Can confirm. When Chessie/Digaling was being energetic/had zoomies/was wrasslin’ Fiat, the bell went from cute little chiming to “By whatever Divinity is listening, doesn’t she ever calm down?!”
If Elvis keeps going long enough, maybe Lupin will finally wear out so that he has to take a nap. But considering that it’s naturally-caffeinated Lupin that we’re talking about, I’ll give that about a 10% chance of working. Elvis will probably wear out first (in a dignified manner, of course).
Elvis has reached his breaking point! I’m sure Elvis would love to release the bell as Lupin did all those candy wrappers, but he will have to make quite a racket to do so. I don’t think even all three cats can hold Lupin down.
Poor Elvis, Game Face, Serious stare, pushing and puffing and Lupin thinks he’s just playing with him.
I suggest a two pronged attack, Goldie face-to-face and Tabitha in a pincer move. Tabitha can catch the laser dot, she can scramble Lupin’s Bell. He wouldn’t hear her coming, and he wouldn’t see her going.
So now who’s the ding-a-ling? The Cat wearing the bell? Or the pouncer?
Side fact: During Christmas at work, I would wear a bell too, because I walk VERY silently ( but store theft was WAYYYY down ☺️), I don’t mind, and my coworkers was less spooked lol…
Meimei the Pirate Queen and Jungle Princess, roaming as far away as the TNR colony next door, of course we kept a bell on her as much as possible. She ripped them off all the time, naturally. But it was so reassuring to hear her little bell when she was outside, you knew she wasn’t too far off. Then there was the time she got caught in the raccoon traps…
Cleementine almost 3 years ago
Annoyed, crabby Elvis always makes me lol.
Le'letha Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Apparently the linen closet is a great hiding place. Let’s go hide in there.
deadheadzan almost 3 years ago
Elvis takes matters into his own paws!
Sionyx almost 3 years ago
Can confirm. When Chessie/Digaling was being energetic/had zoomies/was wrasslin’ Fiat, the bell went from cute little chiming to “By whatever Divinity is listening, doesn’t she ever calm down?!”
One Serious Cat almost 3 years ago
Dear, deluded Lupin – he thinks Elvis is playing.
Maizing almost 3 years ago
Elvis (in the first panel) is looking like a bug again.
Sue Ellen almost 3 years ago
Too bad it isn’t Puck and Lupin rollin’ rollin’ rollin’. They’d make a yin-yang!
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member almost 3 years ago
I’m laughing my head off here!
Crann Bethadh almost 3 years ago
If Elvis keeps going long enough, maybe Lupin will finally wear out so that he has to take a nap. But considering that it’s naturally-caffeinated Lupin that we’re talking about, I’ll give that about a 10% chance of working. Elvis will probably wear out first (in a dignified manner, of course).
FreyjaRN Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Cat fight.
Robin Harwood almost 3 years ago
Don’t just cringe there. Help Elvis!
Jungle Empress almost 3 years ago
HAH. Not even being attacked by Elvis can make Lupin stop grinning about his chaos!
WelshRat Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Elvis, you can’t beat crazy by dancing with it.
just being here almost 3 years ago
lupin being deaf is a bad thing
catmom1360 almost 3 years ago
Elvis and Goldie – it may seem worse but it will come to an end soon. Darkness before the dawn thing.
DorseyBelle almost 3 years ago
Double shot of rear toe beans!
jewlie almost 3 years ago
Lupin looks like the mayor of bouncy town.
kimmie260 almost 3 years ago
I can’t wait to see what happens at bed time…
cat19632001 almost 3 years ago
Lupin’s getting his bell rung.
cat19632001 almost 3 years ago
DING Maybe Elvis doing DONG this will “help” the Woman ding, ding realize this was all just a big ding dong mistake.
Tigrisan Premium Member almost 3 years ago
To paraphrase this comic…This is funny, WAY funny!!
Kitty Katz almost 3 years ago
Meanwhile, Back on the Nile
At the Great Pyramid
Beatrixia: Each shelf is marked with some kind of hieroglyph, Violet-Ifa. Can you understand what the say?
Violet-Ifa: They seem to be numbers. Each shelf of scrolls seem to be organized by subjects. Like here in the 700s
Bea: It looks like these scrolls are all about the arts. Maybe Soph and the gang would like to take a look.
Vi: Over here the scrolls are about gardening. Oh, look this was was written by Trevor-Hotep’s great grandfather Cosmo!
Bea: I’m looking at the hieroglyph here. I think it’s 641.5.
Vi: Oh, this scroll is a classic. We need to show Thomios.
Bea: What’s the title?
Vi: Mastering the Art of Gallic Cooking co-authored by Julia Kitten.
PammWhittaker almost 3 years ago
Our cats have bells, but we really should take them off of them. Easier to hunt mice :)
Sonic the Hedgehog almost 3 years ago
Cutest. Catfight. EVER!!!!!!
Katzen1415 almost 3 years ago
Elvis has reached his breaking point! I’m sure Elvis would love to release the bell as Lupin did all those candy wrappers, but he will have to make quite a racket to do so. I don’t think even all three cats can hold Lupin down.
ladykat Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Woman, please take the bell off Lupin before Elvis bursts a blood vessel in his distress.
JDP_Huntington Beach almost 3 years ago
Poor Elvis, Game Face, Serious stare, pushing and puffing and Lupin thinks he’s just playing with him.
I suggest a two pronged attack, Goldie face-to-face and Tabitha in a pincer move. Tabitha can catch the laser dot, she can scramble Lupin’s Bell. He wouldn’t hear her coming, and he wouldn’t see her going.
cpiller Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Expecting major Elvis tail-poofage in 3….2….1….
Lady Bri almost 3 years ago
Lupin’s unbridled glee! ❤
Zoomer&Yeti almost 3 years ago
Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’.
See those kitties rollin’.
Sonic the Hedgehog almost 3 years ago
Honestly, if I had to listen to a bell nonstop, I would snap as well.
scyphi26 almost 3 years ago
And Lupin’s enjoying it, so if anything, you’re just encouraging him.
Strider Keninginne Premium Member almost 3 years ago
I know that drill, trying to stop a crazy situation only to have it get even crazier. Nice try Elvis, but no catnip mouse for you.
The Wolf In Your Midst almost 3 years ago
Ask not for whom the bell tolls.
I won’t be able to hear you asking ’cause of all that dang tolling.
Granny Roberta almost 3 years ago
That alleged bell looks like a tea ball. Would it help to make tea with it?
DO_WHAT_DA_DOG_SEZ (NOT THE REAL ONE) almost 3 years ago
Am I the only one who thinks Lupin is cute playing with the bell? (the cats tryna get it is so funny)
Wise Thinker almost 3 years ago
So now who’s the ding-a-ling? The Cat wearing the bell? Or the pouncer?
Side fact: During Christmas at work, I would wear a bell too, because I walk VERY silently ( but store theft was WAYYYY down ☺️), I don’t mind, and my coworkers was less spooked lol…
mistercatworks almost 3 years ago
“Ding, ding, ding. Start of Round One.”
SheMc almost 3 years ago
Oh Lupin is so soooo happy X
Jayfbird1969 Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Maybe the woman will realize what Elvis is trying to do and for goodness sake unbell the cat.
Gent almost 3 years ago
Ding ding ding a ling
What is you doing, leapin?
Ding ding ding a ling
What is you doing Lupin?
Ding ding ding a dong
Let’s now sing a song
Ding ding ding a dong
And everybody sings along
Ding ding ding a dong
As ya leaps, pounces, and rolls along…
Gent almost 3 years ago
The fight for the Cat Wrestling Championship Bell-t is on!
miscreant almost 3 years ago
Like I said this is my boys.
Sue Ellen almost 3 years ago
Wouldn’t it be funny if, after they stop rolling, Elvis ends up with the bell around his own neck, and he can’t get it OFF?
Red Bird almost 3 years ago
Lupin is certainly having a ball.
metagalaxy1970 almost 3 years ago
Natasha and Ash, when they were till with me, would always take off their “shirts” (collars). They didn’t like the noise from their rabies tags.
Aspen_Bell almost 3 years ago
Meimei the Pirate Queen and Jungle Princess, roaming as far away as the TNR colony next door, of course we kept a bell on her as much as possible. She ripped them off all the time, naturally. But it was so reassuring to hear her little bell when she was outside, you knew she wasn’t too far off. Then there was the time she got caught in the raccoon traps…
willie_mctell almost 3 years ago
Conjoined cats.
Biskits almost 3 years ago
The Woman is the dingaling.
asrialfeeple almost 3 years ago
For whom the bell tolls.
knight1192a almost 3 years ago
Did not see this outcome coming. Expected that to be Goldie rather than Elvis.
Sonic the Hedgehog almost 3 years ago