Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for December 08, 2022

  1. Photo
    Robin Harwood  over 2 years ago

    Iā€™ve never been sure what trees want, but I suspect they want to doom us all.

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    Sue Ellen  over 2 years ago

    Such a big poof from such a tiny, pointy tail!

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    Sionyx  over 2 years ago

    Oh, the look I got from Sparky as I laughed! I love Goldieā€™s expression here!

    I have no memory of any of our cats panicking about a tree suddenly deciding to grow in the living room. They were more interested in investigating and attempting to eat it as we assembled it. The ones most likely to panic moved in when Dozer was around, and as Iā€™ve mentioned she was both a Tree Climber and a Natural Mother. Any panic was quickly replaced with ā€œWe can CLIMB it?!ā€

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  4. Small keeper
    McColl34 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Oh, dear. How many times will Goldie need to say that in the future? There are only so many things young ones can be warned about. Some things will need to be learned by experience, some things seem doomed (sorry, Robin) to always be learned by experience. And then, of course, there are certain young ones that are determined to learn everything by experience (not naming any names, but you know who you are).

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    WelshRat Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Unbreakable ornaments. Ora Zellaā€¦ will the challenges to Lupin never stop coming?

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    stairsteppublishing  over 2 years ago

    A never before seen Christmas tree is a thing of beauty to be explored.The Algonquin Hotel, NYC, has always had a resident cat that loves to perch in the Christmas tree next to the resitration desk. At least I hope it still does.

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    Olive O'Sudden  over 2 years ago

    First, all the people sat around eating turkey and napping, and now a freakinā€™ TREE has popped up in the living room?! The holidays are a weird and wonderful time for a little cat to join the family. (I suspect Ora Zella will feel better once the tree is filled with dangly ā€˜shatterproofā€™ cat toys.)ā™„

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    dmah Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Itā€™s astonishing how the tiniest body in the room can also be the LOUDEST. XD

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    Maizing  over 2 years ago

    Even when poofy, Iggyā€™s tail shows that darling crook.

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    Jacob Mattingly   over 2 years ago

    I canā€™t stop laughing. Look sometimes I have a lot to say character wise.. and sometimes itā€™s just hilarious to see two small children frightened by a christmas tree.

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    FreyjaRN Premium Member over 2 years ago

    The new kitties spook easily. They need to be eased into new things. First, wipe a new thing with a damp cloth, and let them smell it. Then, wipe them down with a damp cloth, especially around the cheeks and paw pads. Wipe the new thing so it smells more like them. Get the calming pheromones out. Keep it slow. You may get less bottle-brushing from the kitties.

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    Zoomer&Yeti Premium Member over 2 years ago

    I wonder if little Ora Zella is going to attack it?

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    misty  over 2 years ago

    Christmas time is near

    Confusion and poof fear

    Time for when all new kits bawl

    ā€œWhat the heck happened here!?!ā€

    Tree appears right there

    Causinā€™ quite the scare

    Olden times and ancient rhymes

    Are lost on this smol pair

    Strange smells in the air

    Big cats forgot to share

    Couldā€™ve tried to at least provide

    Some gentle ā€™splaining there

    Christmas time is near

    Georgiaā€™s drawingā€™s clear

    Oh, that we will always see

    Such talent through the years

    - Lee Mendelson ā€“ Christmas Time is Here

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    cat19632001  over 2 years ago

    ā€œWhat is happening?ā€ Itā€™s a Vegas fir, baby! Just wait, Ora Zella. Youā€™re gonna love this. ā™„

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    Katzen1415  over 2 years ago

    She has a lot to learn. I wonder if she has experienced sky pieces yet. Trees generally donā€™t want anything, and usually not anything they can find in a Rhode Island living room.

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    rs0204 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    I think we can look forward to more of Ora Zellaā€™s calm and collected responses in the future, filled with dignity and grace.

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    ekw555  over 2 years ago

    what does it want?

    it wants to be climbed!

    take Lupinā€™s word for it.

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    Kitty Katz  over 2 years ago

    Inspired by Zoomer and Yeti: Words to Linus an Lucy by Vince Guraldi

    Welcome to little escapes,

    You have come

    To the best place

    Iggy and Ora Zella

    No need to roam

    Youā€™ve come home!

    It may seem a bit weird,

    With all the cats around,

    But nothing to fear,

    Youā€™ll be glad youā€™ve been found


    Now for our celebrations

    You will see

    A large Christmas tree

    It can be quite a sensation,

    Donā€™t be alarmed

    It means no harm!


    Soon the Humans will add their decorations,

    Lupin will show you what to do

    Ornaments to dump

    With one bit Thwump!


    We are happy to see you,

    Join the fun!

    With everyone!

    Things may seem a bit crazy,

    No problem though,

    We all love you so!

    Welcome Ora and Ziggy!



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    29jeb   over 2 years ago

    We have come to be overlords to all cats!

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    ladykat Premium Member over 2 years ago

    I love Ora Zellaā€™s expression and poofy tail. Her face looks delighted, but her tail says otherwise!

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    DorseyBelle Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Ah, the existential question, ā€œwhat do trees want?ā€ challenges us to attempt communication with our leafy friends.

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    cat19632001  over 2 years ago

    Thatā€™s a good question, Ora Zella. Has anyone ever asked it before? Perhaps Ora and Puck can set up an interview for CN.

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    diskus Premium Member over 2 years ago

    I received a notification that BillJackson1 liked a four year old comment of mine. Seems someone may have compromised that account

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    Kelliekatlady  over 2 years ago

    As far as we know, this is our Lunaā€™s first Christmas. Accordingto th shelter, her birthday was 12/15, so she would have been only 10 days old last Christmas. Our other 3 kitties are showing her the ropesā€¦how to look cute while burrowing under the tree skirt or lounging on top of it after having pulled it out from under the tree, and how to knock the ornaments off and turn them into cat toys. She hasnā€™t tried to climb it yet, but itā€™s only been up a few days. Iā€™m sure sheā€™s thinking about it.

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    Crann Bethadh  over 2 years ago

    If a Christmas tree falls in the living room and Lupin is there to not hear it, does it make a sound?

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    GSD Mom Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Off Topic

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  27. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 2 years ago

    Stop this atrocitree. Donā€™t cha see them poor kittens is treerrified?

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    Kitty Katz  over 2 years ago

    Meanwhile, Back on the Nile

    Lupinium: Hey, Louie. I wanted to let you know Iggy, Little O, and I will be doing some thwumping for the Artisans.

    Louie-Nour: Thanks for the heads up, Lupinium. Where are you going to do your thwumping?

    Lupinium: Iā€™m not sure. Maybe we could use the shelves in the scribeā€™s office.

    Louie: Somehow I donā€™t think Elvis-Anum is going to be okay with that idea.

    Lupinium: Thatā€™s true. We could use the Royal Library, but Beatrixia is still working to organize things there.

    Louie: Why not one of the trees in the courtyard?

    Lupinium: Thatā€™s an idea. Thereā€™s a tall cedar from Lebanon that would be an ideal thwump venue.

    In the Royal Courtyard

    Lupinium: Everyone have their pottery?

    Little O: Iā€™ve got mine!

    Iggy: Me, too!

    Lupinium: Alright. On Three. One, Two, Three!


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    scyphi26  over 2 years ago

    For various objects to be sacrificed to it by putting them in boxes, wrapping them up in colorful paper, and putting them under its branches. :P

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    Le'letha Premium Member over 2 years ago

    ā€œHow did it get in here?!?!?!?!ā€ will be the next question, closely followed by ā€œWhat does it EAT?!?!?!?!?ā€

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    Kim Metzger Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Iā€™ve said it before andIā€™ll say it again ā€” the first thought to go through a kittenā€™s head when seeing its first Christmas tree is probably ā€œFor MEEE??!!ā€

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    Wichita1.0  over 2 years ago

    The bestowing of colorfully wrapped packages at its feet as due tribute, silly kitten.

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    Zoomer&Yeti Premium Member over 2 years ago

    I see that the damaged equipment has been fixed in N.C., after that horrendous attack.

    I hope that any Orbsters who live there, and may have been impacted, are doing okay and your power is back.

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    NWdryad  over 2 years ago

    Sheā€™ll be up in that tree in no time.

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    Red Bird  over 2 years ago

    Oh my Cat! Run for your nine lives, Ora!

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    morningglory73 Premium Member over 2 years ago


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  37. The cat
    Le'letha Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Beauty and peace, Pucky? Always? Because I remember this:

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  38. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  over 2 years ago

    Fluffy teen kittens.

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  39. Hellcat
    knight1192a  over 2 years ago

    For werewolves not to pee on it.

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  40. Triumph
    Daeder  over 2 years ago

    It wants what every tree wants, for you to climb to the top and get stuck up there!

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    David Rickard Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Be sure and warn them not to sing ā€œO Tannenbaumā€œ around it.

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    mary10331  over 2 years ago

    Look at the fluffed tails on the babies!

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    metagalaxy1970  over 2 years ago

    OOOHHHH, the TAIL PPPPPOOOOFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Last year was Oopsieā€™s first (and first without Vlad). I set up the tree but didnā€™t decorate it. This year, Iā€™ll set it up and decorate it. He wasnā€™t much of a climber when he lived in the colony. Only when a sassy squirrel was yelling at us did he climb.

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