Why is Dez so keen to get Tiffany back into the dorms? So she’s touting an environment with Tiffany, Dez, Stefani Bird and one other. I hardly think the other will be a new character, but you never can tell. Dez almost makes it sound as if Kip Lee will be the fourth denizen!!! Could happen, I guess. But… REALLY!?!?
Wow, Tiff, your arm was ever so lightly twisted and you gave in…for the Kip, of course. Hasn’t it occurred to you that with 4 roomies, Stef would rather stay in Kip’s room which is likely a twofer. I lived in a quad once and our room was a gathering place and we hosted several parties. All kinds of students stopped by all night long. Some came in for a chat. Some came in bringing problems to us. Some came in to gossip. Some came in to watch TV – we had a big screen and a rented sectional sofa which was better than the floor tv lounge. We had some students crash our big sofa. and raid our mini[fridge. What memories. The point is one of my quad roomies had a boyfriend and SHE stayed in his room the whole year. She only came to our room when we had parties or to say hi, She wanted privacy.
Despite Tiff’s more ill-intended reason, I think moving back into the dorms might be good for her. Granted, she does seem to be doing better in class now that she’s home and it was probably wonderful to settle back in and de-Eiffel it, but she’s obviously lonely and her Dad doesn’t seem to want to commit to re-bonding at the moment after the whole ordeal.
Plus, when she lived in the dorms, she was always struggling with her evil almost-step-mother ruining her life in the back of her mind, and while she’s a social person on her own, a good amount of her actions at the dorm were driven by the stress Ann caused her. Maybe this’ll be a chance to see how she adapts to college campus life without such a dark cloud hanging over her.
Don’t put yourself out, Tiff. If you are lucky, you will be like me. Today, August 19th, is my 31st wedding anniversary. Hoping for at least that many more!
I really love Dez! Her gaze on Tiffany in the first panel is that of a satisfied person who knows to have achieved the result she hoped. Tiffany will be Dez’s roommate!!!! HOORAY!!! She will definitely try to break the relationship between Stefi and Kip and it will probably be a source of bad situations. But knowing Dez, she will find a way to minimize the harm and guide her through a path to becoming better than this.
And once again, a VAST Luanniverse character is Easily talked into doing something, by somebody else.
I’m amazed that ALL of these kids haven’t wound up with a deed to the Golden Gate Bridge, from some huckster by now.
Nice going Dez. Unless Tom Farrell has epic security at his soon to be empty mansion, he’s going to return home to find that either squatters have moved in.
Or some ease-dropping, enterprising Hall A denizen has turned the Farrell mansion into a 21st Century “Animal House,” behind Tiff’s back.
Oh, and Tiff? The Quad Dorm Room having its own bathroom means you STILL have to share it “communal-like” with three other people.
What’s the endgame here, Dez? Trying to break up Stef and Kip? Watching Tiff get rejected by Kip? Cat fight between Tiff and Stef? I’m not complaining, I just wanna be in on the plan.
Didn’t Tiff move out of the dorm because she couldn’t afford it? Or was that only because Ann Eiffel got her dad to cut her off? I must have missed how Tiff’s family finances turned out after Ann got evicted.
Tiff was basically lonely – she only needed a little coaxing to make her way back into society…the possibility of “bumping into” Kip was only an added bonus.
Dez knows Tiffany needs people around and friends. She is playing devil’s advocate here, pointing out the benefits of the quad countered with the mansion. Tiffany seems to be sliding back into her old character after seeming to mature over the summer. Wonder who the fourth roomie will be? Someone new or an old “friend”? ;-)
Looking a yesterday’s strip, it seems Dez and Stefani got the quad. It’s ambiguous whether Kip is in there or not. So Tiff would be the fourth? If Kip isn’t the third, I’d go with Bernice. That really would be interesting. Being so close to Kip, maybe the attraction would wear off?
Ok, lets move past the mansion being a new dorm; while Dad’s not there often I’m certain he won’t want a bunch of college kids treating it like Delta House. Tiff might be able to host a party or two there but not the Hall A gang…. move along, nothing to see there.
With Luanniverse seeming to be returning to the (two?) school milieu(s), this brings up an interesting quandary! What to do with Bernice?
Bernice has been ensconced in the DeGroot household for some time now. There have been several interesting story arcs operating out of that situation. One would expect that if the Tiff-Dez duo returns to class (i.e., Mooney) then so should Bernice return to that school. I seriously doubt that GnK would break up the highly successful BFF dyad for some new quad dorm room adventures. But then how would Bernice work into those Mooney U episodes and arcs?
ALSO! Has Luann completed her two-year stint at Pitts CC? And Jack also, for that matter? Quo vadis, Luann?
This arc is so far out and far off, we might as well be in Peru, in some village, with Rosa wondering about going back home and to school. She could be Tiffany’s next roommate.
Since Whiz yelled at me for being mean to Joe Namath yesterday late, a reply here.
I lived near the man 25 years ago. His walking speed then – a former pro athlete in his early 50s – was slower than my then 86 year old grandmother.
That is an observation about a specific person, not a criticism of older people, and was not intended as a criticism of older people or of Joe Namath.
The original thread, around Namath’s bad judgment re hitting on a female reporter on air, may be related to his overall physical condition. He seems to be in better mental shape than others in his football cohort who have full CTE, but my point here is that it’s very obvious that playing the game took a big bite out of him.
The physical toll of football, e.g. this kind of thing in far too early stages of life, CTE, etc. is becoming well understood. The game as an industry, coaches, players, and parents of young players are reacting to it and perhaps it’s going to improve conditions for subsequent generations.
Kip would be well advised to be very nice to Ox and the other linemen. Quarterbacks usually are.
If Bets is the fourth in the Quad then Kip and Gunther will be spending a lot of time there. Maybe a lot of time. Could make for some delicious jealousies to arise. Remember, Gunther has been Tiffany’s friend, but he sees himself as a protector. He warned her about Les back when he was a real “bad boy.” And Tiff said that she thought she could handle the “bad boy” types. Also recall that Kip himself seemed like he was toying with the idea of two-timing Stefi with Tiff. He could be set up as a new “bad boy” in Tiff’s life.
You live in a mansion, Tiff, not a manse. A manse is the house, adjacent to a church, where the minister and his family live. Or I should more properly say, “Hey, Greg and Karen, a manse is not a mansion. Ask any Protestant minister.”
Considering the last epic dorm parties we saw in this strip involved playing cards for jellybeans and group air-guitar sessions, we the readers probably shouldn’t get our hopes up. I’ve seen wilder behavior from Mormon missionaries (we see a lot of them in my hometown.)
So, it appears Tiffany will be in a 4 room quad. I was a commuter student so I don’t know much about dorm life, but this ought to be a rich storyline source. Everything from the mystery over who number 4 would be too competition over the hunky QB, Kip. With Dez as earth mother. So many stories, so little time.
people, people who need people are the luckiest people in the world. Glad Tiffany acknowledges that she needs people around. I like Dez. She is probably the kindest and wisest person in this strip. How about Bernice for the fourth roomy?
Tiffany rent the rooms at your Fathers house, like a dorm, frat house. you know like Animal house. Hey Greg here’s a new road to go down all kinds of crazy writing fun.
I’d rather see this than Tiff moping around her big old mansion, waiting for her father to love her. And really, isn’t that what she really wants? Just somebody to love her?
It’s been a very, VERY long time since I was in college, and I never lived in a dorm, but back in my day, the sexes were separated. They were at least on separate floors, if not separate buildings. Do they really allow the sexes to room together in the same room these days?
Dez and Stef are no dummies. They know that living with Tiffany will mean great food, parties, furniture, all of it paid for. Everyone wants to hang with someone who has money, it makes everything fun and easy….not so good for getting good grades, though.
So when is someone in the strip gonna mention how weird Tiffany’s outfit is for tanning? (since Tiff explicitly said on Saturday that that was her reason for being there.) I get that Karen Evans has some Puritan urge to keep the characters in as much clothing as humanly possible, but you kinda need a lot of skin exposed to the sun if you’re gonna get a decent tan.
I’m looking forward to campus arcs. Too bad Luann has nothing going for her. Not even a friend that wants her company. Dez is a friend – Bern should take lessons from her.
Don’t protest too much, Tiffany. You know you want it! Your interest in “kippling” guarantees that.
On a personal note, in the long ago, I spent my senior year in college in one of those quad-suites: two two-person bedrooms at either side and in between a semi-private bath (i.e., shared just by the four roomies) and large closet/storage area, plus the entry vestibule and commons living/activity space. As an added bonus, so to speak, my roommate had to leave school at end of the first semester, so for the second half of the school year I had a bedroom all to myself….
Joe Namath, in his recently released autobiography, revealed that he is an alcoholic. The episode with the reported on TV happened during one of his drinking bouts, and he said it may have saved his life by motivating him to get the help he needed. (‘All the Way, My Life in Four Quarters’)…
Templo S.U.D. over 3 years ago
wow, that was convincing
beb01 over 3 years ago
Nothing says “flunking out of college” quite like “Epic Parties.”
AnyFace over 3 years ago
Tyge over 3 years ago
Every willing to take one for the (football) team. 8^ )
Willow Mt Lyon over 3 years ago
There will still be fights over the bathroom.
lvlax over 3 years ago
Damn.. I wish I had a Manse. lol
alasko over 3 years ago
You won’t steal Kip Tif, dream on.
Rhetorical_Question over 3 years ago
Dez Master closer
Chocolate over 3 years ago
So Kip is one of the four roommates?
Tyge over 3 years ago
Why is Dez so keen to get Tiffany back into the dorms? So she’s touting an environment with Tiffany, Dez, Stefani Bird and one other. I hardly think the other will be a new character, but you never can tell. Dez almost makes it sound as if Kip Lee will be the fourth denizen!!! Could happen, I guess. But… REALLY!?!?
Rhetorical_Question over 3 years ago
Back to school!!!!!!
Tyge over 3 years ago
What make Dez think that Kip and Stef will love the arrangement?
capricorn9th over 3 years ago
Wow, Tiff, your arm was ever so lightly twisted and you gave in…for the Kip, of course. Hasn’t it occurred to you that with 4 roomies, Stef would rather stay in Kip’s room which is likely a twofer. I lived in a quad once and our room was a gathering place and we hosted several parties. All kinds of students stopped by all night long. Some came in for a chat. Some came in bringing problems to us. Some came in to gossip. Some came in to watch TV – we had a big screen and a rented sectional sofa which was better than the floor tv lounge. We had some students crash our big sofa. and raid our mini[fridge. What memories. The point is one of my quad roomies had a boyfriend and SHE stayed in his room the whole year. She only came to our room when we had parties or to say hi, She wanted privacy.
oldcomicsfan over 3 years ago
Instead of paying for a quad, why don’t they all just bunk in the Manse? Pool, tennis court, spacious bedrooms…….
Joe1962 over 3 years ago
Dez why are you so interested in getting Tif to the party dorms.
ImDaRealAni over 3 years ago
Is it worth going to a party in college? Or is it just a waste of time?
mangapackrat over 3 years ago
Despite Tiff’s more ill-intended reason, I think moving back into the dorms might be good for her. Granted, she does seem to be doing better in class now that she’s home and it was probably wonderful to settle back in and de-Eiffel it, but she’s obviously lonely and her Dad doesn’t seem to want to commit to re-bonding at the moment after the whole ordeal.
Plus, when she lived in the dorms, she was always struggling with her evil almost-step-mother ruining her life in the back of her mind, and while she’s a social person on her own, a good amount of her actions at the dorm were driven by the stress Ann caused her. Maybe this’ll be a chance to see how she adapts to college campus life without such a dark cloud hanging over her.
BabyBlue over 3 years ago
So Dez wants Tif as a roomie, KNOWING from the get-go that Tif’s primary motivation for moving in is the other girl’s bf. Nice friend.
jmarkoff2 over 3 years ago
“Communal toilets” makes me think of this image. https://www.deviantart.com/caligula97030/art/Hard-lesson03-564796857
kenhense over 3 years ago
Frame 2: A great shot of Tiffany’s processing machine.
ACTIVIST1234 over 3 years ago
How did Steffi and Dez ever become roomies anyway— opposites attract? And will Kippee be there too to round out the foursome?
Brdshtt Premium Member over 3 years ago
Don’t put yourself out, Tiff. If you are lucky, you will be like me. Today, August 19th, is my 31st wedding anniversary. Hoping for at least that many more!
Aladar30 Premium Member over 3 years ago
I really love Dez! Her gaze on Tiffany in the first panel is that of a satisfied person who knows to have achieved the result she hoped. Tiffany will be Dez’s roommate!!!! HOORAY!!! She will definitely try to break the relationship between Stefi and Kip and it will probably be a source of bad situations. But knowing Dez, she will find a way to minimize the harm and guide her through a path to becoming better than this.
我爱漫画 over 3 years ago
Major Matt Mason Premium Member over 3 years ago
I still think Tiff should invite her friends to live at the mansion. Sitcom city.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 3 years ago
And once again, a VAST Luanniverse character is Easily talked into doing something, by somebody else.
I’m amazed that ALL of these kids haven’t wound up with a deed to the Golden Gate Bridge, from some huckster by now.
Nice going Dez. Unless Tom Farrell has epic security at his soon to be empty mansion, he’s going to return home to find that either squatters have moved in.
Or some ease-dropping, enterprising Hall A denizen has turned the Farrell mansion into a 21st Century “Animal House,” behind Tiff’s back.
Oh, and Tiff? The Quad Dorm Room having its own bathroom means you STILL have to share it “communal-like” with three other people.
(So-why-haven’t-you-thought-about-getting-your-OWN-nearby-Private-dorm room-again?)
Just asking’………, ;)
OneTime59 over 3 years ago
Interesting. Tiffany giving in to popular opinion?
Milady Meg over 3 years ago
Turn the mansion into a dorm.
Simon Seamount over 3 years ago
Or, radical bizarre thought that never seems to occur to rich people, she could have them all live in her mansion free.
Johnnyrico over 3 years ago
Panel 2: Kilroy was here
STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member over 3 years ago
Oh, the sacrifices we have to make!
Decepticomic over 3 years ago
What’s the endgame here, Dez? Trying to break up Stef and Kip? Watching Tiff get rejected by Kip? Cat fight between Tiff and Stef? I’m not complaining, I just wanna be in on the plan.
Anon4242 over 3 years ago
Didn’t Tiff move out of the dorm because she couldn’t afford it? Or was that only because Ann Eiffel got her dad to cut her off? I must have missed how Tiff’s family finances turned out after Ann got evicted.
Troglodyte over 3 years ago
Tiff was basically lonely – she only needed a little coaxing to make her way back into society…the possibility of “bumping into” Kip was only an added bonus.
Call me Ishmael over 3 years ago
WHY would anyone want Tiffany around?
YorkGirl Premium Member over 3 years ago
Dez knows Tiffany needs people around and friends. She is playing devil’s advocate here, pointing out the benefits of the quad countered with the mansion. Tiffany seems to be sliding back into her old character after seeming to mature over the summer. Wonder who the fourth roomie will be? Someone new or an old “friend”? ;-)
YorkGirl Premium Member over 3 years ago
Looking a yesterday’s strip, it seems Dez and Stefani got the quad. It’s ambiguous whether Kip is in there or not. So Tiff would be the fourth? If Kip isn’t the third, I’d go with Bernice. That really would be interesting. Being so close to Kip, maybe the attraction would wear off?
preacherman Premium Member over 3 years ago
Ellis97 over 3 years ago
Kip has probably changed and isn’t the same sexy stud he once was.
comic reader 22 over 3 years ago
Okay, they got that part out of the way and actually did it pretty quickly for a change. Now let’s see who that fourth roommate is going to be.
Pohka over 3 years ago
Ok, lets move past the mansion being a new dorm; while Dad’s not there often I’m certain he won’t want a bunch of college kids treating it like Delta House. Tiff might be able to host a party or two there but not the Hall A gang…. move along, nothing to see there.
Tyge over 3 years ago
With Luanniverse seeming to be returning to the (two?) school milieu(s), this brings up an interesting quandary! What to do with Bernice?
Bernice has been ensconced in the DeGroot household for some time now. There have been several interesting story arcs operating out of that situation. One would expect that if the Tiff-Dez duo returns to class (i.e., Mooney) then so should Bernice return to that school. I seriously doubt that GnK would break up the highly successful BFF dyad for some new quad dorm room adventures. But then how would Bernice work into those Mooney U episodes and arcs?
ALSO! Has Luann completed her two-year stint at Pitts CC? And Jack also, for that matter? Quo vadis, Luann?
Airman over 3 years ago
This arc is so far out and far off, we might as well be in Peru, in some village, with Rosa wondering about going back home and to school. She could be Tiffany’s next roommate.
Need coffee over 3 years ago
Since Whiz yelled at me for being mean to Joe Namath yesterday late, a reply here.
I lived near the man 25 years ago. His walking speed then – a former pro athlete in his early 50s – was slower than my then 86 year old grandmother.
That is an observation about a specific person, not a criticism of older people, and was not intended as a criticism of older people or of Joe Namath.
The original thread, around Namath’s bad judgment re hitting on a female reporter on air, may be related to his overall physical condition. He seems to be in better mental shape than others in his football cohort who have full CTE, but my point here is that it’s very obvious that playing the game took a big bite out of him.
The physical toll of football, e.g. this kind of thing in far too early stages of life, CTE, etc. is becoming well understood. The game as an industry, coaches, players, and parents of young players are reacting to it and perhaps it’s going to improve conditions for subsequent generations.
Kip would be well advised to be very nice to Ox and the other linemen. Quarterbacks usually are.
Tyge over 3 years ago
If Bets is the fourth in the Quad then Kip and Gunther will be spending a lot of time there. Maybe a lot of time. Could make for some delicious jealousies to arise. Remember, Gunther has been Tiffany’s friend, but he sees himself as a protector. He warned her about Les back when he was a real “bad boy.” And Tiff said that she thought she could handle the “bad boy” types. Also recall that Kip himself seemed like he was toying with the idea of two-timing Stefi with Tiff. He could be set up as a new “bad boy” in Tiff’s life.
Mayor Snorkum over 3 years ago
You live in a mansion, Tiff, not a manse. A manse is the house, adjacent to a church, where the minister and his family live. Or I should more properly say, “Hey, Greg and Karen, a manse is not a mansion. Ask any Protestant minister.”
MuddyUSA Premium Member over 3 years ago
Oh hum!
Ina Tizzy over 3 years ago
Does Dez come from Flyspeck Island?
BJShipley1 over 3 years ago
Considering the last epic dorm parties we saw in this strip involved playing cards for jellybeans and group air-guitar sessions, we the readers probably shouldn’t get our hopes up. I’ve seen wilder behavior from Mormon missionaries (we see a lot of them in my hometown.)
luann1212 over 3 years ago
So, it appears Tiffany will be in a 4 room quad. I was a commuter student so I don’t know much about dorm life, but this ought to be a rich storyline source. Everything from the mystery over who number 4 would be too competition over the hunky QB, Kip. With Dez as earth mother. So many stories, so little time.
raybarb44 over 3 years ago
You just twisted my arm……
paulscon over 3 years ago
people, people who need people are the luckiest people in the world. Glad Tiffany acknowledges that she needs people around. I like Dez. She is probably the kindest and wisest person in this strip. How about Bernice for the fourth roomy?
Grey Forest over 3 years ago
Tiffany rent the rooms at your Fathers house, like a dorm, frat house. you know like Animal house. Hey Greg here’s a new road to go down all kinds of crazy writing fun. over 3 years ago
I finally came u p with some less foggy memories of Stefani.
She was “young Goldie Hawn on a bad day”.When Tiffany saw her she thought she waslooking in the mirror.
Kip was already boasting that he had more than one girlfriend.When you steal something,make sure it’s worth stealing.
comic reader 22 over 3 years ago
Tiffany’s eyes in the second panel are great!
PeterPirate over 3 years ago
I don’t relish the idea of seeing the Hall A Gang again.
Still, there’s space for one more roomie. ♥♥♥
phxhocking over 3 years ago
I’d rather see this than Tiff moping around her big old mansion, waiting for her father to love her. And really, isn’t that what she really wants? Just somebody to love her?
phxhocking over 3 years ago
It’s been a very, VERY long time since I was in college, and I never lived in a dorm, but back in my day, the sexes were separated. They were at least on separate floors, if not separate buildings. Do they really allow the sexes to room together in the same room these days?
smsrt over 3 years ago
comic reader 22 over 3 years ago
Dez and Stef are no dummies. They know that living with Tiffany will mean great food, parties, furniture, all of it paid for. Everyone wants to hang with someone who has money, it makes everything fun and easy….not so good for getting good grades, though.
BJShipley1 over 3 years ago
So when is someone in the strip gonna mention how weird Tiffany’s outfit is for tanning? (since Tiff explicitly said on Saturday that that was her reason for being there.) I get that Karen Evans has some Puritan urge to keep the characters in as much clothing as humanly possible, but you kinda need a lot of skin exposed to the sun if you’re gonna get a decent tan.
Need coffee over 3 years ago
In yesterday’s strip, Dez explicitly said that she and Stef could get two random roomies.
QED, Kip is not in play as the fourth roomie.
I didn’t read all those Ellery Queen novels for nothing! (Although this is more Encyclopedia Brown level, not even Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew.)
sid w over 3 years ago
The best part is that Bern will not be RA.
Susan123 over 3 years ago
A leopard does not change it’s spots.
kittysquared Premium Member over 3 years ago
I’m looking forward to campus arcs. Too bad Luann has nothing going for her. Not even a friend that wants her company. Dez is a friend – Bern should take lessons from her.
Sisyphos over 3 years ago
Don’t protest too much, Tiffany. You know you want it! Your interest in “kippling” guarantees that.
On a personal note, in the long ago, I spent my senior year in college in one of those quad-suites: two two-person bedrooms at either side and in between a semi-private bath (i.e., shared just by the four roomies) and large closet/storage area, plus the entry vestibule and commons living/activity space. As an added bonus, so to speak, my roommate had to leave school at end of the first semester, so for the second half of the school year I had a bedroom all to myself….
oakie817 over 3 years ago
cool beans
Pointspread over 3 years ago
So how come “Luann en Espanol” does not have the same strips?
Argythree over 3 years ago
@need coffee:
Joe Namath, in his recently released autobiography, revealed that he is an alcoholic. The episode with the reported on TV happened during one of his drinking bouts, and he said it may have saved his life by motivating him to get the help he needed. (‘All the Way, My Life in Four Quarters’)…
6foot6 over 3 years ago
Stef and Kipp. Sounds like they have already found their roommates. seems like Desie and Tiff will be sharing a room.