The dialog in panel 2 was a little hard to follow, given the way it was presented. But then it would look strange to make a 4 panel strip to convey the minimalist plot development shown here. In fact today’s strip is almost superfluous. We all could have predicted this part without much help. (sigh) Maybe tomorrow…
And Good on You for demonstrating the NEW upcoming social distancing mandate that will now specifiy being 12 feet away from ANYBODY that hasn’t assumed room temperature.
Interesting that Luann spilled her gut to Jack about Bernice’s brother Ben. Now “WHY” would that subject come up?
Maybe Jack’s running into Bernice was no “accident.”
Maybe Luann told Jack that Bernice was heading to her parents home and told Jack to jog down that street.
Maybe Luann planned to put these two together. You know, kinda, sorta like she did with Bets and Gun?
Maybe Luann wanted to get both of her friends out of her hair for awhile.
Maybe Bern should keep off the grass.
Maybe I should get ready for My first security briefing. :)
I think by asking Jack if she is weird is a question based on trying to figure out why she feels the way she does about meeting her brother. I have said it makes no sense in the context of the story as it’s been told, but clearly it’s important to the development of Bernice as a character and incidentally it might help explain more about the developments surrounding Ben. I think it’s nice he is sensitively trying to help her and maybe it might. Bernice is always the hopeless fail in acting on her erotic dare I say, romantic desires, including picking the most unattainable targets, but I think Jack is attainable. Or just friendzone. Time will tell.
“Yes. You’re neurotic, overthink the most basic and minor of details of something that doesn’t matter, have serious control issues, and clearly have some form of neuroatypical issue going on that you really should really talk to a professional about.”
While I can see the need for someone off-camera to get Jack up to speed re the Ben situation it seems awfully weird for Luann to tell Jack about Bernice’s problem especially since it seems doubtful that Luann has learned how adverse Bernice is about seeing Ben.
And since this is likely the morning after the night of last week when would Luann have had time to run into Jack and share all this gossip with him. Did Luann run right over to the Animal Shelter that morning to fill Jack in on all this. And then how did Jack just happen to run into Bernice. Did Bernice tell Luann she was going over there so Luann asked Jack to accidentally run into her knowing that Bernice would wimp out? That’s a lot of story to leave on the cutting room floor. It smells to high heaven of Karen cutting corners on logic and continuity to make all this happen the way it is.
When did Luann tell Jack about Ben? The fact Jack jumped to that being the cause of the unease means it was recent. (If, in some conversation weeks ago, Luann had mentioned, “Oh, my friend Bernice has an older brother who was adopted out.” It wouldn’t have been first idea in Jack’s head. I know it’s being done to speed up the plot line (and for which I’m grateful), but it makes Luann a gossipy busybody, calling mutual acquaintances with, “Bern is acting weird because her brother’s back.”
Well let’s not forget the forever rude and bumbling Luann. Where does she get off talking to Jack about Bernice’s family issues? Karen made a bad call on writing it that way.
I hate it when someone asks you these kinds of questions! But Bernice is young and very insecure. So it’s nice that she asks Jack ♡ because it shows how she cares about his opinion ♡♡. Thanks to Jack’s question, Bernice is thinking about her brother again. I love when this is going ♡♡♡!
Let’s all focus on blaming all this on Luann now because no one here has ever talked about mutual friends with each other outside of their presence. That would make them “rude and bumbling”.
However that would NEVER happen here because all of us are so PERFECT.
I’m in favor of masks and we wear ours when it’s appropriate. We also do not touch our faces when wearing them as so many politicians do! That defeats the purpose! We also plan to use masks in the future during cold and flu season even if no deadly virus is on the loose. This, too, shall pass! Once the election is decided we will find answers and solutions no matter who gets in the White House.
I’m sidestepping a couple of potentially loaded board topics just to say I think it’s highly unlikely that even a musclebound guy like Jack would wear a t-shirt that outlines every single ripple of his six pack. Other than superhero costumes I’ve literally never seen a male outfit that clingy. Unless this is the artist’s way of suggesting Jack is the Superman of this strip…
I wonder how much detail Luann gave Jack about Ben and Bernice. Seems Jack is willing to listen. His answer to her question will be interesting, since she was sitting behind a trash bin. Except for their conversation in the dog park, Bernice has been tongue tied around Jack and kind of acting weird each time.Also interesting is the social distancing.
That is a terrible question to ask of anyone. What is Jack supposed to say? Of course he can’t say that he thinks she is weird so why does she even ask? Now Jack knows for sure how neurotic Bernice is.
Posted this above as a reply to someone else’s comment, but I’ll put it up again as a stand alone.
Sorry, but when Jack said “Luann told me about him,” that may have taken place well before Ben came to Luann’s house looking for Bern. Maybe Lu just told Jack,
“Yeah Bernice is staying at my house for a while cause her brother Ben is in town and needs a place to stay. Bern didn’t even know she had a brother until a few years ago. He’s a really great guy, he and I emailed each other for a while, and……..etc, etc, etc.”
But noooooooo! All you people assume is “Bigmouth Luann! She blabbed! Spilled personal information! Doesn’t know when to keep her mouth shut! Hate, hate, HATE Luann!”
Sometimes I think G&K should remove her character from the strip, but then who would you people have to dump on?
I just joined a new gym, and I swear Jack was the associate who gave me the tour! Even down to the little sprinkle of stubby chest hair peeking out of his shirt in some closeups.
I didn’t tell him, though. Thought that might’ve been awkward.
I think, from what I’ve seen, if you want an honest answer, ask Jack. He does not strike me as the type who would be brutal as he was being honest. He’ll temper whatever criticism he may have with kindness. And now, I don’t think Bern is being weird. I think she’s in emotional crisis, and coping as best she can. Talking to Jack, who is a supportive person in her life, is probably the best thing she can do.
Remember…Jack took the goldfish to Luann’s house because he knew that Bernice moved in there. So I’m sure he knows the whole story about Ben. Luann has shared the story about talking to Ben that day at her house with Jack.
Bern is disappearing… Thanos joined the strip? I don’t think it’s too strange that Luann mentioned Ben to Jack…after all, why else would Bern be living with the DeGroots? Duh!
Templo S.U.D. over 4 years ago
this conversation sure is getting into more deep water
beb01 over 4 years ago
Is she weird? She is walking on a neighbor’s yard instead of the sidewalk next to Jack. So, right now? Definitely weird.
Tyge over 4 years ago
Is this a trick question?
Tyge over 4 years ago
The dialog in panel 2 was a little hard to follow, given the way it was presented. But then it would look strange to make a 4 panel strip to convey the minimalist plot development shown here. In fact today’s strip is almost superfluous. We all could have predicted this part without much help. (sigh) Maybe tomorrow…
Cheapskate0 over 4 years ago
Luann. Figures. Whatever you do, don’t share a secret with Luann.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 4 years ago
You, Bernice?
“Weird?” Naaaaaaah.
And Good on You for demonstrating the NEW upcoming social distancing mandate that will now specifiy being 12 feet away from ANYBODY that hasn’t assumed room temperature.
Interesting that Luann spilled her gut to Jack about Bernice’s brother Ben. Now “WHY” would that subject come up?
Maybe Jack’s running into Bernice was no “accident.”
Maybe Luann told Jack that Bernice was heading to her parents home and told Jack to jog down that street.
Maybe Luann planned to put these two together. You know, kinda, sorta like she did with Bets and Gun?
Maybe Luann wanted to get both of her friends out of her hair for awhile.
Maybe Bern should keep off the grass.
Maybe I should get ready for My first security briefing. :)
Joe1962 over 4 years ago
She is weird.
capricorn9th over 4 years ago
What ya doing, Bern, disappearing outside of the frame?
Brdshtt Premium Member over 4 years ago
My wife always said I was weird. She said that was one of the reasons she married me. Still crazy after all these years (30+)… :)
Ahuehuete over 4 years ago
Bern, your picture is in the dictionary next to the entry for “weird”
SHIVA over 4 years ago
Maybe it will be the start of an epiphany for Bernice.
luann1212 over 4 years ago
I think by asking Jack if she is weird is a question based on trying to figure out why she feels the way she does about meeting her brother. I have said it makes no sense in the context of the story as it’s been told, but clearly it’s important to the development of Bernice as a character and incidentally it might help explain more about the developments surrounding Ben. I think it’s nice he is sensitively trying to help her and maybe it might. Bernice is always the hopeless fail in acting on her erotic dare I say, romantic desires, including picking the most unattainable targets, but I think Jack is attainable. Or just friendzone. Time will tell.
Arbitrary over 4 years ago
“Yes. You’re neurotic, overthink the most basic and minor of details of something that doesn’t matter, have serious control issues, and clearly have some form of neuroatypical issue going on that you really should really talk to a professional about.”
Caldonia over 4 years ago
What a kind thing to say, Jack. (sarcasm) I can’t wait till you get all sensitive and give Bernice the perfect Mary Worth-like advice.
Airman over 4 years ago
Luann is walking on the grass where dogs usually walk. Let’s hope that the owners have picked up if their pups pooped.
trantor0815 over 4 years ago
Bernice, know Cpt. Obvious?
Faith :) over 4 years ago
Hopefully this leads somewhere… I see a bit of myself in Bernice
GovernmentCheese over 4 years ago
Yes Bern, you are weird and you need therapy; you judge everyone so let’s judge you.
beb01 over 4 years ago
While I can see the need for someone off-camera to get Jack up to speed re the Ben situation it seems awfully weird for Luann to tell Jack about Bernice’s problem especially since it seems doubtful that Luann has learned how adverse Bernice is about seeing Ben.
And since this is likely the morning after the night of last week when would Luann have had time to run into Jack and share all this gossip with him. Did Luann run right over to the Animal Shelter that morning to fill Jack in on all this. And then how did Jack just happen to run into Bernice. Did Bernice tell Luann she was going over there so Luann asked Jack to accidentally run into her knowing that Bernice would wimp out? That’s a lot of story to leave on the cutting room floor. It smells to high heaven of Karen cutting corners on logic and continuity to make all this happen the way it is.
Troglodyte over 4 years ago
Even though they aren’t wearing masks, the social distancing is there for sure! :D
Mr. Organization over 4 years ago
I wondered ‘Why are they walking so far apart in panel 2?’ Then I remembered some comics are incorporating COVID best practices in their stories.
WilliamVollmer over 4 years ago
Leave it alone Jack. It’s a loaded question. There a few, if any, answers that won’t dig you a deep hole.
Major Matt Mason Premium Member over 4 years ago
Weird, but cute. :)
ForrestOverin over 4 years ago
Talk about a ‘softball question’!!!
well-i-never over 4 years ago
Small sidewalk.
cabalonrye over 4 years ago
It is nice to have cartoon characters having real life reactions and problems.
mjb515 over 4 years ago
Yes she does, Jack. You.
dlkrueger33 over 4 years ago
Forget Bernice. Even after all this time, I cannot get around the fact that Jack looks like Wile E. Coyote dropped an anvil on his head!
preacherman Premium Member over 4 years ago
I think she’s weird pretty much all the time, but she’s also cute enough to get away with it.
Lawrence.S over 4 years ago
When did Luann tell Jack about Ben? The fact Jack jumped to that being the cause of the unease means it was recent. (If, in some conversation weeks ago, Luann had mentioned, “Oh, my friend Bernice has an older brother who was adopted out.” It wouldn’t have been first idea in Jack’s head. I know it’s being done to speed up the plot line (and for which I’m grateful), but it makes Luann a gossipy busybody, calling mutual acquaintances with, “Bern is acting weird because her brother’s back.”
Ellis97 over 4 years ago
So much for making a move.
Tyge over 4 years ago
This arc is falling apart. The Bernice character seems to be having a mental breakdown.
♬Goodbye Ben.♬
♬Goodbye Jack.♬
♬Is there anybody out there?♬ — Pink Floyd
comic reader 22 over 4 years ago
Well let’s not forget the forever rude and bumbling Luann. Where does she get off talking to Jack about Bernice’s family issues? Karen made a bad call on writing it that way.
Call me Ishmael over 4 years ago
She’s out standing in her field.
Aladar30 Premium Member over 4 years ago
I hate it when someone asks you these kinds of questions! But Bernice is young and very insecure. So it’s nice that she asks Jack ♡ because it shows how she cares about his opinion ♡♡. Thanks to Jack’s question, Bernice is thinking about her brother again. I love when this is going ♡♡♡!
DaveQuinn over 4 years ago
It is the 6 foot distancing.
Terminal Frost Premium Member over 4 years ago
Let’s all focus on blaming all this on Luann now because no one here has ever talked about mutual friends with each other outside of their presence. That would make them “rude and bumbling”.
However that would NEVER happen here because all of us are so PERFECT.
artheaded1 over 4 years ago
Edging out of the frame? No, not weird at all.
eladee AKA Wally over 4 years ago
I’m in favor of masks and we wear ours when it’s appropriate. We also do not touch our faces when wearing them as so many politicians do! That defeats the purpose! We also plan to use masks in the future during cold and flu season even if no deadly virus is on the loose. This, too, shall pass! Once the election is decided we will find answers and solutions no matter who gets in the White House.
kauri44 over 4 years ago
I’m sidestepping a couple of potentially loaded board topics just to say I think it’s highly unlikely that even a musclebound guy like Jack would wear a t-shirt that outlines every single ripple of his six pack. Other than superhero costumes I’ve literally never seen a male outfit that clingy. Unless this is the artist’s way of suggesting Jack is the Superman of this strip…
YankeeFan56 over 4 years ago
Yes Jack, she DOES have something big on her mind, but it’s not very big at the moment…..
Sisyphos over 4 years ago
What? Bernie, weird?
Well, yes.
—But not necessarily in a bad way….
6foot6 over 4 years ago
I can understands jack question. She has been acting all kinds of weird since he walked up to her. Otherwise, she’s just awkward more than weird.
petermerck over 4 years ago
She’s just a little confused. Wondering about her brother and jumping Jack (s).
MuddyUSA Premium Member over 4 years ago
Bernice, bad timing in asking that question NOW!
raybarb44 over 4 years ago
For starts….
Code the Enforcer over 4 years ago
Interesting that Jack is now a sounding board for Bernice. I like this, and him as a character! :)
Cincoflex over 4 years ago
Not weird; flustered.
ndblackirish97 over 4 years ago
Nice one, Jack. LOL
Imhungry over 4 years ago
I don’t know… maybe Bernice does have something big on her mind.
donwestonmysteries over 4 years ago
Well, you’re walking in the grass instead of the sidewalk, so . . .
YorkGirl Premium Member over 4 years ago
I wonder how much detail Luann gave Jack about Ben and Bernice. Seems Jack is willing to listen. His answer to her question will be interesting, since she was sitting behind a trash bin. Except for their conversation in the dog park, Bernice has been tongue tied around Jack and kind of acting weird each time.Also interesting is the social distancing.
locake over 4 years ago
That is a terrible question to ask of anyone. What is Jack supposed to say? Of course he can’t say that he thinks she is weird so why does she even ask? Now Jack knows for sure how neurotic Bernice is.
b95954297b48a54fcff8fddbcdef6b2f over 4 years ago
Going back to that bulge again are we.
wantcomicsnow over 4 years ago
Posted this above as a reply to someone else’s comment, but I’ll put it up again as a stand alone.
Sorry, but when Jack said “Luann told me about him,” that may have taken place well before Ben came to Luann’s house looking for Bern. Maybe Lu just told Jack,“Yeah Bernice is staying at my house for a while cause her brother Ben is in town and needs a place to stay. Bern didn’t even know she had a brother until a few years ago. He’s a really great guy, he and I emailed each other for a while, and……..etc, etc, etc.”
But noooooooo! All you people assume is “Bigmouth Luann! She blabbed! Spilled personal information! Doesn’t know when to keep her mouth shut! Hate, hate, HATE Luann!”
Sometimes I think G&K should remove her character from the strip, but then who would you people have to dump on?
DrewJansen over 4 years ago
I just joined a new gym, and I swear Jack was the associate who gave me the tour! Even down to the little sprinkle of stubby chest hair peeking out of his shirt in some closeups.
I didn’t tell him, though. Thought that might’ve been awkward.
circleM over 4 years ago
She does have something ‘big’ on her mind.
Lightpainter over 4 years ago
Everyone is weird, Bernice.
asrialfeeple over 4 years ago
The weirdest people are the best, Bernice.
enigma over 4 years ago
Socially-distanced stroll…
Natarose over 4 years ago
Bern, you are not weird, you are unique. It i what makes you, you!
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 4 years ago
I’m not weird I am eccentric. Unusual not common.
PhoenixHocking over 4 years ago
I think, from what I’ve seen, if you want an honest answer, ask Jack. He does not strike me as the type who would be brutal as he was being honest. He’ll temper whatever criticism he may have with kindness. And now, I don’t think Bern is being weird. I think she’s in emotional crisis, and coping as best she can. Talking to Jack, who is a supportive person in her life, is probably the best thing she can do.
bakana over 4 years ago
Everyone in this world is Weird except Thee & Me.
And, sometimes, I think Thou art, a little.
tutibug5 over 4 years ago
Remember…Jack took the goldfish to Luann’s house because he knew that Bernice moved in there. So I’m sure he knows the whole story about Ben. Luann has shared the story about talking to Ben that day at her house with Jack.
HaulinOates82 over 4 years ago
Yes, Bernice, you’re weird. You’re judgmental, rigid, miserable, and a busybody. Don’t become a counselor.
kittysquared Premium Member over 4 years ago
Bern is disappearing… Thanos joined the strip? I don’t think it’s too strange that Luann mentioned Ben to Jack…after all, why else would Bern be living with the DeGroots? Duh!
chain gang charlie over 4 years ago
Oh well, I guess following this crud Is better than election results….…
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 4 years ago
“Off and on. On mostly. But that’s good.”
nisedc over 4 years ago
Yes, Bernice, you are. But in a good way.