Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for July 03, 2023

  1. Girls pose
    uncle snipe  about 1 year ago

    Chef Pucky. Here to save your holiday feast, or feast on your holiday. It gets a little muddled in the end.

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  2. The cat
    Le'letha Premium Member about 1 year ago

    This is a lot of mixed messaging for only three panels! Georgia really can pack a lot into a small space. ;)

    (Seriously, though, this looks like a delicious and not too complicated recipe. I hope Pucky gets some cat-appropriate treats this week!)

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  3. Milo face cropped
    Olive O'Sudden  about 1 year ago

    What’s wrong with cats having a morsel of potato salad as a treat?♥

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  4. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  about 1 year ago

    I make southern style potato salad. I boil the potatoes in the jacket which makes them easy to peel and diceonce they cool. I add chopped sweet pickles, green olives, hard boiled egg whites, celery seeds, and just a touch of grated onion. I mash up the egg yolks and add mayo, mustard, and some pickle and olive juice until it tastes just right and pour it over and toss with the chopped ingredients.

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  5. Goojf2
    FreihEitner Premium Member about 1 year ago

    No mayonnaise? No mustard? No dill pickle relish? No boiled egg? This is not potato salad!

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    ibkoran Premium Member about 1 year ago

    You can call it baked potato salad. My wife and I are gonna try it. My wife suggested adding onions.

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    dmah Premium Member about 1 year ago

    YES!! I LOVE this version of potato salad! It’s even better with real chopped bacon and sliced scallions.

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    Aspen_Bell  about 1 year ago

    Monsieur Lupinette might not agree with that idea….

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    AllishaDawn  about 1 year ago

    I don’t know how to bake a potato. My only job growing up was to peel them and maybe cut them.

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  10. Kilo icon
    WelshRat Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Ah, yes. The day Brits celebrate as the jettisoning is nigh… (Kidding)

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  11. Mbsils
    marilynnbyerly  about 1 year ago

    No, pickles or diced eggs? Definitely, not a Southern potato salad.

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  12. Avatar
    Georgia Dunn creator about 1 year ago

    Hello, everyone!! This is the potato salad I make each year because I very (VERY) much dislike mayonnaise, hehehe! It’s a solidly delicious baked potato themed salad you can serve warm or cold (I prefer warm!) If you enjoy baked potatoes and hate mayo, you’re going to LOVE this!

    I had to tread a delicate line here, lol, because while Pucky enjoys this salad and likes to lick the spoon, I should not be encouraging folks to give cats potato salad! And so, I let Elvis be the voice of reason here. They do seem to like a little taste of this one though (…it’s the bacon, lol!) I have a hard time resisting Puck when he is begging. Use your best judgement!

    IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do let your kitties sample this potato salad, do not add onions, garlic, scallions, or chives. Those can make cats sick. If only people will be eating it, go wild!

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  13. Th
    Code the Enforcer  about 1 year ago

    It’s the Bacon Bits!! … Gotta be! That’s what brings in the Kitties!! … :)

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    kangtourcat  about 1 year ago

    There are so many ways to make potato salad and like most of them.

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 1 year ago

    You had me up to leaving the skins on. Nobody in my family would eat that recipe because it doesn’t have mayo, celery, hard boiled eggs and pickle relish in it. It’s all what you grew up eating.

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  16. D34yd011pr76kiehfi3m
    ikini Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Is this our first recipe??? Yay! I have to make this!

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  17. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member about 1 year ago

    I’m from the dairy state, so this looks delightful for me. I am so saving this!

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  18. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  about 1 year ago

    I think we need to see some BCN blank Recipe Cards in the Zazzle store. They could have a little logo on one of the top corners—maybe Pucky with a chef’s hat and apron. The border could be of the Big Pink House kitchen linoleum.

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  19. Jungletaitei
    Jungle Empress  about 1 year ago

    Long story short—don’t ask, LOL—a few months back Zelda got some potato soup on her hind paw and proceeded to lick it off. She was fine afterward, but I was worried because I read something about potatoes being bad for cats. It wasn’t a lot, but still! And maybe that’s why she doesn’t get up on the kitchen table much anymore…

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  20. Gedc0251
    Charliegirl Premium Member about 1 year ago

    I see. The potatoes are there just to hold up the cheese and bacon!

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  21. Missing large
    conuly  about 1 year ago

    That is not the way my mom made it! And, consequently, not the way I make it either.

    My mother’s recipe, such as it is -

    Some quantity of boiled potatoes of a waxy variety, with or without skins, cut into whatever size chunks you like

    A bunch or two of scallions

    Zesty italian dressing


    Salt, pepper

    Optional: hard boiled egg, canned shrimp

    All ingredients are to taste. Refrigerate and serve cold.

    For a bonus, here’s the egg salad recipe:

    Hard boiled eggs

    Very finely chopped onion and/or scallions

    Curry powder or (my innovation years later) berbere

    Optional: cooked chickpeas, raw celery

    Again, all ingredients are to taste.

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  22. Cartooninglady
    I AM CARTOON LADY!  about 1 year ago

    This is recipe is different than the potato salad that I grew up with! Southern style, with plenty of mayo, relish and a table spoon of mustard! But I have gotten out of my comfort zone, and tried different versions of potato salad, and this recipe sound delish!

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  23. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  about 1 year ago

    In panel 3, I’m surprised the Woman doesn’t have Ora Zella sitting on her head.

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  24. Saxon
    Nuliajuk  about 1 year ago

    I like the look of this. Some deli potato salads taste a bit sweet, which I can’t stand.

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  25. Profile picture 1466872462
    Kitty Katz  about 1 year ago

    Meanwhile, Back on the Nile..

    Thomios: Time to make the potato salad. Do we have any round potatoes left?

    Sue Chef: A few. Talpi took some for the moles to play Lawn Potato.

    Thomios: Then we’ll use the I Don’t Know, Russet? Potatoes.

    Sometime Later

    Ora Z: Are we having mashed potatoes as well?

    Thomios: Yes we are. Feel free to assist.

    Iggy: How about I slice up these potatoes real thin?

    Thomios: That’s great. Then take them to the frying crew.

    Thomios: Time for cleanup. Puckmosis?

    Puckmosis: Ready for spoon licking and washing duty..

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  26. Hamilton 1
    Hamilton A. Cat  about 1 year ago

    Hi! Hamilton A. Cat here,

    My human is off, working on his next book. And guess what? He promised I would get to do a recipe for this book, also.

    I just want to say that this is a purrrfect recipe, and my humans really like it. Of course, I don’t eat it because I don’t like onion & garlic. I wait for the grilled chicken…my favorite.

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    ladykat  about 1 year ago

    This is a delicious sounding recipe, Georgia, and I’m going to have to try a batch for myself. I’ll add a touch of onion, though, because the cats don’t care for people food.

    Speaking of potato salad, I made a 10-pound batch of potato salad yesterday for my youngest great-grandaughter’s (Kairi) first birthday party. It was a hit, I checked the pan when my grandson cleaned up and there was hardly any left. Same with my daughter’s pasta salad.

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  28. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member about 1 year ago

    And now you know kiddies, where the term D@MN YANKEES originated. Calling that Potato Salad is like calling Elvis a calm, peaceful, and overly friendly kitten.

    Grandmothers and Church Ladies world wide are sharing a mutual moment of grief and horror over the thought of this recipe showing up on the table with the fired chicken at Sunday dinner or being taken to a church pot luck dinner. Oh, the humanity of it all.

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  29. Hobo
    MeGoNow Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Fake news from that CNN. (Someone wants it all for himself.)

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    Katzen1415  about 1 year ago

    I was wondering if there’s anything in potato salad cats should not have, and the last panel (and Georgia’s comment) answered that quite nicely. Maybe just let Puck sneak a bacon bit or two.

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    Gloria Fleming  about 1 year ago

    My baby, Scamper, who lived to be 23, loved potatoes, but only raw, not cooked. What I’ve never understood is why pickle relish is added to potato, egg, and tuna salads?? It gives them a weird kind of sweet taste. Also, my James’ family from TX made potato salad with mayo, mustard, onion, and relish but mashed the potatoes until creamy(ish). Don’t understand that either. ;)

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  32. Lucy22
    LucyLuLu  about 1 year ago

    I may try this, not big on sour cream. Not sure how large a bowl it would make with only 3 potatoes…

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  33. Profile picture 1466872462
    Kitty Katz  about 1 year ago

    America: Ventura Highway

    Stirring up some sour cream

    And cheese on the potatoes

    Puck wonders when the spoon

    Will be ready to go

    Elvis says potato salad

    Isn’t good for cats, they say.

    Just a bit, should be OK


    Potato salad with no mayo

    Rich with sour cream,

    Tastes like a dream

    The best you know

    A spoon awaits, I know

    The good boys deserve cream and cheese

    And bacon bits just like a breeze

    No onions or garlic should be there

    Cat friendly salad is right there

    It’s right there!


    Puck asks for a tiny bit

    Just a taste to take

    Elvis says, it’s not safe

    I’ll take it all away.

    Lupin: Aw, come on, Elvis, don’t hoard it all day

    Elvis: I’m just making sure we’re all okay!


    Potato salad with no mayo

    Rich with sour cream,

    Tastes like a dream

    The best you know

    A spoon awaits, I know

    The good boys deserve cream and cheese

    And bacon bits just like a breeze

    No onions or garlic should be there

    Cat friendly salad is right there

    It’s right there!

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  34. Dsc 0689
    Miss Mina  about 1 year ago

    My mother also made potato salad with sour cream! She used little red potatoes and poured vinaigrette dressing (Newman’s Own original — we lived in the same town as the man himself and were very brand loyal) over them while they were still hot. After they cooled down she would add the sour cream dressing and I would run out to the herb garden and pick a bunch of chives to snip in.

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  35. Hipshotbellestarr
    scaeva Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Puck’s into it for the cheese and bacon.

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  36. Dr coathanger abortions 150
    Teto85 Premium Member about 1 year ago

    “Holy crap, that’s due tomorrow!?!?!?!?” T. Jefferson 1776

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    mpolo11 Premium Member about 1 year ago

    2" cubes?!

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  38. Red bird 20240701 001339 0000
    Red Bird  about 1 year ago

    Yes! All hail potato salad with bacon bits!

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  39. Wally avatar
    JanBic Premium Member about 1 year ago

    If you like this strip you would probably like Linda Reilly’s Deep Fried Mystery series. They take place in a Fish & Chips diner in the Berkshires with cats and recipes in each one!

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  40. Maxie
    Susanna Premium Member about 1 year ago

    As to the question from yesterday about if the cake was for the girl’s birthday, it appears that at least in 2019 they celebrated at the end of June into the beginning of July, so maybe the cake was for the girl. I found it when looking for the beginning of the Hamilton 4th of July special. If you want to read the special it starts here,

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  41. Square cami brightened
    CamiSu Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Just 3 potatoes? And the sizes of Russets are really variable’

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  42. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  about 1 year ago

    No sugar or sugar containing ingredients. A clear win. Sweet pickle relish has ruined many a potato salad.

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  43. Ericka huggins
    JLChi  about 1 year ago

    The recipe sounds good, but I’d add more bacon and more cheese. Then, maybe, a little more bacon and a little more cheese. Then I’d have too much cheese and would need to add more bacon to balance it.

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  44. 17938 purple eyed woman with her black cat 1920x1080 fantasy wallpaper
    trudyconley Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Just give them each as spoon of sour cream

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  45. Oz shadow
    Maizing  about 1 year ago

    OT: Health Update

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    Fennec! at the Disco  about 1 year ago

    Sounds good! Sadly, I have dietary restrictions (diabetic, so limit the potatoes, kidney-stone-prone, so limit the dairy, pork-intolerant, so avoid the bacon!). What’s that leave? Looks like pepper… and salt. O.o

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  47. Dscf0663 meimei crop
    Aspen_Bell  about 1 year ago

    Foxy has some terrible mats over her hips because she won’t let me brush her there. This can’t be comfortable for her. There is a good salon nearby but I’m trying to save $. I have found some things online about using organic coconut oil to remove mats. Have any of you tried this? She is not the most chill cat in the world but has clearly been trying to fight her instincts and let me try to work out the mats with just my fingers.

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    LeslieAnn Premium Member about 1 year ago

    No pickles. No relish.

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    wisterious  about 1 year ago

    It. Sounds. Fabulous.

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