming a little.

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    JimT8  almost 9 years ago

    I notice that Piro is wearing a tailored jacket.

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    JayBluE  almost 9 years ago

    That’s right, Bern! What you were wearing, what you thought was a “Star-catcher”, was really a “Dandruff -and -Sweat Catcher”! -You’ve been sniffing someone else’s combination of shampoo and aftershave… – With the look on Bernice’s face, Gunther’s going to find he’s a radio station with low ratings…she’s most likely going to “tune him out”, and as they sip coffee, she’ll probably be drinking a cup of “letdown”, instead….

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    Argythree  almost 9 years ago

    -It’s hard to tell which is the most out of touch with reality, Bernice or Gunther.

    Bernice is distraught over the idea that Piro is interested in Tiffany, when all Piro seems interested in is finding a place to crash. (And why should he stay with Bernice when she originally gave him grieve about violating the rules?)

    Meanwhile, Gunther, intent on his idea that Bernice is the best match for him because they are both academically inclined, totally missed Bernice’s increasing distress over Piro and Tiffany (even though B brought up Tiffany), and he actually thinks Bern will now be ready for coffee and talk about dating Gunther…

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    luann1212  almost 9 years ago

    Not even going to try to figure this out yet, but I can predict we will soon see Tiffany, and will she have an explanation why she is apparently letting Piro “crash” in her room. The one who might be surprised about this is Bernice, not Gunther. I think some feel sorry for Tiffany, and Gunther was/is very kind to her, and she needs it. She is vulnerable around him; that being said there is not really a romantic relationship between those two. There might be one of wishfulness between Bernice and Piro, because he fascinates her as he violates all her ideas about what should be; he does not seem to care or notice. Gunther really wants to be with Bernice, but Bernice does not have a clue. Conundrum city, and I just violated what I said in sentence one: I would not try to figure this out. And I keep saying Rosa will come back to confuse things even further. All the characters will return anyway gradually as we get closer to the wedding. Shoot there I go again, figuring and predicting (lol).

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  9. Nathalie choux black sheep 2
    SactoSylvia  almost 9 years ago

    So Piro doesn’t feel compelled to take care of or return stuff he borrows from his friends? On top of crashing wherever without a second thought for whoever he crashed with? He’s looking less and less attractive…

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    Airman  almost 9 years ago

    Just a slight distraction for Gunther, he’s eagerly anticipating his coffee date with Bernice. Definitely a bland diet sort of guy.

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    JayBluE  almost 9 years ago

    “Hair Extensions”“That Sinking Feeling”“A Very Cold Case”“Hung Up On a Wrong Number”“Objects Are Even Further Away Than They Appear”“Happiness Is A Cup Of Schmoe” (♫)“A Mufflered Punt”

    “Love, Siberian Style” “Misgivings And Mistakings”“Not The Droids She Was Looking For”or“You’ve Got The Wrong One, Baby!…” (♪)

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  12. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  almost 9 years ago

    “Looks like Piro had breakfast at Tiffany’s…”How did you get to be the first one to think of that?

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    Ruth Brown  almost 9 years ago

    Nice try of affecting the dropped handkerchief and explain why she has been wearing the scarf. But it failed. She did use the word “crashed” in explaining what he was really doing at Tiffany’s. Truth comes out. Gunther does not seem interested in Tiffany and Piro is not a competitor for Bernice in his mind. Of course, Bernice is not ready to talk about New York or anything pleasant.

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    Dreamdeer  almost 9 years ago

    Why not match the gal who doesn’t listen with the guy who doesn’t talk?

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    kenhense  almost 9 years ago

    So Gunther’s already saying, “So much for Piro, how about me?”. He’s a day early and a dollar short…

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    Aqsnt  almost 9 years ago

    Poor Tiff ! What’s Pyro borrowed from her and given to someone else.

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    bellicosecello  almost 9 years ago

    Hmm. A few ways this can go.

    Bern can use her RA powers to get Tiff in big trouble, possibly even turfed from her campus digs, for “rule-breaking,” even though she has no proof Piro has crashed at Tiff’s that day or any other day.

    Bern will round on Gunther for not “claiming” Tiffany like she told him to and possibly blow up at him, prompting him to blurt that he’s interested in her.

    The above scenario will happen with Gunther throwing in some gratuitous insults about Tiff that she will overhear and proceed to feel like crap about herself.

    This strip cleared a few things up for me that I wasn’t sure about: Piro has no interest in Bernice. He probably views her as a sort of wet-blanket busybody who talks too much. Gunther has no interest really in Tiffany. And Bern is a dimwit.

    OK, I was pretty sure about that last one.

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    Aibohphobia  almost 9 years ago

    Hair’s scarf!!!! Hilarious!

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    Peabody429  almost 9 years ago

    I’m sure that scarf needs to be fumigated. Tomorrow’s strip: Bern’s lice.

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  20. Charlie
    flowerladytoo  almost 9 years ago

    Piro gives me the creeps. Even more so than Mr Gray. There is something really strange about that guy….

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    OneTime59  almost 9 years ago

    An unpredicted, surprise twist.

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    dlkrueger33  almost 9 years ago

    Piro is not attractive in any way. He looks dirty….he looks like a total loser. I doubt Tiffany would hook up with him and surprised that Bernice is interested in him. We need some new male characters to be introduced here. How about, Aaron Hill returns and is interested in BERNICE? That could be interesting!

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  23. Gocomics icon
    reedkomicks Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Is Quill sorry? Is he sad? I’d like to see more of what happens with him.

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    reedkomicks Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    “Hair”? Ick…

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    cabalonrye  almost 9 years ago

    Piro is gay, just like Prudence.

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    31768  almost 9 years ago

    well, Piro is a member of the surprise committee.along with Hair(tiff) Pru(ne) and Hitch(mr. gray)

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    31768  almost 9 years ago

    and of course, Les(lie) too. all they do is surprise everybody!

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Just reading now, but here is a thought. Tiffany’s father is involved w Moony Uni, so what if Tiff is not the only family member there. What if Piro is a stepbrother, halfbrother, or cousin, or perhaps related to her best friend, Crystal?

    Not being concerned about borrowed items is a characteristic that i have seen more in people who have never had to worry about money so they do not relate. Of course, Hair might also or alternatively be in that position or might hate the scarf with Piro knowing that aspect so the loan might be long term.

    The scarf lengthened today.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    BTW, is the only statement that Piro is not a student from Bernice? She would only know for sure for students on her section of the hall…

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    LadyJessica  almost 9 years ago

    Maybe he crashes in Tiffany’s room because she doesn’t ask so many QUESTIONS.

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  31. Littloopy
    A R V reader  almost 9 years ago

    Good one

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Also, didn’t Piro participate in the drum circle? If so, not all noises bother him.

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    King_Shark  almost 9 years ago

    He came out of Tiff’s room later?Later after what?

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    Mordock999 Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Well, THIS is interesting: Creepy Piro went BACK to Tiffany’s room. She must be actually ALLOWING the Creep to get some “Sleep.”

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  35. Rosie2
    Schrodinger's Dog  almost 9 years ago

    I don’t think Gunther is going to get his “cuppa”.

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  36. Large 59 caddy
    Outsideplaying  almost 9 years ago

    Piro’s not the only one that ‘crashed’. Bernice’s hopes just did too.

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    Airman  almost 9 years ago

    Somehow I feel all this is getting frustrating and boring at the same time. Been there, done that.

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  38. Slavegirl
    Luanaphile  almost 9 years ago

    I am surprised that Piro is continuing to crash at Tiffany’s suite. I had chalked it up to Bernice’s paranoia. I continue to doubt that this is a romantic connection however, which would be poorly motivated. Tiffany gets off on being a “bad girl” and Piro obviously get free room, and perhaps, board.

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    james28602  almost 9 years ago

    yep, the angle continues… Gun moves foward, Bernie is confounded and Tiff will remain out of the picture until she see’s her “study buddy” preoccupied by Bernie, meanwhile Piro is self absorbed into doing whatever, where-ever (from the clothes and styles, we can assume he’s not a bum, but for whatever reason he prefers the gypsy lifestyle… perhaps he doesn’t like to be too approachable?) at any rate, I doubt he realizes Bernie is crushing hard on him.

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  40. Slavegirl
    Luanaphile  almost 9 years ago

    Do Lesbians threaten you, rick? Your comment is so 10 years ago, my friend..

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  41. Groucho
    dougsathome  almost 9 years ago

    Bernice’s hopes crash; Gunther’s hopes rise.

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  42. Jem character raya large 570x420
    cubswin2016  almost 9 years ago

    Bernice isn’t very observant.

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    VintageBarbie  almost 9 years ago

    I miss Quill. He changed too abruptly. Hope he comes back!

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    BigJEOD  almost 9 years ago

    Piro is a leech and expects everyone to just go along with him even though he has no home or job. If someone turns him away he copes by feeling like the world has let him down. Hey kid, how about taking responsibility for your self and not being such a pain in everyone’s butt.

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    tnerb0891  almost 9 years ago

    I get the feeling that Pirouette is not even a student at the college. He is just couch hopping around. Bernice should look into what room he should be in.

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    Vorticia  almost 9 years ago

    Well, despite original ownership, Piro still is the one who left it… Weird. Guth…cool it.

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    PRINCEVAL42  almost 9 years ago

    People wanting Aaron Hill to return—-he is busy in the spring and summer playing major league baseball, at the mooment in spring training with the Milwaukee Brewers. He is a life time .268 hitter as an infileder, first with Toronto, then Arizona, now in Milwaukee. As a middle infielder he has a history of injuries, but fields well and hits well enough to hang on. He has no time to deal with Luann.

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  48. Slavegirl
    Luanaphile  almost 9 years ago

    I hope there is more to Piro’s story than being a free-lance moocher.

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    SO ready for that cuppa!

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  50. Slavegirl
    Luanaphile  almost 9 years ago

    “That’s “GRIEF”! “Grieve” is a verb. Duh”

    You forgot to place punctuation after “Duh”.

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    38lowell  almost 9 years ago
    He’s got another scarf, too.
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  52. Tulips
    locake  almost 9 years ago

    Isn’t Piro curious what they were saying about him? He was close enough to hear his name mentioned twice.

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  53. Tulips
    locake  almost 9 years ago

    If Piro borrowed something he needs to return it. He doesn’t seem to care at all that he keeps losing things that belong to other people.

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  54. Large bouquet
    Mema Jean  almost 9 years ago

    Bernice needs to do her job and stop these sleepovers. Is Piro even a student?

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    NG, i think a more common problem than all the heterosexual women going for “bad boys” or rich men, and all the heterosexual men going for “sex pots” or “stereotype embracers” is simply that people tend to not know how to meet each other or do it in the wrong way to last. An example was Johnny Carson who met women through parties and lavish dating lifestyle but in private perferred a sedate lifestyle, time on telescopes, etc. If he had met women by donating time at planetariums he would have had a chance to meet women who did not rapidly tire of him once he was no longer putting on his dating act because they woukd have had more interests in common. Back when i was single i consistently found that donating time to charities which interested me was also a wonderful way to meet great men to date. Being able to talk together about mutual interests decade after decade absolutely rocks.

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  56. Other7 brush
    Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr   almost 9 years ago

    Hair ‘s scarf?But we’ve never seen him wearing more than jeans and a t-shirt even as the rest of the cast are dressed in layers.

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    JimT8  almost 9 years ago

    Nobody seems to have noticed that Piro may have done Gunther and Bernice a big favor, by assuming that they are a couple which he shouldn’t bother, or come between. Bernice may not realize this, but Piro’s just striding off will have given her something to think about. If she brings it up over coffee with Gunther, he has an opening—if he can get the guts to say loud and clear—that he wishes they were.

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  58. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  almost 9 years ago

    Bernice used to like Gunther, and they kissed, but, when Luann found out, she stole Gunther, I wonder if Bern will “remind” him about that.

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  59. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  almost 9 years ago

    Here is some news for you, in the real world some women, too many women like the “bad man” but never think it will hurt them. While us “good guys” get left in the dust.

    ^TELL me about it! :s

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  60. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  almost 9 years ago

    Until Bernice finds out that’s he’s really “Sirius”?

    Good one!

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  61. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  almost 9 years ago


    I thought wild, hungry dingoes were the preferred method…

    ^MPQ wanted a “cute” death and koalas are cuter than dingoes!

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  62. Rosie2
    Schrodinger's Dog  almost 9 years ago

    until he “borrowed” someone else’s scarf.Guess Piro has a sensitive neck condition.Like Eastwood in “Hang ’em High”.

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    Argy.Bargy2  almost 9 years ago

    -Real mystery isn’t glamour, it’s just mystery. Like the mystery of why someone who is book smart like Bernice would fantasize about a guy who she knows next to nothing about. <p

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  64. Slavegirl
    Luanaphile  almost 9 years ago

    “Compulsive Grammarian games”

    Hardly, Night-Gaunt. My “cheap trick” was the very point I was trying to get across by making an absurd correction. But just to be VERY clear, I can’t STAND it when people correct others’ usage or spelling, particularly when the meaning is perfectly clear. Okay, I am calmer now.

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  65. Slavegirl
    Luanaphile  almost 9 years ago

    See comment to Night-Gaunt.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Brd, unless Quill goes to NE Africa (if my memory serves) he is as unlikely to encounter naked mole rats as he is to encounter — let’s go w a color theme instead of same location — pink fairy armadillos (which i think are gorgeous…).

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    er’s going to find he’s a radio station with low ratings…

    …Until Bernice finds out that’s he’s really “Sirius”?End quotes

    So, Quill thought he was the star when actually he is only the roomie of a triple star?

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  68. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  almost 9 years ago

    Maybe that addition of a vowel is a linguistic change. Just today I saw a McDonald’s sign that read: “Catcha ilet of fish.” [sic]. *This is not what I imagined. Figured Bern & Piro would walk off together, leaving Gunther weeping, to be consoled by his buddy Tiff. And magic awakens! But not so. Instead, Bern needs the consolation.

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  69. Ligand1
    RSH  almost 9 years ago

    Round two, score for Gunther. *Piro’s demeanor is always the same… very low key.. never a smile… His moods, likes and dislikes seem mostly unknown. It is hard to know who or what he likes (or doesn’t).. except silence and silent movies.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    LOL, in Luanniverse, anything is possible

    Oh, i want to go there and start running so fast that my feet no longer touch down and i fly!

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    HAL69  almost 9 years ago

    Whether be the 1995 song by Deep Blue Something, or the movie starring Audrey Hepburn…good call! (applauds)

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  72. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco  almost 9 years ago

    8Interesting and unexpected twists abound yesterday and today! Very interesting. I am looking forward to seeing if there is more to the Hair connection as well as how Tiffany responds!Just a brief question due to my being on less often the last few days:I have been a bit more sporadic on the board the last few days, so I did not really notice until today, but it appears that Implausible is gone? I am not trying to get everyone riled up, but was curious if anyone had a brief way to state what happened. It seemed like people were all getting along the last time I was really focusing on things.

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  73. Ligand1
    RSH  almost 9 years ago

    The reply mechanism doesn’t seem to work*Argy, my use of the word ‘score’ for Gunther reflected the fact that nothing positive for Bern came out of her encounter with Piro and Gunther, who now clearly knows that she is attracted, saw that. Given Piro’s continued involvement w/ Tiffany, he saw the coast clear (perhaps) for being w/ Bern. Though now her mood will be a bit ‘black’ as a result.

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  74. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 9 years ago

    It’s hard to say who’s more oblivious: Bernie, Piro, or Gunny!What a tangled web!

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  75. Global warming
    Maizing  almost 9 years ago

    I always find this claim baffling because all of the truly nice guys that I have known are married or in a serious relationship.…but maybe the men who believe this trope are just not looking in the right places, or are not interested in the type of women who actually do want nice guys.

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    RolloTheGrouch  almost 9 years ago

    I wonder what happened to Bernice’s RA job. Not long ago she was checking every room every night for open windows, visitors after 10 PM, etc. Now she doesn’t notice Piro apparently crashing at Tiffany’s “again!” until Gunther points it out.Guess the RA job went down the Luanniverse memory hole, never to be seen or heard from again.

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    Woodstockius  almost 9 years ago

    He loves her…, but she loves him… and he loves somebody else (probably himself)… you just can’t win…

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    OH, gads! Gunther as a future Doctor Who, and, Brd, you ACED it! (Yes, a Who pun. Ace would really scare Gunther.)

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    Julius Marold Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Okay, Bernice was wrong about Quill and Pru and Luann, and now she’s wrong about Gunther, Tiffany and Piro (not necessarily in that order). Poor girl is confused. Maybe she should have a talk with Greg Evans and find out what’s going on. Maybe we all should.

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    Willow Mt Lyon  almost 9 years ago

    My memory of my high school days is that the good guys were more difficult to approach because they didn’t assert themselves enough when it came to girls. That guy from across the room who wrote in my yearbook that I was the best looking girl in class is one I would have loved to date, but before then, I never saw him because he sat in the back corner of the room and never participated in classroom discussion. At our 20th reunion he said to me, “We were friends.” That was the first time he ever spoke to me.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Brd, that is hilarious! Aren’t you glad i did not mention Leela? Gunther would not know whether to flee or follow her home.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Brd, perfect encounter btwn Gunther and Leela!

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    Argythree  almost 9 years ago


    And Bernice begins to sink under waves of depression…

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Hoping Sallymargaret is okay. She has been missing from the comments section for a bit.

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    Beettlebooger   almost 9 years ago

    Piro is the only acting cool!

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