For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for April 13, 2022

  1. Hat large square
    Cactus-Pete  almost 3 years ago

    Ask Dad when he ā€œchoseā€ his life.

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    howtheduck  almost 3 years ago

    ā€œyour kindā€ is excellent. Greg could be both a racist and a homophobe.

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    howtheduck  almost 3 years ago

    The line in the final panel is one of the best Lynn Johnston ever wrote and for me, the highlight of this story. It says it all in just a few words.

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    M2MM  almost 3 years ago

    Time to knock on the Pattersonā€™s door.

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    John Jorgensen  almost 3 years ago

    This is how you ā€œtalk senseā€?

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    M2MM  almost 3 years ago

    From the look on Connieā€™s face, this is not what she expected from Greg.

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Wow, I did not expect that.

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    Susan00100  almost 3 years ago

    Just move in with your BF, Lawrence.

    And be glad to be rid of your so-called ā€œparentsā€!!

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    Susan00100  almost 3 years ago

    I remember this arc when it first ran in newspapers; eventually the ā€œparentsā€ recant and accept Lawrence as he was.

    Very abruptly, IMO!! IRL, bigots never change!!

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    Uncle Kenny  almost 3 years ago

    Sadly, this has happened to so many teens who have come out that we have had to set up a shelter for homeless teens. In order to do this, the legislature had to change a law that made it illegal to harbor a homeless teen.

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    GirlGeek Premium Member almost 3 years ago


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    capricorn9th  almost 3 years ago

    I can see Connie regrets asking Greg to intervene. Instead of talking sense into him as she asked, his true colors came out and he kicked her kid out of the house. It is actually HER house. I guess she did not see this side of Greg before. Had she known, I doubt she would have married him. She was in a relationship with Lawrenceā€™s father who was South American and POC. And she gave birth to a POC child. Had she known Greg is a hater, she might hesitate at marrying him. Usually, a hater encompasses all other kinds, not just one. Greg and Connieā€™s reactions to Lawrenceā€™s coming out of the closet are different. Greg is clearly a homophobe while Connie is upset that her child is not ā€œnormal.ā€ Many parents think having gay child is their fault. Something they did while raising them or pass on something to them. No doubt Connie is thinking that. At least, she is probably thinking she hadnā€™t paid much attention to Lawrence, citing how she complained to Elly about Lawrence never being home. She probably now feels she shouldā€™ve inquired on where he went, asking what he is doing. Now she is acting out guilt more than anything. Greg. Pfft. Purely a hater.

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    nicka93  almost 3 years ago

    Lawrence doesnā€™t live there any more, possibly Mikeā€™s family will take him in, after all Mike is the one who convinced him to tell his parents.

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    RickTengle  almost 3 years ago

    Greg needs needs a Homocil prescription

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    Johnnyrico  almost 3 years ago

    All while Connie stands there with that dumb look on her face..

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    Train 1911  almost 3 years ago

    In Godā€™s eyes your his chip no matter what he dad to hear this to.

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    janis nerowski  almost 3 years ago

    You all do remember these are old reruns of this strip right?

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    The Pro from Dover  almost 3 years ago

    What would they do if it was a pregnant teenage girl? Throw her out too? Go sleep in the Pattersonā€™s Car.

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    up2trixx  almost 3 years ago

    Gregā€™s reaction was exactly what I was expecting from my parents (I was about 21 when this strip ran, and was still living at home, going to college). I stayed in the closet until I was 26 years old and living on my own. I had actually moved out a few years before coming out but still couldnā€™t deal with the anticipated rejection. They couldnā€™t kick me out of their house anymore but I was worried theyā€™d kick me out of their lives. Thankfully, when I did come out, their reaction was not at all what I had been dreading.

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    cwillis  almost 3 years ago

    Iā€™ve had a lot of friends that this has happened to. Mom needs to step in and step up. How a parent can turn their own out is sickening to me.

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    rossevrymn  almost 3 years ago


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    jimchronister2016  almost 3 years ago

    How terrible for people like Lawrence, and to know that this is the true state of the worlds ignorance of life in this matter. And too realize Ignorant so called leaders like Florida republican governor ron desantis are allowed to tell their constituents ā€œwe will not educate your children about the different beliefs of people known as Gays, because I want them to stay as Ignorant as I amā€ and pass a state law enforcing his ignorant beliefs. So much for the ignorant beliefs of many republicans this day and time.

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    Selune136413  almost 3 years ago

    D*mn this poor kid has sh*tty parents!!!!

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    Faith Blackwell Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    I am so sad now

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    Mama Fish  almost 3 years ago

    Gosh, I really donā€™t remember this part of the story (though I do remember that Lawrence is gay). How painful.

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    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Oh yeah. I remember these guys.

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    Bob Blumenfeld  almost 3 years ago

    Ouch! Lawrenceā€™s mother looks rather aghast at the turn of events. Tune in tomorrow. (Anyone remember when ā€œtune inā€ meant something? Like ā€œa quarter toā€ and ā€œdial a number.ā€ Ah, the good olā€™ analog days.)

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    Lisa Marie Chamberlain  almost 3 years ago

    Wow so rude

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    flagmichael Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    In real life, I would hope this sort of unkindness would be minimized by the kid knowing his parents well enough to not ā€œgo there.ā€ Everybody has trigger points that are best left alone.

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    brick10  almost 3 years ago

    Wasnā€™t this Lawrenceā€™s home before Greg moved in?

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    flagmichael Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Connie seems dazed by the Gregā€™s vehemence. It looks like she is regretting bringing him into it at all ā€“ he was just supposed to ā€œtalk sense intoā€ Lawrence.

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    Aladar30 Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    One of the most powerful comic strip ever done.

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    Chansonreve  almost 3 years ago

    I remember reading these strips when they first ran, and crying. I swore Iā€™d never do this sort of thing if I had kids. Well, I had kids, and theyā€™re both lgbtq, and I love them unconditionally.

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    EXCALABUR  almost 3 years ago

    How about having a calm discussion.

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    kimodb Premium Member almost 3 years ago


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    this is summerdog  almost 3 years ago

    Is it really legal to tell your 17 year old child to leave the home? Sounds like putting that child into danger. There must be consequences to this set of parentā€™s actions today.

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    USN1977  almost 3 years ago

    Lynnā€™s Notes: For years, I was under the impression that anyone who had objections to homosexuality were of one kind of belief or political persuasion. I learned how wrong I was during a lecture tour, afterwards where one man gave me a book about a place where LGBT people had been sentenced to death. This had surprised me in more ways than one because the name of this place was Cuba. The book, which was titled Exposing the Real Che Guevara and the Useful Idiots who Idolize Him was also an eye opener as I had grown up as a ā€œchild of the 60sā€. One part revealed that Ernesto ā€œCheā€ Guevara had Cubans who were in rock and roll bands sentenced to death on the basis they did not ā€œfigure it outā€ or get with the socialist ā€œprogramā€. I loved to sing, so killing someone for making music was a barbaric act to me. What was also revealed that ā€œCheā€ had extreme hatred for LGBT people, sentencing homosexuals in Cuba to hard labor at gulags which were festooned with a banner ā€œWork Will Make a Man Out of Youā€. Many gays and lesbians were worked to death in these gulags. I was still reading the book at the time when Phil told the kids about Elly being a hippie, so I saved my remarks until I was done, but I now know the 1960s were not entirely the ā€œgood olā€™ daysā€ that Elly and Phil toasted, especially not when homosexuals suffered under such a horrible man in Cuba.

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    mbowman Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    dropping this strip.

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    Argythree  almost 3 years ago

    I remember those days, and how sad it was. Reminded me of families who said their kids were ā€˜dead to themā€™ when they married someone of a different religionā€¦

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    preacherman Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Something I noticed during an earlier strip. Why is Lawrence a different color shade than his parents? Was he adopted?

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    Bobbin Dobbins  almost 3 years ago

    Note spineless Connie with mouth closed and hands at sides. In real life, this situation would be permanent in most cases, especially with a stepfather. A neighborhood 16 year old, one of my stepdaughter schoolmates, was thrown out by his stepfather and went to live with a friendā€™s family. Soon after, his younger brother hit on my stepdaughter, an open attempt to be sure everyone knew that he wasnā€™t gay.

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    misslaurastoyroom  almost 3 years ago

    His ā€œkindā€ are nurturing generous people. Heā€™s still the little boy you watched grow up and help raise. If anyone deserves to be kicked out of the house itā€™s you.

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    Dr_Fogg  almost 3 years ago

    Just wrong :-(

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    mindjob  almost 3 years ago

    At least he isnā€™t in a Middle East country when they would put him to death

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  45. Bearfront
    paranormal  almost 3 years ago

    That man isnā€™t going to win Father of the Yearā€¦

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    kathleenhicks62  almost 3 years ago

    I can not hit the ā€œlikeā€ icon, because this is a very bad thing for everyone.

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    llosik  almost 3 years ago

    This still puzzles me: How can a parent throw out a child? Never did understand it.

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    Yardley701  almost 3 years ago

    Some parents act this way because of fear, fear of what people will say, fear they failed their kid, and plain old ignorance. Always remember Lawrenc there is nothing wrong with you, it is your dadā€™s problem, not yours.

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    kamoolah  almost 3 years ago

    ā€œHis kindā€ have been known for their arugula salads and $12 martinis. Whoever heard of a gay person living below the poverty line?

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    kaycstamper  almost 3 years ago

    This is sickening and not funny! We come here for a comic, not to see more hatred, we can get that on the news. :( My niece is gay, I would hate for her to be treated that way!

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    The_Great_Black President  almost 3 years ago

    At least Lawrence is not alone. There was the strip where Elly saw Michael owned a girlie magazine, so she woke him up with her screeching about it. What is wrong Elly; you have a problem that Michael is heterosexual?

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  52. Missing large  almost 3 years ago

    Iā€™ll have to open the door of hope a little here.

    Lawrenceā€™s exile doesnā€™t last long.Guilt-ridden Mike is already on the hunt for him.

    Tomorrowā€”-special performance by Joel Grey and The Gorilla.

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    patrickab7  almost 3 years ago

    Donā€™t think my local newspaper ran all of this storyline, but I remember hearing about it.

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 3 years ago

    FBorFW takes place in a fictional suburb of Toronto., Ontario. While Iā€™ve never been to Toronto (farthest Canada Iā€™ve ever gone was Victoria, British Columbia), where do LGBTQ+ Torontonians usually hang out with one another?

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    Katzi428  almost 3 years ago

    For those of you that donā€™t like this story you can always come back in a couple of weeks . No one is forcing you to stay!!

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    hillia  almost 3 years ago

    Thereā€™s a huge difference between sexual experimentation and sexual orientation.

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    kamoolah  almost 3 years ago

    There is only one person to blame for all this: Michael.

    Michael Aaron Patterson is 100% at fault for all of this. He is the one who goaded Lawrence into saying this to his parents. Lawrence did not do this by himself.

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    Susan00100  almost 3 years ago

    SPOILER ALERT: Connie sobs to Elly (as usual) and Elly sends Michael outā€”in the middle of the nightā€”to find Lawrence.

    Michael is successful.

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    gojuguy  almost 3 years ago

    Sadly, this is very representative of some peopleā€™s reality. I have a gay friend who told me that when he came out to his mother, she said, ā€œoh, Iā€™ve known foreverā€¦. but donā€™t tell your dad. Heā€™d kill you.ā€ Imagine how living with that in your head while growing up.

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    mlncostume Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    I think thatā€™s his point. I know many queer people who were kicked out of their ā€œChristianā€ home using exactly those words, and more. This strip is staying very accurate to this experience.

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    BluNova  almost 3 years ago

    I donā€™t think this is what Connie had in mind.

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    bryan42  almost 3 years ago

    This is basically what happened to a friend of mine when he told his family he was gay back around 1976. The only family member who would talk to him was his sister, who I was dating at the time. She and I didnā€™t date long but I remained friends with him until I left the state.

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    theoldidahofox  almost 3 years ago

    Ignorance and intolerance is overwhelming, now jet propelled by the GOP.

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    phoenixnyc  almost 3 years ago

    And I thought Canadians were supposed to be nicer than Americans.

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    PammWhittaker  almost 3 years ago

    Horrid man. Connie should kick HIM out, but sheā€™s too busy feeling sorry for herself.

    Iā€™ve had gay friends since high school, and several gay relatives. Our oldest niece here married her wife last year shortly after they had a daughter. Sheā€™s still our girl and always will be!

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    BJIllistrated Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Iā€™m not gong to read all the replyā€™s as this was already probably said, but if I were Connie, after the dust settles and sheā€™s had time to think about all this I hope her response to this is to remove Greg from the picture ASAP, and beg her son to come home. Nobody deserves to be treated in this manner and Greg is to old to change his ways.

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    freewaydog  almost 3 years ago

    Donā€™t worry, Greg will feel bad.

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    GreggW Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Bet he votes Conservative.

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    cranefriend  almost 3 years ago


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    dlaemmerhirt999  almost 3 years ago

    WOW!!! I had yet to see a comic character THIS evil-hearted! D8 My guess is he stays with his confused buddy Michael! (Iā€™d let the poor guy stay with me if I was their age.)

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    Bwingblue1  almost 3 years ago

    Doesnā€™t live there anymore. Maybe if Michael has come to terms with it, he could crash there.

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    stillfickled Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Wow, a lot of comments. Go to Michael.

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    bobgreenwade  almost 3 years ago

    Greg (like far too many people) does not understand the difference between being and doing.

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    liahonagirl  almost 3 years ago

    I know this particular scenario (ie Lawrence and Greg) isnā€™t real . . . but it makes my mother-heart weep for those children for whom this IS far too real. I wish I could take them all into my home.

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    Michael McKown Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Man, thatā€™s just pathetic.

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    radicalmom  almost 3 years ago

    a new story line!!!! thanks lynne

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    pamela welch Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Poor child; this happens to so very many children :-(

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    KROverton  almost 3 years ago

    I am having a hard time ā€˜likingā€™ this arc as I am hating everyoneā€™s reaction to Lawrence.

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  79. Cathy aack Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Well, those parents handled that wellā€¦not

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    CoreyTaylor1  almost 3 years ago

    Astounding, considering the roof isnā€™t even his! That bastard Greg doesnā€™t even show up in the strip in the six years since he and Connie eloped to get a free watch, so it can be assumed that he completely ignores Lawrence, and suddenly he kicks him out on the street! LAWRENCE AND CONNIE HAVE FAR MORE RIGHT TO LIVE THERE THAN THAT PIG EVER HAD!

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    sykerocker  almost 3 years ago

    The (probably coincidental) timing of this strip is both perfect . . . . . and horrifying.

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    Statick  almost 3 years ago

    What HORRIBLE reaction as parents. Lawrence deserves better.

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    Nicole ā™« āŠ±āœæ ā—•ā€æā—•āœæāŠ°ā™« Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    If I were his mother, Iā€™d kick my HUSBAND out and bring my son back in. I feel so bad for Lawrence. With parents like them, who needs enemies?

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    MCProfessor  almost 3 years ago

    Sadly, this scene has played out this way in far too many households.

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    missyhyattfan  almost 3 years ago

    This makes me sad and angry!

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